The Vampires of Soldiers Cove (8 page)

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Authors: Jessica MacIntyre

BOOK: The Vampires of Soldiers Cove
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“Lydia’s going to die,” I said.

“She doesn’t have to.” Gavin smiled a nearly evil smile. “Do you want to do something about it?”

“Yes,” I said. “But what can we do about it?”

“Well, I think we’ve just found your next prey.” Finally I clued into what he was suggesting. “Let’s go back to your room and think about this.” He put his arm around me as we continued on down the hallway. “We must be...delicate.”

“Is that so?” I asked.

“Oh yes,” he whispered in my ear. “I want you to experience the real and true pleasure of what it means to be vampire. All the desire, the excitement, and satisfaction of blood. We’re going to make this a night to remember.”

The idea of killing this man made my heart race with
anticipation. “I like the way you think,” I said.

“Stick with me beautiful,” he said with an
sinful wink. “I’ll teach you every dirty trick I know.”






















Chapter Eleven

The McLeod’s house sat on top of a hill
overlooking Soldiers Cove pond.  This part of the cove was a dirt road and I had walked the loop of it many times. My grandmother used to call it ‘the old back road’, which is how it’s identified by the locals.

Instead of travelling on foot out in the open we made our way there trekking through the woods and crossing an old farmer’s field.
The lights in the farm house were out and I concluded that the occupants were sleeping because I didn’t detect any verbal or mental activity.

On our way
there we came across a large hole in the ground about a quarter of a mile from the house. It was deep enough in the dense woods for no reasonable person to have been out here or even come looking. This was the grave I had heard about when I was eavesdropping on Carl’s thoughts.

We made our way to the old dilapidated two story home until we were hidden behind a woodpile.
From where we were standing I could see the back door.

Smoke was rising out of the chimney and up towards the stars on this clear and beautiful night.
  The ground was soft underneath our feet from nature’s attempt at an early spring thaw, and the sound of my neighbor’s dog barking off in the distance made me miss the comfort of my bedroom in the little blue house. I wondered if I’d ever make it back there.

“Have a listen and see what’s going on,” Gavin said.
  I closed my eyes to focus and sure enough Carl’s thoughts came through. I could hear him thinking about the crime he was going to commit. He was a jangle of nerves just then and was working on finishing off the last of his Captain Morgan.  A little liquid courage to help him get through this chore and then he would be a free man.

Lydia was asleep upstairs and he planned to stab her, wrap her in the bed sheets and drag her
bloody corpse out to the open grave.

“He’s getting ready to do it as soon as he finishes off the liquor,” I said.

“No time like the present then. You know what to do.” He smiled and then disappeared into the brush.

Gavin had borrowed some clothes for me to wear for this event and I had to admit I felt more than a little exposed.
This was an outfit I’d have never chosen in my human life. A little black skirt that just barely covered me and a black lace up top that showed off my large breasts was the uniform on this night. I needed to look as seductive as possible to get Carl where I wanted him.  Gavin had assured me that a young body and a pretty face would get me through any hard times I might fall on as a vampire. If one had the means to take a lover to bed you would never starve.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door softly.
Through the window I could see him sitting there drinking and watching TV.  Annoyed at the knock he jumped up hoping to quickly get rid of whoever it was so that he could psych himself up to the point where he would be ready to commit murder.


Carl was in his early forties with a slim build. Not a bad looking man, but someone who was much older, and so I had never really paid him any notice.  He was a good old boy if ever you saw one, complete with the pickup truck, baseball cap and obligatory pornstache.

“Rachel?” he said not believing what he was seeing.
The crazy recluse was suddenly at his door and dressed like she was ready to go work at a strip club. His demeanor changed to one of curiosity. “What can I do for you sweetheart?”   My long dark hair was tied up into pigtails and I grabbed the end of one twirling it around my finger like a helpless little airhead.

“Oh Mr. Macleod I’m so scared,” I cooed to him.
“I was going for a walk around the loop and a coyote jumped out at me. It was so big; he looked at me like he just wanted to eat me all up.” The turn of phrase worked perfectly because his thoughts were very loud now, and he was thinking about how he’d like to eat
all up. “Can you make sure he’s gone?”

“Yeah I can do that.”
He grabbed his shotgun enthusiastically and came outside. “Where did you spot it?”

“Oh thank you.
I saw him run up your driveway and back behind your house over there.” I pointed toward the area we had come from.

“Let’s have a look.”
I let him take the lead and he kept the gun at point as he walked. “It must be that same one I saw last week. I sure would like to get it.” He then turned back toward me and eyed my uncharacteristic outfit up and down.

“You’re all dressed up.
Are you going out?”

“Oh no, I was just going for a walk,” I said as we
ventured into the woods far enough from the house that we couldn’t be seen. I ran my fingers over the tops of my breasts where they peeked out from underneath the much too tight top. “I get so lonely down there all by myself, especially at night.”

“Do you now?” he said.
“Well maybe I could come visit you sometime.”

“Yeah I’d like that,” I moved in closing the gap between us.
“I don’t get very much company.”

“You got a boyfr
iend?”  I had to give him credit; he cut right to the chase. That was going to make things a lot easier for me.

“No, I’ve never had a boyfriend.”

His eyes widened, “Really? Never?”

“Nope, never ever,” I breathed.

“That’s too bad,” he said tossing the gun aside and pulling me close to him. His hands found my hips and he grabbed me kissing me hard. Then they slid upward finding the strings on my blouse as he quickly undid it. He grabbed my large breasts, squeezing and rubbing them as hard as he could. “I love your tits.”  He was nothing if not classy.

His pulse quickened and with that my vampire hearing picked up on the sound of his blood gushing hard and fast through his veins with excitement.
I felt an excitement of my own at the sound. Upon breathing in I caught his scent, and as I felt my senses rise the blood thirst grew within me.

“Lay down on the ground,” I said.
Carl took off his shirt and lay down. Thinking he was going to get lucky I sure didn’t have to tell him twice. I got on top and straddled him. He tried to grab my breasts again but I caught his hands and pinned his arms under my legs. I had him captured the way a scientist pins down a rat before they are going to tear it apart and examine it. My strength was a hundred times greater than his, he couldn’t move.

“Wow, you’re strong for such a little thing,”
he said.

“I know.”
I leaned down on him and pressed myself against his bare chest. Flesh on flesh. Bending close to his neck I could see his steady pulse. I wanted to open his vein so badly I could feel my whole body burning with thirst.

I licked his neck up and down tasting
the excitement coming out of his pores.  My fangs grew. This feeding was going to be much better than the first. I had longed to taste the fear of the girl but had not gotten the chance. This time would be different. My pinned rat caught a glimpse of my fangs just then and began screaming like a frightened little girl.

His arms jerked wildly beneath my legs as he tried to free himself.
One by one I released his arms, broke them at the elbow and laid them back down as he writhed in pain and cursed in terror. I got closer to him again to get a good look at the dread in his eyes. It was intoxicating.

“What the hell are you doing?” he screamed.
I bit into his cheek just under his eye taking out a large chunk of flesh, and then spit the bloody chunk out on the ground beside me. The wound poured out and I probed the opening with my tongue as he continued to howl.

“What’s the matter baby?
Is it not good for you?” I laughed. “Don’t worry honey,” I whispered in his ear, “all that hard work you did digging that grave for your wife won’t go to waste.”

“What? did you know that? What the hell are you?”

“I’m your death,” I breathed.
The smell of his blood was so strong now I couldn’t control myself any longer and I grabbed his head twisting it to the side. His jugular vein was throbbing hard with adrenalin and as I drove my fangs deep into him the blood ran easily. I sucked hard as he contorted under me, fighting to stay alive as he pleaded for me to stop.

And then, with his mouth open in a silent scream, Carl MacLeod took his last breath slipp
ing away from this world forever.

I fed until his heart had stopped beating and his body had been completely drained.
I was disappointed that his slender frame had not yielded more blood. The feeding was over way too soon for my liking but I was satiated now and felt wonderfully euphoric.

Standing up I noticed that blood had trickled down all over my breasts and down to my
bare stomach. I noticed something else too. Peering out of the forest Gavin had been watching from a distance. I focused in on him and could see that he was learning against a tree breathing heavily with his fangs exposed like he was trying to contain himself.  Our eyes met for a brief second but he turned away ducking out of sight.

I moved quickly to him
and as I did his breath became even more labored and unsteady. His eyes widened at my approach and he stumbled, trying to back away.  Closing his eyes he turned his head away from me. The sight was too much for him, but being so close I could sense now what he wanted.

I grabbed his hair and forcing him to look at me. His resolve held for only a moment. That one touch was all it took for him to lose control. Grabbing my hips he spun me around pining me to the tree, our bared fangs so close they were almost touching. Then his mouth was on mine and our tongues were probing the others mouth and teeth. He kneeled and tasted the blood on my stomach, working his way up to my exposed breasts.  He maneuvered slowly and thoroughly as his soft warm tongue licked the sweet liquid until it was all gone.

Both of us
were wild with blood and sexual lust now and he reached his rough steady hands under my skirt ripping off my panties. His mouth found mine again and then I felt him inside me.

I screamed with pain and pleasure.
He lost all control of himself and began thrusting hard, over and over again like an animal.  Suddenly his mouth clamped down on my neck and I felt his fangs sink deep into my flesh. He bore down as hard as he could and I thought I was going to faint from the extreme bliss. On the night Gavin had transformed me this same act had felt only like pain, but now it felt like heaven. I never wanted him to stop.

We writhed up against one another, my body being rocked repeatedly by waves of hard desire until finally some time later I felt him let go and release himself into me with a cry I was sure could wake the dead.
We collapsed on the ground next to the tree, exhausted. Once again, as on the night I had killed the girl, I felt truly and fiercely alive.

We positioned ourselves looking up at the stars and lay i
n silence as he stroked my hair.  “We better clean up our mess,” he said sometime later returning us back to reality. I was reluctant but agreed.

Gavin picked up Carl as if he were nothing more than a sack of flour, hoisted him over his shoulder and walked him to the open grave.
The dead man fell in with a thud. I couldn’t say I was sorry he was gone and I wondered if that made me some kind of monster, or at least a different one than I was supposed to become. On the other hand I knew that his wife was going to be safe and that the world would be a better place without Carl Macleod.

After filling in the grave with the shovel our victim had so conveniently left lying around
, Gavin and I made our way back to the sanctuary just as dawn was breaking. We took our clothes off, crawled naked into bed together, and slept.

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