The Vampires of Soldiers Cove (15 page)

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Authors: Jessica MacIntyre

BOOK: The Vampires of Soldiers Cove
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“Come on,” he said gently as he pulled off my
shirt, “don’t be shy.” He kissed me deeply as he removed my bra and caressed my full breasts with his rough workman’s hands. He slid my jeans down my legs leaving my underwear on as well.

“I’m going to go first,” he said as he led me to the bed
, having me kneel on the soft white sheets next to him.

“The key is the heartbeat.
You need to control your want and need enough to be listening. You need to hear what that person’s natural heart rhythm is before you begin, and when you start feeding you have to remember to listen. When you hear it slow down or change in the slightest you stop.” He touched my face. “Ready?”

“I think so,” I said, “But who will we be feeding from?
Tell me where we are.”

“Humans silly,” he said, “a
nd this is a blood den. The best on the island.”

“Blood den? So do they know what we are going to do to them?”

“Oh yes, and they’re paid for the privilege. There are some who know about us and they agree to keep our secret. If they don’t they’re killed, but for the ones that do and who have a fetish for being bitten we have worked out a nice little arrangement. Let’s begin.” He pressed the button on the intercom and told whoever was listening on the other end that we were ready.

the door opened and a young woman in her early twenties entered. Her long blonde hair, tied up in a ponytail, blended perfectly against her beautiful milky skin, and in my thirst it looked fragile and as thin as paper. I could see her heartbeat pulsating in her neck as she worked her way to the bed to join us.

As she knelt in front of Gavin I listened and understood what he was talking about.
I focused on her pulse and could hear the steady rhythm of her heart.

“I hear it,” I said.
He got very close to the woman and for a moment I thought he was going to kiss her, instead he pressed his face against her neck and took in a deep breath. He gave a lick of her jugular. “You can also feel the pulse this way,” he said. With that he extended his fangs and gently nipped the young woman’s neck instead of sinking them deep in her flesh, which until now had been the only way I’d fed.

The smell of her blood as it ran out had me on edge.
She smelled so good and the only thing I wanted to do was drain her. Gavin fed slowly, sometimes sucking at her neck and sometimes letting the blood run out so he could lick it off her skin. He had removed her bra and his chest was pressed up against her bare breasts as he fed. I tugged at the sheets biting my lip, hands damp and shaking.  It was taking every bit of self-control in me not to just kill her and bleed her out.

Just then the rhythm of her heart changed, not slowing exactly but it seemed to be beating irregularly.

Gavin was finished. He licked her neck again closing the wound, thanked her and she picked up her bra and left. “Did you hear the change?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said.

“Good, that’s what you need to listen for.”

“Are you going to go again?” I asked.

“No, that will hold me for a few days. You’ll need much more though.” He took my hand and positioned me in front of him, placing my arms down by my side.  Sensing my urgency to feed rising he wrapped his arm around me pinning my arms gently against my side to maintain some restraint. “Ready?”

“God yes,” I said.
The next donor could not get in fast enough.

“Send the next one in,” he said into the intercom.
  Again the door opened. This time an olive skinned young woman with long flowing black hair entered. Her lips and nails were painted dark red and matched the color of her lingerie. She kneeled in the same way in front of me, extending her head to one side. I quickly drew my fangs to bite, but Gavin tightened his grip and grabbed my hair with his free hand to stop me. “Easy,” he whispered in my ear. “Listen first.”

It was easy to hear since I was so full of blood lust that the gushing of the sweet liquid through her veins was as loud as a freight train now.

“Yes I hear it,” I breathed heavily. I was desperate to bite. Slowly he allowed me to lower my head and draw the blood. “Don’t cut the vein,” he said gently, “Just bite the skin.” It was extremely hard to not open her up completely but I mimicked what he had done moments before, making a cut in her neck and feeding from it.

eeding this way was much slower even though I was sucking as hard as I could. “That’s it,” he said. Her blood was sweet and fragrant and with every sip I only wanted more. Just then her heart slowed and I knew it was time to stop, but I could not. In desperation to keep going I tried to break away from Gavin’s control but he held firm and pulled me off of the girl. “Enough!” he said forcing me to stop.

The girl got the message and as she was leaving the room Gavin told her to send in another one quickly.
It only took a moment for another donor but it seemed like an eternity, and I struggled against Gavin again in an attempt to get away. I was so consumed with hunger now that all I wanted was to find every human in this hotel and rip their throats open.  Had my maker not been holding me that’s exactly what I would have done.

“Shhh,” he said
, “don’t fight, I’ve got you.” I wanted more blood so badly I began to cry with frustration. “It’s ok,” he whispered, “there will be enough”. He meant to comfort me but his words only ended up sounding like a tease. How could there possibly ever be enough to satisfy the murderous hunger that was raging inside me?

Finally the next girl was in front of me.
I didn’t have much time to take her in as all I could think about was her smell and taste. I studied the rhythm of her heart and pulled my head forward trying to loosen the tight grip Gavin had on my hair. He let me move forward slowly and once again I drank. This girl was smaller than the others but had a strong and steady heart. I drank from her for what seemed to be a long time before her pulse slowed. Not even close to being satiated, Gavin had to pull me away once again.

Another came in a
nd slowly I began to calm down.  This girl was tiny and brunette with short pixie style hair and small breasts.   She got on the bed and Gavin allowed me full control of myself this time, just gently keeping his arm around my waist incase anything should go wrong.

I fed from her the same as the others but this time with more enjoyment.
The suffering came to an end as pure pleasure washed over me. I took her head in my hands as I licked and sucked the blood that came from her delicate neck.  Tasting the sexual arousal as her blood filled my mouth I removed her bra, caressing her small firm breasts as I continued to nip, bite and suck.

Gavin gasped behind me and I felt him harden against my back.
His hands moved up to cup my breasts just as I was doing to the young woman. The more I touched her and aroused her, the sweeter the taste.

I had never been a terribly sexual person
, and I certainly had never entertained the thought of being sexual with another woman, but something about this experience made me want to explore it. I wanted to pleasure her and to taste it in her blood. I moved my hands down toward her stomach and then slowly toward her panties. She bit her lip in anticipation, and from behind I felt Gavin press himself firmly against me.

lowly I made my way down inside and slid my middle finger onto her most intimate spot. She moaned with pleasure as I began to rub it in a slow and steady rhythm. She was wet and silky and touching her there made me feel an intense desire of my own.

My hips rocked back and forth against her.
Gavin sensed what I wanted and his hand made its way down to touch me in the same way I was touching the young woman. I felt her tense and tighten up around my finger and she climaxed with an intensity that made her cry out. At the same moment I nipped her neck once again and drank deeply. Just as I’d expected the blood was sweet and pure.

the blood ran freely from her neck I took some of it on my finger and put it to Gavin’s lips so that he could taste the young woman’s sweetness. Then, taking my finger in his mouth, he sucked it with pleasure as I had my own orgasm. I continued to drink from her until her heart beat slowed.

“Do you want anymore?” Gavin asked breathless.

“No,” I whispered “I just want you.” He waived his hand to indicate to the woman that we were finished and she made her exit.

“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted you,” he said to me kissing my neck.
I turned around to face him and kissed him firmly on the mouth as I lowered his underwear. I took his hardness in my hand and stroked it, slowly working my fingers up and down his incredible length as he moaned.

“Bite me,” he pleaded.
“Do it hard, please!” I took his head in my hands and forcefully twisted it to the side sinking fangs all the way in as hard as I could. He shrieked loudly and I pushed him down on his back. Climbing on top of him I continued to bite violently as I lowered myself onto him, taking him inside. He thrust up against me, and I back down toward him, hard and fast. All at once he flipped me over onto my back and pressed himself down on me, thrusting with all his length and force. I felt myself shudder again, and at the same time, he released himself into me.

I then lay down next to him with my head on his chest as he rubbed my back.
We were silent for a long time, blissful that our blood and sexual hunger had been satisfied. As we lay together I pondered the relationship between blood hunger and sexual hunger. My new found sense of sexual liberation was as welcome as it was unexpected, and it seemed that blood lust and sexual lust were actually one in the same.

“You should feed again before we go, you were pretty depleted.
We’ll get a male for you this time. They have much more blood to give and can tolerate much longer feedings.”

This excited me.
The prospect of having a man in my bed to feed off made the sexual hunger rear its head once more.

We showered together washing each other’s bodies completely as we kissed and caressed.
We did not make love though; I had a feeling that would come again later.

After we dried off we discovered that the bed linens had been changed in our absence and we were ready to begin again.

“Which of the females tasted the best to you?” he asked.

“The last one,” I said.

Gavin pressed the button on the wall again as we got into the same position. “Male, A positive please.”

“You know what her blood type was?” I asked.

“Oh yes, after a while you’ll be able to tell that by smell.” My A positive male walked in obediently and kneeled before me. He was tall and lean with what was perhaps a swimmers body. He looked at me briefly with his dark eyes and turned his head to the side offering me his neck.

Gavin didn’t restrain me as he had before, the worst had passed, but he did keep one hand on my stomach as if this was his territory.
I could tell by his body language that he didn’t want this other man to be sexual with me, even though he was ok with having him in our bed for feeding.

I touched his neck and he drew a breath in anticipation of the act.
  My fangs emerged and he groaned before I even bit him. Teasing him I nipped at his neck without drawing blood. Then, reaching my hand inside his underwear, I stroked his hardness. The smell of his sexual excitement was apparent; I could scent it even before breaking the skin.

Finally I penetrated him with my fangs and sucked his blood as it ran from his neck, all the while stroking and teasing him.
I sucked for a very long time and his heart stayed strong and steady as did he, finally he released himself in my hand and I sucked even harder on his wounds tasting his delicious pleasure. Moments later his heart faltered and we were finished.

We repeated the process again with another male.

I bit his neck and the blood ran freely and more generously than it had in the other’s necks. So much so that I could not drink it as fast as it came out and it was going all over the white sheets. He was moaning and writing in pleasure as my hair slid back and forth on his chest.

I could feel Gavin
harden behind me once again as I continued to suckle the man’s blood. Then his rhythm changed too and I stopped indicating he could leave.

Before he was even gone Gavin spun me around to face him and placed me onto my back.
He stripped my panties off, lowered his head and began to lick. His extended fangs brushed up against my hot, wet silkiness as his tongue explored me. This was a new sensation, one so beautiful and unexpected it made me dizzy with pleasure. I climaxed hard on his soft warm tongue, and then he was inside me once again, thrusting slowly at first and then hard and fast easily.

We came together and he shook violently on top of me as he buried his length deep in me to climax.

“You drive me crazy,” he whispered in my ear as he lay down on top of me. We laughed.

“I think I’m done,” I said finally after a long silence.
“I don’t feel like I need any more blood.”

“We’ll shower again and head back?” he
said. I nodded and stood feeling strong and steady. I felt better than I had in weeks, tougher and more alive than perhaps I’d ever felt in my life. I resolved that no matter what, we were going to stop Samuel, I was going to live...and I was going to murder James.

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