The Vampire's Love (12 page)

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Authors: Ramona Gray

BOOK: The Vampire's Love
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As Jaxen
left the room, shutting the door quietly behind him, she stirred in the bed and
yawned before sitting up and rubbing at her face.  Val still sat in front
of the fire and he didn’t look at her as she slid out of the bed and crossed to

“Who was
that?”  She asked quietly.

He was still refusing to look at her and she blinked back the tears as Violet
landed on her shoulder.  She kissed the top of her head gently and sat in
the chair across from him.

“What did
he want?”

believes we should move quickly on our plan to rescue the others.  I

“I spoke
with Wesley and Evan this morning.”

He finally
looked at her.  “You did what?”

“I went to
the slave quarters and spoke with Wesley and Evan.”  She repeated.

“Why would
you be so foolish?”  He snapped at her.  “It is not safe for you to
leave my side.  Do you hear me, little dove?”

She just
shrugged and stared into the fire.  He gave her a curious look.  Her
face was pale and her usual defiant look to his rules had not appeared.

dove?  What is wrong?”

She muttered.  “Darius is a fool.  He leaves his home open to attack
while he and the other leeches sleep.  They’re using bear shifters for
protection but only a few.”

Are you certain?”  He asked.

One guards the fighting slaves, two guard the slave quarters, and there are
two, maybe three, who guard the entrance to his estate during the day.  I
will kill the shifters guarding the slave quarters and then Wesley, Evan and I
will destroy the remaining shifters before freeing the slaves.  Once
Michael and the others are free, we will kill the leeches while they daysleep.”

He gaped at
her.  “Have you gone mad?  You think because you killed a bear
shifter in the forest that you are capable of killing two?  This plan is
too dangerous, Abigail.  And killing the leeches while they sleep? 
You do realize that we are capable of waking from our daysleep, do you not?”

“I’m aware
of it.  We’ll be quiet.”  She replied.

“You’ll be
quiet?”  He shook his head in disbelief.  “This plan of yours is
going to get us all killed.”

“What would
you suggest then?”  She suddenly hissed at him.  “We cannot attack
the leeches during the night!  That will definitely get us killed.”

“I – I
realize that.”  He stuttered.  “But this plan of you taking on
shifters on your own and then killing the vampires is not – “

“It is the
best plan we have.”  She interrupted him.  “I can take care of
myself, Val, and besides, we can’t leave Darius alive.  You know
that.  If we do, he will only find more humans for his sick little
games.  We have to kill him.  You can’t really believe that we were
coming here only to rescue Michael.”

“Abigail –

Val!  Until you can come up with a better plan, this is the one we’re
going with.  I’ll be fine.”

“When are
you planning your big rescue attempt?”  He asked bitterly.

“In a few
days.”  She replied shortly.

He persisted.

“What does
it matter?”  She asked suddenly.  “You will be in your daysleep and
will have no part of it, remember?”

She stood
abruptly and crossed the room to her bag.  She brushed her hair with hard,
angry strokes before staring at the shuttered window.  “Once this is done,
Val, we go our separate ways.”

“No, we
will not.”  He said firmly.

She refused to look at him.  “I won’t let you bite me and if you can’t
have my blood, what is the point of us remaining together?”

“You belong
to me.”  He snapped.

“It doesn’t
matter how many times you say that, it doesn’t make it true.”  She replied

Chapter 13


“You are
quiet tonight, Lord Joven.  Not enjoying the games?”  Darius asked

It was two
days later and they were once again sitting in the arena.  Three fights
had already happened and Val had quickly grown tired of the crowd’s incessant
cheering, and the smell of the spilled blood was nearly impossible to
ignore.  Abigail was sitting on his lap and he had been studying the faint
pulse in her neck when Darius had spoken to him.

He forced
himself to smile at the vampire.  “Not at all.  Simply wondering when
we are going to discuss my part in this new empire of yours.”

“All in
good time, my dear Joven, all in good time.  Are you not enjoying my
hospitality?  Do you not find the bed comfortable enough?  Or perhaps
your slave is not nearly enough for you.  You’re looking a little peaked
these past few days.  I’d be happy to find you another to feed
from.”  Darius said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

“The room
is quite comfortable and my slave is more than enough, thank you.”  Val
replied politely.

leaned forward as the gates opened and the vampires led out the first opponent
in the final game.  “That’s a big one.”

“Yes, she
is the sister of the woman you saw the first night.”  Tavien
replied.  “She is not as deadly as her sister, but she gets the job done.”

He frowned
as the second opponent was brought out.  “Although I fear this will be a
short fight.”

Val clamped
his hand down on Abigail’s wrist as she gasped sharply.  Maria, looking
small and fragile, was standing in the middle of the arena.  She lifted
her head defiantly and stared at the crowd as the vampire handed her a sword.

Abby breathed as the vampires handed Dalia her own sword and quickly left the
arena.  Darius was already standing and Abby moaned softly as he waved his
hand at the two women.


Dalia, a
grin crossing her wide face, lifted her sword as Maria did the same.  Abby
watched in horror as the larger woman began to stalk Maria.  Maria, her
face bloodless, gripped the sword grimly and managed to keep hold of it when
Dalia struck it with her own. 

The heavier
woman was toying with her, laughing loudly as Maria struck determinedly at her
with the sword, and the crowd booed heavily. 

her!”  Someone shouted and Dalia shrugged and, with surprising quickness
for her size, struck out with her sword.  Maria’s sword went flying across
the arena and the smaller woman was knocked on to her back when Dalia delivered
a hard blow to her stomach with the handle of her sword.  Coughing and
gagging, Maria dragged herself backward as Dalia stalked forward.

“God, this
one is pathetic.”  Darius said with disgust.  “It’s not even a
fight.  I swear, Tavien, if you do not do a better job of – “

He was cut
off by Val’s loud yelp of surprise.  Abigail had bitten him hard on the
hand and when he released her wrist, she leaped from his lap and vaulted over
the low stone wall in front of them.  As she dashed across the arena, Val
cursed loudly and jumped to his feet.  Before he could follow her, Darius
reached out and gripped his shoulder.

where you are, Lord Joven, or I will have my men kill her immediately.” 
He warned.

Dalia stood
over Maria and raised her sword.  “Sorry about this.”  She said
cheerfully.  She thrust her sword downward and gasped in surprise when it
was blocked by Maria’s sword.  Blinking in shock, she stepped back and
stared at the woman holding the sword and standing protectively over Maria.

“I know
you.”  She frowned.

speaking, Abigail attacked her.  Dalia flinched back and just barely got
her sword up in time to protect herself.  She backed away and grinned at
Abigail.  “Do you believe you can beat me?”

raised her sword and nodded and Dalia’s grin widened.  “Then let me see
you try.”

She lunged
at Abigail, swinging her sword in a wide arc.  Abby blocked it and danced
away.  The roaring of the crowd had faded away and she could hear nothing
but the sound of her own heartbeat.  As Dalia attacked her again she
parried the blow easily and, as their swords clashed repeatedly, she studied
the way the big woman moved. 

Compared to
vampires, Dalia’s attack was almost ridiculously slow and, unable to ignore how
good it felt to have a sword in her hand again, Abby toyed with the woman for
nearly five minutes.  Finally, when Dalia’s face was bright red and she
was panting heavily, Abigail sliced the top of her arm.

dropped her sword with a bellow of pain and rage and glared at Abigail before
lunging forward.  Abby sidestepped her and stuck her foot out. 
Caught in her forward momentum, Dalia tripped over her foot and fell in to the

She rolled
on to her back, clutching at her arm, as Abigail kicked her sword away before
placing the tip of her own sword against Dalia’s chest.  Snorting and
breathing like an angry bear, Dalia stared up at her.  Abby could see no
fear in the woman’s eyes and she felt a sliver of admiration go through her.

“Do you
yield?”  She asked softly.

Dalia frowned
at her as the crowd began to chant loudly.

her!  Finish her!  Finish her!”

Abby stared
at the vampires in the arena.  They were standing on their feet and
screaming loudly and she shook her head in disgust before her gaze landed on
Val.  Anger was written all over his face and she felt a ripple of hurt
when he deliberately looked away from her.

She turned
back to Dalia.  “Do you yield?”

“Finish me
and be done with it!”  Dalia spat at her.

“I’m not
going to kill you.”  Abby replied. 

She backed
away before turning and hurrying to Maria.  The crowd shrieked their
disapproval as the smaller woman stared wide-eyed at her. 

“Abby, what
have you done?”  She whispered.

“Maria, I –

gaze flickered over her shoulder and her eyes widened in horror.  “Look

whirled around.  Dalia, her eyes wild and her sword raised high in the
air, was nearly upon her.  Without stopping to think about it, Abby thrust
her sword into Dalia’s chest.  The woman grunted loudly and looked down at
the sword embedded into her flesh.

She wheezed.  Blood ran from her mouth and with a small wince, Abby yanked
her sword free.

collapsed to her knees on the ground, her mouth opening and closing like a fish
gulping for air, before her eyes rolled up in her head and she fell face down
into the dirt.

vampires screamed in response and Abby stared at them with undisguised
disgust.  Behind her, Maria made a soft noise of surprise and she turned
to see a vampire holding Maria’s arm firmly.  He dragged her out of the
arena as two others approached Abby.

She gave
them a warning look.  “Unless you want to die in front of this crowd, I
would suggest you stand back.”

grinned at each other and stepped closer. 

She sighed
wearily.  “Very well, then.”

She raised
her sword into fighting position as the crowd quieted.


voice, thick with anger, rang out across the arena. 

stiffened and turned to look at him.  He was standing in front of the low
stone wall and he held his hand out impatiently.  “Come to me.  Now.”

She smiled
at the vampires who were inching toward her.  “Another time,
perhaps.”  She dropped her sword and jogged back to Val.  He lifted
her over the stone wall, setting her roughly on her feet, and took her wrist in
a firm grip as Darius eyed them both.

“You did
not tell me that your slave was an accomplished fighter, Lord Joven.”

me, Lord Darius, I am as surprised as you.”  Val replied grimly.

cocked his head at Abigail.  “Why did you save that woman?  Who is

“I do not
know, my lord.”  Abigail responded.  “I simply wanted to grant your
wish for a fair fight.  Is that not what you were looking for?”

“I suppose
it was.”  Darius said briefly.  He turned to Val.  “I will buy
this slave from you for a thousand gold pieces.”

“That is
very generous of you but I’m afraid I must decline.”  Val replied.

snorted with impatience.  “Fine.  I will lower my cut of your profits
in exchange for her.”

“Again, I
regretfully decline.”

“Have you
gone mad, Lord Joven?”  Tavien snapped.  “Do you understand the
magnitude of this offer?  Is the woman really worth it?”

Val didn’t
reply and Darius shook his head.  “Do not decline my offer so quickly,
Lord Joven.  Take a day or two to consider it.”

He swept
past them and, after a moment, the others followed.

* * *


“What were
you thinking, Abigail?”  Val turned on her the moment they entered their

She glared
at him.  “You can’t honestly believe that I was going to sit there and
watch Maria die.”

He raked
his hand through his long hair before pacing the room.  “Do you have any
idea what you’ve done?  Darius will stop at nothing to take you as his
own.  Do you get that?”

“I couldn’t
watch her die!”  Abby snapped.  “Do you get that?”

“At the cost
of your own freedom?  Maybe even your life?”

continued to pace as Violet, her face worried, buzzed anxiously around

took a deep breath.  “I know what I did was stupid but I won’t apologize
for saving Maria’s life.  Christ, Val, did you want to see her die?”

He scowled
at her.  “Of course I didn’t.  Your continual belief that I am a
cold-hearted monster is starting to wear on me, Abigail.”

“I don’t
think that.”  She said immediately.  “I just – I think your need for
my blood has blinded you to the needs of your friends.  Neil and Maria are
our friends, Val.  I’m not just here for Michael.”

He stood in
front of the fire and stared moodily into it as she approached him and patted
his back timidly.  “You need to eat, Val.  It’s been days and you’re
growing weak.  I can see it and so can Darius.”

He didn’t
reply and she hesitated briefly.  “I – I think you should feed from
another slave tonight.  It will lessen Darius’ suspicion and restore your

He swung
around and stared angrily at her.  “Is that what you want, little
dove?  Do you want me watch me feed from another woman?  To fuck

“You – you
don’t have to sleep with her.”  Abigail whispered.

“So you
want me to feed from another and fuck you.  Is that right?”

“I didn’t
say that.”

“I won’t
feed from a slave without fucking her, little dove.  She would beg me to
fuck her and I am not so cruel as to deny her what she needs.”

“Oh, but I
am?”  Abigail snapped.

He reached
out and yanked her against his hard body.  He cupped her neck, holding her
firmly by the collar as his gaze dropped to her mouth.  “Do you want me to
feed from another?”  He asked slowly and deliberately.

She muttered.  “I do not.  But it doesn’t mean I want you withering
away, either.”

snorted.  “I am not nearly as weak as you believe me to be, Abigail.”

He stared
hungrily at her breasts.  She could feel his erection pushing against her
and she swallowed hard, trying to ignore the ripple of lust that went through

“Val, I – “

He released
her abruptly and stepped away, turning his back to her and staring into the
fire again.  “Enough.  Leave me alone until we are back downstairs
and must continue our charade again.”

landed on her shoulder and Abigail, blinking back tears, hurried to the
window.  She stared out into the darkness as Violet stroked her hair and
kissed her neck.

* * *


paused as she walked down the hallway.  She could see the common room
below them and she groaned inwardly.  The festivities had already begun
and the vampires were feeding and fucking their slaves with unrestrained

Faren, his
eyes closed in bliss, was reclining on a chaise as Sienna sucked his cock
enthusiastically and another slave, this one a sleek blonde, kissed and licked
his chest.  As she watched he tugged her upward and sank his fangs deep
into her throat.  The girl shuddered with ecstasy and a soft moan slipped
from Abigail’s lips.

Val stepped
closer and pressed himself against her back.  His cock was hard against
her ass and another moan slipped out as he reached around her and cupped her
breasts.  He kneaded them firmly as her back arched helplessly.

“Do you
want me to fuck you, little dove?”

“You know I
do.”  She whispered.  She continued to watch the orgy below them, at
the naked twisting, writhing bodies of the vampires and the humans, and felt a
deep aching throb that only Val could take care of. 

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