The Vampire's Bat (18 page)

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Authors: Tigertalez

BOOK: The Vampire's Bat
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paused a moment as everyone clapped and cheered. After a few moments,
signaled everyone to quiet down and he continued.
“After this weekend, we will have ninety-six members and seventeen dependents.”

“With so many arriving, how many are going to be
living on pack lands?”

“I’m setting most aside for officers or ranked. Those
closest here, need to be the most trusted. There is still plenty of land set
aside for other members, but I’m being reserved since we have so many
nonresidential buildings planned. I don’t want to allow a build only to force
them to move later on. And there are still plenty who would rather live in
or closer to it
at least

“Nix and
, a number of
our pack joined in the build of your treehouse yesterday and will do so again
today. They will continue to do so until it’s done, which is estimated to be by
the middle of this coming week. Funny thing, we actually had two others
approach and express their wishes for a treehouse. The builder is meeting with
each of them today to make the plans. That was a pretty great idea you two had.

“And Nix, you’ll be happy to hear this. I was able to
get in touch with Staff Sergeant Finn North. Though he has a pack, and he is
still enlisted, he is excited about what we are doing here and would like to
join us. He believes his expertise can aid us in our pack business, and is also
delighted we are willing to have extra canine protection. He seems to have been
ridiculed by everyone including most of his family, for taking on the career he
did in being a dog handler.”

“Why would his family ridicule him, or anyone else for
that matter?” Gale asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Slate answered her. “Most paranormals take it as an
insult to require any help from an inferior species, to aid in protection and
detection. It makes them look weak for not being able to do it themselves. The
reason I suggested it was because it would free up our guys from the
distraction and burden of smaller mundane things so they could better handle
the bigger and more important things.”

“There are a lot of jobs the dogs can do that can make
our jobs so much easier,” Nix added. “Think of it as washing dishes. Sure, anyone
can do it by themselves, but add another pair of hands and it goes faster and
is easier. There are also times the dogs can be put on duty by themselves, like
when the kids are on the playground. For example, when Reese needed to take
Danny in to the bathroom, if we had had a trained canine, he could have
prevented Abby from going anywhere, or even protected her, without anyone there
until Reese returned.”

Gale’s eyes were high up on her forehead. “That sounds
great.” Then she brought them down and frowned. “So why would the other alphas
think it is a sign of weakness? It sounds like a big power boost to me.”

“It can cause others to doubt the alpha’s protection
explained. “No one wants an alpha
can’t protect or provide for the pack. It could
consequently cause the alpha to be challenged by any alpha who wanted the
territory and/or the pack accounts.”

Gale looked sick. “You mean you would be challenged?”

“Maybe, but only by the stupid ones who will
undoubtedly lose.”

“Wait,” Katie, who had been silent until now,
interrupted. “Okay, you said for territory, which I get, and/or pack accounts.
Does that mean you could be challenged by an alpha, and if you were defeated,
they could wipe out our pack’s account? Then what? Leave?”

Slate turned to his mate. “It has happened, Baby-Kate,
but it isn’t common. Mostly, they want territories. But if you remember,
took over the herd, but he didn’t want a territory.
However, he did take over the pack accounts.”

“Oh. I guess my dad and the others are lucky
divided the account up among the herd,” she almost
mumbled, but everyone heard her.

“That’s because
fair and honorable,” Gale said
as she
looked up at her mate.
returned her
affectionate look.

Slate fake coughed out
cleared his throat. “Thank you,
Honey-bear. Okay, uh, where was I? Oh yes, right, so Finn still has to finish
his tour and he would be out right before the American Thanksgiving. He would
like to spend the holidays with his family, so he won’t be joining us until
after the New Year.

“Moving on.
Teams scoured the forests yesterday and found only three more traps. Though I
have more set to go out today to further search, we are hopeful we have found
and destroyed them all.
In spite of so many traps, we
don’t think he was here long. Most of the traps were simple enough to be made
relatively quickly.
Still, whenever anyone goes into the forest, I want
everyone to be wary.”

Right on time,” Ryker interrupted. He was looking
down at the monitor on his laptop. Everyone around the room laughed, except
Enzo. He sported a nearly angry look as everyone who could, followed him down
the stairs and stood in front of the garage as a flower delivery van arrived.

The van must have seen the group gathering in front of
the garage, because he pulled right up to it. Seamus hid his amusement as the
same driver, Dylan, hopped out. He smiled and waved as he ran around and opened
the side door.

“I’ve got another delivery for you, Mister Boyce.
This time your admirer brought in some of their own flowers to add
to the arrangement.”
He pulled out a rather large bouquet with big
bright sunflowers and adorned with purple flowers.
Everyone watched as Dylan handed the arrangement over to Enzo while explaining
them. “The sunflowers mean adoration, and these purples ones are bellflowers.
They have three meanings, unchanging love, honesty, and obedience. Those are
the ones your admirer brought in.”

Enzo’s angry face suddenly took on a curious
concerned look as he sniffed at the flowers.

“Thank you, Dylan.” Seamus watched
smile and dig in his pocket, handing the young man a twenty dollar bill. The
kid smiled and waved, turned and climbed back into his van.

rocked on his feet and
teased the beta. “
Enzo, they’re flowers. They usually grow in dirt and produce a smell to attract

Everyone chuckled but stopped when they felt the
tension radiating off Enzo. “What is it, Enzo?”

Enzo sniffed at the flowers a little bit more and then
looked at
. “Whoever handled these flowers is my

Everyone hooted and cheered for Enzo, but he didn’t
respond in kind. Enzo ignored everyone and marched to the house, disappearing
through the front door.

“I don’t get it. Shouldn’t he be happy?” Gale asked.

“Maybe he wanted to play the field a bit longer and
now he can’t.”
looked like he was joking, but
Seamus could sense that he, too, was concerned with their beta’s reaction.

Well now,
let’s clean up the kitchen upstairs and start our day,”
ordered, causing everyone to disperse in different directions.

Seamus was part of the group that headed back
upstairs. He was eager to get back to his beloved, who chose not to follow the
group. Enzo may have a problem with finding his mate, but Seamus couldn’t be
happier, and he wanted that happiness for his brother. To do that, he had a lot
of work to do.




A week after the rescue, Max held his beloved in his
arms as he
climbed the stairs
to the
infirmary. He looked around as he stepped through the door. Doctor Seamus was
holding up a vial and studying its liquid content in the light. Sitting beside
him, bent over a microscope, was his beloved. Standing next to the room
divider, their nurse, Katie, was talking to a strange Latino looking man who
was standing beside her, buttoning up a shirt.

“Max, I’m glad you came
” Doctor Rossi greeted him
with a welcoming smile

Max smiled and accepted the hand Seamus offered. “You
wanted to see me?”

“Yes, well, more specifically,
beloved. That man over there is the black jaguar we rescued.”

Max paused and let his sluggish brain process. He was
thirsty for his beloved, but she was stuck in her animal form. Spending the
time with her that he had, had sped up his mate cravings. So it took a moment
for him to comprehend what the doctor was saying. When he realized what it
meant, his eyes got big
and he turned a hopeful
look towards the doctor.

“You found a cure for the shifting blocker?”

Seamus offered a gentle smile. “Yes. We figured out a
safe counter. If you would like to step behind that divider, we can get

Max did as directed, placing his beloved on the
examination bed. He continued to pet her soft pelt as the doctor arrived with a
syringe all ready to go.

“Will there be any side effects?” Max calmly asked,
but inside he was battling a barrage of emotions.

any problems. We discovered a natural ingredient
that is the key to the cure. We haven’t seen any problems so far, and we have
vaccinated everyone except for the rhino. Are you two ready?”

Max looked down at his beloved
and she nodded her head to him in silent response.
Looking back to the doc, and with butterflies so strong in his stomach that
they nearly clogged his throat, he answered Seamus. “Ready as we’ll ever be.”

Seamus grabbed the little rabbit gently by the scruff
of her neck and pricked the needle into her skin. After he pulled the needle
out, he placed a cap on the needle as he backed up a little way, giving them

“Give it just a minute to take effect. I’ll send Katie
in here with some clothes.”

“Wait, how do you know the clothes will fit?”

“Because of our constant surprise need for clothes,
had Gale and Havana shop online for some clothes,
like shorts and sweats and such. They bought everything in several sizes. I’m
sure we have whatever you need until you two can get some more.”

Seamus left around the corner giving Max and his
beloved a slight bit of privacy. The minute that passed felt like the longest
minute of his life. Max held his mate and continued to stroke her until he felt
a shift taking over the soft body in his arms

Elated she was finally
Max nearly held his breath as he stood still and witnessed the transformation.
Her tendons and joints popped
and her muscles realigned.
Soft, light brown hair went long down the back of her slim body. Her long ears
receded into delicate round human shell ones. Her pale white skin slightly
contrasted to his slightly tanned, darker skin. Soft, angelic pink lips pulled
up into a warm smile as she gazed up at him through her lush dark brown eyes.
Max’s lungs squeezed out the air in his lungs in a heavy whoosh that ruffled
her bangs.

“Oh, my beloved, you are beautiful.”

She blinked her eyes at him.

“Hi, Brita.”

After she was given a full check-up and clothes, Max
quickly carried Brita back to their park model home.

“You don’t have to carry me if you don’t want,” she
said shyly, but kept her arms firmly secured around his neck.

He looked down at her. “I enjoy carrying you around.”

Steps had been made for them, so his footing was firm
as he climbed them and entered the small temporary dwelling. Only after he
closed the door, did he place her back on her feet. But he kept his arms firmly
around her and looked down her.

He watched her pink tongue moisten her lips and
couldn’t resist tasting them. Going slowly, so to give her time to pull away,
he bent down, and when he was close enough to feel her breath warming his
mouth, he gently skimmed his lips across hers.

Max’s dick gave a hard jolt, and he could feel pre-cum
seeping from the tip. His heart pounded in his ears as he pressed their lips
closer together. Suddenly, as the taste saturated his senses, the dam holding
him back broke. He used his free hand to cup her face as he feasted on her
equally eager lips. Her flavor tasted like a warm sunny summer’s day to him,
and he couldn’t get enough of it. He swallowed her down as if his next breath
depended on it, and in a sense, it probably did. He just knew she was his beloved,
and he didn’t want any other. His mouth craved to taste her. He could sense her
blood filled with her own want, racing like a speedway though her veins. Max
pulled away and pinched his face, trying to regain control. He growled out a
heavy exhale.

“Brita, I am losing control. Tell me ‘no’ if you don’t
want me to taste you. I need to hear it.”

He heard nothing
so he relaxed his face and
looked down at her. She was looking back up at him, but when she saw him open
his eyes, she tilted her head, silently inviting him to drink from her. Need
roared through his ears, and he swore he felt his eyeballs throbbing with the
heavy pounding of his blood that pumped though his veins.

Smashing his lips to her mouth, he seared his desire
for her into her mouth as he used both hands to rip his clothes off. His
control was mostly gone, save for just enough to hold back enough not to hurt
her. Even that was a challenge. Fully naked, his heavy and throbbing dick
rubbed against her warm flesh. His balls rolled in their sack, tugging to
release with just that much touch. Max wrapped an arm around her waist and
pulled her hard against him, lifting her up and carrying her to the tiny

He followed her down as he gently laid her on the bed,
not letting her flesh to depart from his for an instant. He felt the heat from
her core radiate into his dick, and her pubic hair tickled across it as he
lined it to fall between the silken
of her

Max pulled his lips away and gazed down at the beauty
beneath him. Her pink lips darkened to a bright red and were so plump. Her
deep-set brown eyes were glazed, and he noticed she had little tiny canines
poking through her gums. His smile turned feral.
They only come down to attack, or to mate. With that look on her face, I’m
her mate.

He rubbed his mushroomed head up and down her folds
coating it with her fragrant juices, drawing out a moan that nearly made him
lose his control. With one arm bent next to her, keeping the majority of his
weight off of her, he reached the other hand down and lined up his cock with
her hole. Carefully watching her, he slowly pushed his dick head into her tight
and moist channel,
drew it out again, repeating
the process until he was able to go all the way in. His body shook with the
effort to control himself. He didn’t want to hurt her. He had yet to learn
everything they had done to her.

Her walls convulsed around him, and his dick leaked
into her. He felt the tingle in his balls and knew he couldn’t hold off his
release any longer. Leaning down, he kissed the spot on her neck he was going
to bite, as he pushed and pulled his rod in and out of her. He felt her legs
wrap around him, opening
up even more, which
allowed his dick to sink further. He felt the head of his dick bumping into her
cervix. His heavy balls pressed against her with every thrust.

His release imminent, he couldn’t hold off any longer.
The walls of her pussy convulsed around his rigid cock just as he sank his
fangs in her. A sharp pain pierced his neck, and pleasure swamped him. Max
sucked on his bite, swallowing her blood. His body tensed in an explosive
orgasm, as hers did under him. They both refused to let go of the bite each had
on the other. With every pull of their sucking, they would both shudder in
another tremor of their release.

He felt their bond snap into place. Just as he felt
blackness push at his eyes, his release ebbed just a bit, giving him enough
presence of mind to lick his bite on her neck, sealing it. Her body did another
shudder, and she repeated the process on him. His balls
one more shot of his essence into her.

Max rested his dampened forehead on the pillow next to
her head, breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath. He savored the feel of
his mating bond.
“My sweet beloved, you are
mine now, and I am yours,”
he said through their newly formed mating link.

“Did you just speak into my mind?” she asked.

“Yes, vampires can
mind-speak with their beloved once their bonding is complete. Does it bother
Max continued to mind-speak to her, hoping to
get her used to it.

“Uh, n-no, I don’t think I mind.”

Max grimaced as his deflated dick slid from her warm
body. He pulled back and smiled down at his beloved. “You will be able to do
it, too. You will just need practice. We will also be able to sense each
other’s emotions th
ough our link, even if we
are apart. Though, I believe I will be able to more so than you.”

Max leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her tender
lips. He let one of his hands graze up from her knee, her thigh, her hip, and
her ribs. His dick grew hard the further up her body he went. When he got to
her small breasts, he let a finger rim around and over the soft mound, circling
her hardened nipple.

you are so beautiful, my beloved. You are mine.
Mine to love.
Mind to protect.”

Max would have continued, but he heard Brita’s stomach
give a loud growl. He smiled against her lips before pulling back. “We should
get you something to eat.” Max helped his mate up and gave her, her new
clothes, then started putting on some of his own

After she was done, she sat down on the side of the
bed. “I’m so sorry,” Brita said.

He gave her a confused look.
You haven’t done anything wrong.”

Her eyes were downcast
and he could feel, through
their link, she felt guilty and afraid. “You left your coven for me. I
couldn’t, you know? I couldn’t live there after what happened.”

Max, in only his pants, knelt down in front of her. He
took both of her hands in his. “Look at me, beloved,” he gently commanded.
Watery brown eyes met his. “You are everything to me, and you will always be. I
will always have your best interests in mind. I won’t always know what that is,
so you will need to help me, but I will always care for you. I do not mind
moving. I may have loved my coven, and they will always be a family to me, but
here we will make new friends and a new life that we can build together, on
even ground.” Before he could speak further, her stomach grumbled again. “Let’s
go get something for you to eat.” he said as he chuckled
“How about, after we come back here, we get on my
tablet and do some shopping?”

Again, guilt bled through their newly-formed link.

“Hey, stop that. I’m looking forward to spoiling you.”
He shot her a reassuring smile. Lifting her up into his arms, he asked her, “Now,
are you ready to face our new pack?” With a small nod from her, he carried her
out of their tiny domicile, towards the pack house.

Just as Max sat her down at the breakfast bar,
and his mate approached. “Congratulations to you

“Thank you, alpha,” Max responded. “I’d like to
introduce you to my beloved, Brita. Brita, this is our new alpha,

Gale sent a smile to Brita and held out her hand. “Hi,
I’m Gale.”

Max watched his beloved carefully, ready to give her
whatever support she might need. Brita shook the offered hand. “Brita,” she
said in a small voice.

“Welcome to our pack, Brita,”
looked back at Max. “I just received a
call from
. When you get a moment, come to my

“Yes, alpha.”

nodded, and he and Gale walked away, down the hall to the office. Since the
room was full
mostly with other
survivors, Max turned back to his beloved and ate, standing up, behind her.
Another young woman approached.

“Are you the bunny?” the young woman asked Brita.

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