the Valhalla Exchange (v5) (7 page)

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The shelling increased in intensity, the thunder overhead continuous now, so that the walls shook constantly and in the canteen behaviour deteriorated considerably. The place was crowded with a noisy, jostling throng, here and there a drunk lying under the table.

When Rattenhuber returned a couple of hours later, Ritter and Hoffer were still at the table at the rear of the room, playing chess.

Rattenhuber said, 'May I join you?'

Ritter glanced up. 'Why not?'

Rattenhuber winced as a particularly thunderous explosion shook the entire room. 'I didn't like the sound of that. Do you think we're safe here, Major?'

Ritter looked at Hoffer. 'Erich?'

Hoffer shrugged. 'Seventeen point five calibre is the heaviest they've got. Nothing that could get down this far.'

'A comforting thought.' Rattenhuber offered them both cigarettes.

Ritter said, 'Hoffer saw a strange sight some hours ago. General Fegelein being led along the corridor under escort, minus epaulettes and insignia.'

'Yes, very sad. A disgrace to all of us,' Rattenhuber said. 'He cleared off yesterday. When the Fuhrer found he was missing, he sent a detachment out looking for him. The fool was actually at his own house in Charlottenburg in civilian clothes and with a woman. They took him outside and shot him half an hour ago.'

Ritter showed no emotion whatsoever. 'If what you say is so, then there could be no other penalty.'

'No, we can't just leave the war by taking off our uniform and putting on a raincoat, not at this stage,' Rattenhuber said. 'Not any of us.' He lit another cigarette. 'By the way, Major, the Reichsleiter would like to see you a little later on. I'd be obliged if you'd hold yourself in readiness.'

'Naturally,' Ritter said. 'I'm at the Reichsleiter's orders.' The slight, sardonic smile that touched his mouth had an edge of contempt to it. 'Was there anything else?'

Rattenhuber felt in some curious way as if he was being dismissed. 'No,' he said hurriedly. 'I'll look for you here.'

An SS orderly entered the room, gazed around quickly, then bore down on them. He clicked his heels and offered a signal to Rattenhuber. Rattenhuber read it, his face broke into a delighted smile and he waved the orderly away.

'Excellent news. The Fieseler Storch in which Feldmarschall von Greim and Hannah Reitsch flew into Berlin on the 26th was destroyed this morning by artillery fire.'

'So, the Feldmarschall is also a permanent guest here?' Ritter said. 'Bad luck.'

'No, he got away this evening in a replacement plane, an Arado trainer piloted by Hannah Reitsch after she'd made two unsuccessful attempts. They took off near the Brandenburger Tor.' He stood up. 'You must excuse me. The Reichsleiter has been waiting for such news and the Fuhrer also.' He went out.

Hoffer said, 'But what does he want you for?'

'I expect I'll find that out when he sees me,' Ritter said. He nodded at the chessboard. 'And now, if you don't mind, it's your move.'

Just before midnight, Walter Wagner, a city councillor and minor official of the Propaganda Ministry, was hustled into the bunker under armed guard. Totally bewildered and still not quite believing what was happening to him, at approximately one o'clock in the morning he married Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. The only other two people present were the witnesses, Martin Bormann and Josef Goebbels, Reich Minister for Propaganda.

A wedding breakfast was served immediately afterwards at which champagne was available in copious quantities. At approximately two o'clock, the Fuhrer went into an adjoining room to dictate his will and final political testament to one of his two secretaries, Frau Junge. Bormann, who had been waiting for an appropriate moment, seized his chance and left also.

Rattenhuber was waiting for him in the corridor. 'And now we've got that out of the way, I'll see Ritter,' the Reichsleiter said. 'Bring him to me, Willi.'

When Rattenhuber ushered Ritter into the office, there was a particularly intensive bombardment taking place. The Reichsleiter looked up as smoke and dust drifted from the ventilator. 'If that hadn't been happening for some days now, I'd be alarmed.'

'Not pleasant,' Ritter said.

'No place to be at the moment - Berlin - if it can be avoided.'

Rattenhuber took up his position beside the door. There was a long silence during which Bormann gazed up at the young SS officer calmly. Finally he said, 'You would like to leave Berlin, Sturmbannfuhrer?'

Ritter actually smiled. 'I think you may say that I would dearly love to, Reichsleiter, but I would not have thought it a possibility now.'

'Oh, all things are possible to men who are willing to dare anything. I had formed the opinion that you were of that breed. Am I right?'

'If you say so.'

'Good, we must see if we can accommodate you then. This man of yours - Hoffer. He is to be trusted?'

'With my life - yes,' Ritter said. 'I would not depend too much on his loyalty to any political idea, however - not at this stage.'

'In other words, a man of sound sense and judgement. I like that.' Bormann turned the map which lay before him. 'You know this area here, north-west of Innsbruck on the Inn River?'

'I know where it is,' Ritter said. 'Let's put it that way. My unit was in that general area when I left. Perhaps fifty miles away.'

'Not now,' Bormann said. 'What was left of them was wiped out by tanks of the American 6th Army Group a hundred miles or more from there yesterday morning.'

For a moment his voice seemed to fade for Ritter as he thought of the regiment, old comrades, Colonel Jager. He come back to reality to hear Bormann saying, 'I'm sorry - a bad shock for you.'

'No matter,' Ritter said. 'An old and tired story, repeated many times. Please continue.'

'Very well. This entire area, the triangle between Innsbruck, Salzburg and Klagenfurt, is still in our hands, but the situation is very fluid. The enemy are probing in with great care because they believe the stories they've heard of an Alpine fortress where we can hold out for years. Once they appreciate the truth of the situation, they'll be through to Berchtesgaden like a hot knife into butter.'

'And this could happen at any time?'

'Undoubtedly. So, to accomplish what I seek we must move fast.'

'And what would that be, Reichsleiter?'

Bormann picked up a pencil and drew a circle around Arlberg. 'Here at Schloss Arlberg on the Inn, you will find five important prisoners. What we call prominenti. One of them is the American general, Canning. Who the others are needn't concern you at the moment. It's enough to know that they are all people held in special regard by the individual nations. You can read the files later.'

'A moment,' Ritter said. 'You speak as if you expect me to go there in person. As if it is an accomplished fact. But this would first mean leaving Berlin.'


'But how can this be?'

'You may have heard that the Fieseler Storch in which Feldmarschall von Greim and Hannah Reitsch flew into Berlin was destroyed yesterday.'

'Yes, I know that. They flew out last night in a replacement, an Arado training plane.' And then, with a sudden flash of insight, Ritter saw it all. 'Ah, I see now. The Fieseler Storch -'

' - Is in a garage at the back of an automobile showroom just off the main avenue near Brandenburger Tor. I'll give you the address before you leave. You will fly out tonight, or probably just after midnight tomorrow, the best time to evade the Russian anti-aircraft. About ten miles from Arlberg, here at Arnheim, there's an airstrip. Used for mountain rescue operations before the war. No one there now. You should arrive by breakfast time.'

'Then what?'

'You'll find transport. It's all arranged. Even my enemies admit I'm an organizer.' Bormann smiled. 'You will proceed from there to Arlberg where you will take charge of the five prisoners I have mentioned and bring them back to Arnheim with you. They'll be picked up from there by transport plane later in the day. Any questions?'

'Several. The purpose of this operation?'

'The prisoners, you mean?' Bormann waved a hand. 'Put out of your mind any wild rumours you may have heard about the execution of prominent persons. I abhor waste. Major, believe me. These people will be useful bargaining counters when we reach the situation of having to sit down and discuss peace terms with our enemies.'

'Hostages might be a better word.'

'If you like.'

'All right,' Ritter said. 'But what about the situation at the castle? Who's in charge?'

'Soldiers of the Wehrmacht, but only just. A Colonel Hesser - a good man, but crippled - and nineteen or twenty old men. Reservists. Nothing to worry about.'

'And I'll have a piece of paper, I suppose, ordering him to hand them over?'

'Signed by the Fuhrer himself.'

'What if he refuses - not that I'm trying to be difficult, you understand. It's just that after six years of service I've got accustomed to the fact that in war anything can happen, especially when one expects the opposite. I like to take care of all eventualities.'

'And so you shall.' Bormann indicated the map again, tapping with his pencil. 'At this very moment no more than ten miles west of Arnheim you'll find an SS unit or what's left of it. Thirty or forty men according to my information.'

'These days, as the Reichsleiter knows, the term SS can cover a multitude of sins. Are they Germans?'

'No, but first-rate troops. Finns, who were with Wiking Division in Russia operating mainly as ski troops.'

'Mercenaries?' Ritter said.

'Soldiers of the Waffen-SS whose contract does not expire until 9 a.m. on the 1st May. You will hold them to their contract and bend them to your purpose until you have secured your prisoners. Do you understand me?'

'I believe so.'

'Good.' Bormann handed him a small folder. 'Everything you need is in there, including the address of the garage where you'll find the Storch. The pilot's name is Berger. He's SS too, so you see, it's all being kept in the family. Oh, and there's just one other rather important thing.'

'What's that, Reichsleiter?'

'Someone will be going along with you, as my personal representative, just to see that everything goes all right. A Herr Strasser. I hope I can rely on you to offer him every courtesy.'

Ritter stood looking down at the folder which he gripped tightly in both hands. 'Is there something worrying you, Major?' Martin Bormann asked gently.

'The prisoners,' Ritter said and looked up. 'I want your assurance, your personal word on your honour, that no harm will come to them. That the situation will be exactly as you have stated.'

'My dear Ritter.' Bormann came round the desk and put a hand on his shoulder. 'Anything else would simply be stupid and I'm not that, believe me.'

Ritter nodded slowly. 'As you say, Reichsleiter.'

'Good,' Bormann said. 'Excellent. I'd get some sleep now if I were you. Rattenhuber here will see that you and Hoffer get a pass that will get you out of here some time tomorrow afternoon. I may not see you again before you go, although I'll try. If not, good luck.'

He held out his hand. Ritter hesitated, then took it briefly. Rattenhuber held open the door for him. As he closed it, Bormann went round the desk. When he turned there was a strange expression on his face.

'My honour, Willi. He asked me to swear on my honour. Did you ever hear of such a thing with almost everyone else I know doubting its very existence for the past twenty years or more?'

Hoffer was waiting in the canteen and leaned over excitedly as Ritter sat down. 'What was it all about?'

'I'm not sure, Erich,' Ritter said. 'You see, there was what he told me and what he missed out. Still, for what it's worth ...'

He leaned forward, his hands on the folder, and started to talk.


At Schloss Arlberg it was still snowing when Schenck knocked at the door and entered Hesser's office. The colonel was standing at the window, looking out across the valley. He turned and walked to the desk.

'So, the situation is still the same?'

'I'm afraid so, Herr Oberst. We are still unable to get through to Berlin.'

'And the radio?'

'Stern has visited every village in these parts without success. There are certain to be radios in the area, of course, that may well use the right type of valve, but as the Herr Oberst knows, their possession in this district has been declared illegal for more than a year now. Those individuals guilty of breaking the law are unlikely to admit to the fact at this stage.'

'Understandable in the circumstances.' Hesser sat down. 'The time for a definite decision has come.'

'So it would appear, Herr Oberst.'

Hesser sat for a moment, plucking at his empty sleeve. 'As I said yesterday, I will not make an order of this business. I would be failing in my duty if I didn't point out that it could be extremely hazardous. In the fluid state of the front line in this area, any enemy unit you run into may be inclined to shoot first and ask questions afterwards. You understand this?'


'And you're still willing to take a chance?'

'Herr Oberst,' Schenck said, 'I'm an old man by military standards, perhaps too old for this sort of game. I last saw action on the Western Front in 1918, but it would be quite out of the question for you to go, sir, and certainly improper to send one of the other ranks on such a mission. As I am the only other available officer, it would seem to me that we have little choice in the matter.'

'Who would you take with you?'

'Schmidt, I think. He's my own age, but an excellent driver. We'll take one of the field cars.'

'Very well,' Hesser said. 'It would seem, as you say, that there is no other choice. Please bring General Canning and Colonel Birr and I'll inform them of my decision.'

'They are outside now, Herr Oberst.'

Schenck moved to the door and Hesser said, 'Schenck?'

'Herr Oberst.'

'I appreciate this. You're a brave man.'

'No, Herr Oberst, anything but that. A very frightened man.' Schenck smiled. 'But I do have a wife and two daughters I'm more than anxious to see again. What I do now, I'm doing for them. The best thing for all of us, believe me.'

'Yes, perhaps you're right.'

Schenck went out and returned a few moments later with Canning and Birr. The general came forward eagerly. 'Well, have you come to a decision?'

Hesser nodded. 'Oberleutnant Schenck will be leaving.' Here, he glanced at his watch. 'At noon precisely. He'll take a field car and one driver with him and he will search for an Allied unit somewhere in the general direction of Innsbruck. You agree, Schenck?'

'Whatever you say, Herr Oberst.'

'Thank God you've come to your senses,' Canning said. 'Can we go now and tell the others?'

'I don't see why not.'

Canning and Birr turned to the door and Hesser stood up. 'One thing before you go.'

'What's that?' Canning turned impatiently.

'Oberleutnant Schenck and Corporal Schmidt will be running a considerable personal risk in this business. I hope you appreciate that.'

Canning frowned and it was Birr who held out his hand to Schenck. 'We certainly do and I, for one, would like to thank you now on behalf of all of us.'

'I will do my best, Herr Oberst,' Schenck smiled briefly, 'to stay alive for all our sakes.'

Paul Gaillard and Claire were sitting at the window in the dining hall when Canning and Birr entered, Madame Chevalier at her daily practice at the piano. She stopped playing at once.

Gaillard stood up. 'What happened?'

'We go,' Canning said excitedly. 'Or at least, Schenck does. He leaves at noon.' He stood in front of the fire, hands behind his back. 'Do you folks realize that with any kind of luck he could be back here in a matter of hours? That by this evening we could be free?'

Birr lit a cigarette. 'On the other hand, if he runs into the wrong sort of trigger-happy bunch, he could also be dead by then. Have you considered that?'

'Nonsense,' Canning said. 'Schenck spent four years on the Western Front in the First World War. Wounded three times. He's too old a bird to get knocked off now.'

'But if he does, Hamilton' - Claire walked to the fire and sat down - 'what do we do?'

'Then it may be necessary for us to take more positive action ourselves.' Canning crossed to the door and opened it. He turned. 'I know one thing. If anybody tries to take me out of here, SS or whoever, they're going to have to do it the hard way.'

He went out, closing the door behind him.

When Rattenhuber went into Bormann's office the Reichsleiter was writing away at his desk. 'I'll only be a moment, Willi. I missed my diary entry last night. I was with the Fuhrer for hours.' After a while he put down his pen and closed the book. 'So, Willi, and how are things going out there? How's morale?'

Rattenhuber looked uncomfortable. 'Morale, Reichsleiter?'

'Come on, man. No need to beat about the bush at this stage of the game.'

'Very well, Reichsleiter. If you must know, it's a total disgrace. I've never seen so many drunks in uniform in all my life. The canteen is full of them. And the women aren't behaving any better. Everything seems to be going to pieces.'

'What do you expect, Willi? You know why the Russian artillery has stopped? Because they were killing their own people as their tanks and infantry pushed towards Wilhelmplatz. According to the latest reports they've come to a halt no more than 500 metres from the Chancellery. There's heavy fighting in Belle-Allianceplatz and in the Potsdamerstrasse, though I understand our troops are holding their own near Bismarckstrasse.'

'But what about Wenck's Army?'

'Still maintaining its links with Reimann's Corps, but that's no use to us, Willi. We're finished.'

Rattenhuber looked shocked. 'Finished, Reichsleiter?'

'Oh, for quite some time now, didn't you know? When Steiner's counterattack failed to materialize on the 22nd, the Fuhrer announced then that the war was lost. That he intended to die in Berlin. Did you know that at his wedding breakfast he actually talked of suicide?'

'My God!' Rattenhuber said in horror.

'Perhaps the greatest service he could render the German people.'

He seemed to be waiting for some kind of comment. Rattenhuber licked dry lips nervously. 'Reichsleiter?'

'An interesting thought. To die for the cause, if you are the right person, can sometimes be more important than to live.' He smiled gently, contriving to look even more sinister than usual. 'But for lesser mortals, such excesses are not always necessary. You, for instance, Willi.'

'Me, Reichsleiter? I don't understand.'

'Your destiny is to live, Willi. To put it simply, you are to leave this evening.'

Rattenhuber stared at him in astonishment. 'Leave Berlin, you mean?'

'Together with the Fuhrer's army adjutant, Johannmeier, Lorenz from the Propaganda Ministry, and Zander. His task is to take a copy of the Fuhrer's political testament and will to Admiral Donitz. I suggested sending you as well and the Fuhrer agreed.'

'I-I am honoured,' Rattenhuber stammered.

'I'm sure you are, Willi,' Bormann said dryly. 'But whether you reach Donitz or not is problematical and of no particular consequence. There are other tasks for you now of more importance.'

Rattenhuber's face was pale. 'The Kamaradenwerk? It begins?'

'Of course, Willi. Did I not always say it would? In my end is my beginning. I read that once somewhere. Highly appropriate.'

There was a tremendous explosion somewhere close by, the walls of the bunker shook, a cloud of dust filtered in through the ventilator.

Bormann glanced up, showing absolutely no sign of fear. 'There goes the Ivan artillery again. You know, in some ways it reminds me of the
Twilight of the Gods.
All the forces of evil are in league against them and then suddenly a new citadel arises, more beautiful than ever, and Baldur lives again.' He turned, his face grave. 'It will be so for us, Willi, for Germany. This I promise you.'

And Rattenhuber, in spite of the noise of the shells landing without cease thirty metres above his head, the sulphurous stench, the dust which threatened to choke him, straightened his shoulders.

'I, too, believe, Reichsleiter. Have never ceased to believe in the destiny of the German people.'

'Good, Willi. Excellent.' Bormann took a letter from his desk and shook the dust from it. 'This is the reason it is so important you get out of Berlin and that clown Donitz has nothing to do with it.'

At Schloss Arlberg in the main courtyard Schenck was preparing to leave. He stood beside the field car, the collar of his greatcoat turned up against the snow, and waited as Corporal Schmidt made a final check on the engine.

'Everything all right?' Schenck asked.

'As far as I can see, Herr Leutnant.'

'Good man.'

As he turned, Hesser, Canning and Birr came down the steps of the main entrance and moved across the courtyard.

'All set, Schenck?' Hesser demanded.

'Yes, Herr Oberst.'

'Good. General Canning has something for you.'

Canning held out an envelope. 'This is a letter I've written, explaining the situation here. Hand it to the first British or American officer you come to. I think it should do the trick.'

'My thanks, General.' Schenck put the envelope in his pocket, then unfastened the service belt that carried the holstered Walther automatic pistol at his waist. He held it out to Hesser. 'Under the circumstances, I shan't be needing this.' He reached inside the field car and picked up Corporal Schmidt's Schmeisser from the rear seat. 'Or this.'

Hesser hesitated, then took them. 'Perhaps the wiser course.'

'I think so, sir.' Schenck nodded to Schmidt, who started the engine. The Oberleutnant drew himself together and delivered a punctilious military salute. 'Herr Oberst -gentlemen.'

They all saluted in return, he climbed into the passenger seat and nodded. Schmidt drove away, out of the main entrance across the drawbridge and they disappeared into the first bend of the road.

As the sound of the engine faded, Birr said, 'You know, I've just thought of something.'

'What's that?' Canning asked.

'That if Schenck runs into a German unit and they find that letter on him, it isn't going to do him a great deal of good.'

'I know,' Canning said harshly. 'I thought of that when I was writing the damn thing, but at this stage of the game, he must just take his chance - like the rest of us,' he added and turned and walked back across the courtyard.

At approximately four o'clock in the afternoon, Rattenhuber conducted Ritter and Hoffer to the bunker exit leading on to Hermann-Goringstrasse. They each had a small field pack loaded with provisions for the journey and wore camouflaged ponchos and steel helmets. They were armed with Schmeisser machine pistols and in true SS fashion carried two stick grenades in the top of each boot.

The artillery barrage was still as relentless as ever and there was the sound of heavy fighting up near Potsdamerplatz.

Rattenhuber put a hand on Ritter's shoulder. 'What can I say, except good luck and God go with you?'

Ritter thought.
Is he on my side, too?
He smiled ironically, tapped Hoffer on the shoulder and moved out. As there was a burst of machine-gun fire, Rattenhuber watched them flatten themselves into the ground. A moment later they were up and running safely into the ruined buildings opposite.

Bormann moved out of the shadows behind him. 'So, they are on their way, Willi.'

'Yes, Reichsleiter.'

Bormann glanced at his watch. 'I can afford to be away from the bunker for perhaps three hours at the most. In any case, you, too, must be back by then to make your own departure on schedule. We must move fast.'

'Yes, Reichsleiter.'

Rattenhuber hurried away into the darkness of the vehicle ramp. A moment later, there was the sound of an engine starting and he drove out of the shadows at the wheel of a field car. There was an MG34 machine gun in the back and Bormann mounted it on the windshield swivel and got in. Rattenhuber put on a steel helmet and offered the Reichsleiter another.

Bormann shook his head. 'If there's a bullet for me that won't save me. I haven't worn one since my field artillery days in 1918. Now, let's get moving. We haven't got time to waste.'

Rattenhuber accelerated away, driving very fast, and they turned out of Hermann-Goringstrasse and moved in the general direction of Potsdamerplatz.

Once past Tiergarten, Ritter and Hoffer moved fast through the blocks of apartment houses. A continuous mortar barrage fell around them, and after a while a squadron of Russian fighter bombers came in low over the rooftops, spraying everything in sight with cannon fire.

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