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Authors: Shyla Colt

The Unveiling (2 page)

BOOK: The Unveiling
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"Oooh." Zasha covered her mouth, as tears welled in her eyes. "It told you all that?"


"I told you, Rivka was a special woman," Phelan whispered. He placed a sweet kiss on Zasha's forehead. "Thank you for putting our minds at ease, Rivka."

"Of course, would you like to discuss the bonding ceremony now?" she asked.

"Yes, why don’t we move back to the couch?”

Once they were settled, Rivka opened her bag and pulled out a notebook and a pen. Together they outlined a beautiful ceremony, a unique bonding that would combine an Earth marriage ceremony with a Shar on the mansion grounds. She was excited to share their cultures with others. Too many people still had a horror movie mentality about aliens. With luck this would help change some minds.  Fifteen minutes later she'd gathered her things and set an appointment to meet the entire wedding party in a few weeks.

"I'll think of the vision we discussed for the ceremony and show you what I come up with in a few weeks. In the meantime, if you have any concerns about the little one I'm always just a call away."

"Thank you, Rivka," Zasha said.

With one last hug they lead her out of the study to the front door and said their goodbyes. On her way down the drive a mountain of a man in all black approached her. His dark brown locks glistened in the fading sunlight and fell to his shoulders. Long, dark, lashes framed chocolate-brown eyes that should've been warm, but weren't. His aura was a brilliant red. Without out a doubt this was the General. Their eyes met, and her heart raced. Her knees threatened to buckle, and only her strength of will kept her upright and appearing unaffected.

He nodded. "Star Priestess."

"General." She gave a quick curtsy before she hurried to her car, his gaze singeing a hole in her back. Her hands shook as she unlocked the car, slipped inside, and placed her key in the ignition. Heat infused her body as she drove down the driveway and tried not to embarrass herself by speeding, or looking back to where she
Bastien D'Shar still stood.
What kind of power does he possess to affect me like this? I'll be finding out soon enough as I plan the bonding ceremony.




Chapter Two


Bastien watched as the Star Priestess disappeared in her car. He'd seen her numerous times over the years, but he'd never had this reaction. His heart pounded in his chest, his cock came to life, and his palms grew clammy. A frown curved his lips down.
No! After all this time she couldn't be his mate
. A sense of dread settled over him as he recalled the words off his Sensei when he first received The Purge.

This is only a temporary fix, like putting a patch on a waterfall. It'll slow it down to a trickle, but it's indefinite. At any time the feelings can come flooding back full force to knock you on your ass."

"I'll risk it," Bastien said, confident he could handle whatever came.

"This won't just block The Wanting if you run into your mate, Bastien. It'll inhibit your ability to feel. There's a reason it's looked down on and thought of as being taboo. You can turn into a cold, uncaring bastard, if you're not careful."

"I'm here to win wars and mold men into warriors, not make friends, or run for a political position."

Sensei sighed. "You're young. I urge you to give this more thought. Once it's done, it can’t be changed. Your only option will be to let The Purge run its course."

"This is my destiny, Sensei."

"You can be a good soldier without it. I've seen too many of my warriors do this and go down a dark path. There is no worse fate than killing the one you've spent so many years training and accepted as a part of you."

"That won't happen with me. This path was foretold by the Star Priestess herself at my birth. I must do everything in my power to ensure I'm ready when the time of war comes. If that means sacrificing The Wanting, it's a price I must pay."

"This is a heavy burden to carry. You've come to me younger than most of my pupils and have grown at an exponential rate. I've been amazed, and proud, of the decisions you've made, and the strength you possess. This thing you wish to do now I don't support." Sensei shook his head. "The spirits cry out against this. One day it will cause you great strife. A man conflicted is a man tortured."

Bastien had witnessed the deep connection Sensei had with the spirits. The things he said always came to pass eventually. Still, failure was not an option. A war would come, and he had to be able to lead his people to victory. As it stood now, he wasn't ready. He'd reached his plateau. He needed an edge to get him beyond it. Attachments and emotions slowed you down, made you soft. That split second of hesitation could lead to your demise. It wasn’t a mistake he could afford to make. He'd been preparing to fight an epic battle against an unknown source since he was eleven, and this was the final step.

"Then so be it, Sensei. This is my final decision."

The man nodded. His cloud of dark greenish-blue hair swayed round his pale green face. "Lay on the slab, and I will begin."

The second the bare skin of his back touched the black, stone surface a chill seeped through his skin and down into his bones. He shook, teeth chattering as his limbs began to tingle and go numb. "W-what's happening?"

"The Purge has begun."

He'd never felt so cold in his life. He exhaled. A fine mist expelled.

"In a way it's freezing you from the inside out. Rushing through your blood, seeking out the chemicals that react in The Wanting."

His heart grew sluggish, and sharp slices of pain began. He opened his mouth to scream and found his vocal chords were frozen just like the rest of him.

He jerked his thoughts away from the painful memory.
Had The Purge begun to fade?
There was no time frame, or rules. He sifted through the past memories. His disinterest in relationships and sexual gratification were the same. He scratched the itch when it became too persistent to ignore. However, what occurred with Rivka couldn’t be ignored. Desire had slammed into him like a freight train.
Maybe she was a wakeup call to the changes happening in his body.
There was only one way to find out and as much as he hated to do it, he had to ask for help. He made it inside at a fast clip, grateful when he didn't see Phelan or Zasha. He wasn't in the mood for small talk right now. In the sanctity of his room he pulled out his phone and dialed. It rang three times.

"Hey Bro, what's going on?"

"Hey Mars, I need a favor."


"I need a date."

Whatever Mars had been drinking was sprayed over a surface right now.

"I-I'm sorry, what did you just say?" Mars asked.

Bastien scowled.  Of course he wouldn’t make this easy. "Are you really going to make me repeat myself?"

"Umm—let me think about that a minute—Yes! It might be the only time I ever get to hear you say this."

Bastien grunted.

"Do you want me to hang up?" he asked. His face grew hot as blood rushed to his cheeks and the tip of his curved ears.
This was bad.
Emotions crashed over him like an avalanche.
It wasn't a new development he liked.

"Okay, okay. You can't blame me for poking a little fun. I've never seen you on a date before!" Mars said.

"Can you help me?"

"Of course I can. What are you looking for?"

"A Shar woman."

"Oooh. Old-fashioned. It doesn't surprise me. How about we set things up tonight? I don't want to give you time to change your mind."

"How are you going to do this on such short notice? It's five o'clock now."

"A master never reveals his secrets. You already getting cold feet?"


"Good, we'll head over to Shar Bar. Good thing about going to a place run and frequented by Shars, if you flounder people will have sense enough to keep it to themselves!"


"I'm just saying, emotions aren't your forte. You might want to hit the Internet for some dating tips, because you're going to need them!" Mars chuckled at his own joke as Bastien scoffed.

"Worried I'll have more game than you?"

"Not a chance," Mars said.

"We'll see," Bastien countered.

"Why don't we add to this comedy of errors by inviting Kade. The kid needs to get out."

"Says the youngest brother," Bastien said.

"Hey, don't hold my birth order against me."

Bastien chuckled. He'd never admit it but having Kade come with them was a security blanket. He wouldn't be miserable alone. Plus, Kade had a real talent for smoothing rough waters.

"It isn’t your birth date. It's that cocky ass mouth of yours," Bastien said.

"Hey, it's part of my charm." Mars’ protest was tinged with humor.

"Only to the ladies."


"Someone's got to keep you grounded," Bastien said.

"Yeah, you boys do a great job of that." His voice was dry, but full of the humor that helped keep the four men with very distinctive personalities close.

"It's part of the big brother code of honor."

"I guess I'll have to take your word for it. Let me get off here and rustle up some dates. We'll meet you over at the house around eight."

"Thanks, Mars."'

"No problem. I'm busting your balls, but I'm happy to see you getting out there finally. Earth isn't Tagget. There are no wars to be fought to keep away invading armies looking to take over. You can have the life back you once gave up to keep us safe. I want that for you." His brother's words made warmth spread through his chest cavity. "Now before I get any more emo I'm going to get off here and make arrangements. Call Kade for me and let him know he's coming. He always blows me off when I try to get him to do anything," Mars muttered.

"I got you," Bastien said.

"All right, see you soon, and both of you, please dress to impress."

The dial tone sounded in his ear before he could respond.

"Smart ass," he murmured, shaking his head.



Chapter Three


Dressed in a pair of black slacks with a black button up and a v-neck black sweater, Bastien headed downstairs.
It’s a group date, not a battle, man up.
He couldn’t remember being this nervous since childhood. He always knew what needed to be done and did what it took to accomplish the objective. It was a simple way to live.
I miss my world of black and white already.
The Purge had shielded him from much more than The Wanting. He glanced down at his watch. Ten minutes until Mars was due.
Who would believe the General is terrified of a date.
He shook his head and left the room to meet up with Kade in the living room.

“You look nice,” Kade said.

“So do you.” His brother was dressed in a pair of gray slacks, a white button up, and a black vest.

“Thanks. I’m never sure what to wear at these things.” He shrugged.


“Yes, but blind dates especially. I’ve never been to the Shar Bar, and I don’t know the women we’ll be going with, so I have nothing to go on.” He shook his head.

“You’ve got a way with words, Kade. It’ll be okay.”

“Yeah, funnily enough that skill doesn’t extend to women I’m actually interested in.” He rolled his eyes, and Bastien snickered.

“I’m just glad to know I’m not the only one nervous.”

A horn sounded outside.

“I guess that’s us,” Bastien said. They shrugged on their coats and stepped outside to see Mars’ Black SUV. The passenger window rolled down.

“Don’t look so nervous, boys. The girls are meeting us there.”  He grinned.

“Funny.” Kade walked to the back of the car, and Bastien took the passenger seat.

“I figured this would give me time to give you a rundown on your dates. They’re all really nice. I’ve been dating C.J. for awhile, and Ursula and Beckey are two of her best friends.”

“Kade, Ursula is your date. She’s the perfect balance: outspoken, bubbly and highly intelligent.  She’s a brunette too, your favorite.”

“Do you think we’ll suit?” Kade said.

“She was excited to meet you one on one. Said you always seemed nice and studious, which she appreciates because she loves to read and learn new things. Bastien, I set you up with Beckey, a lovely blonde librarian with killer blue eyes, a wicked sense of humor and instructions to take it easy on you because you’re very rusty at the dating game.”

Kade burst out laughing.

“Please tell me you’re kidding,” Bastien said.

“Okay, those weren’t my exact words, but I hinted that it’d been awhile since you were out. Had to err on the side of caution.”

Bastien rolled his eyes. “Thanks, Bro.”

“Any time,” Mars said, a slight smirk on his face.
Bastard’s enjoying this way too much.

They pulled up in front of a two-story building with Valet parking. Mars swapped out his keys for a ticket and they piled out, entering the club. They worked their way through the crowded space. “Is that the General?

someone said.

“I don’t know, it looks like him, but I’ve never seen him out. Wonder who he’s here with.”
The whispers continued. Assumptions flew and rumors grew more lavish with each re-telling.  Bastien squared his shoulders and ignored the ridiculous scenarios being tossed around. People loved to gossip.  They stopped in front of bar where three women sat chatting.
So this is the woman who’s held Mars’ attention lately.
C.J. had dark brown skin, chin-length black hair, and cat-like yellow colored eyes common among their people who lived in the northern hemisphere of Tagget.

“Hello ladies, there are my brothers, Kade and Bastien.  Guys, these are my friends, Beckey, Ursula, and my date, C.J.”

BOOK: The Unveiling
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