Read The Unsuspecting Mage Online

Authors: Brian S. Pratt

The Unsuspecting Mage (9 page)

BOOK: The Unsuspecting Mage
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“The leader’s name is, or was, Garrett. Some called him Garrett the Snake after the tattoo of the green serpent on his arm. His little band of cutthroats has been raiding this area for a couple years now, but no one has ever been able to stop him, until now. There’s a reward for taking him down. I’ve no use for it, and since you saved us last night, you can claim it.”

“Uh, thanks, but I wouldn’t feel right about taking all of it.”

Turning his head, he glances up at James. “Take it. If you don’t, it’ll just be used to fatten some administrator’s purse. I’m sure you could use it.” After removing all traces of blood from his exposed skin, he gets back to his feet and returns to the cabin. Once inside, he inspects the cook pot and uses his big spoon to stir it. A sniff and taste later, pronounces it ready. Removing it from the fire, he carries it to the table.

James lends a hand by taking the bowls and spoons from the shelf, plus a couple mugs and sets them on the table. While he serves the stew, Ceryn pours the ale and they set to eating.

After Ceryn finishes his first bowl, he looks at James and asks, “So, you’re a mage, eh?”

“In a matter of speaking. I’m sort of new at it.”

“New or not, that was some spell you cast, with the balls of fire. Quick thinking. You would be good to have on one’s side in a fight.”

Reddening slightly under the praise, he shook his head. “Not too good if I pass out before it’s all over.” He still feels ashamed at his weakness of the night before. He feels like he let Ceryn down when he needed him most.

“Now don’t you belittle what you did last night. What you did turned the tide in our favor and without it, this morning would have found us dead or wishing we were.” Ceryn lets James take a second helping then scoops out the rest for himself.

James thinks about what Ceryn had said, coming to admit that there might be some merit to it. Feeling slightly better, he downs the rest of his ale and lets out a loud belch.

Ceryn chuckles. “After we finish here, I’ll hitch my horse to the wagon and take you into Trendle.”

It isn’t long before their bowls are empty. Ceryn glances to James and says, “Just rest here while I get the wagon ready. I’ll bring it around front. We need to bring in the bodies if you’re to receive the reward.” Heading out the door, he turns and makes his way around the cabin to the corral behind the house. In a few minutes he has his horse hitched to the wagon and is bringing it around to the front.

With a strength belying his wounds, one by one he gathers the bodies of the outlaws and places them within the wagon. After the last outlaw rests in the wagon, he uses a tarp to cover the grisly scene and returns back inside to inform James it’s time to leave.

James hobbles to the bedroom where he gathers his belongings, then carries them out to the wagon where Ceryn is already waiting for him. Tossing his backpack up to the Warden, he asks, “You didn’t happen to see a book lying on the ground back where you rescued me from the wolves did you?”

Catching the backpack, Ceryn shakes his head. “No, but I wasn’t looking for one either. I was more interested in saving your life. Why? Was it important?”

“Yeah, it was.”

“Too bad. I doubt if we could find it now. If you lost it during the last fight with the wolves, then it’s in the river and no telling where it would be now.”

With a helping hand from Ceryn, James manages to climb onto the wagon and takes his seat next to the Warden. “I guess you’re right.” He feels bad about losing the book, but realizes there is little that can be done about it now. No sense bemoaning what can’t be changed.

A flick of the reins and Ceryn gets the horse moving. They pull out onto the dirt lane leading from his cabin. After a short ways it meets the main road running along the Kelewan River which will take them into Trendle.

Not far from where they turned onto the road they find where the outlaws had picketed their horses. Pausing for only a short time, Ceryn gathers the horses and ties them in a line behind the wagon. Once they are secure, he returns to his seat and gets the wagon moving once more.

For a time they remain quiet as James takes in the beauty of the area. To his right is the rolling Kelewan River, well over fifty feet across and flowing smoothly. The sun filtering through the trees banishes the morning chill and makes way for a warm summer day. The birds flitter to and fro and call out in a multitudinous chorus.

“How far is Trendle?”

“About a day’s ride. We should be there by nightfall.”

Glancing at James, he adds, “I probably should warn you that mages are not well thought of in these parts. Some bad things happened a while ago and, well, let’s just say that the people haven’t forgotten. They don’t much trust strangers at all, really. It takes them a while to warm up to anyone. They’re good people, just wary.”

“I can understand that. I’ll try not to give them reason to distrust me.”

“There’s a family that I know who has a farm just outside of town. If you like, I could take you there and see if they’ll let you stay with them while you’re recuperating.”

“Yes, I’d like that. I’m a pretty quiet person who tries not to be a bother to anyone.”

Ceryn nods and chuckles. “I’ve noticed that about you. After we deliver the bodies to the Town Hall and talk to the mayor, we’ll head out there.”

Nodding, he agrees to the plan. “How much of a reward is there for Garrett and his band.”

“I believe it’s five hundred gold pieces for Garrett and another hundred for each of his henchman,” he replies after giving it a moment’s thought. “If I’m remembering that right, you should get eleven hundred gold pieces, a tidy sum. You can also have your pick of their horses too if you like. The rest will go to the town where they’ll be auctioned off at the end of the month.”

Eleven hundred gold pieces and a horse!
James can’t believe his good fortune.
My situation is getting better and better.

“I don’t know too much about horses.”
Ceryn eyes him with surprise. “Truly?”
James nods.
“We’ll then, don’t worry, I’ll pick one for you. One that’s not too temperamental.”
“Thanks, I would appreciate that.”

For the rest of the trip, they ride in silence. James dozes on and off, still not completely over the previous day’s exertions and last night’s magical feat. Later that evening when the sun has sunk low in the sky, Ceryn directs his attention to the road ahead. Nestled in among the trees along this side of the river are several wooden buildings. Ceryn nods when he looks questioningly at him. Trendle.





Chapter Four





As they pass through Trendle’s outlying area, the countryside changes from forest to tilled lands with crops growing tall in the summer sun where farmers are hard at work. Some take notice of Ceryn and holler a greeting. Most times he only smiles and waves back, though if they are close enough he might offer a few words.

“You seem to be popular around here.”

Ceryn nodded. “I’ve been the Warden in these parts for a little over a score and a half years. I know just about everybody within fifty miles.”

A small girl runs toward them across one of the fields. Upon seeing her approaching, Ceryn slows the wagon, brings it to a halt and waits. When she reaches them, she says, “My daddy was wonderin’ if you’d be stopping by while you’re in town?” Dirt streaking her face could not hide a smile that would brighten even the darkest day.

Returning her smile Ceryn replies, “Tell your daddy I’ll be along after dark, I have business in town I need to see to first. Also, tell him I’ll be bringing a friend.”

She glances to James and nods. “Ok. Bye.” Then turning abruptly, she races back across the field to where a group of farmers work hard cutting stalks of grain the old fashion way, with scythes.

“Why don’t they use tractors?”

“What’s a tractor?”

“It’s a…” About to reply, he thought back to everything he had experienced and seen; horse-drawn wagons, swords; Ceryn’s cabin. Perhaps this world didn’t have any such modern conveniences such as tractors, or cars for that matter. Probably still in the midst of the pre-industrial age.

“Oh, never mind.”

Ceryn gets the wagon moving by the time she returns to the farmers. One pauses in his work to lean down and hear what she says, then comes erect again and waves to Ceryn. James sees him speak to the girl and then watches as she heads off at a run toward a farmhouse in the distance.

“That’s Elizabeth, the daughter of the family I mentioned earlier. She’s going to grow up to break some man’s heart someday. Her father’s name is Corbin. His family has worked these fields for over five generations. Good, solid people they are.”

Coming to the town proper, James finds Trendle not to be what one would call a major metropolis. Rather, it was a small farming community with a handful of multi-storied buildings surrounded by those of a lesser sort. As the townsfolk take notice of their approach, many wave a greeting while others come forward to say hello.

An aged man hollers from the front of what looks to be the town’s general store. “What brings you into town, Ceryn?”
“Garrett the Snake and his men paid me a visit last night. Thought I’d introduce them to the mayor.”
The old man eyed the line of riderless horses strung out behind the wagon. “Got them all yourself?”
“No.” Slapping James on the shoulder, he said, “James here helped.”
Grateful for the praise, James still feels slightly uncomfortable by suddenly being the focus of so many people.

One man comes behind the wagon and lifts the tarp to reveal the bodies beneath, “Looks like you got the whole bunch. What happened?”

“Can’t talk now, have to take ‘em to the mayor. I’ll be by the
Squawking Goose
later and I’ll tell the tale then.”

As they continue on his way, people gather in groups to share the latest gossip about Ceryn and Garret the Snake. James hears his name being mentioned more than once.

As they trundle their way through town, James notices how the townsfolk stare at him. Not in an unfriendly way, more like he’s a curiosity. “Why are they staring?”

Ceryn looks up and takes in the way everyone is gawking. “Aside from being a stranger, it’s probably your odd attire. It’s like nothing seen around these parts.” He waves at several of the onlookers. “Pay them no mind, they’re just curious is all. Not much ever changes around here and new people are always the talk of the town. By tomorrow morning they’ll have several stories circulating about you, none close to being the truth I’d imagine.”

“Great,” he sighs.

News of their coming must have raced ahead for a man dressed in attire finer than anything James had yet seen since passing through the door and entering this world, stood waiting for them at the top of the stairs before the largest building in town. Several others, also in attendance near the building, watch as James and Ceryn approach what the Forest Warden explains is the Town Hall.

“That’s the mayor. He’s an honest man but at times can be a bit stubborn and headstrong,” As they draw near, the mayor descends the steps. Coming to a stop, Ceryn waves a greeting. The mayor returns the salutation

“What are you doing in town, Ceryn? Got too lonely out there with just yourself and the squirrels?”

Laughing, Ceryn replies, “No, John. Actually we have business with you.” Hopping from the wagon, he gestures for the mayor to join him at the rear of the wagon. Flipping back the bloodstained tarp, he reveals the corpses. Grabbing the arm of one, he turns it to exhibit the snake tattoo.

“So, Garrett the Snake is dead? You do it all by yourself?” He nods and casts an approving glance at Ceryn.

“No,” he replies then with a nod, indicates James who still sits on the wagon seat, “had some help. If he hadn’t been there, I’d be dead right now or wishing I was.”

After giving James an once-over, the mayor says, “There’s a bounty on their heads.” He returns his attention to the bodies lying in the wagon. “Looks like you got Garrett and six of his henchmen.” Turning once again to Ceryn he gestures to the line of horses tied to the rear of the wagon. “Are these their horses?”

Ceryn nods, “Yes they are. I would like you to give the whole bounty to James here, I owe him my life. The horses are the town’s, according to our agreement, with the exception of one that James will take for his own.”

The mayor looks up to James and gives him a grin. “I guess we can’t begrudge one for the man who saved our Warden and helped to terminate a long-standing threat to our community.”

Moving down the line of horses, Ceryn unties a brown stallion with white patches from the others and leads it to a hitching post near the Town Hall steps.

“James, this one is yours.”

Using his spear for support, he comes down off the wagon and hobbles over to stroke the horse on its neck. The horse allows the touch with but a snort and brief shake of its head. James is delighted with the choice that Ceryn made.

The mayor turns and motions for them to accompany him. “Come inside and we’ll get this matter settled.” Hollering in a very unofficial manner to two men standing nearby, the mayor says, “Marin, Josh, take the wagon around back and unload the bodies. Put the horses in the stable.” Confident that his orders will be carried out, he leads Ceryn and James up the steps and through the front doors.

They cross a large open room before ascending another flight of steps to the second floor. At the top they enter a hallway that runs the length of the building, ending at a set of double doors. The mayor leads them to the double doors, opens them and then precedes them into his office.

The room is officially decorated. The most prominent feature is a large desk with a high-backed chair, both masterfully crafted. Two chairs of a lesser nature sit before the desk. Several shelves containing dozens of large, expensive looking books adorn one wall. On another wall rests a long shelf bearing expensive looking knick-knacks.

BOOK: The Unsuspecting Mage
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