The Unmaking (The Rayne Whitmore Series Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: The Unmaking (The Rayne Whitmore Series Book 1)
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            It cries out in rage, but
my rage is greater as I remember my mom’s broken neck, my sister’s bloodied
body, how Selene said that my dad’s heart was ripped out of his chest. I don’t
care if these Immortals can read my mind when my emotions are high. I want them
to see the pain and suffering in my mind, the need for the justice that I am
about to deliver. I want them to feel my resolve as I promise myself to never
again be weak or afraid.

            We exchange blows and
blood pours from both of us. It doesn’t matter though. I see clear enough to
understand that the blood I shed will be no where equal to its own. It feels
like the fight is lasting for hours as I feel my muscles grow tired, but I push
on, giving as much as I’m getting, my face bloody, and painful. The Devourer
manages to knock the sword from my hand. I think about scrambling to get it,
but change my mind. I don’t need it anymore as I can feel the Demon’s strength
weakening as it is the one who is now afraid. It probably has never had a human
who fought this hard. I got away once and this time, this demon won’t.

             It lands another kick
into my midsection but I manage to scramble out of the way before it can
inflict any more damage. I dive under its legs as the Demon tries to tackle me.
Next, I land a kick with so much force that it jars my whole body and sends the
monster to the ground so hard that it bounces off the stone.

            It doesn’t get back up. I
walk to the spot where the Demon had first broken the stone off the wall and
pick up a nice large piece. The Devourer begins to stir as I reach the spot
where it now lay. I stand over the Demon, victoriously and burn the image
firmly into my memory. I study the thing that murdered all the family I had.

            “I will find out who sent
you, and then I will send him to hell to visit you,” I promise, before I send
the stone down on the Devourer’s skull, over and over, until there is no skull
left to shatter.

            In that moment, I truly
know that I will never ever be able to go back to the Rayne that I once was.


Chapter Fourteen

runk, happy, and naked, I lie in bed with Selene. Finally
alone. After my ordeal with the Devourer, the Immortals, threw me a giant party
the likes that I’m sure not even Charlie Sheen, Jay-Z, or Hugh Hefner has ever
seen. There were naked men and women everywhere. Not just naked, but
attractive, supermodel attractive, every last one of them. Plus, they were
having so much sex it was insane. Their equivalent to alcohol is incredibly
strong, tasty, and had me rethinking my monogamy as well as my sexual

             Boy, did they know how to
throw a party. And the best part, it was all because of me. Most of them had
not seen a human for so long that all of them were willing to entertain me.
Even the music, though a bit medieval for my tastes, had been in full swing the
entire night. And people said that my generation practically had sex on the
dance floor when we danced. Well, they literally had sex in the town square,
while they danced.  It’s safe to say that Selene kept a close eye on me. I had
to remind myself about twenty times that I had to eventually go back to our

            “Come on Selene, it’ll be
the first time we’ve done it now that I got powers. We don’t have to hold back.
Plus I got more stamina,” I tell her, rolling my hips seductively.

            Selene looks at me and
shakes her head. She’s pretending to not be as drunk as me, but I know the
truth. I saw her downing those drinks like a sailor. Is that even the right
phrase? Who cares. “No. Your drunk ass will prolly jusss throw up on me,” she
tells me, slurring her words. Fake.

            “Who’s drunk? You are the
one wobbling and s-slurring.” I reach out, grab her arm, throw her on the bed,
and claim her lips. She fights me for all of two seconds before returning the
kiss, then deepening it. I moan quietly in her mouth and shift my body so that
I’m on top of her.

            “Do you. Still. Think. I’m
sexy?” she asks me in between kisses.

            I freeze just before I
make my way to her neck and lift up so that I can look her in the eyes. I may
be drunk, but I can be serious in order to assure her.

            “You are incredibly sexy
and I am so attracted to you. Yes, these Immortals are very good looking, but
you have everything they have if not more.” I tell her, head pounding.

            “And what’s the more?” she

            “Your personality. You are
actually someone who knows how to brighten a room.” I smile at her. I don’t
particularly like the temporary setback to my foreplay, but if I can make her
feel good about herself, then it’s just as well. “None of these Immortals know
me like you know me. We have a bond and no matter how pretty someone is on the
outside, if they can’t make me smile or laugh the way you do, if they don’t
care about me the way you do, then it doesn’t matter. I love you Selene. I’m in
love with only you. Their looks don’t have anything on what’s real between us.
You’re here with me in this weird world because you care about me. No one can
compete with that.” I gauge her reaction and hope that she understands me.

            She smiles and kisses me
on the lips, but I pull away, needing to add one more thing.

            “Plus, no one here has an
ass like yours, and I need me a woman with some ass.”

            She laughs and flips me on
my back. “Well then. I expect you to show me just how much you appreciate this

            “Oh, I will,” I respond,
getting turned on as she traces her electric fingers from my neck to my center.
I feel her magic surround me and I moan in delight. “Thoroughly.”

            Selene then enters me with
two fingers as she pushes a storm of power deep within my middle. I gasp and
arch as I feel all my nerves come alive. The magic courses through my body
until I’m shivering with desire and need. She then removes her fingers from
inside me and I immediately feel their loss.

            Licking her two fingers
slowly, seductively, Selene whispers, “You’ve always tasted so good to me. Warm
and sweet.”

            “Then, don’t tease me. Why
don’t you just take it?” My voice is low and needy with anticipation. I watch
her green eyes grow darker with desire just before she lowers her head to my
dripping middle and takes a long, agonizing stroke from my clit to my opening.
I can feel the controlled magic dancing on her tongue. The heat of her driving
me crazy. My body threatens to explode all too quickly, the need to finish so

            I roll my hips to adjust
where I need her mouth the most, but she doesn’t comply and I growl in
frustration which just causes her to laugh.

            “Be patient,” Selene

            She slides her long
fingers back inside me and begins her slow torment on me, pushing inside, licking
me slowly, but purposefully. I run my fingers through her long hair and I
whisper to her not to stop.

            Her other hand explores my
breasts, my nipples, my stomach, sending small surges of power through me until
I can’t even begin to tell where the pleasure is coming from. My entire body is
one big nerve and every single spot she touches on me feels utterly amazing.

            I feel my climax building
up and I start to moan louder and breath heavier as it begins to break through
the surface. Then, everything just stops. Selene pulls away from me, just
before my eruption and I look at her in frustration, nearly growling again.
Quickly, she claims my lips before I can announce my protests. She then repeats
the entire process three more times, until I am nearly half insane with need.

            “Please baby,” I sob.

            This time, Selene climbs
on top of me, spreading herself open so that her clit is now rubbing against my
extremely swollen one. I moan at the feel of her warmth and wetness and grip
her back tightly as she begins to grind her body against mine with passionate
roughness. Her slickness mixes with mine and my clit goes crazy under the

            Selene pushes harder and
moves faster until the pressure on my clit is too much and I explode, bucking
under her. Still, she doesn’t stop; she rides me until her own climax comes,
powerful and sensual on top of me. We lay there unmoving for a few minutes
before Selene finds the strength to roll off of me.

            She’s lying on her stomach
and I begin to kiss every inch of her back. I make my way to her ear and bite
gently before saying, “Now, let’s test this stamina of mine.”


            When I finally awaken, my
body is pleasantly sore and I can still feel traces of Selene’s magic on my
skin. Seeing her lie there looking like a goddess makes me want to repeat every
second of our pleasure right now. I lean down and press my lips softly against
hers and to my surprise, she reciprocates, and pulls me down to her. Clearly,
she had the same thing in mind. I smile and let my hand travel down her body.
We begin to kiss with more urgency when there’s a knock outside of the door.

            “May I enter?” Diana’s
voice calls from outside.

            I have half a notion to
say no, but I finish my kiss, cover our bodies, and say, “Yes. You can enter

            She steps inside and then
takes in our appearance and then smiles. “I would love to let you continue with
your lovemaking; however, from the looks of it, you would never get out of bed.
Under different circumstances that would not be a bad thing, but considering
what you accomplished last night, I figured that you’d want to get started as
soon as possible so that you can start learning how to use your new strengths.
Lawrence and I have both agreed that you seem like that type that is not easily
broken. We shall push you to become great.” Diana takes more steps toward us,
her sheer dress revealing her nipples underneath and I try to look away without
Diana noticing, but of course she does. She even gives me a look to let me know
that she saw me watching. Super. Just super.

            Diana turns her focus to
Selene. “There are lessons for all of us to learn here. Some we may enjoy more
thoroughly than others. Being pushed to our limits is an enlightening feeling.”

            Diana turns towards me.
“Lawrence is waiting for you at the falls.” She then leaves the room.

            Selene and I stay silent
for a couple of seconds, both interpreting what Diana just told us in our own

            “She read your mind,
didn’t she?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

            “She tried to, but I
realized what she was doing and then she stopped. They are prideful beings, so
much so that it may be dangerous. They need to feel like they possess you in
some other kind of way and it frustrates her that you aren’t going for it.
Diana’s trying to get to me and I was almost letting it work.”

            “But what is the point?” I
ask growing irritated and confused.

            Selene sighs. “These
Immortals like to obtain valuable things. Strong magic users and some others
can tell who I am by just feeling my aura. I would be of use to them too if
they still lived on our plane, as it is, their magic is stronger than mine so I
am of no use to them.”

            “So, if they want to
possess me, do you think this whole thing may have been some sort of mistake?”

            She hesitates. “No. Right
now, I think it’s just a game. Pretty soon, they will grow tired of playing and
leave you alone. They are testing your will to see if your resolve is a true as
you claim it to be.”

            Well, I sure hope so;
after all, I am only human.

            Since I don’t really
remember the run back from the falls, I swim there again. Being in the water
just truly seems to refresh me. By the time I reach Lawrence, my mind is firmly
set on my goal.

            “Thank you for bringing me
the Devourer. Selene told me that you hunted it for me even before I got to
your realm. I can’t believe that you were able to find it so quickly,” I tell

            Selene had told me that
Diana informed Lawrence of my memories of that night in case he would need the
information to break me. He thought that if I was able to be un-made, then
having the Devourer be my first kill would be a fitting gift. I concurred.

            “It was not a problem. I
enjoyed the hunt almost as much as I enjoyed watching you destroy it. It has
been an eon since I’ve traveled to a hell dimension, albeit a minor one. I had
to use the blood of one of my cohorts that is familiar with some of the demon
worlds. We went and traced the demonic signature from your home to the place he
came from. After that, it was extremely simple. I did have to kill a couple
demons myself, but it was well worth it. You have made things much more
interesting for me Rayne Whitmore.”

            “Well, thanks. I’m glad I
could help,” I reply sarcastically.

             He ignores my eye roll
that went along with it. “You have a lot of fire inside you, young one. Now, I
will teach you how to truly fight.” With that, Lawrence kicks me so hard that I
fly off the cliff and back into the water with a painful smack. A second later,
he is pulling me further down. I barely manage to take a breath before I’m
completely under water and doing my damndest to break free of the submission
hold that he has me in. When it’s clear that I won’t be successful this time
around, he allows me to swim up for air. I gasp for breath, gulping the air as
if it’s a sixteen ounce drink and wipe the water from my eyes.

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