The Undead Day Twenty (6 page)

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Authors: RR Haywood

BOOK: The Undead Day Twenty
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‘Roger that.’

‘Lady called Heather and Paco Maguire find three Indian kids hiding in Tesco in a town called Boroughfare…’

‘Do what? That’s my town,’ Howie says, looking at Dave. ‘Where me and Dave worked…in that Tesco…’

‘She said it was piled up with bodies.’

‘Yeah, Dave did that…in the middle aisle.’

‘I didn’t ask what aisle funnily enough. Anyway, she said the smell kept the infected away.’

‘Boroughfare? Seriously?’

‘Yes. Boroughfare. Anyway, so this Heather and Paco found them a few days ago. The kids are filthy, living in this Tesco, so Heather takes them with her and Paco. Now they…what?’

‘That’s our Tesco.’

‘Yes, Howie. I know. Heather gets them cleaned up and ends up handing them over to another group of survivors…they said Paco was all injured on his throat and his eyes were red. They said Heather bandaged him up and…’

‘She a doctor then?’

‘I don’t know, Roy.’

‘Oh, okay.’

‘Tesco? Seriously?’

‘Yes, in Boroughfare. So they are one hundred percent sure it was Paco Maguire. Said he was strong…like able to throw people and carried the kids all day and never got tired…’

‘Why you all looking at me?’ Clarence asks.

‘…and also that he couldn’t speak.’

‘They said he did speak,’ Marcy says.

‘I haven’t got to that bit.’

‘She might be a doctor.’

‘Me and Dave worked in that Tesco.’

‘Fuck’s sake…listen! Right, so Heather and Paco give the three kids to another woman. They end up getting attacked at which point Heather and Paco come back…now from what I can gather…they were near the towns we were fighting in two days ago when we took on the ten thousand…’

‘Ten thousand?’ Maddox asks, stepping forward.

‘Yep, now…they get into a town…they said it had a square and that square was full of infected. They said they hid in the top floor of a flat and saw blue and red flashing lights outside during the night….lots of gunshots and explosions…’

‘No way,’ Nick says, ‘they were there?’

‘Sounds like it,’ Paula says. ‘So Heather and Paco get seven kids moving out that town to get them here…yesterday evening they find a house and try and get inside. One of the kids got killed, shot by a shotgun…’

‘That’s awful,’ Clarence says, shaking his head.

‘Heather tried saving her but that’s when they got attacked. They said the infected kept coming all night. Lots of them. Said Paco and Heather kept them running and were fighting the infected. In the end they get trapped…Heather kissed Paco…big fight, lots of infected. This is where it gets interesting…’

‘Yeah cos all of that was so boring.’

‘Cookey, I said no comments.’


‘Heather was bitten but carried on fighting. By this time Paco is speaking but his voice is all wrong…’

‘Fuck me,’ Nick mutters.

‘They get the kids through a hedge and tell them to run…the kids run…find a stable and use a hose to get water then a wheelbarrow to push the youngest kids. Little bit later they get found by that van and brought here. Twenty miles away.’

‘Shit, all that was going on twenty miles away?’ Howie asks.

‘Looks that way.’

‘Got a map,’ Marcy says, holding out a piece of paper. ‘The oldest girl, Subi?’

‘Yeah Subi,’ Paula says.

‘Genius little girl…she drew a map from where the van picked them up back to the stable.’

‘Fuck…can the van show us where they found them?’ I ask.

‘They’re ready to go,’ Paula says.

‘Let’s go. Load up…Maddox, what you doing?’

‘I would like to come with you.’

‘Fuck off.’

‘Get fucked…’

‘Not a fucking chance…’

Howie pauses to look at him. ‘Can you take instruction?’

‘I can. I’d like to…I want to…’ he stops to drop his gaze.

‘Cheeky fucking twat,’ Cookey says, shaking his head.

‘He’s not immune,’ Nick says.

‘How do you know?’ Maddox asks, keeping his tone respectful.

‘You got tazered eight times and took two day to recover,’ Blowers says. ‘Charlie got her ear bitten off yesterday and fucking laughed about it…’

‘It was just the top of my ear actually.’

‘I can fight,’ Maddox says, looking at Howie. ‘I don’t blame Lilly for what she did…’

‘You fucking…’

‘Easy,’ Howie says to Blowers without looking at him. ‘You’ll work under Blowers on his team. You’ll follow his instructions. Clear?’ Howie says after getting a nod from Clarence.


‘Mr Howie is giving an order, Simon.’

‘Yes, Dave.’

‘Likewise Maddox will follow your instructions.’


‘To the letter,’ Dave adds, looking at Maddox.


‘Yes, Dave,’ Dave says, still managing to make
sound like

‘Yes, Dave,’ Maddox says.

‘Load up. We’re going. Charlie? Jess ready?’

‘Ready, Mr Howie.’

‘Reggie? You staying or coming with us?’

‘Do I have a choice?’

‘Stay here if you want, mate. Read the books in peace…’

‘Oh gosh that is a nice idea. Yes a wonderful idea but I fear you will charge a horde and spend all day fighting with spoons if I am not there. Am I given to understand we are simply looking to secure this man and woman and then returning here?’


‘That won’t happen,’ Reginald says to himself as he runs behind the rest.



Silence. Cramped hot and quiet. They sit shoulder to shoulder. Paula and Marcy near the front leaning over the hand drawn map. Dave and Mo by the back doors. Meredith in the middle panting at the heat and excitement of being off with the pack. Clarence in the passenger seat. Howie driving. Everyone else silent. Charlie looks down at her rifle between her legs and fingers the wound on her face.

‘Itchy?’ Nick asks.

‘Very itchy,’ she replies, flicking her gaze to Cookey and waiting for the offer but Cookey is busy staring ahead to the quiet man seated opposite. She taps his leg with her foot, smiling when she sees that hard look in his eyes soften as he looks at her.

‘We’re going in hot,’ Clarence says, leaning round in his seat. ‘Clear the air…now.’

‘You’re a fucking cunt,’ Blowers growls across the gap, making Charlie blink and everyone else look at him sharply. ‘But you’ll stay with me at all times. Where’s your bag?’

‘Bag?’ Maddox asks.

‘Where are your spare magazines? Where is your water?’

‘I didn’t bring any,’ Maddox says, cursing himself inwardly.

‘Paula, we got a spare bag?’ Blowers says.

‘In the locker under Charlie.’

Charlie looks to Cookey again, waiting for the
I’ll get it
comment but Cookey eyes stay fixed on Maddox. She never met Lani but now realises the depth of feeling running through the others at having Maddox with them. She reaches down, mooching through the small space to pull a bag free.

‘Thanks,’ Maddox says, taking the bag.

‘You’re welcome,’ Charlie says politely.

‘Everyone dig a spare magazine out and give it to Maddox. We haven’t got time to load fresh ones now. How many magazines you got for your sidearm?’


‘Be specific. One in the weapon and one extra or just one?’

‘One in the weapon.’

‘Dave, you got any spares? Charlie, pass it down, please.’

‘Thanks,’ Maddox says, opening the bag.

‘Water bottle,’ Nick says, throwing it at Maddox’s feet.


‘Drink now…hydrate while you can,’ Blowers says.

‘I’m fine.’

‘It’s hot. You’ll sweat and we might be engaged for a length of time. Drink now. Same for everyone else. Hydrate.’

They do it too. All of them lifting water bottles to drink deep while Maddox takes in the confusing and messed up dynamics.

‘Mr Howie gives the orders,’ Blowers says. ‘He leads from the front. That means he will generally be ahead of us…’

‘I know what leading from the front means.’

‘I don’t give a fuck what you know. I care about my team and your ability to function in it. Mr Howie leads from the front. Dave stays close to him. Clarence works independently as he sees fit. Paula and Marcy will either be close to the boss or with me in my team. If we have higher ground Roy will work overwatch. That means he stands apart from us to gain a view of the fight to use his bow, if not then he works in my team, which works as a unit. We do not work independently. We cover the flanks and the rear unless otherwise instructed. We shout magazine when our magazines run out. We count the rounds we fire so we know when that will be. We fire single shot unless we are overwhelmed at which point everyone around you will be firing bursts and you will know when that is. If we become compressed, we revert to hand weapons. Do you have a hand weapon?’


‘Dave, do you have a spare knife? Charlie, pass it down, please.’

‘Thanks,’ Maddox says, taking the sheathed knife.

‘If we revert to hand weapons you will fight what is in front of you. Everyone else knows what they are doing and will work to cover your sides. If you are bit or cut by an infected you will make that known straight away. We fuck about when we are not fighting but we are serious in the application of our work. Do you understand all of that?’


‘If Roy is firing his bow do not try and compensate for where you think he may fire. Roy will work around you. Nick, you got a spare radio?’


‘Radio goes on your belt, thread the microphone up inside your shirt and clip it on. Press the button to transmit. Keep the earpiece in at all times. Hand me your sidearm.’

Maddox draws his pistol, flicking it round to present the butt to Blowers. The weapon is stripped quickly, the moving parts checked before being re-assembled and handed back. ‘Rifle…’

He does the same again. His hands working fast, checking the working parts and listening to the firing mechanism.

‘Loaded, made ready, safety on,’ Blowers says, passing it back. Paula and Marcy watch him closely, both of them fascinated by everything he just said and the way he said it. They share a glance, mouths turned down and eyes wide.

‘Any questions?’


‘Good,’ Blowers looks away to the front, his hands resting on the assault rifle between his legs.

The silence extends again. Awkward and uncomfortable.

‘Put another two water bottles in your bag,’ Blowers says after a few minutes.

‘Van’s pulling over,’ Howie calls back. ‘They’re waving…there’s the wheelbarrow. Paula? See it?’

‘Er…yep got it.’

‘I’ll tell the van they can go back,’ Clarence says, dropping out to run ahead.

‘Right,’ Paula says, spreading the piece of paper out. ‘So this line is the road we’re on…she said we go back up the road to a junction…so that will be on the left?’

‘Right,’ Marcy says, ‘right side.’

‘Is it? Oh yes, yes you’re right.’

No Cookey jokes about being lost already. No comments from Nick that even he could read it better. Nothing from Howie. Nothing from anyone. Just a heavy silence that Maddox knows his presence is causing.

‘Right,’ Clarence says, clambering back in. ‘Which way?’

‘It’s one road,’ Howie says. ‘We can only go one way.’

‘Good point,’ Clarence says easily.

‘Keep going until we reach a junction on the right,’ Paula says.

The Saxon pulls away. The big engine rumbling deep and strong to roll the vehicle on the road. Nick stretches his neck, rolling his shoulders. Cookey entwines his fingers and stretches his arms forward. Blowers inhales deep and long. Blinky pulls her head back trying to stop the urge to puke. Mo stares at the back doors, his hatred for Maddox palpable and obvious.

‘Junction,’ Marcy says, calling out and pointing.

‘Is it?’ Howie asks. ‘I would have gone straight past it too.’


‘I try.’

‘You’re very trying…’

‘Down this road and she said we go straight over at the next junction…she said they stayed on the wider road.’

‘Roger,’ Howie says, building the speed up.

‘Open the back doors, Mo. Hot as fuck in here,’ Nick says.

Dave nods, Mo releases the lock to push the doors open filling the interior with the noise of the tyres on the road. Roy’s van behind them.

‘Straight over?’ Howie asks.

‘Yep, stay on the wider road,’ Paula says. ‘Should be a gate down here somewhere, she said it leads to the stables…the big fight was across the field from that stable.’

‘There,’ Clarence says, pointing ahead.

‘Got it,’ Howie says, easing the speed down. ‘We’ll go on foot from here. Everyone switch on…out we get.’

‘With me,’ Blowers says, staring at Maddox. Mo and Dave drop out. Charlie and Blinky next.

‘On Jess?’ Charlie asks.

‘Go for it,’ Blowers says.

‘Work with Simon’s team for now,’ Dave says to Mo, walking off to the front. Mo nods, scowling at the ground to avoid eye contact with Maddox.

‘Fan out and cover the back until Charlie’s up,’ Blowers says, leading Maddox down past Roy’s van and the horse trailer to stand facing down the road. Maddox stays at his side, copying Blowers and everyone else when they pull bolts back and flick safety switches off. ‘Cookey, you got a view of that side?’


‘Blinky, Mo…other side.’

‘On it,’ Blinky says.

‘Fasten the top of your holster,’ Blowers says, without looking at Maddox. ‘Thirty rounds in the magazine. Count them if you fire. We’ve got both sides of Roy’s van covered so that means we can see down the line towards the front and the rear. Once Charlie is mounted we’ll have a view over the hedgerow.’

Maddox watches them work. Charlie getting Jess out. The huge horse surging out the back of the trailer to spin round in the road, snorting and rolling angry eyes while taking oversized steps. Maddox backs away to give space. Everyone else stays put. Charlie gets on smoothly, settling the horse with soft words and a hand stroking her neck.

‘She can smell them,’ she says quietly.

Blowers says, dipping his head to speak into the radio under his shirt.

‘Go ahead, mate.’

‘Charlie said Jess can smell them.’

‘Yep, got it…everyone stay alert. Charlie up front once you’re ready.’

‘What the fuck is that?’ Cookey asks with a laugh. Maddox moves back to see Roy pulling a bright red rucksack on his back, the top filled with arrow shafts poking out.

‘Medic bag,’ Roy says.

‘It’s bright red,’ Cookey points out helpfully.

‘It’s a medic bag. It’s meant to be red.’

‘It’s got a fucking great big white cross on it,’ Cookey says.

‘It is a medic’s bag,’ Roy says again, his tone dropping a notch. Maddox watches the man sling his rifle and pull a big bow from the van, testing the ends and the tension on the string. ‘Where am I?’

‘With me for a bit if that’s okay,’ Blowers replies.

Everyone, It’s Roy. Just to let you know I have the medic’s bag now…in case of injury or anything…’

‘Er yeah, cheers for that, Roy,’
Howie’s voice sounds in their ears.

‘And it’s bright fucking red…’

‘It is a medic’s bag, Cookey. It is meant to be red.’

‘Focus,’ Blowers says, bringing them to quiet. Charlie trots on, taking the horse down the side of the vehicles to the front. Maddox watches her go, wanting to move to the front. He doesn’t do the back. He’s a leader, not a follower.

Blowers glances at him. At the strong proud face staring after Charlie and Jess to the front.


‘Here, Reggie.’

‘What am I to do? Is anyone staying with the vehicles?’

‘We’re on foot from here, Reggie.’

‘Foot? On foot? We have perfectly good vehicles to use. Why are we on foot?’

‘Because we are,’ Blowers says, his tone respectful yet firm.

‘Gosh. Gosh and damnation. I shall get my books. Please wait for me. I shall be only a minute…on foot. On foot he says.
Mr Howie, I am gathering my books. I understand we are on foot? Is that correct?’

‘Yep. We are.’

‘Oh dear. I shall get hot and sweaty. I really do not like sweating. I must find a sunhat. On foot? We have perfectly good vehicles and he wants to walk. Okay yes, yes I am ready. I am not carrying a weapon though. Dave said I am not to have one. He said that. I almost shot everyone and they are really very heavy and I have my bag of books…’

‘It’s fine. Mo, keep an eye on Reggie.’

‘Will do.’

‘Got a bodyguard, Reggie,’ Blowers says.

‘That is good. Yes, yes that is most good. Thank you, Mohammed. These books cannot fall into the other player’s hands. We really must protect them, and when I say we I mean you of course.’

We ready at the back, Blowers?’

‘Ready and waiting, Boss. Reggie is with us. Mo’s on him.’

‘Moving out…Charlie, you go forward.’

‘Good lord it is hot already,’ Reginald says, muttering as he peers round at the high hedges.

The rest stay quiet. Walking slowly past the vehicles until they reach the empty lane in front and the five bar gate standing open ahead. Maddox spots the lane veering sharply to the left and the way Charlie trots ahead to gain the view before lifting a hand with a thumbs up to the rest.

Howie leads from the front, literally moving ahead of everyone else with Dave at his side and Clarence only a few feet behind. Paula and Marcy walk in the middle, still holding the map and talking quietly.

Blowers checks the spacing between them all then looks ahead to the corner, then over to the gate and round to check behind. The hedges are thick and high, giving a sensation of being contained. He listens intently, absorbing the noises around him. As Howie goes through the gate Blowers turns to his team behind him and points at his own eyes with two fingers. He points to the gate and swings his right hand back and forth before placing both hands together as though in prayer. He pushes his hands apart, flowing out to the sides. The others nod. He points at Cookey and Nick with his right hand then at Blinky and Mo with his left. He motions to Roy, points at his own eyes then up to the corner of the lane.
We go through the gate. Cookey and Nick cover right. Blinky and Mo cover left. Roy at the back to watch that corner.
The whole thing is done in seconds. Understanding all round. No need for speech. Blowers faces forward, feeling Maddox watching him.

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