The UN Series Complete Box Set (98 page)

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“I feel like I’ve been ran over,” she mumbles to the table. “By a semi.”

I pour her a cup of coffee and place it in front of her. “Here. This will help.”

She lifts her head, and I can’t help but laugh. Her blond hair is wild, and her eyes are bloodshot. She’s not wearing her glasses, and I’m pretty sure she can’t see since she keeps blinking. “You’re supposed to feel this way after you turn twenty-one.”

She snorts. “That’s what Sam said last night as she was holding my hair back while I puked my guts up.” She picks up the coffee and slowly brings it to her lips. After taking a small sip she looks up at me. “Speaking of Sam, where is she, and how did I end up in the spare bed last night?”

“She is still asleep, and Tate put you in bed,” I answer sitting down in front of her.

Her blue eyes go big. “He did?”

“You sound surprised to hear that.” I place my coffee down on the table.

“Well, I didn’t expect that as an answer,” she mumbles and then takes another sip of her coffee. “Where is everyone?” she asks looking around.

“Tate is asleep on the couch in the media room. Micah and Holly are in the other spare bedroom. Josh and Courtney went home sometime this morning.”

“What about that other guy? What was his name?” She tilts her head to the side in thought.

“Braxton? He left while you girls were in the bathroom last night.”

“He seemed nice.” She takes another drink of her coffee. “Sam said he works with you guys?”

“Yeah. My dad hired him after we got back from New York. He is the brother of one of our best friends from high school.” I fill her in.

She nods and turns her head when we hear someone coming down the hallway. I smile when I see Angel walk in with that still sleepy look on her face, dressed in one of my t-shirts and a pair of white fabric shorts.

“Good morning,” she greets us.

“Good morning, Angel.” I stand from my chair and motion for her to sit down in it. Once she does I place a kiss on her cheek then go to make her a cup of coffee.

“How do you feel?” she asks Missy.

“Like I already need a nap,” she responds making them both laugh.

“Do you remember everything from last night?” Angel asks her.

Missy shakes her head. “Not everything. I do remember taking a few shots.” Her face twist in confusion as she tries to remember her night. “I also remember Josh pulling me into a game of beer pong. I think I lost.”

“Big time,” I say. “I would stay away from that game if I was you.”

She makes a sound that sounds like a grunt. “Yeah. I’ll do that.”

Angel places her drink on the island and speaks. “Did your parents know you were over here last night?”

“Yeah. I told my mother I was staying over at your house for a girls’ night.” Missy then looks over at me. “I still live with my parents.” She sighs.

“Sounds like you want to move out.”

She nods. “But I’m taking too many classes, it’s like I have a full-time job.” Her shoulders fall. “And I can’t seem to find a job that will work with my schedule.”

“There’s nothing wrong with living with them,” Angel says.

“I know. I just hate that they always want to know where I’m going or what I am up to.” She shrugs. “After this semester, I’m going to look for my own place.”

We all hear a door open and turn to look at the entrance of the kitchen when Tate walks in rubbing the back of his neck. I can tell that he slept in his clothes. His black shirt and dark jeans are wrinkled. He even still has his boots on.

“Sleep in all your clothes last night?” I ask with a smile.

He nods in response.

“I slept in my makeup,” Angel offers. “I hate when I do that.”

Missy laughs. “I did too. I guess we shouldn’t make it a habit of falling asleep in a bathroom.”

“I would say you should not make a habit of drinking that much,” he says with his back to us as he grabs a bottle of water out of the fridge.

“There’s coffee,” I offer.

He turns to us as he shuts the fridge. “I hate coffee,” he deadpans as he stares at Missy waiting for her to respond to his comment.

She narrows her eyes at him. “It was my birthday party. As far as Sam and Slade are concerned, I was supposed to get drunk and pass out.”

“Well, next time I won’t be there to carry you to a bed.”

He meant it as a warning, but she looks down at the table and blushes. “Thank you for doing that,” she responds quietly.

He doesn’t say anything else to her. He just pulls his keys out of his pocket and turns to me. “I’m gonna go home, shower, and grab my bags. Do you want me to swing by and pick you guys up since you’re on the way to the airport? It will be easier to take one car instead of several.”

I nod. “Sounds good, thanks.”

Once he walks out, Missy stands. “I should go too. I need to go home and get some sleep before I have to be at school for my tests.” She gets up and walks around the island before she hugs Angel. “Thanks for a great party, Sam. I will see you guys in Vegas tomorrow.”

“No need to thank me.” She pulls away and looks up at me after Missy leaves. “We need to get ready as well.”

I nod. “Lead the way.”




Once everyone woke up and got around, the day went by pretty fast. The only person who seemed to be tired was Courtney. Go figure, she was the only one who didn’t drink.

Once we got settled into our rooms at the Venetian, Angel and I took a very short nap. We knew this trip was going to be nothing but partying, and I needed to catch up on some sleep.

Now I stand in the bedroom of our hotel suite as she helps me get dressed for the evening.

She looks up at me as she finishes the last button on my shirt.

I reach up and take her face in my hands. “Have fun and be safe tonight,” I say, hating that fact that she’s going out without me, especially in Vegas of all places.

“I’ll be fine,” she reassures me with a smile.

I frown. I hate it that she thinks she doesn’t need me. “I’ll have my phone on me if you need to call me.” I run my hand through her wet hair.

She pats my chest. “Go out with the boys and have fun.” She spins me around and starts to push me toward our hotel door.

I laugh. “Okay. Just know if you need anything I have my phone…”

“Yeah. Yeah. I get it, daddy. You want me to need your help for something.”

I come to a stop and spin around. “Daddy?” I smile.

“That is what you’re acting like. My dad. I know you have a phone, Slade,” she says rolling her eyes, “but just in case I forget your number, do you want to write it on my hand?” She holds out her hand with a smirk on her face.

“You can be such a smart ass,” I say smiling.

She places the hand on her hip. “You know you love it.”

“That I do.” I lean down and give her a sweet kiss before I turn and walk away.

I press the button on the elevator and see Josh inside of it when it opens. “Have you heard from Micah? I texted him before I got into the shower and haven’t heard back from him.” If I know him, he is probably still passed out.

“He’s down at the bar with Parker.” Huh, guess he is just ignoring me.

Once the elevator opens I follow Josh over to the hotel bar. The noise of the slot machines chime as we make our way through the large casino.

As soon as I see Parker I can’t help but smile. He looks just the same as he did when I saw him at Josh’s party last year. His dark brown hair is buzzed short like Tate’s, and he looks like he’s been spending more time in the gym. He was always the smaller one out of all of us. He was tall but skinny—looks like he’s been working on that.

“Slade,” he shouts with smile on his face as soon as he sees us, releasing an arm around the blond bimbo attached to his side. “Josh,” he says just as loud. “Now ladies.” He releases the redhead who is around his other arm. “I want to introduce to you to a couple of my boys.”

Josh and I laugh as we walk up to him. We each give him a bro hug before he turns his attention to each woman on either side of him. “Ladies. These are my friends, Josh and Slade. Have at them.” He gestures to the girls as he speaks to us.

The blond bimbo gives me a big smile as she takes a step toward me. I hold my hand up to stop her. “I’m engaged,” is all I have to say to make Parker’s jaw hit the ground as the girl frowns.

Parker then laughs and throws his head back. “You’re fucking kidding, right?” he asks.

I shake my head with a proud smile. “It’s been a long time, Parker.”

He turns to look at Josh. “It’s been a year. Please tell me he’s joking.”

Josh shakes his head. “Nope. He’s one hundred percent serious. He is engaged to my girl’s best friend.”

Parker’s brown eyes bug out. “You have a woman too?”

He nods and smiles proudly. “Yep.”

Parker shakes his head and then wraps his arms around the girls again. “Guess I have you both to myself tonight.”

I look away trying to find my brother. “Where’s Micah?” I ask when I don’t see him.

“He ran to the restroom real quick,” Parker answers as he stares down at the blonde’s tits.

Just then Micah walks up to the bar. “You guys ready? The limo should be outside waiting on us.”

“Where’s everyone else?” I ask looking around. The bar is packed but no one seems to be with our party. As I remember correctly, he said he invited like forty people.

“Most of them are meeting us there.” He pulls out his phone when we hear it go off. He reads it then puts it away. “The car’s here. Let’s go.”




The club is dark and the music is so loud it has actually given me a headache. I’m hoping that the alcohol will help take it away, or at least postpone it until tomorrow morning. Most of the guys ended up going to other bars or gambling. The only one I was ever close with is Parker, so I could care less where everyone else went.

“Hey guys,” Tate says as he comes walking up to our table. He arrived at the club a little later than we did but as soon as I saw him walk in he ran into a brunette that he didn’t seem to want to get away from. Needless to say, he has been here for over thirty minutes but is just now joining us.

“Tate,” I say as I gesture to the chair between Parker and Josh. I introduce Tate to Parker and then sit back in my seat trying to get comfortable while I think of Angel out running around the city tonight with just the girls. It has me on edge to say the least.

I pull my phone out and check it. Nothing. I sigh and place it on the table by my rum and Coke. I look up and catch Parker staring at me. He stares at me for a few seconds before he decides to open his mouth.

“Dude. I cannot believe you are engaged. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have any idea how much pussy we could be getting tonight? We could have one crazy fucking party back at our hotel room. And when I say party, I mean orgy. Hell, we probably could have done those two girls in the bathroom at the bar.” They had their own party to go to but got his number to meet up later.

I shake my head with a smile. “We
to have parties like that.”

“Exactly! That’s what I’m saying. Imagine how crazy they would be here in Vegas. Vegas, man.” He leans his head back closing his eyes. “We could have one bad ass party. I’ve been dreaming about it for weeks. Women, naked, some lying on the countertop as we drink liquor off of their big fucking fake tits.” He gestures to his chest with his hands as if he’s holding them as he describes them. He opens his eyes and stares at Josh. “Come on Josh help me out. You know what it would be like.”

Josh throws his hands up in the air. “Don’t get me involved in this conversation.”

“Fucking pathetic.” He sighs. “What the fuck happened to you two?” Then he looks at Tate. “Please tell me you are single.”

Tate nods his head. “Absolutely.”

“Thank God, I have someone to chase pussy with.” He turns his head and looks out over the club. He sits up straighter in his chair and points the tip of his beer over to the bar area. “Like look at that fucking hot piece of ass.” He leans over further to get a better look.

I know who it is as soon as my eyes land on her. It’s my Angel, but tonight she looks like no angel. She has a tight red dress on that barely covers her ass.

She turns around with a drink in her hand, giving me a view of the front. The top half of the dress is red lace and goes around her neck. The two pieces of lace fabric can barely hold her massive cleavage in. I have to readjust my pants imagining having my hands on them.

She looks like the devil wrapped in lace, a temptress who would bring a saint to his knees before her. I want to taste that kind of sin. Know that kind of dark pleasure. I want to hold her down and take that devil on. I never understood the phrase ‘dance with the devil’.

Until now.

Although, I don’t want to dance. I want to fuck!

I know what is under that dress. I know every sound she will make as I fuck her until neither one of us can think straight. I know how her back will bow while she screams out my name. I could never get enough of her. I want her right here, right now, bent over on this table. Taking what I know belongs to me.

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