The UN Series Complete Box Set (138 page)

BOOK: The UN Series Complete Box Set
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Impossible to forget; very memorable







As I watched the elevator doors close, shutting out the sound of the slot machines and voices in the casino, I was left in this mirrored cage with the one woman I’ve wanted since the moment I laid eyes on her years ago—but have never touched.

But that all changed earlier this evening while we were out at the club. Jealousy could be an ugly bitch, and I let her beautiful little dress and sexy heels get to me. She tempted me and pushed me until I could no longer stand on the sidelines. I had pulled her away from dancing with Parker. I took her to the dark hallway that led to the restrooms and had kissed her before I turned around, grabbed a brunette, and walked out. I just left her standing there confused.

No explanation.

No remorse. 

But things didn’t work out with the brunette. She had kissed me once we got into the cab and I ended up pushing her away. I got out of the cab and started walking back to the casino. Missy was still on my mind. She was the one who my cock was hard for.

I had craved that kiss for a long time, and Missy allowed me to take it. I knew it would devastate her when I walked away with my arm around another woman, but it had to be done. She needed to see what a fucking bastard I could be. Actions always spoke louder than words—and I acted the only way I knew how. Too bad the brunette couldn’t keep my attention. And as luck would have it—now I was stuck in the elevator with Missy.

I exhaled deeply and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to ignore the tightness in my jeans as my dick swelled behind my zipper at the thought of that kiss. It felt better than I could have imagined. Her soft lips and moan had caused me to press myself into her, wanting to feel her body against mine.

Just being in this confined space with her had me on edge. Her scent—coconuts—was all-consuming. I closed my eyes, reached up and pulled on the collar of my button up shirt, needing some air in my lungs—fresh air.

I felt the elevator sway, and my eyes popped open. I released a sigh of relief when I realized it was still upright. Just the alcohol, Tate. Calm down.

Fuck! Why had I drank so much? Oh, right, because she was on my mind. I thought it would help drown the memory of her lips on mine, but it hadn’t.

Just then the elevator came to a stop. When the door opened, people shuffled out which left us alone. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her shift on her heels as she stared down at the floor. My eyes ran over the little dress she had on tonight—it was a black sequined dress that went all the way up to her neck as if it were a choker. It was sleeveless and barely covered her sex.

I licked my lips, imagining myself between her legs. You ever seen a girl and desired to see a different side of her? Ever imagined what she would be like behind closed doors?

Would she be wild for you?

Would she allow you to have your way with her?

Would she be the one to give you the ride of your life?

Missy had always been so shy up until tonight. I was starting to see another side of her—a side that I wanted to explore.

“Tate?” She broke the silence, getting my attention.

I allowed my eyes to slowly run back up the length of her before I looked her in the eyes. “Yes?” I answered as I turned my body around and fully faced her. She already caught me staring, might as well continue.

She took in a deep breath before licking her lips slowly. “Why are you staring at me?” Her voice had dropped to a seductive tone, but I was sure she hadn’t meant to sound so fucking sexy. I just wanted to push her up against this wall and rip that dress off of her. I wanted my hands in her hair and my lips on her body. My cock throbbed and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from moaning.

I found my feet inching toward her, needing to close the space between us. I looked down at her as I threaded my fingers through her blond hair. She closed her eyes as I tightened my grip, and she took in a deep breath. “I was remembering that kiss back at the bar,” I responded truthfully. “Do you?”

She nodded—as much as my fist would allow her to move. “Of course,” she whispered and pushed her body into mine. “Are you gonna kiss me again?”

“What if I say yes?” I asked arching an eyebrow. Would she allow me to have another taste after what I just did to her? I had just walked out on her with another woman!

She didn’t say anything; instead she reached up and pulled my head down to hers, smashing our lips together. Her lips were soft as her tongue stroked mine. My already hard cock throbbed; it wanted the same attention.

She moaned into my mouth as I arched her neck to allow me to take control of the kiss. It was sweet—the taste of alcohol remained on her tongue. 

She pulled away panting as I released her hair. She started to step back but my hands found their way to her smooth legs, pulling her back into me, running up the small curve of her hip. The black sequins on her tight black dress got pushed out of place. I gripped her tightly in my hands, and she looked up at me with those sexy blue eyes. I could see the alcohol lingering behind them.

“Tate,” she whispered before licking her plump, glossy lips.

What the fuck was I doing? 

I snatched my hands from her hips and took a step back from her. This was Missy who had my dick as hard as a rock. The girl who was barely over eighteen when I first met her. I couldn’t take advantage of her now. I couldn’t allow it to go any further.

She stepped back up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck as she pressed her body into mine. She moaned when she felt the reaction my body was having to hers in that scrap she called a fucking dress. She rose up on the toes of her already six inch heels and her lips softly brushed against mine. Before I could even think about it, my hands instantly went to her soft, bare thighs once again. I lifted the back of her dress up, allowing my hands easy access to her now bared ass. I squeezed as I lifted her up off the ground. Her legs wrapped around my hips and I placed one hand in her hair as I stole her breath away.

After three years, I wanted her. I wanted to know the feel of her, the itch I had for her was unbearable. Now she was serving it up on a silver platter—must be my lucky day!

The ding of the elevator signaled that we had reached the floor to her hotel room. I pulled away and placed her back down on her feet. I reached up and ran my thumb over her wet and swollen lips. “Goodnight,” I murmured roughly, not wanting to watch her walk away from me. No matter how good the view would be.

She gave me a small smile and reached for my hand. “It is,” she replied matter-of-fact.

I pulled back from her and felt the elevator tip a bit. I grabbed a hold of the railing for support from my drunken state. “Missy,” I whispered, shaking my head. “We can’t…” But I didn’t know what I was talking about.

She leaned into me once again. “You can lie to yourself all you want, Tate.” Her blue eyes dropped down to my hard dick behind my zipper and I swallowed thickly. “But I won’t believe it.” She shook her head with a naughty smile on her face. “You want me just as bad as I want you,” she said and I couldn’t argue with her.

I did fucking want her!

Her black sparkly dress was still pulled up in the back, which showcased the black panties covering her sex, and I felt my resolve starting to crumble. I lifted my hand and wrapped it around the back of her neck. I pulled her toward me and she faltered on her heels, slamming into my body, causing my back to hit the mirrored wall behind me.

My hands found that round ass once more and pushed off the wall before I lifted her up. I walked out of the elevator as the door started to close, carrying her. Once I got to her door, I set her on her feet and broke off the kiss. She opened her eyes and gave me a look that I would never forget. She no longer looked like a young girl who viewed the world as a mystery. She had this look in her eyes that said ‘the world is mine to fucking control’. And to her I was the world.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me into her room.

“Missy, I…we…” Stop Tate! You shouldn’t be doing this… but I found myself shutting the door to her room, closing us both inside. Why shouldn’t I?

I spun around and watched her as she reached down and pulled her dress up and over her head, leaving only her panties on for show. And she looked just as beautiful as I knew she would—standing before me in only her black panties and heels.

“Tate.” She took slow steps until she was standing in front of me. The haze of the alcohol had me reaching out and caressing her bare breast. They were not big by any means, but it fit in my palm perfectly. Plus, I’d always been an ass man, and she had the most perfect ass. Perfect little bubble. I wanted to kiss it and slap it at the same time.

She moaned when my thumb ran over her pink nipple. It hardened at my touch and my head leaned down to taste it.

“Yes,” she cried when my tongue made contact with the pebble. “I need you inside of me, Tate. I need to feel you.” Her voice had never sounded so…wanting. So full of lust. This beautiful woman wanted me! It was my undoing.

I pulled away and picked her up before tossing her onto the bed. Every rational thought had left my mind.

I fucking needed her!

I wanted to hear her as I made her mine, even if it was just for tonight. “I need you too, baby,” I said before I reached down and pulled my shirt up and over my head.

My vision was somewhat cloudy, and I could still feel the alcohol lingering in my body.

You needed to stop this Tate, my mind shouted, but I ignored it. I needed to fuck her!

“Make love to me,” she whispered and it had me pausing.

Love? I didn’t know how to love. Not someone like Missy. Love destroyed people. It was an allusion of false security. 

“Love isn’t what I want,” I replied honestly. My words slurred and she gave me a drunken smile as she lay on the bed looking up at me. Her blond hair fanned out over the white comforter. She looked like a fucking goddess.

“Then what do you want?” she asked as her hands ran up my chest.

I leaned over her body as I slid a hand between her legs. I smiled when she spread them further apart to give me easier access. I pulled her panties to the side and the wetness that I found had my jaw tightening. She arched her back and cupped her breasts when I slid a finger into her tight pussy achingly slow.

“This,” I said through clenched teeth. “I want this pussy, Missy.” I’ve always wanted it.

“Take it,” she cried as she continued to massage her breasts. “It’s all yours to do with whatever you want.” She inhaled sharply when I pushed my finger as far as it could go. She was so fucking tight. My dick already wanted to explode just from that knowledge.

I leaned down, laying my body on top of hers, pinning her down. I could feel the pounding of her heart against my chest. “Don’t say things like that,” I said with pain in my voice as I nuzzled my face into her neck. The smell of her skin made me feel like I was on a beach and not in a hotel room looking over Vegas.

I could only take so much from her. She had no clue how dark I could go. And I didn’t mean sex. I had demons that I had to hold back. And her saying that made them want to break through. Show her I was no good. Show her just how much I could fucking take…!

She opened her eyes and looked into mine. She let out a whimper when I removed my finger and entered her again. Her tight walls sucked me in once again as if I belonged there. “I want you to take it,” she cried out. “I want you to use me, Tate. Quit talking and just take it.” Her body writhed under mine—her breath coming faster and faster—as her heart pounded against my chest so painfully hard. Her lips parted and she inhaled deeply. 

Take it? I removed my finger and ripped her panties off. She gasped. Leaning down I placed my lips to her ear. “You don’t know what you’re asking of me.” I slowly placed my finger once again into her pussy and her nails raked down my back as she gasped for breath. She was so responsive and my cock jerked behind my jeans reminding me I was still wearing them.

“Yes, I do.” She smiled and then spoke the words that threw me over the edge. “I’m yours. I’ve always ever been yours.”





I sit straight up in my bed covered in sweat and breathing heavy as soft light filters into my bedroom. I run my hand over my cropped hair as I try to gather my thoughts.

she’s always there in my dreams, eating away at my mind. That night we shared in Vegas a year ago continues to haunt me. It’s getting worse—the parts I can remember anyway and the parts that I found out the morning after. Virgin; she was a virgin. 

“Fuck,” I say still panting. My chest is covered in sweat. I look down to my shaking hands and make a fist. I can still feel her. My hands are still tingling as if they were just on her small body, memorizing every curve of her soft skin. My ears ring as if she were just gasping for air. My back stings as if her nails just tore open my skin. My cock jerks as if it had just been inside of her.

I took her virginity. And, at the time, I wasn’t even thinking. How did I not know she was a fucking virgin? She had just turned twenty-one. But, most importantly, why does that thought make me happy? Why would I be satisfied knowing that I was the first to have her? She lost her virginity as a result of a one night drunk fuck. It makes me want to smile and beat the shit out of myself at the same time.

“Shit,” I hiss throwing the covers off of me, needing to move around.

I make my way to my bathroom and splash my face with some cold water. I’m very aware of my erection that has no doubt been present since I started dreaming of Missy. Which had begun that very next morning, after I had walked out of her hotel room as she was crying her eyes out. She consumes my every thought, and it’s suffocating.

“Hey, handsome.” I hear a soft voice from behind me. “Want me to take care of that?” I feel a hand grab my throbbing dick through my black briefs and my jaw tightens at her touch.

  I turn around and place my hands on the counter behind me. “Yes,” I say roughly.   

That is why she’s here—that’s why any woman is in my bed—to help satisfy the hunger that I have for Missy. None compare to her, though. They never will. My life will forever consist of an endless number of women trying to come close to her perfection, but they will always come up short. There’s no way around it. If Missy was with me, she would be tainted. No longer something special. Just another statistic—a woman in love with a man who holds the power to destroy her. And destroy her, I would. I may deny that I love her, but I can acknowledge that I care enough to keep her away from that heartache. I’m not the type of man who is full of love and wants to be loved in return. I don’t know how to love. And no one can love a monster who lives in the dark. Not a woman like Missy anyway.
Not every beast deserves a beauty.

The redhead smiles up at me before she goes to her knees, pulling my briefs down with her. They pool at my ankles before she wraps her hand firmly around the base of my dick. Her touch is foreign, yet rehearsed—experienced even. But what did I expect? I did pick her up at a bar last night. Another slut willing to use her mouth or spread her legs. That’s the best type.

I throw my head back and let out a deep breath as she gives me what I need; a release. A release from fucking reality. A release from the nightmares that seem to be on repeat.

A year. 

It’s been almost a fucking year, yet it feels like I was with her just seconds ago. The way her tight pussy felt wrapped around my cock—it was pure ecstasy as I took her the only way I knew how; hard and fast.

That memory has me reaching down and burying my hands into the curly red hair of the woman who kneels at my feet. I tighten my grip, taking control, and fuck her mouth roughly. Her fingers dig into my thighs, and she gags on my dick. She takes it though, like a fucking champ.

I won’t let up. This is how I like it. This is how I need it! I need to take control and know that I have the upper hand. My body stiffens and my balls tighten as I feel my release nearing. I am gripping her hair so tightly; to the point I know it is painful for her. She makes a sound in the back of her throat that vibrates my aching cock. I let out a moan myself as I come down the back of her throat.

I pull out of her mouth and watch as my come dribbles down her chin. “Get dressed,” I order once I pull up my boxer briefs and walk past her as she remains kneeling on the floor. Trying to catch her breath.

I make my way into my bedroom and throw on my worn-out jeans along with a plain, white t-shirt before I walk out into the kitchen. I find Parker, my roommate and best friend, along with his stupid cat, sitting at the table.

“Morning,” he says cheerfully as he slides what’s left of his cereal over to his cat, Puss Puss, to finish off.

“Quit feeding her that,” I say opening the fridge to look for something to eat for breakfast. “She puked by the back door yesterday after you gave her milk,” I complain, slamming the fridge. Nothing. I walk over to the cabinets.

“But she likes it,” he says as he strokes her back.

I roll my eyes and then slam the cabinet.

“What is wrong with you?” he asks as the doorbell rings.

I start to walk away and mumble, “Just tired.” You would think getting off would have helped my mood, but not so much. My dick’s already hard again for
. The one woman I can’t have again.

I readjust myself before I go to open the door and see my sister standing there with a bowl of something in her hands. She smiles a big smile and her bright green eyes shine from the morning light. 

I try to ignore the pain in my chest that I still feel when I’m around her. She’s been through so much and I can’t help but wonder how things might have been different for her had I just come clean with her when I found out I was her half-brother. I kept it a secret for years, afraid that she would push me away. So when I reappeared in her life, I let her believe that we were just old childhood friends. We’re the same though. We run when we’re unsure of something. I’ve always been that way. “Good morning. What are you doing here?”

To be honest, Sam is the only woman I have ever cared about in my life. My past is something I try not to think or talk about. She has always been the only thing about my past that I want to remember.

“Well, good morning to you, too.” She smiles. “I brought you guys breakfast,” she explains holding up the dish in her hands.

Breakfast! Thank God, I’m starving. I move away from the door and allow her in. We enter the kitchen and she sets the dish on the table.

“What’d ya bring?” Parker pesters in greeting.

She removes the lid and Parker’s eyes light up as he reaches in to grab before she slaps his hand. “Have some manners,” she says before she walks over to the cabinets and grabs some plates. She turns back around with a smile on her face but it drops the second she looks behind me and her bright green eyes narrow.

I spin around to see the redhead now fully dressed in the same skeevy black skirt and white top that she was wearing when she approached me at the bar last night. Her curly red hair is messy from where my hands have just been, and she has a devious smile on her face as she stares at my sister. “Good morning, Sam.” She cocks her head and lets out a little laugh.

“Morning, Ginger,” Sam says flatly as her eyes continue to burn a hole in her.

Parker’s head whips back and forth quickly as he takes a bite of his Danish, not caring to wait for the plate that Sam holds in her hands. I take a step back, half expecting her to throw said plate at Ginger’s head. I’ve seen her fight another woman before over her now husband, Slade. I have a feeling I’m gonna have to break one up here in a second.

“Well, sweetie.” The redhead then looks over to me.
“I’m out. Call me later.” Ginger then walks over to me and plants her lips on mine.

I’m not much for kissing and hugging. I stray away from anything that is soft and a show of affection.

I place my hands on her shoulders and kindly but firmly push her away and frown but I don’t respond. 

I watch Sam as she continues to stare at Ginger as she leaves. As soon as we hear the front door close Parker looks up at her. “What was that about?” he asks through a mouthful. The smirk on his face tells me he’s enjoying the tension.

Her shoulders fall and she sighs. “That girl was about to have sex with Slade the first time I saw him.” I had kept an eye on Sam for the past several years. When she moved here to St. Louis I couldn’t believe my luck. She had moved here with her ex, Jax. He ended up cheating on her, and well, almost getting her killed. I was anxious when she met Slade. He went through women about as fast as I do. You never stop to think about how the women feel until you see your sister fall for the same type of guy you are. Thankfully, Slade fell in love with her, so I didn’t have to kill him.

“What?” Parker asks through laughter. Slade was Parker’s best friend growing up.  I met him while on our Vegas trip a year ago and somehow he became my roommate.

She frowns but nods. “Yeah, in the women’s bathroom at Larry’s. Where he asked me to join them for a threesome.” She looks to me. “And now she’s sleeping with my brother,” she growls.

I shake my head. “We have not had sex,” I say matter-of-fact.

Parker continues to laugh. “So what, she just sucked your dick?” He then smiles when I stare at him expressionless. “Nice.”

She had come over last night but passed out cold from her drunkenness. So this morning was our first chance to fool around. My dream of Missy ruined the morning sex I was planning on having. But when she offered up her mouth… “Pretty much,” I say before I take a bite of my breakfast. Sam’s eyes narrow on me. “What?” I ask with a shrug. “I don’t fuck every chick who comes over,” I say in all seriousness.

“You guys seriously need therapy,” she states before she falls into a chair at the kitchen table.

Parker points his finger at me. “I’m sure she’s not the only girl you’ve shared.” Her head snaps over to him and she gives him an evil stare with her bright green eyes. “St. Louis is a small town.” She huffs. “Truly. It is.” He nods his head quickly.

“So,” she says defensively, “maybe if you guys didn’t bring home a different woman every night it wouldn’t be so small.”

I go to speak but hear my front door open again. We all sit at the table and watch as my brother-in-law, Slade, walks in with a smile on his face. He has a white bag with pink hearts on it slung over his right shoulder and my newborn niece is cradled in his arms.

“What are you doing here?” she asks accusingly.

The smile drops off of his face at her harsh greeting. “I was on my way to take Sadey to my parents’ for the day when I thought we would come by and see the guys.”

Parker stands up from his chair, wiping his hands on his jeans, and walks over to him. Slade hands Sadey over to him without a word. “What are you doing here?” he asks her.

She gestures to the dish sitting in the middle of the table. “Brought breakfast. But it looks like Tate already had some.” She looks over at me with narrowed eyes, and I can’t help but roll mine.

She’s Missy’s best friend now. She has always been on Missy’s side and I don’t blame her. I don’t deserve her sympathy. My actions are my own and I will own them. I’m the jackass and always have been. I’m used to it.

Slade looks over at me before he runs a hand through his disheveled, spiked hair. “I’m confused,” he says shaking his head. “Why is breakfast such a bad thing?”

“Tate got his dick sucked this morning by someone you have apparently fucked,” Parker says with a smile on his face.

“Parker,” Sam snaps. “Don’t speak that way in front of Sadey.”

He snorts. “She can’t hear anything I say. She’s not even two months old.”

Sam huffs and then looks over to her husband. “Ginger was here,” she says—like that name should mean something.

Slade turns his blue eyes on mine, and he smirks.

“What was that?” she accuses straightening her back. “Some guy code for good job?” she asks, her voice rising.

Slade tries to hide his laughter behind a cough. “Angel.” He calls her by her pet name. It gets annoying sometimes but I’m happy she has someone who loves her as much as he does. “If you remember correctly, you interrupted us. We never did anything,” he reminds her, smiling, and she relaxes a bit back into her chair.

“You asked Sam to have a threesome with you guys?” Parker asks. “Threesomes are the best.” He nods to himself as Slade shakes his quickly trying to signal shut the fuck up. Parker ignores him as he turns to Sam. “So jealous,” he says with a smirk on his face.

She crosses her arms over her chest and lets out a puff of air in frustration. “You just wait til you fall in love and other men want her.”

“Not gonna happen, sweetheart,” he says as he holds up Sadey and starts talking baby talk in her face.

I understand what she means. After what happened between Missy and me in Vegas, she started dating Braxton. Parker’s little brother. I know, right? One big fucked-up mess. It killed me having to see Missy with him and it still does. But that’s what she deserves. He is a good kid and much closer to her age. I’m six years older than her. He has a career and great future. She deserves the finest things in life—not a life shadowed by secrets and darkness.

BOOK: The UN Series Complete Box Set
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