The Ultimate History of Video Games: From Pong to Pokémon and Beyond—The Story Behind the Craze That Touched Our Lives and Changed the World (35 page)

BOOK: The Ultimate History of Video Games: From Pong to Pokémon and Beyond—The Story Behind the Craze That Touched Our Lives and Changed the World
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Nintendo’s counterclaims did not go to court until May 20, 1985. On July 29, 1985, Judge Sweet ordered Universal to pay Nintendo $1.8 million for legal fees, photocopying expenses, costs incurred creating graphs and charts, and lost revenues.

By the time the case was concluded, the video-game industry had nearly vanished and Coleco had entered the doll business.

As of this writing, Milton Bradley is still manufacturing

ColecoVision generally sold for $195. By this time, Atari had cut the price of the VCS to $135, in preparation for releasing a new game console called the 5200.

In 1978, an Atari executive named Joe Robbins made a foresighted agreement that gave Atari exclusive rights to

Skip Paul and Ray Kassar told Joe [Robbins], “You go over to Japan and talk to Namco, but don’t sign anything with them.” We [Atari] felt that they owed us money.

A week later Joe comes back. He’s had his picture in the paper, signing this deal with the Japanese and playing with [Masaya] Nakamura on a golf course. He agreed to give them $1 million, and they got to renew their contract, but we got the rights to their coin-op games. At that point they had no hits at all.

It was like Jack and the Beanstalk, and Joe came back with these worthless beans.

Well, one of those beans was a little game called
In retrospect, it was the best buy of the decade, but at the time, I think it pretty much cost him his job.

—Al Alcorn


This action was taken to clear the way for Dino DiLaurentis to remake the movie.

Nintendo’s lawyer, John Kirby, reminded the court of Sheinberg’s angry claim while cross-examining him.

The Fall

They reached a pinnacle in interactive game design with
If I was on a desert island and I had AC, I’d have
There’s no question.

—David Thiel, former sound engineer, Gottlieb


But Atari’s biggest coup this season will probably be extraterrestrial: this week Atari will launch its first
video game in time to hit toy shelves in November.

—William D. Marbach with Peter McAlevey, “A New Galaxy of Video Games,”
, October 25, 1982


Spielberg wanted to make
into a
game, but I wanted to do something original. In retrospect … Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea.

—Howard Scott Warshaw, former game designer, Atari Corporation

In the Arcades

No one realized that the arcade business had begun to collapse in 1982. Arcade owners, still believing that all it would take to set the business right was a few good games, watched for hits and tried to rebuild their businesses. And some of the best games of all time came out between the end of 1982 and the middle of 1983.

Robotron 2084

I was thinking about the novel
There was a lot of excitement about the whole Orwell thing and [the year] 1984 was upon us, and I was noticing that things were not at all like they were in the book.

I’m kind of a science-fiction guy, and I was thinking about it and … well, decided that probably not too much is going to happen in the next couple of years. It was really going to be 2084 when the ship runs out and it’s not going to be humans subjugating humans, it’s going to be robots doing the subjugating.

—Eugene Jarvis, creator of
Robotron 2084


Eugene Jarvis and Larry DeMar left Williams shortly after completing
, the first game Jarvis created as an independent consultant. They started a consulting firm called Vid Kidz that designed games for Williams. Then, in 1981, Jarvis crashed his MGB and broke his right hand.

Jarvis’s arm was still in a cast when he and DeMar began their next project. As they had with
, Jarvis and DeMar started by fleshing out a story about the game. They decided the game would be about an Orwellian world. Since 1984 was only three years away, it was obvious that the world was not in sync with Orwell’s timetable, so they set their game in 2084 to give mankind an extra century to create a viable Big Brother.

Mankind had created a race of robots to use as servants in Jarvis and DeMar’s story, but the robots had evolved to the point when they no longer needed humans, so they took over the world.

The idea is that right now we have all these machines that are serving us. They’re getting more and more intelligent, and at some point we’ll see computer rights activists because these things will be so smart and you’ll be
talking to them and they’ll be your buddy and they’ll be your information agent on the Internet, and then some guy comes along and unplugs your computer and screws up your hard disk or something and it’s like, wait a minute, that was murder! It’s like killing your dog or something.

So, computers are running around, trying to help our lives and scooping up our shit and everything, and finally they realize, “What do we need these guys for? I mean, they’re nasty people, they build nuclear bombs, they kill each other. We’re having all these problems with them. What’s the equation here?”

—Eugene Jarvis


Robotron 2084
begins, robots have conquered the world. Players cannot hope to restore mankind. The game has no end; it simply repeats until the player runs out of lives.

Players control a tiny hero with a large head and thick glasses, whom Jarvis thought looked like Elton John. The hero and his family are the last humans, and the robots, according to Jarvis, want to catch them and put them in a zoo.

As usual, Jarvis wanted a game in which players were surrounded by enemies. He prided himself on creating games with nearly unwinnable circumstances. In this case, every scene in the game began with the hero and his family completely surrounded by robots. In order to survive, players had to help the hero dodge and shoot the robots and save family members, while avoiding mines and projectiles. The game moved at a frantic pace.

In almost every game like
Space Invaders
, everything comes down at you. Our idea was that being in the center of something would cause incredible panic. Things are coming from all sides and you are just like, “Oh, my gosh!”

—Eugene Jarvis


Jarvis’s car accident played an important role in the designing of
Robotron 2084.
With his hand in a cast, Jarvis was laid up in bed for a few days. While trapped in bed, he thought about a popular game from Stern Electronics, in which players helped a man run through a maze while shooting slow-moving robots. Jarvis loved the game but hated its joystick-button configuration because the same joystick was used for moving the character and aiming his shots.

When Jarvis returned to work, his cast made him unable to handle the standard joystick and button configuration used with most games, so he and DeMar rigged a two-joystick controller by attaching two Atari 2600 controllers to a panel. In this configuration, one joystick controlled the hero and the other aimed his gun.

It was the first game to introduce the twin joystick, which let you fire in one direction and move in the other. It’s a very challenging control, most people cannot … probably 80 percent of the population cannot pat their head and rub their stomach at the same time. You actually have to be fairly coordinated with both hands, and you have to be able to deal with running away from something and shooting in another direction.

—Eugene Jarvis


Williams sold less than 20,000
Robotron 2084
machines and considered it a success. In later years,
Robotron 2084
would become one of the most highly esteemed trophies among video-game collectors.


D. Gottlieb & Company, the group that helped found the coin-operated amusement industry with
Baffle Ball
, entered the video-game industry late. Columbia Pictures owned Gottlieb & Company by the time Gottlieb produced
Coca-Cola owned Columbia Pictures, so some Gottlieb employees joked that Coca-Cola was their boss.

Gottlieb had only one hit video game—a quirky little title named
The project began when an artist named Jeff Lee drew a stack of cubes on his computer screen in a tribute to M. C. Escher.

Being a fan of the great Dutch artist M. C. Escher, the master of optical illusions, I constructed a stack of triad-based cubes. Admiring my derivative handiwork, it struck me, there’s a game in here somewhere!


Lee created an Escher-like pyramid of blocks and a two-legged character with no arms who hopped along the blocks and shot enemies with projectiles that he fired from his hose-like nose. He called the game “Snots and Boogers.”

Gottlieb had recently hired a programmer from Bell Laboratories named Warren Davis. Though he was assigned to a game called
, Davis sometimes roamed around the office, hoping to try his hand at other projects as well. One night Jeff Lee’s 3D blocks caught his eye.

was kind of a Skunk Works project. Warren Davis was a good programmer who had no track record whatsoever doing games; he just thought it would be a fun thing to do.

Warren saw this stuff that Jeff Lee was working on, these shaded cubes that filled his screen, and asked if he could have a copy of the art. He started playing with it and said, “You know, the problem with this is that it shouldn’t cover the screen like this.” So he made a pyramid out of it.

—David Thiel


Davis’s biggest contribution to the game was changing its theme from shooting to strategy. Davis eliminated the nose-gun and changed the goal of the game to saving the main character rather than killing enemies.

One night a Gottlieb employee named Ron Waxman saw the game and told Davis that the blocks should change color whenever the armless character jumped on them. With that suggestion, the game finally had a clear goal: changing all of the blocks to a particular color while avoiding enemies.

During a meeting, another Gottlieb employee named Richard Tracy suggested that the game and its main character be named Q*Bert, a name that he derived from the words “Cube” and “Hubert.”

The game began taking shape. Q*Bert’s enemies became more ludicrous than menacing. They were comic animals that included a bouncing snake named “Coily,” a mop-headed gremlin named “Ugg,” and a tiny hood in shades named “Wrongway.” Lee suggested creating two rather harmless imps named “Slick” and “Sam,” who made extra work for Q*Bert by changing the blocks he had touched back to their original colors.

Lee and a sound engineer named Dave Thiel came up with a humorous device for giving Q*Bert a distinctive personality. They set the game up so
that when Coily, Ugg, or Wrongway caught him, or when players ran Q*Bert over the edge of the blocks, he gives a trailing-away scream followed by a sickening thud. At other times he muttered angry gibberish words and a word balloon appeared above his head with messages like “@!#@!”

Now, in parallel with this, completely independently and having nothing to do with what Warren and Jeff were up to, I had been tasked with using this speech chip that was on a pinball sound board. It was a really unpleasant task because the technology was crummy. You had to manually put together these units of speech, these little sounds, and try to make it say things. It’s not the same as joining letters together on paper and ending up with words.

We wanted the game to say, “You have gotten 10,000 bonus points,” and the closest I came to it after an entire day would be “bogus points.”

Being very frustrated with this, I said, “Well, screw it. What if I just stick random numbers in the chip instead of all of this highly authored stuff, what happens?” It sounded alien. It sounded like somebody should be able to understand it, but, of course, you couldn’t understand it because it was gibberish.

By that time, Warren had Q*Bert bouncing around on the cubes, and I said, “Have I got something for you.”

—David Thiel

BOOK: The Ultimate History of Video Games: From Pong to Pokémon and Beyond—The Story Behind the Craze That Touched Our Lives and Changed the World
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