The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 17: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women (6 page)

Read The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 17: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women Online

Authors: Victoria Lawson,Monica Austin,Emma Bishop,Kim Wilkerson,Evelyn Hunt,Lois Hodges,Nellie Cross,Lori Dixon,Carla Burke,Bonnie Robles

BOOK: The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 17: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women
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Not even trying to hide my anger I stormed from the room, not even noticed by my friends and family. Once in the cool and quieter lobby I leant my back against the wall. The stone was cold against my back, calming me almost instantly. Today definitely hadn’t turned out how I had dreamt it to be in many different ways. I closed my eyes, letting my body relax against the tight constraints of my white dress.


Someone cleared their voice, disturbing my peace; I opened my eyes curious to whom it was. Before me stood William, dressed handsomely as he had always done; he looked just how I remembered him. I had to shut my eyes and re-open them just to make sure he was actually here. Still not convinced when he remained where he was I reached out my hand, touching the soft warm skin of his cheek. I removed my hand quickly when I realised I wasn’t dreaming and he was actually here.


“Hello Charlotte,” he said slowly, clearly trying not to scare me. I was stunned, I hadn’t seen him for so long and here he was.


“William,” I whispered gently, letting the name I hadn’t used in years run off my tongue.


“I’m sorry for running; for leaving you, I had no choice,” he said. Sadness was so clearly in his face, edged into every detail. I had no words to say to him; I had dreamt conversations, imagined them but now I just didn’t know what to say to the man I had loved for so long.


“I wasn’t going to speak to you. I saw the wedding announcement in the paper and I knew I just had to come, to see if it was true. But then you saw me and you looked so sad; I could never leave you that way. I just couldn’t resist,” he breathed. I struggled to take the words in, to make sense of what he was saying; he had left me before, why not again.


“I never left you; I was always close but I just couldn’t see you. You wouldn’t understand and I can’t tell you,” he said as if reading my thoughts like he used to. I nodded slowly and then ran, straight back in to the room I had just come from.


My eyes darted around wildly, trying to find George, to get the comfort that he always gave me. He had been there years later when I was still broken; he saved me from William once before and he needed to do it again. I had never told him about William but he had always known there was something missing in me; something that he had tried so hard to fix over the time we had been together. When I couldn’t find him I collapsed down into a seat putting my head in my hands; wiping away the tears. I had run because that’s what he had done; it’s the only thing that we knew how to do to each other.


I moved my feet under me to make myself more comfortable, only to collide with soft flesh. My eyes darted open and I looked down at the sight beneath me. On the floor was a heap of skin and fabric that stank of alcohol. I leant down to inspect it closer; my husband was passed out under the table at our own wedding. I was even more fuming than before now; my emotions were in overload, I had had more than enough to deal with today without this. I stormed from the room, taking a different exit again this time.


The party was still going on around me; nobody had noticed the absence of the bride and groom. They were too distracted by the free food and alcohol. I slammed the exit door behind me, not caring if it hit anybody and looked around at my surroundings. Luckily, even though I had only been here once before, I knew where I was. I took the nearest flight of stairs to my bedroom; it was obvious that George wouldn’t be joining me anytime soon. I highly doubted he would even make it to bed that night; what a wedding night this would turn out to be I laughed humourlessly to myself.


I reached the room within a few minutes and pushed open the door; the room was large and exquisitely decorated in gold. The walls held golden tapestries and antique furniture filled the room. A strong scent radiated from the large open fire that had already been lit, covering me in the delicious wood scent. I breathed it in before heading over to the corner and kicking off my heels.


Thankfully my bags had been brought up and I had something to change into. I huffed again at the irony of my wedding night, we had waited this long to consummate the marriage. Despite George’s drinking he felt strongly that we should wait until we were married to have sex. So I was frustrated and alone, I was going to need a release before I went to sleep.


A small noise from the other section of the room interrupted my thoughts. I dropped my bags to go investigate the source of the disturbance, curious to who was in my room. Stood in front of a second fire place, warming his hands was William.


I stopped in my tracks; I didn’t think I would see him again after I ran. He turned towards me, a sad smile edged across his features as he took me in. His silhouette was marked against the roaring flames of the fire. The only other thing in this side of the room was the large four poster bed, adorned with red roses with the light from the fire dancing off of it. I had dreamt for so long that this was what my wedding night would look like. The man I loved more than any other, in a place that was so beautiful.


I couldn’t hold back much longer, it had been so long since I had felt him and I was hungry for it. The black lust in his eyes showed that he felt the same; his eyes raked my dress. For now I no longer cared where he had been or why he was here now waiting for me. Thoughts of my husband passed out left my mind as my eyes met his; it felt like he had never left my side. He walked over to me quickly, not wasting any more time apart. He clearly wanted me just as much as I needed him.


The gap between us was closed in an instant as he wrapped me up in to his arms. I caved in to him willingly, pushing my body against his soft warm skin. His musky scent filled me; it was the same as I remembered it to be from so long ago. He pulled away from me; urgency was clear in his manner. Before I could breathe a word he slammed his lips down on to mine, crushing them beneath his own. I gasped loudly as he explored my mouth, my pussy already burning with desire. His hands searched my back, rubbing whatever skin was exposed on my body.


The feeling was sensational, overwhelming all my senses at the same time. He continued to explore my lips hungrily as if he had never felt them before. I joined him, feeling the passion and adrenaline surge through my body. What we were doing was so wrong but perfect at the same time, I couldn’t imagine being in anybody else’s arms but his. Whether or not he hurt me again I no longer cared at this moment, he was what I wanted. His fingers picked up speed, running the white ribbons of my dress between them.


I moaned as he caught my skin with his rough hands. He pulled away from me all too soon and moved his hands to my cheeks. He held them firmly in his palms, not allowing me to move. His eyes stared directly in to mine, piercing them and me. I could barely breathe as he took his fill of my face before crushing his lips roughly back on to mine. I moaned in pleasure as he pulled the first of the ribbons holding my dress in place.


It started to loosen as he continued down the back, slowly releasing me from its binds. My body shivered as his fingers teasingly brushed the new skin that he exposed. My dress dropped down to the floor, the sound echoing off the walls around us. His lips parted from mine again as I quickly took a step back to remove the dress from my feet. He watched me move, he eyes raking over my body.


All that covered me were my thin white panties, matching suspenders and bra. The fabric was delicate and lacy, fitting my tanned slender body nicely. I took one last look at my discarded wedding dress; this was definitely what I wanted and needed. I looked back up at William, lust and love filled his smile as he watched me hungrily. He moved suddenly, pushing in to me a second later. His suit pressed in to my exposed body as he reached up to remove his jacket. He threw it over a nearby chair, followed hastily by his sharp blue tie. He moved his hand to his shirt to take it off but I stopped him abruptly. It was my job to take that off; I wanted to feel his chest. He let me easily, dropping his hands away.


I quickly ripped the buttons apart desperate to be closer to him. Within a minute he was bare chested in front of me; his shirt joining the rest of his clothes. I reached out to touch his toned chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat behind the tanned skin. He moaned softly as I touched him and let my fingers trail over his smooth skin. My legs were growing weak now, my pussy alight with pent up frustration. I had not felt the touch of a man in the long years since I had met George and I needed it now, I craved it.


He grabbed my waist, lifting me firmly in to the air. I hit the soft bed quickly as I perched on the end waiting for him. He stood between my legs running his finger up my naked thighs, so close to my soaking pussy. He touched the thin fabric of my panties, almost sending me over the edge of desire.


Before my body could cave he took a step away from me. The sound of his belt undoing hit my ears as his trousers dropped quickly to the floor. He threw them over to the rest of the clothes along with his shoes and came closer. The only thing covering him were his black boxers, they were almost as dark as his jet black hair.


I moaned in anticipation, his erection was large and ready underneath the fabric, waiting for me. I reached up to remove my bra, wanting to be even closer to him. He stopped me quickly, shaking his head at my actions.


“No leave it on. I have imagined this day for so long, what our wedding would have been like. Please leave them on,” he whispered.


He words caught me off guard; I would never have guessed he would have imagined me like this. Even though I had been imagining this moment i
n my head for much longer than I cared to think about. I did as he wished, dropping my hands to my sides. He smiled immediately and moved his hands back to his boxers.


All urgency had returned as he dropped them quickly. His cock was released from its hold; a small amount of pre-cum glistened in the fire light, betraying his excitement. I licked my lips with the anticipation of his large size inside my tight pussy. He smirked as I stared at the cock I had missed greatly; he moved in closer, his short breaths caressing my tender skin. He pushed me down with his hand as I pulled myself further on to the bed. He leapt on top of me quickly, almost crushing the air out of my lungs. I could feel his damp cock pressing hard against my panties.


He reached down moving them aside so he could get to what he wanted. I stretched my legs willingly, desperate for him to be inside me. William gripped my thighs holding them tightly apart as I moaned at his rough touch. I breathed in heavily as he pushed hard into my waiting pussy. A small sign of satisfaction left his lips as he immediately started at a fast pace in side me. I struggled to match my breathing as he pounded harder, his lust evident. I tightened around him, feeling the length and size of his cock. He fitted my tight shaven pussy perfectly as he repeatedly hit my spot again and again.


My breathing peeked as he flipped my body over, resting me firmly on my hands. He knelt behind me, managing to push himself further in side. I screamed out into the room, letting him hold my thighs tightly in his hands. I could barely contain myself as he rammed me; I let the feeling flow over my body.


The built up frustration over the last few years intensified the feeling of him. William was the man I loved and he was fucking me harder and harder. I screamed as the pleasure hit all of my senses at once leaving me breathless.


My heart raced as he continued, keeping the pleasure going for longer than I thought possible. He came inside me just as I collapsed down on the bed exhausted, the last few waves running through my veins. The soft thuds of his heart on my back calmed me as our sweaty bodies intertwined. We curled up together on the indulgent feather sheets, allowing our hearts to return to normal.


“I missed you,” William whispered softly, kissing me on the forehead. I nuzzled my head onto his shoulder, making myself at home.


“I missed you too,” I said just as quietly whilst wrapping my arm around his chest. We lay for hours together as the sky darkened and the sun rose again. Neither one person nor sleep disturbed our peace.


After ten years we were finally together again; all I had to deal with now was my husband...



[Hope you liked the story and don't forget your
8 complimentary
books, which you may find a download link to on the last page of this collection, just after the 11th story ends. Now, on to the next story!]

She focused on the grain on the back of the wooden door to steady her nerves. Though she came here with some regularity, it was usually with some of her girlfriends after work. Tonight was different.


So far, Kristi thought, the date was going relatively well, even given her nervousness. Mark had picked her up right on time, which in itself made more than a few points with her. She recalled with a wry smile his total understanding when she asked to be picked up at a local Starbucks as opposed to her townhome. You just never knew anymore who could be a great guy one night and a crazy ass stalker the next.


She finished and stood, waiting for the sound of the toilet flushing automatically behind her. Quickly she pulled down her skirt and put herself back together a bit before opening the door.


The bright fluorescent lights of the bathroom startled her as she exited the stall, and she took a moment to let her eye readjust to the new light level before fixing her face.


The face which looked back at her from the mirror was young, but perhaps not as young as most would guess just by looking at her. Although Kristi had freshly turned thirty, she knew she could and did pass for a girl almost ten years younger. She opened her mouth slightly to apply a finishing touch of lipstick before stepping back a bit to give herself a final visual once over.


Now to see if Mark was still at the table, she thought, opening the door and stepping back into the small and cozy French bistro.


She was still almost fifteen feet away when she saw Mark look up from the table and flash a warm and soft smile in her direction. She unknowingly returned it, all the while realizing that the sound of her heels on the wooden floor made it not only impossible to surprise anyone in the restaurant, but also made her, at least for a few moments, the center of attention.


“Thank you,” she said as Mark held her chair for her. “It isn’t like you and the world didn’t hear me coming a mile away.”


“No,” he said as he reached for his wine glass, “I don’t think that elderly gentleman over there turned his head your way. The rest did, though to the ire of their companions for the evening.”


“Mark,” Kristi whispered, leaning forward so that her chest brushed against the edge of the table, “I think that the elderly man is blind, you know.”


Mark laughed softly and cocked his head slightly to the side, “OK, so he is. Should I tell him what he is missing out on?”


“Goodness no,” she replied, feeling the flush which always accompanied compliments directed her way. He was obviously flirting with her, which from her perspective was a fine art. Usually a comment that obvious would strike her as cliché or trite. Yet somehow Mark made it sound sincere.


Perhaps it was, Kristi thought.


The rest of the dinner passed even more pleasantly than the first half, and Kristi found herself relaxing, enjoying the quiet sounds of conversations in the distance and the divine aromas of her coq au vin.


Mark seemed to follow suit, and soon their conversation became more natural and Kristi felt herself having fun and even tossing out a few jokes. Unbeknownst to Mark, this was a sign that she was starting to let down at least a few of her walls. It was hard for her to let anyone in, but what was behind the walls was worth the wait.


At least she thought so.


They stood almost in unison from the table after Mark had paid the bill, but as she was about to thank him for the lovely dinner, she caught a look of distress on his face. Quickly he stood and rushed to her side.


“Let me help you, dear,” he said, leaning in and helping with her chair.


“Oh, my,” Kristi replied, “That’s so nice. I’ve never had a man help me up before - it was always just helping me sit.” Damn it, she thought to herself the second she said it. She’d rather poke her eyes out with her heels than sound like such an immature schoolgirl.


She stood and realized again that Mark smelled like no other man she’d been out with before. Somehow he had captured that fresh out of the shower smell that she adored. Surely this was some sort of product and she found herself dying to ask what exactly it was, though that again might result in a round of her new favorite sport - heel poking.


With a near electric jolt, she was snapped back to reality by the light touch of Mark’s hand on the small of her back. Inadvertently she looked up and straight into his deep brown eyes. For a moment she felt he was going to lean forward and close that last little sliver of space between them and kiss her.


“You okay?” he asked, looking intently down at her.


“Yes,” she murmured, feeling like he’d just caught her in her own little Dionysian fantasy. “I just think my foot fell asleep. Need to get the circulation back a bit.”


“Sure,” Mark replied as a small smile crept across his face, “Let me help you.”


She felt his arm slide around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She realized now that regardless of whether he felt this was a coy ploy to get him to hold her or a sincere loss of circulation that she would need to play along a bit. She glanced down at her feet, which were sleekly sheathed in five inch black sling-back pumps. For whatever reason, she decided it would be her right foot which was the trouble.


She again felt the tingle on the back of her neck which always happened when she felt men were watching her from behind. On impulse she let her hips swing a bit more for a step or two, but almost immediately felt Mark’s grip tighten just slightly.


“Just testing the new foot,” she said in Mark’s direction and with a slight chuckle, “I wanted to see if it was fine to take my weight.” Not likely that she could tell him that though she was by no means an exhibitionist, she did enjoy men finding her attractive.


Finally they got to the valet stand and as Mark asked for his car, Kristi felt the cool breeze coming off the Gulf brush past her legs. What felt cool on her bare legs felt almost chilly on her arms.


“It will be just a minute,” Mark said as he turned back to face her. “It has cooled down since we got here, hasn’t it.”


Wordlessly he took off his dinner jacket and draped it over her shoulders, and Kristi felt his hand gently run down her arms, almost as if to make sure she was well protected from the brisk night air. Kristi instantly felt the heavy wool warming her skin.


With a flash of the headlights and a quick double-toot on the horn, the valet brought around Mark's crisp but understated midnight blue Lexus. As the valet came around, Mark gave him his tip along with a slight smirk for the unappreciated toot.


After giving the valet the stink-eye, Mark opened the passenger door for Kristi and guided her with the lightest of touches. She noticed that his hand lingered a bit longer on the small of her back, though she didn't mind. In fact, she was always a sucker for gentlemanly conduct as it was becoming so increasingly rare. But was it her imagination or did his hand brush a bit lower this time?


As the door opened his hand brushed around her hip and then left her, hanging in mid-air to take her hand and help her into the plush interior. As she took his hand for the first time, she was surprised at how soft yet firm it was. How was it that the most innocent of gestures could suddenly set her off on a river of consciousness?


Without her even realizing it, Mark shut her door and quickly slid into the seat beside her and shut his own door with a soft click. Without a sound the soft and melodic sounds of some classical artist encompassed the cabin, its quiet power warming her as much as Mark's jacket had a moment before.


Mark slid the car into gear and pulled away from the restaurant. At the stop sign leaving the entry he stopped - and for much longer than he should.


"Mark," Kristi asked from under somewhat wine heavy eyelids, "Is everything alright?"


"Actually, no," Mark sullenly replied, "It isn't."


The car suddenly and immediately grew silent in spite of the music. Deafeningly so.


Uh-oh, Kristi thought to herself as her natural and overblown sense of paranoia came barreling suddenly to the fore. "What is it?"


With the most serious look she'd yet seen from him, Mark turned to her. "We simply can't go on in such blatant violation of safety. Please allow me to fasten your seat belt"


Before she could respond, Mark had unbuckled his own seat belt and leaned over across her body, his fingers groping for the belt. As she felt him begin to draw the belt over her she realized her mouth was still smiling a bit in surprise.


For whatever reason, she sucked in her slight stomach; almost as if how the seat belt fit would in some rare respect reflect on her weight or femininity. On hearing the sudden intake of air, Mark at that very moment looked up at her, his face mere inches from hers.


Panicking, Kristi realized that some sort of comment was needed here, if not actually expected. Without having an idea of what she would say, she opened her mouth a bit in preparation, assuming whatever came out would be sensible. In the same fraction of a second, Kristi wondered if there were enough heels in her closet to redeem herself.


But instead she felt a warm softness on her as Mark's lips touched hers. She realized from the tentativeness of the kiss that Mark we as nervous now as she had been earlier in the night. She kissed back, hopefully letting him know that everything was okay.


Feeling her response, Mark kissed her more fervently but still well within the bounds of what one would normally expect on a first date. Finding herself wanting just a bit more - though not that much more, Kristi reached up and let her fingers run up Mark's neck until she could let her nails dig ever so slightly into the back of his head. She let her mouth open a bit, knowing that any man would take that hint.


And so he did, and for the slightest of moments their tongues touched. Against her will, Kristi felt herself getting a bit away from herself and pulled away.


"The seat-belt?" she asked, finding herself looking at Mark from under her extremely long lashes.


"Oh, yes. Sure," Mark stammered a bit, obviously flustered more than a little.


Damn it man, Kristi found herself thinking to herself. If Mark apologized as it appeared he would it would really take the special feeling she had all the way down to nothing.


"That was unexpected, but very nice," she said, just to allay any of his potential lingering concerns.


With a wry smile that made her want to ask what was on his mind, Mark slipped the car back into gear and pulled out into traffic. He still hadn’t shared where exactly they were going. It seemed to Kristi like they were headed back toward the coffee shop where Mark had picked her up.


“We're just a few minutes from the coffee shop,” Mark said, almost as if reading her mind. “But my place is on the way. Might I interest you in a drink? It also has a great view of the city skyline, which is beautiful at this hour.”


Kristi readily agreed, though hoping she wasn’t sounding too eager in her response. Surely anyone could tell that the invitation was almost certainly for quite a bit more than a mere drink and a pretty view. She’d hadn’t committed to more, at least not consciously. Seeing Mark’s hand draped casually over the center console, she reached over in the dim light of the dashboard and took it in hers.


Without much more ado they arrived at Mark’s apartment, though Kristi likened it more to a penthouse, though surely the city sported nothing with such a high-brow label. In size it was fairly modest, occupying half of the top floor of a twelfth floor building overlooking the harbor and, in the distance, the lights of downtown twinkled in the night.


As Mark opened the door with a flourish and motioned for Kristi to precede him in, she gasped audibly at the interior. Everything that fronted the water was fronted by wonderful French doors, all of which were open, permitting a cool breeze to waft through the space, bringing with it the exotic aroma of the sea. The light of a crescent moon cast everything in a soft, pale, and somewhat green-tinged light.


“How lucky could one man be,” a voice came from somewhere within and off to the left, follow by some brassy horns.


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