The Ultimate Betrayal (16 page)

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Authors: Kimberla Lawson Roby

BOOK: The Ultimate Betrayal
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o when are you gonna ask your husband for a divorce?” Levi asked.

Alicia was headed over to Melanie's, but she'd called Levi a few minutes ago. She'd enjoyed her time with him yesterday, and she also wanted to see him again, but asking Phillip for a divorce wasn't part of the plan. She didn't like sleeping with two men and practically living a double life, but what other choice did she have? It was true that she didn't know how she could keep this up, but going to Phillip with the truth and confessing that she wanted out of the marriage wasn't an option. He would never understand, his world would be shattered, and Alicia didn't want to be the cause of that.

“Sweetheart, why aren't you saying anything?” he asked.

“No reason.”

“Well, when are you planning to tell him?”

“You know I can't do that.”

“Okay, wait a minute. You're joking, right?”

Alicia sighed. “Baby, please don't do this.”

“Do what?”

“Pressure me about Phillip.”

“I don't believe this. Not after everything you said to me yesterday.”

“And I meant every word. I really do love you, and you're the only man I want to be with. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm married.”

“And being married doesn't change the fact that you're in love with me. That you're living a lie with your husband.”

Alicia pulled up to a stop sign, looking both ways. “Why can't we just enjoy each other?”

“Because that's not enough for me, and you need to make a decision.”

Alicia wondered where all this was coming from. Why Levi's tone sounded much different than it had when she'd seen him.

“Look, I don't wanna fight with you, so why don't we talk about this later?” she said.


“Why are you so angry?”

“Like you said, let's just talk about this later. Are you coming by when you leave Melanie's?”

“You're an hour away.”


“I can't be gone all evening again. Phillip will think something's up.”

“What about just for a couple of hours?”

“It'll take that long just to drive there and back.”

“So you're not coming?”

“I wish I could. Maybe Monday.”

“Even though that's your husband's day off?”

“Then Tuesday.”

“That's three days from now.”

“I know, but I can't get away before then. We have church tomorrow, and my mom and stepdad are driving down for dinner.”

“I really thought you were ready to make things right.”

Alicia didn't know what else to say. She'd thought being with him and admitting how much she loved him would be enough, but it wasn't. “Hey, I'm almost at Melanie's, so can I call you when I leave?”

“Yeah, all right.”

Alicia waited for him to tell her he loved her, but he didn't. “I wish you wouldn't be so mad.”

“What do you expect?”

“For you to understand.”

“Just call me back.”

“Fine,” she said. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Alicia ended the call, and she could tell Levi still wasn't happy. He'd been so different yesterday, content and glad to be with her. But today he wanted more, and she had to talk him down from that.

Alicia drove down Melanie and Brad's street and turned into their driveway. When she grabbed her purse and got out, she saw the garage door rising.

“Hey, how are you?” Brad said.

“I'm good. You leaving?”

“Yep. Need to head to the office for a while. You can just come through here if you want.”

Alicia was glad she'd parked in front of their third garage door and not the double one, so Brad could back out okay.

“Is Mel in the kitchen?”

“No, she's upstairs, but you can go on in,” he said, then added in a whisper, “And thanks for doing this.”

“Of course. I'll see you later.”

Alicia walked inside the house. “Mel?”

“Hey,” she said. “I'll be right down.”

Alicia set her bag on the island, looking around. When she spotted the refrigerator she walked over and opened it. There must have been forty shakes divided between two rows. Ten packages of four. Alicia also saw two bags of butter lettuce, which she loved, but she didn't see much else. That is, unless you counted all the condiments and bottles of water. There weren't any eggs, milk, juice, or yogurt, all of which she'd seen plenty of times in Melanie and Brad's refrigerator, so things had definitely gotten worse.

Alicia closed the door and sat down at the island.

“Hey, girl,” Melanie said, walking into the kitchen and hugging Alicia.

“Hey,” she said, relieved Melanie hadn't caught her snooping.

Melanie took a seat across from her. “So what are you up to today? I was glad you called this morning.”

“Nothing, really. Just wanted to come by to hang out for a while. We haven't done that in weeks.”

“I know. I've been working a lot of hours and spending a lot more time with my dad.”

“How is he doing?”

“Okay, but he won't watch what he eats.”

“I can tell he's gained weight. I noticed it the last couple of Sundays at church.”

“He really has, and I hope he does something about it.”

“Have you tried to talk to him?”

“I want to, but I don't have the heart. Not when my mother is already making him feel bad enough.”

Alicia still couldn't get over some of the things she'd heard Mrs. Johnson say and do over the last three months. She was a whole different woman. Although, Alicia was starting to believe Phillip's philosophy. Maybe this truly was the way things had always been behind closed doors.

“Your poor dad.”

“Yeah, I know.”

Alicia could tell Melanie wanted to say more, but as usual, she didn't. “So what's new?”

“Girl, you don't even wanna know. And hey, can I get you a bottle of water or something? I meant to go to the store to get some juice and soda, but I never got around to it.”

“No, I'm fine. But what's going on?”

“Well, for starters, Brad lost another twenty thousand dollars.”

“What? Are you serious?”

“Yeah, and I'm getting pretty tired of it. Yesterday, I'd decided I wasn't going to let him worry me, but when I woke up this morning it was the first thing I thought about.”

“And he lost this money in the stock market, too?”

“That's what he says, but I think it's something else.”

“Like what?”

“I don't know, maybe gambling.”

“Has he ever done that before?”

“Years ago, but it was never a problem. He used to like betting on horses.”

“Now I kinda remember that. But he never did that all the time.”

“No, but maybe now he's caught up.”

“I hope not. Maybe it really is stock related.”

“I don't think so.”


“Just a feeling I have. He's still gone all the time, too, and when he is here, all we do is argue or ignore each other.”

“I hate hearing that,” Alicia said, thinking how when Brad had called her yesterday she'd had no idea they were having so many problems. He'd made it seem like all he was concerned about was Melanie's weight-loss issues.

“Yeah, well, if he loses any more money, I'm going to get to the bottom of it. Because it's not like I've seen any proof that he's lost it from trading.”

Alicia sat listening and the more Melanie talked, the more Alicia hated to bring up the real reason she'd come by to see her.

“So how are things with you and Phillip?” Melanie asked.

“Everything's great.”

“I'm really happy for you guys. I never told you how worried I was back in June, and I'm glad everything worked out.”

“Worried about what?”

“Levi being out of prison. I really thought he was going to cause trouble, but God had a different plan.”

Alicia had no idea why Melanie was suddenly bringing up Levi, and she sort of resented it.

“Well, I guess we've both been a little worried about each other,” Alicia said before she could stop herself.

“Really? What were you worried about?”



From the time Melanie had walked into the kitchen, Alicia had noticed how thin Melanie's face was. The jogging suit she wore also looked way too big, but Alicia had pushed it out of her mind for the time being.

“Mel, I hope you don't get upset with me, but you have to start eating again.”

Melanie raised her eyebrows. “What do you mean? I eat every day.”

“But not enough. You've lost a huge amount of weight, and you don't look the same.”

“Oh my goodness, first my dad and now you? Brad has been lying to both of you, and you actually believe him?”

“Mel, this has nothing to do with Brad. I'm looking at you right now with my own eyes, and you've lost way too much weight.”

Melanie folded her arms. “Please tell me you're kidding.”

“I'm not. Mel, do you think I would say anything at all unless I thought it was absolutely necessary? I've loved you like a sister for years, and I don't want anything to happen to you.”

“Like what?”

“I don't want you to become physically ill. Or worse, end up in the hospital.”

“Hospital? Yeah, it's just what I thought. Brad has gotten to you big-time. He was talking that same nonsense yesterday.”

“Mel, look at how big your clothes are. Everything you wear to church is way too loose, and so is that sweat suit you're wearing now.”

Melanie shook her head, dismissing Alicia. “Is that what you came over here for? Was this so-called visit some sort of trick?”

“No, I really wanted to see you, but I also want you to get some help. What if you really have an eating disorder?”

Melanie stood up. “Wow, so my mother spent years insisting that I needed to lose weight, and now you're telling me I need to gain it back? You must be out of your mind.”

“Mel, do you think I would come to you like this if it wasn't for your own good?”

“I don't know, you tell me. Or maybe you just hate that I'm finally smaller than you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Don't play dumb. I've always weighed more than you, but now that the tables have turned, you don't like it.”

Alicia stared at her in shock. “You're really messed up, aren't you?”

“No, I'm fine, you're just jealous.”

Alicia half laughed. “I know you don't believe that.”

“I'm positive of it, and I think you should leave,” she said, walking over to the door and opening it.

“You know, I'm getting a little tired of you kicking me out of places. You did this same thing when you collapsed in the ER, but I let it go.”

“Well, that makes two of us, because I'm tired, too. I'm sick of you being in my business.”

“Why can't you see what you're doing to yourself?”

“Why are you judging me? Did I judge you when you ruined your marriage to Phillip?”

“Oh, so we're going there?”

“I'm just being honest.”

Alicia wanted to set her straight, but she knew Melanie was sick, so she stayed as calm as possible. “Mel, let's not do this. Why won't you just let me help you?”

“Are you deaf?” she said, frowning. “How many times do I have to ask you to leave?”

So much for keeping composure. “Girl, please,” Alicia said, picking up her handbag. “You won't ever have to ask me again. I'm done with this.”

“As you should be.”

Alicia got up and walked over to the doorway. She and Melanie locked eyes, and Melanie slammed the door behind her. They'd never gotten this angry with each other before, and while Alicia was glad to be leaving, she drove away sad, furious, and in tears.

hree hours had passed since Alicia had stormed out of Melanie's house, yet Melanie was still beside herself. She was livid, and she had a mind to call and let Alicia have it once and for all. They'd been the best of friends for years, but Melanie wasn't about to let Alicia judge her and tell her what to do when Alicia had done all kinds of unspeakable dirt. She'd married Phillip and had treated him like nothing. He'd been the best husband any woman could hope for, but Alicia had nearly ruined his credit and slept with a drug dealer. She'd even gone so far as falling in love with Levi, and the only reason she'd stopped seeing him was because he'd gone to prison. Melanie also wondered whether Alicia was telling the truth about not having any contact with Levi since he'd been released. Because it wasn't like Alicia had been the one to tell her Levi was out. Brad had heard about it from Phillip, and when Melanie had asked her why she hadn't told her, Alicia had shrugged it off like it was no big deal. She'd claimed that Levi was the least of her worries, and that this was the reason she'd forgotten to mention it. Melanie had wanted to believe her, but she still hadn't forgotten the night of her father's surgery when it had taken hours for Alicia to return any of their calls.

There was no way Alicia would make the same mistake twice, though. She was selfish and a little spoiled, but not even she would sleep with the same man who'd broken up her marriage the first time. She wouldn't do something that crazy.

Alicia had, however, brought her behind over to Melanie's and accused her of being mentally ill. Unlike Brad and Melanie's dad, Alicia hadn't used the word
, but she had thrown out the term
eating disorder
, which was the same thing. What incensed Melanie more was the fact that Alicia and Brad had clearly been discussing her behind her back. What kind of best friend did that? Melanie had always thought she could trust Alicia with everything. Alicia was her sister, BFF, ride-or-die chick, and confidante to the end. Or so she'd thought, but now Melanie was rethinking their friendship. She'd also thought she could trust her own husband, but he'd turned against her as well. He was the reason her dad and Alicia had confronted her in the first place.

“How dare he,” she said, picking up the phone and dialing Brad. It rang multiple times until she heard his outgoing voice message.

“Hi, this is Brad Richardson. Unfortunately, I can't take your call right now. But please leave a detailed message, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks so much, and have a great day.”

“Brad, I know you're probably ignoring my call on purpose, but thank you for telling all those lies about me to my dad and Alicia. You've got a lot of nerve, and you can bet this conversation isn't over. And when are you bringin' your lowdown behind home, anyway? I can't believe you did this to me. You're such a liar, and you can't be trusted. Actually, instead of coming home, why don't you find somewhere else to stay tonight, because I don't wanna see you. Bye.”

Melanie ended the call and dropped the phone on the island. Brad made her sick. But that was okay, because Melanie wouldn't let anyone—not Brad, Alicia, or her dad—impede her progress. She'd lost twenty whole pounds, and in no time, she'd be down to 140.

Melanie got on the treadmill, power walking at top speed for an hour, and then thought about her dad. So after drinking a full bottle of water and allowing her heart rate to return to normal, she called him on his cell phone.

“Hello?” he answered.

“Hi, Dad.”

“Hi, sweetheart. What's up?”

“Something's been bothering me, and I wanted to talk to you about it. But not in front of Mom, though.”

“She's gone, so go ahead.”

“Is it true that you and Mom are struggling to pay bills? She seemed really upset yesterday, and that worries me.”

“Honey, we are having a bit of a time, but don't you think twice about it. Once I go back to work, we'll be fine.”

“But we don't know when that'll be. You could be off for another month or longer.”

“I'm sorry your mother burdened you with this. She never should've talked about our finances in front of you.”

“No, but I'm glad she did. I don't want you going back to work before you have to, so just come by my office on Monday. That way Mom won't have to know anything.”


“I'm giving you a check.”

“You really don't have to do that.”

“I know, but I want to.”

“What will I tell your mother once she sees that all the bills are paid?”

“I don't know. Tell her whatever you want, but you can't afford to be stressing over money. Not with your heart condition.”

“You're such a good daughter. Especially with the way we treated you.”

“You're still my parents, Dad, and you don't have to keep apologizing for that.”

“I feel like I do. I sit here day in and day out, thinking about everything I said. All the mistakes your mother and I made.”

“It's in the past.”

“Bless you.”

“Just call me Monday when you're on your way, and I'll meet you out in the parking lot. I hope ten thousand will be enough.”

“No, no, no, that's way too much. We don't need all that.”

“You never know how long you'll be off, so I want you to take it.”

“I sure do appreciate it.”

“You're welcome. I'm going to get off of here, but I'll see you at church tomorrow.”

“See you then, and I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Melanie felt good about helping her dad, but after a few minutes she thought about Brad and the way he'd betrayed her, and her joy turned to rage.

She picked up her phone and called him again. It rang until his voice mail answered again. She had a mind to drive over to his office so she could
him talk to her. She knew that was his place of business, but she didn't care about that. She'd long been tired of Brad's legal cases taking priority over their marriage, anyway, so maybe showing up unannounced was the best way to handle things. Maybe confronting him at work, especially if some of his partners were there, would get his attention.

Melanie dialed him one more time, and when he didn't answer she ran up the stairs to shower and change clothes. If she hurried, she could be at Brad's office within an hour. But as she walked into her bedroom, the doorbell rang. She frowned when she realized it might be Alicia. She sort of hoped it was, because if Alicia was planning to harass her about her weight again, Melanie wouldn't hold back this time.

She went down the stairs, through the long corridor, and peeked out the window. Melanie wondered why two police officers were standing there.

She opened the door. “Yes?”

“Are you Melanie Richardson?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Ma'am, we're sorry to have to tell you this, but your husband was in a pretty bad car accident. He's been taken to Mitchell Memorial, and you should get there as soon as possible. If you'd like, we can drive you.”

Melanie heard every word the officer was saying, but she couldn't respond to him. She couldn't move or think because her body went numb.

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