The Tycoon's Blondie (The Tycoon Series Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: The Tycoon's Blondie (The Tycoon Series Book 2)
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She shrieked
and was soon giggling as he caught her in his arms and threw her over his
shoulder, growling like an angry bear.

“Me keep
up…now you’ve done it, woman.  See if I let up even once tonight!  Mark my
words, baby.  Tomorrow you won’t be able to walk, you’ll be that raw!”


“Oh no, my love, that is a fact.” 

“Greg, I trust you are well
settled by now?”  George Bennett looked at the self-assured man sitting on the
other side of his desk and frowned.  He was out of the country when Greg was
hired.  There was something about him that was bothersome or troubling.  He was
not sure what it was, but it was there. 

settled, thank you, Sir.”

“Seeing as I
was out of the country and unable to interview you before you were hired, why
don’t you tell me a little about yourself and your career so far?”

listened with half an ear while paging through Greg’s personnel file in front
of him.  He frowned when he could not find the formal reference verification
documents.  Every person hired by his firm was properly referenced before the
time.  Something that is absolutely imperative when a partner is appointed. 
Even for only a divisional partner such as Scott.  He made a mental note to look
into this oversight with the Human Resources department.  He sincerely hoped,
for their sake, that the documents were only misplaced.

“I see here
you are engaged?  Tell me about your fiancée.”

Hadley, she is an Orthodontic Surgeon with her own practice.”

“I’ve read
about her in the News Weekly.  She has been identified as the preferred Surgeon
for all the major trauma units in the city.  That is quite a woman you have
there, Greg.”

“Oh, I agree,
sir.  That she is.”

“Well, we feel
that family is very important and would like to meet her.  My wife insists on
having a barbeque every time a new partner comes aboard, so that the families
can meet.  Would you be available on Saturday afternoon?  All the partners and
their families will be there to welcome your and your fiancée.”

“I don’t
foresee a problem with that, Mr. Barrett.  I am sure Allison won’t either.”

George nodded
and started probing deeper into Greg’s career background and specifically his
position at White’s, in Canada.  Greg started to sweat but forced himself to
calm down.  He was an expert at negotiating corporate contracts.  George
Bennett would not get him down.

A while later
Greg walked back to his office, feeling like a browbeaten dog.  George Bennett
drilled him nonstop for an hour and he was emotionally drained.  He frowned and
picked up his cell phone the moment he closed the door behind him. 

He scrolled to
Allison’s number.  She would just have to understand and accompany him on
Saturday.  This nonsense of hers needed to come to an end.  Pretending to have
a lover. 
  Who did she think she was fooling?  She was still in
love with him.  There was no way she would be involved with someone else.

He growled
when his call was rejected and he tried a few more times.  He cursed viciously upon
realizing she had blocked his number.  He dialed her practice and asked to
speak to her urgently.

“Who may I say
is calling, please?”

“It is her
Uncle Paddy.”  Greg blatantly lied and said the first person he could remember
in her life.

“Oh, Uncle
Paddy, you sound a lot younger that I though you would.  Please hold.”

He waited and
sighed in relief when Allison’s husky voice came on the line.

“Uncle Paddy? 
Anything wrong?”

“Darling, it’s

Allison drew
an annoyed breath.

“Do you ever
listen, Greg?  What about
‘fuck off’
did you not understand?  Leave. Me.

please, I need your help.”

“Sorry, I am
all out of playing Florence Nightingale.  This is the last warning, Greg.  The
next time you phone I will not stop Tiaan from ripping your head off.”

“Who the fuck
is Tiaan.”

Sheppard.  The man that I love and live with.”

“You are
fucking lying.  Tiaan Sheppard is a notorious skirt-chaser and would never give
up all those pussies for your dried up prune.”

Allison could
not help it and burst out laughing as she wiggled on the chair.  A hoarse gasp
escaped her lips from the sharp twinge that shot through her from her chafed
and very…no, make that
well used pussy the night before.

“What the hell
is so funny?”

“You are and
I’ll be sure to tell Tiaan what you said.  I am sure he’ll get a laugh out of
it as well.  Now you’ll have to excuse me and I am warning you, Greg.
Stop. Phoning.

slammed the phone down, lifted it and slammed it down twice more for good

Greg stared at
the phone in his hand, anger swirling higher and higher inside him.  He turned
to his laptop, opened his search browser and typed in ‘Tiaan Sheppard’.  Pages
of results flashed on the screen and he snorted.  He started looking through
them until a picture caught his eye and he cursed.  He opened the page.


The picture
was taken two weeks ago at the Ballet.  Allison was dressed in a black mini
dress and she looked like a Goddess.  Tiaan Sheppard stood next to her as large
as Zeus, his arm possessively slanted around her waist.  They were smiling into
each other’s eyes.  Greg’s furious eyes skimmed over the article.

Night at the Ballet

are probably looking at the photo and saying, are my eyes deceiving me?  Is
that one of the ‘Tycoon Twins’, Tiaan Sheppard, the notorious womanizing
bachelor gazing so fervently into the eyes of the exquisite blonde woman by his

it is not a mistake and yes, it is this reporters’ duty to once again report on
the remaining Sheppard twin.  The remaining unattached Sheppard twin that is. 
If you recall, his twin Mason was married a few weeks ago.

is he…unattached, that is?  The looks and caresses that the couple shared
throughout the evening told its own tale.  A tale as old as life itself.  A
tale of love.  Oh, yes.  I am an expert on the Sheppard twins.  I have followed
them around for years and reported on all their liaisons.

my dearies, is exactly the same look that Mason carried in his eyes that first
night I caught him and his lovely wife, Brooklyn, at a restaurant months ago. 
Who is she, you ask?  Well, therein lies the other surprise.  She is none other
than the renowned Orthodontic Surgeon identified as the preferred Surgeon for
trauma units across the city.  And…here is the scoop…also the cousin of Mason’s
wife, Brooklyn

this space…I am sorry to report ladies…I suspect, the super-sexy and super-hot
Tycoon is going to be off limits soon. 

he is not already!

Greg was in
such a rage, he swiped his arm in an arch, watching as cups and saucers
clattered to the floor. Documents were still fluttering in the air when his PA
rushed in.

“Mr. Scott, is
everything…oh…ehm…I’ll get someone to come and clean up for you.”

Greg did not
bother to reply.  He closed his eyes and forced his anger down.  How in the
fuck was he going to get Allison to see what they once had together could be
again?  That they belonged together.  It might have taken him awhile, but he
now knew she was the woman for him.

Besides, she
would never be able to live with the guilt of him losing his job if she did not
play along as his fiancée. Such was her nature. No, come what may, Allison
Hadley would be his wife.  Soon.

He picked up
his cell phone to call his cousin, Jarrod.  He was an IT specialist, who would be
able to keep track of any and all information on Allison’s movements.  One way
or the other, he was going to get Allison alone.




Chapter Thirteen

Allison looked forward to the
next morning. Her new partner and three new dentists were starting at the
practice and for the first time in years she could really enjoy her leave.

Oh shit!
My leave.”

She realized
with a start that it had completely slipped her mind to talk to Tiaan about
that.  It would be the first time since she started the practice that she had
planned a three-week vacation.  Everything had been booked and paid for over
two months ago and she was really looking forward to it.  Her first trip to
Bali. She always enjoyed going to places close to nature, with a fascinating

Allison made a
mental note to put a reminder on her phone to discuss it with Tiaan later that
night.  She was on her way to her monthly lunch date with Savannah and Willow. 
They were already waiting for her when she arrived and she waved at them before
slipping into the restroom.

Upon exiting
she froze and sighed.  Greg Scott was leaning against the wall in front of the
ladies room, clearly waiting for her.  She ignored him and started walking
toward the dining hall.  This time, however, he would not be ignored and
grabbed her arm to yank her into a small, secluded dining room to one side.  He
shut the door and immediately pressed her against the wall.

Let me go!

“Oh, no, my
darling.  I have had enough of you avoiding me.  We are going to fix this right
here and now.  We belong together.  We have been since college and I will not
allow you to walk out on me.”

“Oh my Lord,
you are truly demented.  A sanctimonious, pompous ass with no brain cells.  How
many times do I have to tell you that I don’t want anything to do with you?”

“Actions speak
louder than words, Sparkles, and I have seen the look in your eyes when you
look at me.  I feel the heat in your body the moment I touch you.  Oh, you
still want and love me.  I know that.  All I need to do, is to show you.”

His head
lowered and Allison started struggling in earnest, but he practically crushed
her against the wall, his body between her legs.  He lifted her higher so that
her feet dangled in the air.  For the first time in her life, she was scared of

No!  Ple…

His lips
closed over hers and he rammed his tongue so deep into her mouth that she
nearly gagged.  Her mouth was forced open so wide she could not even bite down
to get away from him.  He did not let up.  Gripping her hands in one of his, he
slammed them against the wall high above her head.  Dragging her leg around his
waist, he ground his aroused cock against her clit and Allison shrieked into
his mouth with rage.

Greg chuckled
and pressed his tongue even deeper down her throat.  Disgust flared through
Allison, but she was completely helpless.  Neither one heard the door open and
neither one saw the devastation on the man’s face in the door.

Tiaan could
not breathe.  The sight that met his eyes was the last thing he ever expected
to find when he stormed down the hallway.  They were engulfed in such an erotic
embrace, the sexuality oozed through the room.  His heart shattered into a million
little pieces as he watched Allison shudder and moan into the bastard’s mouth. 
Her leg twitching frantically in the air and the other clutched him around his

Now he knew
what they meant in the romantic movies when they said
‘I died inside’
because that was what it felt like.  Death.  He turned around and walked toward
the exit like a man on death row.  Doomed and broken.

Willow saw him
leave and frowned.  Did he not find Allison?  She jumped up and Savannah
followed her down the hallway.  Hearing the scuffle in the room, they flung the
door open all the way, watching Allison desperately trying to escape the death
grip the bastard Greg had on her.  Willow slipped her high heel shoe off and
stormed toward the couple.  She thumped Greg over the head with the back part
of her shoe and kept hitting until he jumped back to take cover.

Allison fell
to the floor, her lips swollen and bleeding.  Tears were running down her face
and she gasped for breath.  Her stomach heaved and she vomited.  Willow ran to
her side, gently wiped her mouth clean and assisted her to get on her feet. 
She was in such shock, she could hardly stand.

fucking bastard!
  That was it.  I am going straight to the police.”  She rasped
panting for breath.

“You will do
no such thing.  Your response just proved how much you still want me.”

“You’re a
fucked up asshole, Greg Scott.  Does she look like a woman who enjoyed what you
just did?”

The manager of
the restaurant peeped inside, having heard the loud voices.

“What is going
on in here?”

“Please phone
the police.  This man just assaulted this woman.”

“I did not
assault her.  She is my fiancée.”

The tall man
looked at Allison and back to Greg.  “I know these ladies, but I don’t know you. 
If this is how you treat your fiancée, I’d say it is high time she broke it off
with you.  Ladies, please follow me.”

He waited
until they left the room to close and lock it behind them, ignoring Greg’s shouts
to be released.

It was after
five by the time they were done at the police station, but she came away from
there with a restraining order against Greg.  She made a pending case that was dependent
upon him leaving her alone and he agreed.

Allison was
dead tired when she walked into the house and it upset her that Tiaan was not
home yet.  She immediately took a bath and got into bed, shaking and trembling
as the shock of Greg’s actions only then really penetrated her mind. She
started to cry and nearly did not hear her phone ring.  She answered, trying to
keep her sobs down.

“So, you made
it home.  I wonder why you even bothered.”

“Tiaan?”  His
voice triggered her distress even further and she sobbed into the phone. 
“Where are you?  Please I need you to come home.”

one not enough for you anymore?
  I am sorry to disappoint you Allison, but
I am not into threesomes and I have no interest starting now.”

W-what are
you talking about?

“I saw you
wrapped around your lover like a leech at the restaurant, Allison.  It was
actually quite sickening.”

“Tiaan, then
you know what he…
what did you say?

“You heard

That is
not what happened!  Please, he…

“I am not
interested.  You keep telling me you want him out of your life, yet everywhere
I turn I find you in his arms.  So go.  He’s all yours.”

“No, you are

“I want you
out of my house, Allison.  I will give you until Friday, but when I get home,
you had fucking better be gone.”

The phone died
in her ear.  Allison had never cried as much as she did that night.  She was
devastated and tried phoning him on Thursday, but he refused to speak to her. 

With her heart as heavy as lead,
she packed her bags for the trip to Bali and sent an email to Michael, asking
him to remove the rest of her things from Tiaan’s house.  She got on the plane
to Bali, heartbroken and alone.  The memory of the seven weeks of happiness and
bliss she had was the only thing to sustain her in the weeks to come.

“What the fuck is the matter with
you, Tiaan?  You have been drunk as a skunk every fucking night for the past

Fuck off,

Mason sighed
and looked at his brother.  He looked grey and haggard.  He had yet to hear the
full story of what had happened.  All he knew was that whatever it was, it broke
his brother.  He had no idea how to deal with this.  He knew how hard it was on
him when Brooklyn ran away, due to a misunderstanding, but this was more than a
misunderstanding.  Brooklyn had not been able to get hold of Allison either. 

“Tiaan, you
can’t continue like this.  You have become a monster at work.  I am too fucking
scared to let you go to customers alone for fear that you might lose it.”

“I am a
professional, Mason.  I know how to behave myself.”

“Talk to me,
Tiaan.  What happened?  You and Allison we…”

“Don’t fucking
mention that woman’s name to me again, Mason. 

“Tiaan, what
the fuck happened?”

Tiaan spun
around and stared out to the park, far below.  His heart still raw and heavy in
his chest.  No matter how many bottles of whiskey he threw down his throat, he
could not forget the picture of Allison in that erotic embrace and pressed up against
the wall.

Darcy appeared
in the doorway and cleared her throat. 

Hillary DeWitt is here to see you.  She does not have an appointment and I told
her you are…”

“No, send her
in.  Maybe she is just what I need.”

“Tiaan don’t
do something idiotic that you will regret in the morning.”

“What?  Fuck
Hillary DeWitt until she passes out?  Why the hell not?  I am sure it is
exactly what that little bitch is doing at the moment.”

frowned.  Now they were getting somewhere.  “I am sure there has been some kind
of misunderstanding.  Tiaan, think before you do something stupid.”

naughty man.  I have been trying to get in touch with you for weeks.  Mason,”
Hillary nodded at Mason and zoomed in on Tiaan where he still stood in front of
the window.

Mason shook
his head as Hillary snaked her long red nails over Tiaan’s chest to press
herself against his body.

“Remember what
I said, Bro.”

Tiaan ignored
him and smiled down at the beautiful redhead
against his body.  He grit his teeth as his cock remained flaccid in his pants,
no matter how he willed it to react.  He made a concerted effort not to think
of Allison over the next few minutes that he spent exposed to Hillary’s
flirting.  When she pressed her supple body against him again, his cock
twitched and rose to arousal against her hip slowly.

Hillary smiled
seductively at Tiaan and husked in his ear.  “Shall we lock your door, Tiaan?”

Tiaan locked
his fist in her hair and pulled her head back, meshing his lips against hers. 
He kissed her hard and deep, searching for that one spark that would push him
over the edge.  That would allow him to forget and to sink his cock inside her
willing and hot pussy.  She moaned into his mouth, wrapping her long legs
around his waist, moving her pussy up and down his cock.

He widened his mouth over hers
and she allowed him deeper access.  His hands closed over her buttocks,
squeezed and rolled her against his cock, grunting as he felt the heat enter
his balls.  His body reacting to the friction and heat of the female body against
his.  Closing off his mind, he reached for the zipper of her skirt.

Allison stood on the edge of the
cliff overlooking the churning ocean below.  Her dream holiday at the one place
she had wanted to go to since she was a little girl.  Bali.

Bali with its
beaches, surfing, diving, and resorts. So many of them, great and small, but
it's the essence of Bali that had drawn her there.  Bali and its people – the
Balinese – had turned her mere holiday into so much more than just a
fun-in-the-sun retreat. Even with her heart heavy in her chest.

The cliché of
the smiling Balinese could be taken too far but, in reality, the inhabitants of
this small island were indeed a generous, genuinely warm people. Their smiles
were legendary.  Open, honest and given without reserve. But they also carried
a funny, yet sly sense of humor behind the smiles.

She laughed
the first time she heard one of the locals exclaim ‘bung ujan’ to one of the
tourists on the bus.  The tour guide explained that it meant today's rain was
cancelled – it was their way of saying that the hairless head is like a clear

She sighed
again and sat down on the grass, folding her legs beneath her. Their gentle
nature had drawn her in and allowed her to enjoy the surroundings. In the
vacation she had looked forward to for years, particularly over the past few
weeks, she had imagined an idyllic time with the man she loved by her side on
the sandy beaches.  Tears filled her eyes and she bit back a sob.  She needed
to stop crying.  Tiaan had refused to give her the opportunity to explain,
believing he had seen something…
oh God, how could he?
  Just thinking of
the horrific way Greg had pressed her against the wall and kissed her…she could
not even fathom what a sight that must have been.  How could he not have seen
how distressed she was?  How could he believe she would do something like that
after the night they had before?

Greg did not
heed the warning from the Judge and did not stop calling her, forcing her to
switch her phone off the second day after she arrived in Bali.  To make matters
worse she had been under the weather the past few days and was sleeping even less
than she had the first week after her arrival.

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