The Tycoon and his Honey Pot (4 page)

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pulled away from him and turned to him with a frown.  “What pesky women?”

and Lucas glanced at each other and Michael knew he made the right call.  His
sister might not know it as yet, but she has fallen for his best friend … and
fallen hard.  Her obvious possessiveness a clear indication of the feelings she
already had. Mason, of course stood looking at her with a pleased smile on his

you need to worry about, honey.”

pesky women, Mason?”

cleared his throat again and muttered in a pretend whisper to Mason, loud
enough for everyone to hear.

thing about my sister, Mace, she can be a real harridan when she sets her mind
to it, and does not stop until she is satisfied.”

spat fire at him.  “I can’t believe that my own brother is selling me out! 
What happened to sibling honor and support?”

but I am, Bee!  I honestly believe you and him …” and he crossed his fingers
over each other, “…are a perfect match.”

threw her hands in the air and turned to go and change.  She was a few steps
away, only to turn around and walked back to stand in front of Mason, her hands
on her hips.

pesky women, Mason Sheppard?”

eyes were warm and his heart beat a mile a minute. He shrugged non-committedly.
“There are those odd celebs and models that pursue me now and then.”

not forget about those heiresses and business associates …”

shot a threatening scowl at Lucas for the annoying information.  Brooklyn’s
eyes narrowed to slits and she wondered at the anger flowing through her.  Just
the thought of those rich and famous hankering for him turned her blood to boil. 
What did she have to offer … what chance did she have against them?  Moreover,
why did it matter so much? They hardly knew one another!

pulled her shoulders back and turned away again, her voice brittle when it
reached his ears.  “As I said, I have plans tonight … with one of those odd
jocks that gawk at me.”

hardly took two steps when he wrenched her around to face him.  His jaw was
rigid and his eyes nearly black in anger.

hell you do!  Do not push me, Brooklyn!  I have told you and made my intentions
very clear, and in no way does that constitute a casual run of the mill
courtship.  Even less … any dates with anyone!  Anyone that is not me!”

chin lifted and she glared at him, struggling to keep her emotions in check. 
The past three days of working with him constantly has taken its toll on her. 
Made her realize what they meant when they called him the Wall Street Tycoon …
the shark in the tank amongst all sharks.  She came to see the ruthless side of
him, the brilliance of his mind … and the caring for his staff and family.

one word … he was perfect!

… you may have made one intention very clear … and that is that you want me,
but I am not into casual sex, nor am I interested to be a notch amongst those …
those celebs, heiresses and … business associates!”

black of his eyes swirled and the inky blue was more visible.  He lifted his
hand to draw his fingers through her silky soft hair.

I did not make my intentions clear enough then.  I want you in all ways
possible.  Not just in my bed but by my side, in my life.  There is a spark
between us, Brooklyn.  Something so strong and so intense we would be fools to
let it pass us by.  I, for one, am not going to and if I have to fight you all
the way … so be it, but you, honey pot, will be mine.  That is a promise.”

searched his eyes, and only saw warmth and honesty there.  She shook her head
slightly.  “This is just too much, too soon and way too fast.  I’m not used to
someone like you.  We will fight all the time!”

… and maybe not, but one thing I will promise you here and now.  I will always
make it up to you and whatever we fought about we will resolve together.  Look
at me, Brooklyn.”

lifted her eyes to his.  “I am a hard man … the years in the army does that to
a man … but I am honest and straight forward.  Know that I will never lie to
you and that I put high value on honesty.  When I want something I go after it,
with passion and drive … and I don’t give up. If I need to be ruthless to get
what I want, I will be … and I am extremely possessive.  So be warned, my love,
I will not stand for games to make me jealous.  I will simply destroy the man …
you, I will punish in a much more pleasurable way.”

you trying to scare me away, Mason?”

but.  I want you to know what I am capable off and what you are getting into
with me.  So, tell me here and now, Brooklyn.  Am I going to have to fight you
and your jocks every step of the way, or are you going to be honest to me and
yourself about the emotions and feelings you already have for me?”

for you I don’t scare easily.  I have to give you fair warning though.  I have
found … quite recently … that with you I will be just as possessive.  I will
not stand for any of your string of women either.”

is one thing you will never have to worry about.  You are the one that has lit
the volcano inside me, honey … and it needs to be fed … but only by you.”

… but just in case … I think I’ll sharpen my set of knives.”

watched her walk away, his heart thumping wildly in his chest.  He took a hell
of a chance being so open with her, but he somehow knew she was the type of
woman who would respond to it, demand it actually.

turned and returned his friends smiles.  “She was not serious about those
knives, was she?”

yes.  She’s is an expert at knife throwing.”

groaned.  “Another thing her dear brother taught her, I imagine?”

had to make sure she knew how to defend herself in the big bad world!”

I can concede to.  Exactly what was the purpose in teaching and turning her
into a speedway racer?”

my dear friend, you still have a lot to learn about my dear sister!  In many
ways the two of you are much alike.  Once she sets her mind on something, she
doesn’t stop until she’s got it.”

can vouch for that.  Michael refused for years and eventually she wore him down
and he gave in.  I guess we can be lucky that she only does it as a hobby, a
way to get rid of frustrations.”

guess I will have to make sure she has another avenue to get rid of her
frustrations then.”

frowned at him.  “Are you going to make her stop racing?”

I look like an idiot, my friend?  No, not as long as she drives with care and
skill.  Shenanigans such as I saw last week and some today … that is something
I will not allow.  I have not found the woman for me, just to lose her again.”

and Lucas glanced at each other and wondered if he even realized what he just
admitted to. Michael smiled and relaxed for the first time about this budding
relationship.  Mason was a highly passionate man, and it came through in
everything he did, the army, where he gave it his all and flew up the ranks …
well deserved of course.  The army was highly upset when he withdrew, but he
knew he had more to offer the world.  His business has become one of the most
sought after firms on Wall Street and they were in the process of expanding

smiled wickedly.  The other thing he was good at … even better than himself,
was racing … but he had no real passion for it anymore and only did it with
Michael fun for a year or so.  Michael was relieved at the time, knowing he would
have stood no chance if Mason really pursued it as a career.

my friend, when was the last time you were behind the wheel of a speed racer?”

grinned and nodded.  “You’re on … but don’t come crying when you lose.  I have
no intention of being soft on you.”

don’t know how to, Mace.  Lucas, do you think Brooklyn will mind?”

yes.  That is her pride and joy … her baby!”

get over it.” 

threw the red Camaro’s keys at Mason and Lucas handed him a helmet.  He
strapped it on and felt the adrenalin pumping through his veins.  He understood
Brooklyn’s passion for racing.  Hell … he was hooked for close on two years,
but he was not blind to the risk and dangers involved and stopped when he
realized he became reckless. 

returned and frowned when she noticed her racer and Michael’s at the start
line, clearly in a one on one individual race.  She ran up the platform and
joined Lucas who lounged against the railing with his one foot on the middle

is going on?”

Bee.  Nothing much, you?”

be obtuse, Luke!  Who is racing against Mickey and in my car?”

lifted an eyebrow at her and she gasped.  “What is he thinking?  Give me that

laughed.  “Relax, Bee, he’ll look after your baby.  He knows what he is doing.”

really … a collar and tie corporate junkie in a speed racer?”

raced with Michael in the beginning.  Damn good too.  Mickey always said if he
didn’t stop when he did, he would not have been the top racer today.”

do I not know about this?  I know all the top racers over the past fifteen
years.  Mason Sheppard was not one of them.”

Sonny Shepp was.”

Shepp … oh my God!  He was Sonny Shepp?  The Sonny Shepp that won the Dakar the
year after you all came back?”

… the one and only”

… isn’t this man full of surprises today.”


Chapter Four


“No Bee!  I
will not lie to him.  If you really want a shot at something permanent with
Mason, you will tell him the truth right away.  It is the one thing he values
above everything else.”

know that, but I can’t, not just yet.  Damn it Mickey, I did not even know who
he was when I met him on Saturday.  I only realized when you introduced him to
me.   I was so shocked that I had just made out … uhm … kissed my new boss!”

the hell can he not recognize you?”

… you remember the disguise I used when I worked at the Pentagon?”  She smiled
at the face he pulled.

are not serious?  I did not even recognize you then.  He is going to be furious
when he finds out, Bee and more than that, it could mean the end of a
relationship between you.  Don’t fool yourself in believing he will be too
smitten with you to forgive such a big lie.”

is such a mess!  Mickey … I don’t know … I’ve never felt about anyone like
this.  It is too quick … too much, I don’t know if I can handle someone like
him and I am scared.”

searched her eyes and realized she was more confused than scared.  It was clear
that she never lost her heart or fell in love during any of her past

he is a good man, but hard and ruthless with ingrained integrity that has never
failed him.  He is the most honest man I have ever met and he expects the same
from everyone he deals with.  I have known him for the biggest part of my life
and I value his friendship above all.  I will not lie to him.  Should he ask me
outright, I will be truthful.  For your own sake, make sure you are the one to
tell him before he finds out from someone else. I can assure you of one more
thing … he has never pursued any woman before.  He said this afternoon he has
found the woman for him, and he meant it.  You are in his future … long term
and if you do not intend to be, make sure he knows that too.”


never had to, he was always the one they pursued but he never had a relationship
with any of the women he took out.  You are the only one he wants.”

eyes were haunted and he knew she was in a quandary. He also understood how
important it was to her to have a well-paying job.  Finishing her studies was
very important to her and she was too proud to accept any of his offers to pay
them for her.  He respected her above all for that.  He knew deep in his heart
she felt the small deceit was justified, but he worried about Mason’s reaction
when he found out about it, and he had no doubt that he would.

have already started looking for another job and I am sure it would not be long
before I find one.”

was silent for a long time and then mumbled pensively. 

guess I can always sell the Camaro.  I will get more than enough to finish my Masters. 
If I do it full time I can write the mid-year exams in three months.”

mouth hung open and he swallowed air like a fish on dry ground.

would sell your baby … for Mason?”

eyes met his and he recognized the inner struggle tearing her apart. 

much as I love that red baby of mine, what Mason said is true.  There is a
spark between us that is so intense it would be stupid not to give it a chance
… and he could be … actually, I know he is the one I have waited for all these

pulled her close and hugged her fiercely.  “If you are serious about selling
the Camaro, I will buy her.  I have worked too hard on that tin can over the
years to see her going to anyone else.”

can!  Don’t insult my baby like that, you will hurt her feelings!”

laughed at her and looked up when Lucas and Mason walked into the lounge.  They
decided to have a quick barbeque at his place instead of going to a restaurant
for dinner. Mason walked up to her and pulled her in his arms, kissing her
softly on her lips. He turned to Michael, but kept his arm around her waist.

tell me the barbeque is already done, Michael.”

know what they say … patience is a virtue … you should try and practice it

you need me to show you how that is done too?”

laughed loudly without taking exception to the reminder, how far Mason beat him
on the track earlier today.  Brooklyn shook her head, still amazed at Mason’s ability
on the track.  Clearly the eight years since he last raced on a track did not lessen
his ability.  He raced with so much precision and skill it was amazing to
watch.  Even though her brother lost, her heart swelled with pride when he
crossed the winning line first.

as modest as ever!  I had hoped the years have made you slower, but you proved
me wrong.  I am just damn glad you are not racing anymore. I would have lost
all my groupies!”

huffed and shot her brother a murderous glare.  “Don’t put ideas in his head,

prompted a hard hug and warm lips to caress her neck and she moaned softly, her
arms folding over his that were wrapped around her belly. Lucas jabbed Michael
in the ribs.

think you better get that barbeque going.  It looks like they’re going to need
the sustenance for some reason or another tonight.”

two of them walked to the back patio where Lucas had set up the gas grill.  The
moment they disappeared through the door, Mason pulled her around and folded his
arms around her.  He caressed her round butt cheeks with one hand, whilst the
other traced her spine.  A shiver ran down her body and she closed her eyes at
the intensity of the feelings such a simple caress elicited.

looked down into her beautiful face and lowered his head, his breath hot
against her lips.  He waited until she opened her eyes before he lowered his
mouth to capture hers and his eyes held hers captive.  She nearly swooned at
the pleasure that curled her toes at the intimate kiss he immediately bestowed
on her.  Not slow and tender, but passionate and wild.  His tongue swirled on
the inside of her cheeks to caress over her teeth and palate before he swirled
his tongue around hers, sucking it into his mouth and drawing from hers wildly.

into his eyes while being kissed with so much passion and heat nearly undid her. 
She gripped him around his back and her nails dug into his muscled shoulders.
He growled, but went deeper as if he would devour her. His mouth slanted over
hers, searching, going deeper still and her eyelids fell closed.  Brooklyn felt
her nipples tighten and the hard nubs stabbed at his chest. Slowly he pulled
back, reluctantly ending the kiss.  He leaned his forehead against hers, their
breathing hard and their bodies trembled in need.

lifted her face to his with a hand beneath her chin; his expression one of
passion and need.

I need you … God knows I do.  I concede that this is very quick, but I also
know you want me as much as I want you.  I know you deserve to be courted, but
I won’t survive that long! Will you come home with me tonight?”

expression in his eyes told her how desperate he needed her to say yes.  She
could not deny the passion and desire flowing through her veins and gripped her
groin so tightly that she was in pain.

Mason, I need to go home with you tonight.”

swallowed and relief washed over his features, but his jaw remained rigid. He
caressed her lips tenderly with his thumb.  She closed her lips around the tip
and sucked it into her mouth, savoring the salty taste of him on her tongue. 
She swirled her tongue around the tip, sucking hard and he growled. He thrust
his arousal against the apex of her legs and she gasped.  God, he was so hard …
so invitingly tempting! Heat flowed down her body to drench her panties.

you very hungry, honey?”

“Suddenly not so much
for food anymore.”   He grabbed her hand and pulled her after him, shouting
their goodbyes in the direction of the patio.  She grabbed her duffel bag from
her room she always used over weekends when she stayed over.  They were in his
luxurious SUV before Michael and Lucas even realized they were leaving.

Brooklyn got
into the helicopter with a frown marring her brow.

thought we were going to your home?”

we are.”

is where exactly?”


mouth hung open and she gaped at him.  He laughed and gently pushed her mouth
closed.  She mumbled something under her breath and he frowned at her.

Brooklyn?  I’d like to hear what you say and think, not try and guess.”

glanced at him, then back out to the dark night below them, glittering with
shiny lights as far as you could see.   The helicopter was kept at LaGuardia
airport in northern Queens in a private hanger.  Based on the reaction of the
airfield personnel he was very well-known and respected. 

shook her head again and felt a band of uncertainty grip around her heart.  She
was a nothing, an executive assistant … his executive assistant!  Even when she
graduated and started to practice as an Industrial Psychologist, she would
still be nothing more than a middle class person.  How on earth would she be
able to compete with the celebrities, models, Business Associates and heiresses
that were pursuing him all the time?

What is the matter, honey?”

… I … this is not going to work, Mason.  I think it will be better if you take
me back.”

cursed viciously.  “Why?  Because I live on an Island?  Many people do, you
know.  I don’t own the whole damn island!”

you are the Wall Street Tycoon, fly your own helicopter and I am relatively
sure your house on … Block Island … is not one of the small town houses on the
beach front.”

cursed again.  “Where the hell did all of this come from all of a sudden? Never
mind, we will discuss this once we are home.  I can’t have our first fight with
you while I am flying.”

is not a fight.  It is a reality that I only now realize.  Take me back,

didn’t even glance her way.  “No.”

was the last word he uttered the rest of the trip and he totally ignored her
continuous requests to take her back.  His jaw was rigid and looked as if
chiseled in stone.  His hands gripped the controls until his knuckles were

noticed the helipad clearly lit in the distance. She deduced it was on the
Grace Cove side of Block Island.  Her heart shriveled even further when they
landed and she realized it was his own helipad on his own land.  He gripped her
elbow and literally threw her in the SUV parked in the garage, still ignoring
her pleas to be returned.

has been to Block Island a few times and every time she left wished she could
live there. It was such a tranquil, relaxing place where you could easily relax
and forget about any troubles. 

recalled what she read about the island the first time she visited.  The Island
was nestled in the Atlantic twelve miles from coastal Rhode Island, offered
what did not seem possible anymore - simple relaxation in a startling beautiful
place.  The Island was famous for its miles of free public beaches, sparkling
clear waters, dramatic bluffs, preserved open spaces, and fun-filled activities
for visitors of all ages.   Block Island has long been a haven for residents
and visitors who have found a quality of life there that recalled the pleasures
of a life that was simpler, slower, and somehow, more carefree.  It was no
wonder that the Nature Conservancy has designated Block Island "One of the
twelve last great places in the Western Hemisphere."

drive to his house was short and over much too quickly.  Mason got out on his
side and strode over to her in long, deliberate slides.  He held out his hand
to her and she looked up into his now black eyes, blazing fire. His mouth was
pressed in a thin line and he forced the words past his tight lips.

am not taking you anywhere tonight but to the stars in ecstasy, Brooklyn.  The
choice is yours.  You can walk inside with me, or I carry you over my

gaze fluttered to the house in front of them and she gasped. Before she could
appreciate the majestic three story house in front of them, he bent over and
pulled her up and over his shoulder.  He walked up the stairs to the front

Sheppard! Put me down!”

kicked with her feet and jabbed his back with her fists.  He retaliated by
giving her a hard slap on her bum and she screeched.

not test my patience, woman! I will put you down when I am well and ready. 
Now, behave!”

carried her inside and ran effortlessly with her bumping on his shoulder up two
sets of stairs and turned left in a wide passage.  He shouldered a door open
and she noticed from her upside down position it was his bedroom.  He walked
into the en suite bathroom and gently put her down.  His eyes burned into hers,
his jaw still tight.

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