Read The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) Online

Authors: Stephanie Hudson

The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (87 page)

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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“Give us a moment alone
” His friend smiled at him and then cocked his head round Draven’s large frame to give me a wink before departing. I couldn’t help smiling at the expression on Leivic’s face, like a
mischievous little boy that knew his friend wanted to be naughty!

“Find something amusing?” Draven’s voice brought me out of my daft grin that I was sporting.

“I like your friend
” At this he raised one eyebrow and gave me a quizzical stare.

“What?” I said in defence but this made him growl and
let out a little yelp as he grabbed me under my knees and pulled me under his

“Tough shit… you

!” At this his lips
claimed mine and the curtained material floated ar
ound us, hiding away our heated
bodies that were being overwhelmed with the sexual electricity we were producing.

I wanted to tell him no, wait, slowdown…anything to make him stop so that I could clear my head but the other part of me, my lust, wasn’t agreeing with me. Don’t get me wrong
it’s not like I didn’t want Draven doing this to me but here, surrounded by a room full of horny demons and angels all getting their kicks by watching us

I think he could tell what I was thinking because he seemed to be doing all the work. One hand was holding most of his weight above me
while the other was exploring my upper body
and quickly unfastening my jacket to make exploring easier
He then abruptly stopped kissing my lips to look at me. I opened my eyes at the movement and found him frowning.

” He said my name as to prompt me into telling him what was wrong but
even now
that frown of his sent
to my stomach. Like when you were a child and you had done something naughty in class and been sent to the headmaster
office about it. It’s the feeling when you’re stood outside his door waiting to be reprimanded. It was like that when Draven looked at me the way he was doing now. Would I ever get used to the masterly figure as my equal? I surely hoped so.

“It’s just…” Was all I could
manage in my shye
voice. This made his frown crumble and a soft smile replace it. He then let his body relax to the side of me and I wondered if his arm ached at all from holding all his weight on it for so long
? I
didn’t seem like it
. He ran soft fingers across my cheek and smiled at me.

“Keira, there is no need to be
embarrassed. I wouldn’t allow anyone to see us. I would never share you with anyone which includes seeing you like this. Hell if I could get away with hiding you away forever, for my eyes only
I would but I fear you would think it a little barbaric
” I laughed.

“A little?” I mocked making him just shrug.

“If I had found you in a different time I might have been able to get away with it
but now…in these modern times
I doubt harems would be acceptable
” I could tell he was teasing me but I still reacted the way he wanted me to. I let out a screech of disbelief and punched him on the arm that probably f
elt like I was gently lifting
lint from his sleeve. He laughed and I tried to keep the anger on my face.

“Harem is it! Well

welcome to it, just don’t expect me to be there lined up
with the other desperate mistresses waiting for a turn at a royal roll in the sack!” I was fuming after I had finished my little speech and Draven knew why!

“Desperate?” He said raising an eyebrow with an amused look in his deep eyes. This time I was the one to just shrug my shoulders not wanting to give him more fuel to play with.

“Royal roll in the…Sack was it?” He was clearly enjoying himself and
rolled my eyes and moved to get up, trying to put s
ome distance between us and
his wandering hands
hadn’t removed from my body this entire conversation.

I know I was acting a bit spoilt but I couldn’t help the green eyed monster that was seeping its way
to my brain
’s functions. I couldn’t get
the pictures of beautiful women all lay around waiting to pleasure Draven. Aurora being head of the pack!

I shifted and tried to sit up but Draven was quick and much stronger than I. His arm flashed across my body and forced me back down with little effort. He then moved his body on top of me and pinned my arms above my head.

“And where do you think you’re going
little one
?” He was still smiling and
I was still showing my anger despite what being pinned down by the worlds sexiest man was doing to my nether regions. I started to wriggle and when his manhood pressed closer to me I stopped
realising what my movements where causing. My frown was quickly replaced with surprise and a bitten lip. He took note of what my t
eeth were doing to my lips
and his eyes flashed purple with hunger.

“That looks tasty… here let me help you with that
,” a
nd then he dived into my lips so quickly his words died on my skin. He took my bottom lip into his mouth and sucked it up before running his teeth
over the inside, making them
quiver and turn hypersensitive.

He released my wrists but began desperately searching out the skin underneath my sweater dress.
growled when unconsciously my hips raised and met hi
s groin in ea
ger response. His reaction led him to lay
of his
weight upon me and
forced his tongu
e into my mouth to claim more of me
. His kiss kept getting deeper until my chest heaved and I was soon panting for air. He felt my body a
ching and instantly calmed his responses. That was the f
irst time I had seen Draven lose
his control if only for one
second and it had me wondering what sex would be like if he ever did lose complete control?

I could see his jaw tensing and his eyes closed like he was fighting the demon inside of him. His hands were shaking over my body and then they tensed into tight fists taking handfuls of my clothes into them. He looked like he was close to losing his inner battle and would soon rip
them to shreds
. Part of me wished he would!

” I asked nervously and my voice seemed to have
a soothing effect as he released
my clothes and began to breathe again unlike before when he had been holding his breath for the longest time. He opened his eyes w
hich were now back to their endless,
black pools of emotion.
He could see that once again I was back to biting my lip and his lips curved into a devilish grin.

“I wouldn’t do that again if I were you, or I might not be able to control myself next time.” I let my lip slip from my grip before he leaned down to kiss me again, this time gently as though he might break me.

“I take it I am forgiven?” He asked into my skin as he had moved to kissing me on my neck. When I started to shake my head he pulled away from me making me instantly feel cold without his touch.

“No? Well did I mention
in this Har
em you would be the only one there to…how did you put it…roll in my royal sack
” Now he was mocking me.

“Did you ever have a Har
em?” I asked but I couldn’t help the emotional flush that flooded my cheeks. I wasn’t sure I even wanted to know, well that’s not entirely true
I did want to know but only if it was the answer that I wanted.

It wasn’t.

“Long ago
” He waited for my reaction and smiled an evil bad boy grin when he got it. I tried to look away but he hooked a finger under my chin to force me to look
at him. He had one eyebrow raised and from the looks of things he was enjoying every minute of my me
tal torture.

“You know, the jealously you display towards me is intoxicating. It drives m
e crazy to know that your poss
essive nature towards me grants me
my own. It gives me great comfort to know I do not stand alone in feeling like you belong to me and I to you.” This statement couldn’t help but make me smile, which in turn spread to his lips also.

“I have to admit
I do
enjoy watching your reaction
to jealousy
” He said as he casually leaned his weight on one be
nt arm as the other was preoccupied with running
up and down my side. I decided to play him at his
own game, although the saying ‘
playing with f
came to mind, after all his temper was far worse than my own. It still didn’t stop me though.

“So that night seeing me kissing Jac…” I didn’t get any farther with that memory as he covered my mouth with one strong hand quicker than my eyes could register.

“DO NOT REMIND ME.” He growled at me and his purple eyes flashed their discomfort at the subject. I knew I had gone too far. He eased his hold and lowered his hand.

“It is not wise to let my mind return to that…THAT cruel night
” He truly looked in pain, which shocked me. I mean
I remember the pain I had felt when seeing Celina kissing him, back when he made me believe she was his fiancée to try and push me away. Did he feel the same that night when Jack had kissed me? It would seem so.

“Not so funny when you’re on the receiving end
is it?” I asked smugly and this actually made him look sorry.

“Touché. You are right, I should not tease you on such matters, even if I do enjoy your reactions
” He ran the back of his hand down my face before he continu

But you have to understand Keira, b
ack then I did not love. I didn’t give into it because it never fit. I always knew that one day I would
find you and to fall in love with
anyone but you was something I was
capable of doing. But
that doesn’t mean I never gave into the pleasures of the world and I have lived more years where a Harlem was not only acceptable but it was expected of a…a man in my position.” I think it was the first time I was seeing Draven uncomfortable talking about his past. I was about to tell him that he didn’t have to explain but he held up a hand to stop me.

“No, I want to tell you, to explain who I was then and who I am now…because of you. Back then I was hard and cold, like a living statue that was here to represent Heaven and Hell combined. I have lived more years to count but only now does it feel like I am alive. Like a rebirth. I never knew myself before I met you, I just thought I was the man that I had to be because of my responsibilities to a race I didn’t respect. But after meeting you
, I
not only change
my view on
love but on the truth of what I have
really been helping to protect

I started to see things I never knew existed, a compassion human
s can display freely to one
another. Like Frank and the
way he treats you
you can depend on him for anything, or the love and worry on your sister

s face that night when I brought you home in my arms.
It started to fascinate me from my very first meeting with you. Almost like you were honour
ed with the power of heaven to wake me from my ignorance
with the very first time I touched you

I was close to tears by the time he had finished expressin
g his feelings and I was taken
back by everything that I had learned. Did I really do all that for him? Was I really the one who had changed him for the better? It was a nice thought, thinking I brought out
humanity in Drave
n that had never surfaced until now
. Not to mention him saying he had never been in love before, now that was BIG!

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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