The Two and Only Kelly Twins (3 page)

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Authors: Johanna Hurwitz

BOOK: The Two and Only Kelly Twins
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It was not the first time either of the girls had been bitten. A book they had borrowed from the library warned that ferrets often nip their owners. The girls had gotten good at holding their pets in such a way that they escaped most little bites. But this was the worst bite Ilene had gotten.

Mrs. Kelly washed Ilene’s finger and put some iodine on the bite. It stung for a moment, but Ilene was brave and didn’t cry. Then her mother put a bandage on Ilene’s finger. “You must have startled Frankie,” she said. “That’s why she bit you.”

“Fannie,” said Arlene, correcting her mother.

“If you say so,” said Mrs. Kelly.

Ten minutes later, both girls were skating down the street, looking to see if their friends Monty and Joey were around. Ilene wanted to show off her wound.

Mrs. Kelly replaced the bandage with a clean one on Sunday and again on Monday. She put a fresh bandage on Ilene’s finger on Tuesday before the girls left for school. “You probably don’t need to cover it any longer,” she said to Ilene. But Ilene insisted.

So that’s how their new classmates could tell one twin from another on the first day of school. Arlene was in Mrs. Storch’s second-grade class. Ilene was in Ms. Frost’s second-grade class. And it was Ilene who was wearing a bandage on her left index finger. At least for the next couple of days.

It was quite amazing. On the first day of second grade, everyone was talking about it.

When Arlene walked into her new classroom, Caroline Marks came rushing over to report to her.

“There are
sets of twins in kindergarten this year,” Caroline Marks told her.

“No kidding,” said Arlene. “Three sets. That’s amazing.” She wasn’t exactly happy with the news. She liked being a twin and didn’t especially want to share that honor with the six new kids.

“That’s nothing,” Paul Asher said, pointing to a girl standing nearby. “She’s a triplet!”

“A triplet?” Everyone turned to look at the girl. She was not someone who had been in kindergarten or first grade at their school.

“I don’t believe it,” Arlene said.

The girl turned to look at her. Then she nodded. “It’s true,” she said. “I have a sister in Ms. Frost’s class and a brother in Mrs. Gregory’s class.”

“My sister, Ilene, is in Ms. Frost’s class,” said Arlene. “We’re identical. Are you?”

“My sister and I are identical, but my brother isn’t. Boys can’t be identical to girls,” the new girl said.

“I know that,” said Arlene. “What’s your name?”

“Claudia Best. And my sister is Roberta Best. We’re going to be the
kids in this school.”

Arlene looked at Claudia and scowled. Who did this girl think she was, having an identical sister and a brother as well? Best triplets! Phooey.

At that very moment, Ilene, in her new second-grade class, was learning about Roberta Best and her sister and brother. The brother was named Simon Best. Ever since they had started school, Ilene and Arlene had been singled out as special because they were twins. Now here was this Roberta, who had not only an identical sister but a brother, too.

Ilene felt very annoyed. How could she and Arlene be considered special if there were triplets in their school? Being a twin would no longer seem like a big deal.

“I’m a triplet, too,” she told Roberta when no one was nearby. Ilene didn’t know why she said it. Those words just came out of her mouth. And it was worth it to see the surprised look on Roberta’s face.

“Really? That’s weird that there are two sets of triplets in second grade.”

Ilene thought quickly. “My other sister doesn’t go to this school. Only my sister Arlene,” said Ilene. She didn’t want to have to point out two sisters to Roberta at lunchtime.

“What’s your other other sister’s name?” Roberta asked.

“Marlene,” said Ilene. That was easy to make up. Lots of people got confused about the similarity of the twins’ names and called them things like Marlene and Carlene and Darleen.

“Let’s sit next to each other,” said Roberta.

Reluctantly, Ilene sat next to the new girl. She hoped Roberta didn’t ask any more about Marlene, because someone might tell her there was no Marlene in the Kelly family.

Luckily Ms. Frost came into the room and everyone rushed to find a seat. The morning was filled with first-day-of-school activities: going over classroom behavior, giving out textbooks, getting consent forms to bring home for their parents, and stuff like that. Ms. Frost talked about some of the things that the students would be learning in second grade. And Mrs. Storch was doing the same things in Arlene’s classroom. So it wasn’t until lunchtime that the Kelly sisters and the triplets all met face-to-face.

As usual, Arlene and Ilene were wearing the same outfit. They both had on red shirts and matching pants. Claudia and Roberta were not dressed alike at all. In fact, Claudia was wearing a skirt and Roberta was wearing jeans. Their brother, Simon, had on jeans, too.

“I’m going to sit with some guys from my class,” he announced, and disappeared at once.

Ilene wished there was a way that she could disappear, too.

“I’d like to meet your other sister,” said Roberta to Arlene. “How come she doesn’t go to this school like you two?”

Arlene’s mouth dropped open with surprise.

Ilene gave her a poke.

“She’s extra smart, so she goes to a very special school for kids who are geniuses,” said Ilene, thinking quickly.

“We’re pretty smart, too,” said Claudia.

“Not as smart as Marlene,” said Ilene.

Roberta looked from Ilene to Arlene. “Does she wear matching clothes like you both do?”

Arlene might not have been as smart as the imaginary triplet sister, but she had already caught on to what Ilene was doing. “No. At her school the kids all have to wear uniforms,” she said.

“Then everyone would look like they are twins or triplets or quads or something,” Claudia said with a laugh.

“Yeah,” said Ilene. “Well, see you around.” Then she dragged Arlene to a table that only had two empty chairs.

“She thinks she’s so special because she’s a triplet,” she grumbled. “And what’s worse, with the name Best, she thinks they
the best.”

“I know,” said Arlene. “That’s just the way her sister is, too.”

Neither Roberta nor Claudia was shy. Considering they were new to the school, you’d think the two of them would keep together during lunch and recess. But when Roberta finished her lunch, she rushed outside to play. Claudia came over to where Arlene and Ilene were sitting.

“My sister and I would love to meet your other sister,” said Claudia. “What’s her name again?”

“Marlene,” said Ilene.

“Doreen,” said Arlene at the same time. She’d forgotten the name that Ilene had said before.

“What?” asked Claudia.

“Doreen,” said Ilene.

“Marlene,” said Arlene at the same time.

“There’s too much noise in here,” said Claudia. “Let’s go outside so we can hear each other better.” She put her arms around Ilene and Arlene and pulled them to the door.

Ilene looked over at Arlene. “Marlene,” she whispered.

Arlene nodded.

Roberta came over to join her sister and the twins. “So, can we all get together and have a playdate?” she asked.

“Oh, yes,” said Ilene, pretending to think it was a good idea. “Let’s do that sometime. Maybe next month.”

“Why wait so long? How about this coming Saturday?” asked Claudia. “Where do you live?”

Arlene looked helplessly at Ilene. Ilene looked scared. What had she gotten them into?

Arlene recited their address. At least she knew the answer to that question.

“But I don’t think this Saturday . . . ” she began to say. She was going to tell Claudia that they wouldn’t be home on Saturday, but she was interrupted by the bell. Recess was over, and it was time to line up to return to class.

“It’s a date,” said Claudia as she went off with Arlene.

“Who would believe that there would be two sets of triplets here in our new school?” Roberta whispered to Ilene.

Ilene shrugged. Who, indeed, would believe that?

Luckily Roberta and Claudia were not walkers. They took one of the big yellow buses waiting outside of the school building. Arlene and Ilene were walkers. They joined Monty and Joey as they headed home.

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