The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes (10 page)

Read The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes Online

Authors: Nzingha Keyes

Tags: #love, #drama, #fantasy, #demons, #high school, #love triangle, #teenage

BOOK: The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes
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“You said every man for himself!!!” he said
aiming the paintball gun toward sunny.

“Yeah but she’s like my twin, just not,”
Sunny said.

“Yep,” Amethyst nodded.

Three hours into running up and down the
paintball field everyone ended up covered in paint and

“Ugh even through all that freaking padding I
end up with welts,” Sunny said.

“Same here,” Amethyst and Alias nodded.

“Want Cheeseburgers?” Amethyst asked.

“Yeah, I’m hungry,” Alias said. They all
walked toward the entrance where you put on all the padding.
play’s so hardcore too, no girly whining just like…she plays to
He thought. Alias watched as she pulled of the helmet and
shook out her wavy hair that went down her back, He watched as she
dropped the paint splattered padding to the floor and as she did so
she pulled of her striped hoodie and tied it around her waist
because of the heat in the room.
Damn, staring is going to get
me in so much trouble,
he thought. Amethyst reached for her

“Hey babe,” she said.

“Just hanging out with Sunny and Alias, ‘bout
to go eat,” she continued. “Ok later babe,” she said as she hung

“He doesn’t know we went to play paintball,”
Amethyst said while we were all eating.

“Why didn’t you tell him?” Alias asked.

“Have you seen your brother? He would protect
her from everything and then it wouldn’t be much fun to play at all
now would it,” Sunny said in-between bites of food. Amethyst nodded
in agreement.

“Today was so much fun but we better get home
though,” Amethyst said.

He got home and stayed up because it was
Saturday at 11:45. It was almost February eleventh, so close to
Valentine’s Day.
Today was so awesome,
Alias thought while
he got dressed for bed.
I got to hang out with Amethyst and
Sunny all day and play paintball and eat cheeseburgers. It’s just
that everything was so great today, I almost wished that she hated
me, It might make it easier not to love her. How does she even do
that? Even with all the padding she moves so gracefully making me
look so clumsy. She’s so beyond me, she’s got me wired. I want to
tell her, I’m driving myself up a wall with this girl. This is
volatile; I just need to act like there’s nothing there, like I
didn’t even notice her on the first day of school, like we didn’t
even meet.

February 14
, Wednesday

Alias and Alex were getting dressed for
school, Christophe left early to wake up Amethyst and be all
romantic like a good boyfriend.
He’s so lucky,

“Alexander, you ready to go yet?” Alias
yelled toward the back where Alex’s room was.

“Yeah, I just had to pick something up, we
can head out now,” Alex said.

Alias had gotten to school early and he could
see that Amethyst and Christophe had gotten there early as well. He
had given her a bag of the Hershey kisses with caramel in the
middle because they were her favorite. He had given her a red
carnation flower a put it in her hair because he knew it would make
her smile. He promised her one hundred kisses in-between twelve in
the morning and twelve at night. He promised her something she
would love and could see coming but still hadn’t guessed it yet and
Christophe found it cute. That was part of the miracle of
Christophe he was perfect and when you had him, you had him without
a doubt, his heart was owned. And Alias watched all of this and
listened as well, with envy.

“But what is it? Tell me?” Amethyst was
asking excitedly.

“Just wait till the end of the day, I have to
finish something for it okay?” Christophe said with a laugh at her

“Oh but why!?” Can’t I just get a teeny, tiny
hint as to what it is?” She asked.

“Okay your hint is Valentine.

“The broken heart’s parade and I’m putting my
heart out on display, There’s no masquerade, just a funeral march
for love today, the band strikes up and I’m playing a song, dressed
in black and were singing along to the broken hearts parade, and
I’ve never been better than I am today,” Alias sang with his
headphones in his ears. It was lunchtime now and Alias was bored.
Bored of Valentines, bored of watching love float around in the air
and absolutely pissed off that Christophe got to be happy. Alias
walked over to central park to go and climb up the rocks and give
him something to do that wasn’t wander around. He climbed up the
rocks by the entrance of the park. He looked down to the ground and
he could see Amethyst sitting down by the lake which wasn’t dirty
looking because it was still cold out. He climbed down the rocks to
go and talk to her.

“Hey Alias,” she said happily looking at the
fishes that were swimming in the water.

“What’s up, Amethyst?” he asked calmly.
Her eyes are so pretty,
he thought.

“Nothing much, just relaxing and
daydreaming,” She replied smiling.
I love the way she smiles,

“Daydreaming about what?” He asked. He didn’t
know what the hell he was doing but he was moving and then their
lips connected and it was like electricity or magnets.
I don’t
want to pull away,
he thought.

“I love you,” Alias said once he pulled away
and then disappeared before he could think, before she could make a
noise, before anything could happen at all, “I completely messed
up,” he said resting his head in his hands.
That shouldn’t have
happened, and shouldn’t have felt so…right.

Chapter 17:

Can you speak up over the sound of the blood
rushing to my head?

“What just happened?” She said before
realizing the warmth on her lips was gone and Alias was nowhere to
be seen, but she knew she hadn’t daydreamed that. She pressed her
fingertips against her lips.

“Alias?” She said to nobody. She wasn’t
thinking clearly at all. She got up from where she was seated by
the lake and walked back in the direction of school.

“Hey Moonlight, what’s the matter?” Sunny
asked cautiously as she walked toward her.

“Nothing, why?” She answered trying to sound

“Don’t ‘nothing’ me, what’s the matter?” she
asked again.

“Well I was sitting by the lake and Alias
showed up,” She said slowly. Sunny nodded.

“Then we were talking and he kissed me,” She

“He did what?! On Valentines Day?” Sunny

“Sunny, he said he loved me,” Amethyst said
in a whisper. “He…damn,” Sunny said and then they walked into the

Of all the things she could see coming what
never ceased to amaze her were these boys. “Ugh,” she groaned.
What is it with these boys kissing me at random?
I didn’t do anything to lead on Alias. He knows that
I’m with Christophe…he’s seen it. Unless like that doesn’t matter
to him.
What am I supposed to do?
She was supposed to
being doing the warm up for gym class but she ended up daydreaming
through that. She couldn’t think straight and she could see Alias
staring at her from across the gym floor. He got closer to her and
then her and sunny decided to go outside because Alias was the last
one who needed to hear this entire confusing conversation…well
except for Christophe that is.

“Well how did that happen?” Sunny asked

“I was sitting all peaceful and then he asked
me a question and before I could answer, he was kissing me,”
Amethyst explained.

“Why didn’t you push him off of you?” She

“Before I could protest it was over, he
kisses like…electricity…magnetism…I don’t know but then I opened my
eyes back up and he was gone…” She answered.

“My Jewel,” Christophe says smoothly over by
the entrance to the school yard. Her heart flipped for him and he
came to kiss her three times.

“Fifty more to go,” he laughs.

“Hello Sunny,” He adds. “Do you still want
your present, Jewel?” Christophe asks teasingly.

“Yeah! What is it?!” Amethyst asks.

“I already told you what it was Ami, a
valentine,” he laughs.

“But a leaf could be a valentine if you cut
it into the shaped of a heart!!” She argues.

“Aw man, how’d you guess?!” He says as he
picks up a leaf off the ground and hands it to her, trying to keep
a straight face. All three of them laugh,

“You’re a piece of work!!!” Amethyst says and
then goes on the swing.

“I’m home mom!” She yelled and as she walked
into her room she saw her bed was covered in rose petals. “What
the….” She took in the sight. Christophe was sitting cross-legged
on her bed with her guitar in hand. “What are you doing?” She asks

“I –uh don’t play guitar well and I can’t
really sing and I don’t write songs but I want to sing your
favorite song…is that okay?” he asks.

“You sound all vulnerable and shy, of course
it’s okay,” she says as she skips over to him and lays her head on
his knee. “How do you even know my favorite song?” She asks.

“You sing really nice and you sing it a lot,
and it’s on your top twenty five played on your IPod,” he laughs
and strums the guitar.

“the way that i acted, so irrational.
you saw me lying useless on the asphalt.
and that other girl, I’m pretty sure she didn't know.
played out with cables but I jumped it so it's not slow.
and was I everything you asked for now?
and was I everything you asked for now?
Take what you can get
so when a robot falls in love, we clap, clap.
i saw an angel from above, i had a heart attack,
and i awoke with blood on my nose,
'cause everyone's an enemy and everyone's a memory,
and i am so sick of this town.
so what would you say,
we leave just you and me?
and we can make some memories.
we'll drive to the south, live on some Texas beach,
our lives will be in perfect harmony.
so was i everything you asked for now?
under the floorboards, inside the walls, i am you.
the vampire's smile has got you here,
any last words now?
so when a robot falls in love, we clap, clap.
i saw an angel from above, i had a heart attack,
and i awoke with blood on my nose,
'cause everyone's an enemy and everyone's a memory,
and i am so sick of this
I am so sick of this.
if i could see you fall in love, I’d clap, clap
'cause you're an angel from above, giving me heart attacks.
and you awoke with blood all on your nose.
'cause everyone's a enemy and everyone's an memory
and i am so sick of this town.
don't give up anything you want,
'cause it all comes in time
lately i've been having these dreams,
i saved my spot in line
the only things i'm sure of, baby, you will hear right now
i'm feeling more than touch my words have said enough
i swear that what i love is what I’ll live.
sing with conviction, be sincere

So when a robot falls in love just clap,

And then he stops singing and playing.

“Was that bad?” he asks.

“That was amazing!” She squeaks and moves the
acoustic guitar to somewhere else on the bed. She sits up with a

“that was a brilliant surprise, thank you,”
she says.

“Actually, my jewel, this is your surprise,”
He says going into his pocket and pulling out a charm bracelet.

“It’s so pretty…” she says in a whisper.

“I hoped you would like it, I love you and
happy valentines day,” he puts it on her wrist and kisses her
goodbye with a smile once he sees the time,

“I have chores to do,” and then he’s gone.
He just said he loved me after making the day perfect, I love
him- wait.
She thinks. She remembers the thing with Alias and
picks up her cell phone.

“Sunny…can you spend the night? Please?” she

“Something happened didn’t it?” Sunny

“Christophe and roses and songs and bracelets
and I love you was said,” Amethyst replies. “That’s awesome! And I
have to tell you what- wait what about Alias?” Sunny asks.

“I don’t know…can you come over?” She

“Ten minutes,” and then Sunny hangs up.

“Well what am I supposed to do? Like what do
I tell Christophe? This isn’t a conversation that I ever planned on
having and you get that. What do I say?
Hey babe I know that you
said that you loved me and all that and guess what!? So does Alias
and to prove it he kissed me! Isn’t that fantastic!?”
I say.
“Well moonlight, you need to do something and as much as I hate to
say it…it’s something along those lines because if you don’t say it
than he’s going to find out from Alias and that might break you two
up and I know you don’t want that so you should go and talk to
him,” Sunny says.

“But, like, how? I didn’t do anything to
Alias! He just levitated his face into mine…” She says. “Well you
better tell him that then,” She says.

“Listen to what Angel did!” Sunny says. And
even though she doesn’t mind it too bad she knows that this whole
situation is going to be an interstellar headache, Valentine’s Day
was for confusion.

Chapter 18

Watch your mouth, kiddo. Smart comments like
those start fires

It’s so hot here…I love the ocean though.
“Hey Amethyst,” I say happily. I see her lie down next to me and
then all of a sudden the beach is empty and she’s kissing me and I
kiss back. I look up at her and realize that were both magically
naked and still on the beach and then…

“Ack!! Fuck! Christophe why are you choking
me you ass!?” Alias chokes out. Christophe’s hand is still wrapped
around Alias’s neck.

“You know you talk in your sleep?” He

“What does that have to do with you choking
me?” Alias asks all confused.

“Why are you moaning my girlfriends name in
your sleep?” He asks.

“Ah shit.” Alias groans remembering the dream
and realizing a semi issue.

“This is at the moment, gay…please move,” He
continues and Christophe leaves the room wordlessly, this was far
from over.

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