The Truth About Hillary (32 page)

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Authors: Edward Klein

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BOOK: The Truth About Hillary
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Chapter Eleven: The Other “Smoking Gun”

  1. She was twenty-six:
    Rewriting History
    , p. 37.

  2. “The women in this office”:
    First in His Class
    , p. 312.

  3. John Doar kept his window shades drawn:
    Without Honor
    , pp. 95–96.

  4. Among other things:
  5. footnote:
    “a single intelligence unit”:

  6. “The fact that underlay the [impeachment] ordeal”:
    Renata Adler, “Searching for the Real Nixon Scandal,”
    Atlantic Monthly
    , December 1976.

  7. “Doar fixes”:
    First in His Class
    , p. 309.

  8. As part of Richard Nixon’s defense:
    Interview with Jerome Zeifman, March 4, 2004.
  9. “When Nixon entered office”:
    Interview with Geoffrey Shep- ard, December 27, 2004.
  10. The answer was contained:
    Without Honor
    , pp. 95–96.

  11. While Hillary was at Yale:
    The Seduction of Hillary Rod- ham
    , p. 47.

  12. Now, as the attorney-general-in-waiting:
    Without Honor
    , p. 11.

  13. From his professor’s perch:


  14. “Don Edwards of California”:
    Ibid., p. 48.
  15. Among those who agreed:
    Ibid., p. 110.
  16. They argued that a president:
    Ibid., pp. 122–23.
  17. The Doar irregulars further:
  18. After Doar finished reading:
    Ibid., p. 214.
  19. footnote:
    In fact, all the internal memoranda:
    Interview with Geoffrey Shepard, December 27, 2004.

  20. “When Congressman Charles Wiggins”:
    Renata Adler, “Search- ing for the Real Nixon Scandal,”
    Atlantic Monthly
    , December 1976.

  21. “Now with our inquiry as a precedent”:
    U.S. Congress, House,
    Impeachment of Richard M. Nixon,
    1974, p. 296.

Chapter Twelve: The Misfit

  1. While Hillary was still in Washington:
    First in His Class
    , p. 319.

  2. “I’m Hillary’s dad”:
    Ibid., pp. 319–20.
  3. “One of the worst-kept secrets”:
  4. “That’s exactly what he did”:
    Paul Fray quoted in Sheehy,

    Hillary’s Choice
    , p. 113.

  5. “You should have seen her!”:
    Interview with Dolly Kyle Browning, February 27, 2004.
  6. “Virginia loathed Hillary then”:
    Mary Lee Fray quoted in Maraniss,
    First in His Class
    , p. 326.

  7. “Listen,” . . . “I don’t need to be married”:
    Bill Clinton quoted in Sheehy,
    Hillary’s Choice
    , p. 119.

  8. “You have to remember”:
    Partners in Power
    , p. 151.

  9. “If you looked at her in that day”:
    Paul Fray quoted in Sheehy,
    Hillary’s Choice
    , p. 112.

  10. “This rumor has to be faced”:
    Paul Fray and Hillary Rodham quoted in Sheehy,
    Hillary’s Choice
    , p. 112.

  11. “I know he’s ready”:
    Hillary Rodham quoted in Morris,
    Part- ners in Power
    , p. 186.

  12. “was capable of understanding”:
    Jim Guy Tucker quoted in Morris,
    Partners in Power
    , p. 100.

  13. “Hillary’s keeping”:
    Bill Clinton and Virginia Kelley quoted in Morris,
    Partners in Power
    , p. 187.

  14. “a person in my own right” and not a “ ‘sacrificial’ political


    Hillary Rodham quoted in Morris,
    Partners in Power
    , p. 188.

  15. “all the women”:
    Interview with Juanita Broaddrick, Febru- ary 18, 2005.
  16. “He turned me around”:
  17. “I felt responsible”:

Chapter Thirteen: A Night to Remember

  1. “I’m going back to my cottage”:
    Bill Clinton quoted in inter- view with an anonymous source who was with the Clintons in Bermuda.
  2. “The next morning”:
    Interview with an anonymous source who was with the Clintons in Bermuda.
  3. “One time,” . . . “Billy told me”:
    Interview with Dolly Kyle Browning, February 21, 2005.

Chapter Fourteen: All the Governor’s Women

  1. “At times,” . . . “he flirted outrageously”:
    The First Partner
    , pp. 115–16.

  2. “He had two levels of women”:
    Nancy “Peach” Pietrefesa quoted in Sheehy,
    Hillary’s Choice
    , pp. 149–50.

  3. was rumored:
    The First Partner
    , p. 104.

  4. “He knows human nature”:
    Nancy “Peach” Pietrefesa quoted in Sheehy,
    Hillary’s Choice,
    pp. 149–50.

  5. “One Saturday morning”:
    First in His Class
    , p. 394.

  6. “Bill was like a kid”:
    Connie Bruck, “Hillary the Pol,”
    New Yorker
    , May 30, 1994.

  7. People in small towns:
    Partners in Power
    , p. 242.

  8. And to drive the point home:
    Ibid., p. 245.
  9. “I was her worst critic”:
    Richard Herget quoted in Brock,
    The Seduction of Hillary Rodham
    , p. 133.

  10. “It shook both of them”:
    Connie Bruck, “Hillary the Pol,”

    New Yorker
    , May 30, 1994.

  11. “The experience of watching”:
  12. “She conformed”:
    Partners in Power
    , p. 278.

  13. “I don’t have to change”:
    Hillary Rodham Clinton quoted in Sheehy,
    Hillary’s Choice
    , p. 145.


  14. “Did you change”:
  15. “ ‘No,’ came the ice cold answer”:
    (McGehee, Alabama) quoted in Maraniss,
    First in His Class
    , p. 400.

  16. “The deal was”:
    Nancy “Peach” Pietrefesa quoted in Sheehy,

    Hillary’s Choice
    , p. 146.

  17. She telephoned Dick Morris:
    Hillary’s Choice
    , p. 146.

  18. “Hillary was intrigued”:
    Dick Morris quoted in Sheehy,

    Hillary’s Choice
    , p. 146.

  19. “Wright wasn’t romantically interested”:
    The Seduc- tion of Hillary Rodham
    , p. 139.

  20. “She asked to see me”:
    Interview with Ivan Duda, March 5, 2005.
  21. “Hillary made her trade-offs”:
    Jan Piercy quoted in Sheehy,

Hillary’s Choice
, p. 151.


Chapter Fifteen: Her Husband’s Keeper

  1. “After Monica admitted to an affair”:
    Louise Branson, “The Truth about HRC,”
    , August 12, 1998.

  2. “Whenever I go out and fight”:
    All Too Hu- man
    , p. 389.

  3. No sooner:
    “Don’t Call Me,”
    American Spectator
    , March 1998.

  4. “I got a call from Walter Kaye”:
    Interview with former official of the Democratic National Committee who requested ano- nymity, March 11, 2004.
  5. “Monica started working”
    : Interview with former White House official who requested anonymity.
  6. “We never saw her in the East Wing”:
    Interview with former White House employee Kathleen Willey, January 22, 2005.
  7. “Hillary gave an ideological edge”:
    Johnson, “42. William Jef- ferson Clinton,” in
    Presidential Leadership
    , p. 204.

  8. “Vote for Hillary’s Husband”:
    Irene Sege, “Hillary & Com- pany; Spirit of ’69: The Wellesley Connection Pays Off,”
    Boston Globe
    , September 3, 1992.

  9. “In Clinton’s cabinet”:
    Andrew Sullivan, “Counter Culture:


    Not a Straight Story,”
    New York Times Magazine
    , December 12, 1999.

  10. “Evelyn was a force for order”:
    Interview with former White House speechwriter who requested anonymity, April 5, 2004.
  11. “She called one day”: ”
    : Interview with former White House official who requested anonymity, April 5, 2004.
  12. “Bill couldn’t have possibly”:
    Interview with a U.S. senator’s wife who requested anonymity, April 5, 2004.
  13. “Sexual snobs”:
    Tina Brown, “The bookworm and the Viking,”,
June 13, 2003.

Chapter Sixteen: “Bill Owes Me”

  1. “graduates”:
    Uncovering Clinton,
    p. 135.

  2. Bill’s girlfriend from our hippie days”:
    Marsha Scott quoted in Karen Tumulty, “Who Is Marsha Scott? Another Arkansas Transplant Becomes Mired in Questionable White House Ac- tivities,”
    , March 24, 1997.

  1. “The assumption among the women”:
    Interview with former White House official who requested anonymity, March 18, 2004.
  2. The President had other rumored girlfriends:
    The First Partner
    , p. 265.

  3. “She is so shrewd”:
    Jan Piercy quoted in Connie Bruck, “Hillary the Pol,”
    New Yorker
    , May 30, 1994.

  4. “I’m not sure how many”:
    Interview with Clinton campaign donor who requested anonymity, April 2, 2004.
  5. “Watching [Bill Clinton] was very much like”:
    David Gergen quoted in “The Clinton Years,” a
    special anchored by Chris Bury, WNET, January 16, 2001.

  6. “A Secret Service officer”:
    The Starr Report: The Findings of In- dependent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr on President Clinton and the Lewinsky Affair, with analysis by the Staff of the
    Washington Post,


  7. By that time, however, rumors about Monica:
    Interview with a former fund-raiser for the Democratic National Committee, March 11, 2004.


Chapter Seventeen: Payback Time

  1. “She was upset”:
    “Don’t Call Me,”
    American Spectator
    , March 1998.

  2. “In the spring of 1992”:
    Interview with a former White House official, March 18, 2004.
  3. “We were using these dial meters”:
    Paul Begala, George Stephanopoulos, and James Carville quoted on “The Clinton Years,” a
    special anchored by Chris Bury, WNET, January 16, 2001.

  4. “We found out from those focus groups”:
    Interview with a former White House official, March 18, 2004.
  5. In late April:
    Michael Kelly, “The Transition: Packaging the Candidate; The Making of a First Family: A Blueprint,”
    New York Times
    , November 14, 1992.

  6. DRAFT
    Campaign memorandum published in Goldman,
    Quest for the Presidency 1992
    , pp. 657–64.
  7. “What is most striking”:
    Michael Kelly, “The Transition: Packaging the Candidate; the Making of a First Family: A Blue- print,”
    New York Times
    , November 14, 1992.

  8. Hillary suddenly became a kinder:
    Interview with a former White House official, March 18, 2004.
  9. “I told [the President] that he was terribly out of position”:
    David Gergen quoted on “The Clinton Years,” a
    spe- cial anchored by Chris Bury, WNET, January 16, 2001.

  10. “Some in the White House”:
    “The Clinton Years,” a

special anchored by Chris Bury, WNET, January 16, 2001.

Chapter Eighteen: Hibernation

  1. As Hillary sat on the stage:
    Author’s observation.

  2. I am a product of my own experience”:

  3. “After health care”:
    Interview with former White House offi- cial who requested anonymity.
  4. “And the public liked very much”:
    Dick Morris quoted on “The Clinton Years,” a
    special anchored by Chris Bury, WNET, January 16, 2001.

  5. “Although she was less visible now”:
    All Too Human
    , pp. 387–88.


  6. “I made my speech at Goucher’s winter convocation”:
    Clin- ton,
    Living History
    , pp. 442–43.

  7. “Certainly I believe they are false”:

Chapter Nineteen: Hillary’s Brain

  1. “heated exaggeration”:
    Richard Hofstadter, “The Paranoid Style in American Politics,”
    , November 1964.

  2. “Since what is at stake”:
  3. “perhaps the most partisan”:
    A Vast Conspiracy
    , p. 241.

  4. “vast, obscure Manichean fantasies”:
    The Natural
    , p. 106.

  5. His enemies list:
    Spin Cycle,
    p. 87.

  6. Blumenthal was also behind:
    A Vast Conspiracy,

    p. 280–81.

  7. “[Hillary] explained”:
    The Clinton Wars
    , p. 339.

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