The Trillionaire's Lady (Trillionaire Wishes Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: The Trillionaire's Lady (Trillionaire Wishes Book 2)
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Immediately it heated up to body temperature and began vibrating in his hand.  He could feel the auto-lube leaking out of the slightly porous toy.  Slowly, so as not to alert her to what he was doing, he slipped it down between her legs, and removed his hands. 

Megan let out a cry of protest when he removed his fingers from her.  "I'm so close!  Can you just keep doing that for another minute or--"  Her voice cut off with a startled gasp as he slid the entire length of the dildo inside her. 

lifted his head and looked into her face, wanting to see how much she enjoyed the toy.  Would she be angry that he'd used it on her?

"Oh wow. What is that?  That feels so good!"  Her hands dug into the covers beside her as he slowly pumped the toy in and out of her body.  She raised her knees, and thrust against the hand pumping it in and out of her.  "Can you move it a little faster?  Please?"  She no longer cared what he was using inside her.  She was so close she was ready to burst.  Whatever it was
, it felt

watched her face as she reached her climax, letting out a low scream.  He couldn't help but be proud that he'd made her feel that way, and he had barely begun.  Slowly he pulled the toy of her and laid it on the nightstand, standing up to drop his robe, revealing his cock, which was at full mast. 

He crawled onto the bed with her, settling himself between her thighs.  She was extremely wet from her time with the vibrator, and he took his cock in his hand, using it to tease her clit.

At his touch, Megan opened her eyes and met his.  "Again?"

"My turn."  He carefully guided himself to her entrance and plunged deep.  Once he was inside her, he held still.  "I've never seen anything as arousing in my life as the look on your face when you climaxed." 

Megan blushed.  "Maybe we should start shutting the lights off."  She loved that she could watch him, but hated that he could watch her.  She knew she just needed to get over it, but that didn't sound all that easy just then.

He chuckled as he started to slowly rock inside her, causing her to gasp.  "Not happening."

After climaxing so recently, Megan couldn't believe how good it felt to have him moving inside her again.  She wrapped her legs around his waist, and reached up to grip his shoulders.  He was on his knees, so she had a hard time reaching him from flat on her back, but she needed to be able to touch him. 

moved his hands over her breasts, pinching her nipples lightly.  "I love watching your face while I make love to you." 

He knew he wasn't going to be able to last long enough for her to climax again, because he could already feel it building inside him.  Should he use the vibrator on her again?  Or would she be content?

He watched her eyes as he felt his testicles tightening getting ready for release.  He let out a low shout as his seed streamed from his body, and into her waiting womb.  He plunged a few more times as he finished, watching her sweet face as she watched him.

He carefully pulled out and rolled to his side, gathering her close to him.  "I'm so glad I have you now," he whispered as soon as his breathing had calmed enough to speak again.  "I wish I'd found that fountain years ago."

Megan chuckled softly.  "If you had, I wonder if the years ago me would have traveled to you?  Or if I still would have come from the exact same time in my life."

He shrugged, unsure what to think about it.  How could he answer a question like that?  "I have no idea.  I'm sure I would have loved you then as much as I do now."

Megan frowned at the word love.  She knew he couldn't possibly love her yet.  They'd only known each other a few hours, after all.

Chapter Seven



When Megan woke the following morning, it was to Tessen watching her sleep, propped up on an elbow.  He had a slight grin on his face, as if he knew something she didn't.  What was he thinking?

She reached out and stroked his lips, unable to keep her hands off him even for a moment.  "You look content."

He laughed.  "I'm a lot more than content."  He kissed her briefly.  "We've overslept, so we have two options.  We can have breakfast now, at ten in the morning knowing we're going to have lunch with friends at noon, or we can stay in bed and make love."

Megan laughed.  "Those are the
options we have?  What if I want to get up and shower and then finish making my shorts and shirt, so I have something to wear to your friends house?"

"How long will it take you to finish?"  He was calculating how long it would take to arrive at the compound and wondering if they at least had time for a quick
round of lovemaking.

She shook her head.  "We don't have time.  It's going to take another hour or hour and a half.  I'll barely have time to shower as is."

Tessen made a face.  "Fine.  How about we shower together then?"

"As if that won't lead us right back to bed."

He leaned over and kissed her one more time, a little more lingeringly.  "That's the goal."

Megan quickly rolled away from him, heading for the shower and locking the door behind her.  She could hear his heavy sigh through the door.  Showering quickly, she dressed in her pajamas again and then hurried off to her craft room to finish her shorts and shirt.

She was just pulling them on when there was a knock at the door to her room, and she called, "Come in!"

eyed her appreciatively.  "You look great!"

The shorts and shirt were made of matching material with a soft pink pattern.  "Thank you."  She felt pretty in them.  She'd always loved to sew but hadn't felt like she'd had the time for years.

"Are you ready?" he asked, eyeing her hair.  It was all twisted up on top of her head, and it looked good to him, but he wasn't certain if she'd care to leave the house that way.  He knew women were very picky about how they looked, or at least, he'd read they were.

She nodded, following him from the room.  "Will you teach me to fly the car?" she asked.

"My car?"  He'd read that women didn't have the ability to make the split second decisions required in driving.  "Did you drive before?"

"Of course, I did.  It was the only way to get anywhere."  Why would he even ask her that?

He studied her for a moment.  "I just have the idea in my head that women can't drive.  Where did I get that impression from?"

Megan's eyes widened.  "You got that from the dark ages.  It's 2315.  You'd better let me drive!"

He nodded slowly.  "I'll teach you, but not today, okay?  I need to find an open area."  And get his courage up.  He had no idea why he thought women shouldn't drive, but he did.  He knew that they could do anything a man could.  That wasn't the issue.  It was something telling him that women couldn't drive.  Very weird.

"That's fine.  Soon, though, okay?"

"I promise."  He took her hand and guided her to the door.  "You ready to meet Jayn?"

"What's she like?"  Megan was nervous about meeting a twenty-fourth century woman.  She'd probably be terribly sophisticated and want nothing to do with her.

The whole way to the compound, Megan worried about meeting the new girl.  Tessen had never met her, so he couldn't really tell Megan anything about Jayn except that she was married to four men. 

When they landed at the small gate built into a huge wall,
Tessen pushed a speaker on a metal stand.  "Tessen and wife, Megan, here for lunch.  Porter said he'd meet us."

"Wait."  Nothing else came out of the speaker.

Megan looked at Tessen.  "Someone's rude."

laughed.  "That's just how Porter is.  He was a mercenary for years, and he is always talking about how he can kill a man thirty-two ways with his bare hands."

Megan wrinkled her nose.  "He sounds like a truly lovely person.  I can't wait to meet him."

Tessen grinned, reaching out to squeeze her hand.  "I won't let him be around you any longer than absolutely necessary."

The man that stood on the other side when the gate opened surprised Megan.  He didn't look that different than any man she'd ever seen despite his tight black clothes.  "What does he do for a living now?  You said he used to be a mercenary?"

"He creates security systems for other trillionaires.   We need to get out so he can see you.  He doesn't trust anyone."  He opened his door and kept his hands carefully out to his sides.  "Good to see you Porter!"

Porter nodded once to acknowledge the other man.  "This your wife?"

Megan took a step forward.  "I'm Megan."

"I hear you're from the twenty-first century."  Porter's eyes traveled up and down her body as if he was looking for a concealed weapon of some sort.

Megan nodded.  "Yes, sir.  I am."

Porter motioned with his hand for Megan and
Tessen to move forward.  "Jayn is excited to have another woman to have lunch with her.  I swear, she's getting crazier by the day.  You'd think the baby was wrapped around her brain sucking her sanity from her rather than living in her uterus."

Megan laughed softly.  "You've probably never been around a pregnant woman, but I assure you, that's perfectly normal.  All women get hormonal and crazy while they're pregnant."

Porter sighed.  "The things we put up with to be married to a breeder."  He gestured to his small golf cart type conveyance, and Megan immediately took the seat in the back, leaving the front open for Tessen.  She didn't want to get any closer to Porter than absolutely necessary.

When they reached the house,
Jayn opened the door and rushed outside, ignoring Porter's shouts to stay indoors.  She rushed over to Megan and looked her up and down.  "I hope you're in the market for a new best friend, because I need a girl to talk to.  I'm tired of being surrounded by four men all the time."  She nodded at Porter.  "That one is making me crazy!"  Linking her arm through Megan's she led her into the house. 

Megan looked behind her at
Tessen who shrugged.  Turning back to Jayn, she asked, "So what are we having for lunch today?"

"I don't know what we're having.  No one ever tells me anything.  It had better have beef, though, because I need some red meat.  I'm growing a boy and boys need red meat."

Megan looked at Jayn.  "I can't even tell you're pregnant, and you already know the sex?"

"Oh, we know instantly.  I almost wish it was guess work, but the pregnancy test said, 'Yes, a boy.'" 
Jayn pulled Megan to the kitchen table and sat beside her.  "Porter made up this crazy story about you being from the twenty-first century.  Where are you really from?  Not from my community in Wisconsin, because I don't know you."

"I'm from twenty-first century Minnesota.  I wished on a fountain and ended up on
Tessen's property up in the mountains."  Megan shrugged.  She knew it sounded crazy, but she had no other story to tell.  It was what happened and she wasn't about to deny it.

A robot wheeled to the table and carried four plates with burgers and fries.  "Oh good!  Burgers!" 
Jayn looked ecstatic at the sight of the cheeseburgers.  "I've been craving them since I was first pregnant."  She reached for a plate and took a huge bite of the burger. 

Megan grinned, reaching for a burger of her own.  Ever since she'd traveled forward in time, she had been craving red meat herself.  "How far along are you?"

"Oh, only seven weeks.  I have a long way to go."  Jayn eyed Megan over her burger that she looked fundamentally opposed to setting down.  "You should get pregnant with me, so our kids can have friends.  I don't know any other women in this state, and certainly no children."

Megan blushed.  "I just got married yesterday."

Jayn rolled her eyes.  "You get married, and the next thing you know you're pregnant.  Trust me on this."  She dipped her fry into some weird substance that Megan looked at skeptically.

"What is that?"

Jayn shrugged.  "I've been mixing ketchup and ranch.  I got the idea a couple of weeks ago, and I'm addicted."  She grinned as she happily ate her fry.

Megan made a face.  "Just don't eat pickles in your ice cream, and we can be friends."

Jayn made a face.  "Why would anyone do that?"

"No idea, but my mom said she did it while she was pregnant with me."  Megan dipped her fry into ketchup and chewed it.

There was a noise behind them and Megan turned to see Tessen and Porter.  "Burgers again?  Are you kidding me?"  Porter glared at Jayn.  "What have you done to that stupid bot that he does whatever you want whenever you want?"

grinned at Porter.  "I'm carrying a new life form inside my body.  You're just overbearing."

Megan stifled a giggle at the interplay between the couple. 
Jayn seemed to be too afraid of her own shadow to stand up to Porter, but he didn't seem to get angry with her.  "Just so you know?  As soon as you're not carrying a new life form, I'm taking you over my knee."

Megan's eyes widened.  Had he really just said he was going to spank
Jayn?  Were they into that kind of freaky stuff?  She looked quickly at her plate, hoping that Tessen wouldn't get any ideas.  It was enough that he'd used a vibrator on her.  She didn't think she could handle the whole spanking thing!

After lunch, Megan and
Jayn sat in the living room and talked.  "What's it like being married to four men?  Isn't it...weird?"

shrugged.  "Honestly, it was weird at first, but we're in a routine now.  I was a minister's daughter in a very religious community, but I couldn't marry the man my father picked out for me, so I requested this life."  She looked down at her hands for a moment.  "Porter is kind of scary at times, but the others are super sweet."

"How is Porter scary?"  Megan had her thoughts on this, but she wondered how the other woman would answer.  She certainly wouldn't want to meet Porter in a dark alley somewhere.

"Porter is...well...he's just gruff.  He's harsh sometimes.  I love him, though.  I love them all."

"You honestly love four men?  Is that even possible?"

Jayn shrugged.  "Is it possible to have four children and love them all?"  She looked at Megan with a grin.  "I love them all differently, of course.  Finn is sweet and honorable.  He's always so gentle with me, and I love him for it.  Dimitri is smart and inventive.  I love it when he takes me into the holodeck and makes love with me in there.  It's always so special the different romantic scenarios he comes up with.  I want to travel, but it's not safe, so he makes up for it with the holodeck."  She leaned forward and picked up a skein of yarn and knitting needles.  "Do you mind if I work while we talk?  I can't stand for my hands to be idle.  Religious upbringing and all."

Megan shook her head.  "I hate being idle too.  Anything for me to do?"

Jayn thought for a moment and handed her a large embroidery hoop with a baby quilt pressed into it.  "Do you know how to quilt?"

Megan shrugged.  "I used to watch my grandmother.  I can figure it out."

"Where was I?" Jayn asked.  "Oh, I remember.  My husbands.  Gustav is a doctor who is absolutely obsessed with belly buttons.  I still can't figure out why, but one of the first things he asked me is whether or not I had a belly button.  He keeps me laughing.  Then, there's Porter.  He's a good man, but intimidating.  He makes me feel protected, though."

Megan studied
Jayn for the trust of her words, but she didn't seem to be hiding anything.  "I guess if it works for you..."

grinned.  "Oh, it does!"  She patted her belly.  "I was pregnant fast, too.  We'll have dozens of kids in no time."

Megan sighed.  "I always thought I'd be able to decide when I wanted to have a kid.  I feel like all of my choices have been stolen from me.  It's a weird time to live in."

"It is...but it's a good one too."  Jayn put down her knitting and turned to Megan more fully on the sofa.  "Are you worried about anyone you left behind?  I mean were you married or anything before?"

Megan shook her head.  "Oh, no.  I've never even been in a serious relationship.  I had two best friends who wished on the same fountain I did, and one disappeared right away.  I disappeared thirty-six hours later, and the judge who married us did a search.  Our other friend disappeared a few days after me.  I wonder where they went.  You know, they could be anywhere in time."

Jayn patted Megan's knee.  "I'm sure we'll figure it all out." 


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