The Trillionaire's Kiss: Book One in Trillionaire Wishes (Fountain of Love) (4 page)

BOOK: The Trillionaire's Kiss: Book One in Trillionaire Wishes (Fountain of Love)
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Alicia nodded.  "So good."  She wondered if asking him to suck on one would be taking things too far, but what did it matter?  She was a woman, and he'd be thrilled to have her no matter what.  "Would you...suck on it?"  She blushed as she asked, but she got the words out.

Calor's eyes widened, but he nodded.  He bent down and licked her nipple softly before taking it into his mouth.  Her nipple pebbled beneath his tongue as he laved it ravenously.  Pulling it deep into his mouth, he sucked at it, his hands at her waist holding her in place.  He slowly kissed across her chest to her second nipple and gave it the same rapt attention, before sitting up and staring into her eyes.  "You taste wonderful."

Alicia swallowed hard.  Her panties were soaked, and she needed him inside her.  Never had she felt so much for someone she'd known for so little time.  "I want you inside me," she whispered against his lips.

He pulled away, laughing softly.  "We're nowhere near that point yet, Alicia.  I've barely begun to taste you."  Pressing his lips to hers, he bit her bottom lip softly, before thrusting his tongue into her mouth.  He loved how she felt against him.  Her nipples were hard points thrusting into the front of his shirt. 

Alicia groaned as he dragged his mouth away from hers.  He slowly unbuttoned his shirt and dropped it onto the bed behind him.  He took her hands and placed them against his chest, the skin smooth against her fingertips.  "I love to feel your fingers against my skin," he murmured as he took her mouth again, his own hands going to her hips. 

Alicia's fingers explored his chest and shoulders, moving around to his back to feel his warm skin.  Finally she took his nipples between thumbs and index fingers and squeezed gently.  She felt him jump against her, and felt as if she had power soaring through her veins.  He was a gorgeous man, everything she'd ever dreamed she'd find, and he was hers.  She could make him feel so much more than she'd ever dreamed a man would feel for her.

She moved her hands to his shoulders and thrust her breasts against his bare chest, wanting to feel him closer.  Would she ever be close enough? 

He moved his hands around behind her, trying to forced them into the waistband of her tight jeans, but realizing that was impossible.  Instead, he roamed his hands over her bottom through the denim, pulling her to her knees and her groin to his.  He rubbed against her, thrusting his cock against her soft body.  He needed to stop playing with her and get inside her soon, or he would explode.

He reached down to unfasten her jeans, the fastening much the same despite the centuries separating them.  He unbuttoned and then unzipped them, parting the fly.  His hands moved into the front of her jeans and he stroked down to her pussy, his fingers moving into her wet panties and stroking her moist folds.

Alicia gasped as his hand touched her where she needed it most.  She thrust her hips against his hand wanting more from him. 

His finger went to her clit and caught it between his thumb and forefinger, pinching it gently.  Tearing her mouth from his, she gently bit his neck.  "Move your finger inside me," she whispered, not believing her own daring.

He looked into her eyes, his hand moving to obey.  Thrusting one finger deep inside her moist heat, he watched as her eyes darkened.  "Like that?"

She nodded.  "Move it inside me."  She knew what she wanted.  Maybe she'd never been with a man, but she'd been using a vibrator for years.  She knew
what she liked.  It felt odd telling this gorgeous man what to do, but she was more than willing to take charge if she needed to.

Calor watched Alicia's eyes as he moved his finger in and out of her slowly, feeling it drenched with her juices.  After a moment, he pulled the finger out and added another and then another.  Soon he was moving three fingers in and out of her, and she was moaning and clutching his shoulders.  "That feels so good!"

He watched her face as he continued, wanting her to climax around his fingers before he made love to her.  It didn't take her long.  She was already getting close when he leaned down and sucked her nipple into his mouth, and she gave a low moan, clenching around his fingers.  He pulled them from her panties and brought them to his lips, tasting her juices. 

He leaned down pressing his lips to hers, kissing her passionately.  His hands pushed her jeans down off her hips and helped her drag them down her legs.  He pushed them to the floor before removing his own slacks and throwing them down as well.  He stood before her in nothing and stared down at her, wanting to memorize this moment of life.  He was about to make love to his wife for the first time. 

Alicia was feeling extremely relaxed now that she'd climaxed, but his gaze on her quickly brought her desire back.  Taking his hand, she placed it on her bare breast, moaning when he squeezed it gently.  "I don't think I can wait any longer, sweet wife."

She smiled up at him.  "No one is asking you to wait." 

Being careful not to hurt her, he moved onto the bed and between her spread thighs.  He took her hips in his hands and held them steady while he plunged inside, needing to be inside her.  He started out slowly, not certain how she would feel around him, but gradually picked up speed.

The feel of her clenching him inside her tight pussy was enough to have him moaning his pleasure.  "You feel so good!"

She laughed softly.  He was so much better than any vibrator she'd ever dreamed of.  "Harder," she urged, meeting every thrust with her hips.  She wanted nothing more than to see his face as he lost himself in her depths as he sprayed his seed within her.  Never in her life had she wanted to be pregnant, but suddenly?  She wanted nothing more than to have his child.

Calor picked up his pace moving frantically inside her.  Finally, he arched his back and shouted his pleasure, emptying his seed inside her.  He collapsed atop
her, catching himself on his arms so he wouldn't crush her with his weight.  Leaning down, he kissed her before rolling to her side and gathering her to him.  "That was the most amazing experience of my life," he whispered.

She laughed softly.  "Right up there with graduating from law school."
  Until that moment, graduating from law school had been the most incredible experience of her life.

He stroked his hand up and down her back.  "Law school?  I'm married to a lawyer.  What do you call five hundred lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?"

"They have lawyer jokes in the twenty-fourth century?  Really?"  She sighed, closing her eyes.

"A good start."  He kissed her cheek and held her close.  "Go to sleep my beautiful lawyer.  I plan on waking you early for a little more of this."  He held her head cradled to his shoulder, running his fingers through her pretty blond locks.  "My wife," he whispered.

She smiled but said nothing.  He was so happy.  How could she argue with that at all?

Chapter Four



Alicia woke in the huge bed alone the following morning, stretching and groaning softly.  She could certainly feel that she'd used muscles that had never been used the previous night.  Crawling from the bed, she went to the bathroom and ran herself a tub of water, marveling at the fact that it was almost instantly full.  She could get used to this kind of luxury. 

Climbing into the tub, she started the jets and leaned against the back of the oval shaped bathtub.  The
Jacuzzi jets hit her in all the right spots.  He'd awoken her up twice during the night to make love again, and while she'd enjoyed every second of it while it was happening, she was now sore enough that she wanted to rage at him. She knew a hot bath would make it all better, though, so she was determined to soak for as long as it took to feel better.

She relaxed in the water for more than an hour, constantly replenishing the hot water before finally washing her hair and getting out.  There was a towel on the bathroom counter for her, and she quickly dried off, wondering what she could possibly wear.  On the back of the door was a blue silk robe that she slipped on as she went in search of her new husband. 

He'd said it would be all right for her to search for her friends and make certain they were all right, and she wanted to do that first thing.  The only problem was, she had no idea if she'd be able to figure out the computer he had in his office.  She'd always been good with computers but three hundred years of technology had probably made them harder to use.  She wondered what the latest version of Windows was with a giggle.

She found him in his study, tapping away at a keyboard, while at the same time giving the computer orders.  Walking up behind him, she rubbed his shoulders to let him know she was there.  "Hi."

Calor spun in his chair, reaching up and pulling her down into his lap.  "Good morning, sunshine."  He buried his face in her neck, automatically nibbling at her soft skin, still warm from the bath.

She sighed, snuggling close to him.  When his hand roamed inside her robe, she slapped it away.  "I'm way too sore for any of your shenanigans."
  She hated to have to say it, but she wasn't about to be broken just because he couldn't control his libido.

"I'll rub you down with some special oil," he told her.  "How'd you sleep?"

"I'd have slept much better, but this crazy man I was in bed with kept waking me up to make love to me.  Over and over and over."

He laughed.  "Sounds like you had a good night to me."

Alicia sighed, burying her face in his neck.  "Mostly."  She just took in his scent for a moment.  "Would you show me how to use the other computer?  I want to see if I can find out what happened to my friends.  I need to know what they saw if I can find anything.  There should be a missing persons report on me or something."  She could start there and see what came up.  Maybe there would be information linking from there.  She hoped to read that they'd both gone on to marry and live long healthy lives.

Calor sighed.  "I'm glad you're here, but I'm very sorry you're worrying so much about what your friends are thinking."

"I just hate the idea that they were all freaked out when I disappeared.  I can't imagine how I would have felt if it were one of them.  Or what if I didn't disappear?  What if I died there to come here?"  She took deep calming breaths as thought after thought tumbled through her mind.  "I have to know."

He nodded.  "Do you want to eat breakfast first?  We can have
Robertron cook something for us."

She shook her head, eyeing the clock on the wall.  She couldn't remember the last time she'd slept past ten, but it was after eleven.  "I'll wait
til lunch.  Obviously time travel takes a lot out of me."

He led her into the computer room and showed her how to use the computer.  It was actually very simple, because it consisted of mostly voice commands. "Computer?  What happened to Alicia Quick of Minnesota, birth year..." he looked at her.

"1987," she told him.  Her husband didn't know what year she was born.  What was wrong with her?  Shouldn't he have known that basic fact before they'd married?

The computer spit back an answer in
just a moment.  "Disappeared on May seventh, 2014, while walking in the park accompanied by two friends.  Both friends disappeared within a week."

Alicia sank into the chair in front of the computer.  "What were the dates that her friends disappeared.  Megan?"
  Where had they gone?  Was there a chance she'd find them in the twenty-fourth century?

"Megan Simone disappeared May ninth
, 2014.  Alexa Anderson disappeared on May fourteenth, 2014.  The two went together to file a missing persons report regarding Alicia Quick on the evening of May seventh, but the police quickly discounted what they said.  The two women claimed there was a new fountain in the park in the town where they lived, but the fountain wasn't there.  They were believed to be intoxicated until both women willingly took a breathalyzer and went through toxicology screens.  There was no substance abuse involved."

Alicia felt the tears dripping from her eyes.  It was her fault her friends had to go through that type of inquisition without their favorite lawyer friend beside them.  She sni
ffed as she wiped her eyes.  "I hate they had to go through that.  I should have been there for them."  She shook her head.  "I would have represented them both."

Calor pulled her to her feet, taking her chair, and pulling her back into his lap, holding her close.  "If you hadn't disappeared they wouldn't have gone to the police in the first place.  You can't blame yourself, sweetheart."

She sighed.  "I know you're right, but I even talked them into making a wish on the fountain.  Where do you think they ended up?  What if they ended up here, were found, and auctioned off?"  She knew neither of them would be happy as a wife to four men.

He stroked her hair, trying to soothe her as he'd seen men do in old movies.  "The men in the auctions are actually very loving to the women they buy.  I know it sounds cold and callous, but the women usually end up loving the men who purchase them."

Alicia shook her head.  "My friends would hate that.  I hope they're all right."  She suddenly sat up with a thought.  "Computer, are Megan Simone or Alexa Anderson living now?" 
Please say yes.  Please say yes.

"Data unknown." 

She sagged.  "I'm going to keep trying to find them.  I wonder what the fountain did to them.  I don't think it ever occurred to any of us that we would be transported through time.  As much as we all loved
Back to the Future
, we didn't expect it to happen in our lifetimes."

"I've seen that movie!"  Calor smiled at her.  "See?  We're not so different after all."

She laughed.  "We were born over three hundred years apart.  Me in a world where women outnumbered men, and you in a world where there are almost no women to speak of.  You're a spacecraft engineer, and I'm a lawyer for a small township in Minnesota.  You're a trillionaire, and I eat at McDonalds at least one night per week."  She had a bad habit of eating out way too much, as most of the people she knew in her time did.

"McDonalds?  That's a place that's stood the test of time!  I love their soy nuggets.
  Especially with sweet and sour sauce."

She wrinkled her nose.  "Soy nuggets?  Really?"
He had to be kidding.

"Real meat is too expensive for a place like McDonalds."  He sighed.  "You have to have a lot of money to be able to eat real meat these days."
  To him meat costing a great deal was just a fact of life, like knowing that women wouldn't be available when he grew up.

"Then I'm thankful you took me out for steak last night.  It was delicious."

He stroked her cheek.  "Anything for you.  I'll want you to eat plenty of meat as you get ready to carry my baby."

Alicia felt a pang.  He acted as if he cared a great deal, and he was attentive, but was he just doing it so she would be healthy enough to carry his child?  Was that all he wanted from her?  And what would he do with any babies she had?  Would the girls be sold?  "What will you do if we have a daughter?  Would you sell her in one of the auctions?"  She had to know before she could make any real decisions.  She could already be pregnant.
  It took everything she had inside her to not curl her hands around her belly protectively.

"Of course not!  Our daughter would be matched up with any young man she wanted."  He thought for a moment.  "The younger generation is not going to be large.  There won't be ma
ny boys to choose from, but she will have her choice.  No daughter of mine will be sold."  He couldn't bear the idea of selling his daughter.  He hated the auctions that were taking place, even though he understood their necessity.

She let out a sigh of relief.  She couldn't imagine allowing her daughter to be sold at auction or anywhere else.  Women had fought too hard to be recognized as equals for the world to be set back hundreds of years because some idiot doctors and scientists had decided to do away with childbirth.  She could see where they had thought it would be a good thing, but now?  It was nothing of the sort.  "Thank you."

He shrugged, hating that she felt the need to thank him for something he was so passionate about.  "I feel as strongly as you do about it."  He kissed her cheek softly.  "I need to get back to work.  I did call my friend, Bill, and his tailor will be here this afternoon to fit you with clothes."  He stroked his hand over the front of her robe.  "As beautiful as this is on you, I want you to have more clothes to wear."

"Your friend Bill has a wife?"
  How was that possible? 

He nodded. "His wife, April, was a girl who was purchased at auction.  I've heard only good things about her."

"You haven't met her?"  Why wouldn't he have met his friend's wife.  He talked like they were very close.

He shook his head.  "No, they keep her under lock and key.  It's too...dangerous for a woman to be in public now.   Because I'm married, he'd probably let me meet her

Alicia bit her lip.  "I've always been surrounded by female friends.  I've done everything with my friends for years.  I can't imagine not having at least one or two friends that I can talk to."
  How horrible would it be to not only lose Alexa and Megan but to never have another female friend? 

"You want to meet her?"

She nodded slowly.  "If you think that would be okay."

"I'll call Bill and see if we can set something up for tomorrow afternoon.  April would probably enjoy that as much as you do." 

"Thank you.  It would mean a lot to me.  I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with no female friends."  She'd never been one to have more male friends than female.  She guarded her female friendships carefully.

"I'm still holding out hope that your friends end up in our time, and you can see them on a regular basis."

"I am, too, but I just can't wait with no hopes of any other friends."  Alicia knew it sounded weird, but she really needed female friends in her life.  Without her regular Wednesday night girls' nights, she was certain she'd have gone insane.  The hope of having at least one female friend would keep her going for a while.

"I'll call Bill now."

He helped her to her feet and stood up leaving the room.  She sat down at the computer again, wondering what she should do with her time.  "Computer?  I would like to buy an e-reader."

"The Amazon Kindle Galaxy is available and only
nine-hundred-ninety-nine dollars.  Would you like to order it?"

Alicia frowned.  That was a lot of money, and it wasn't even hers.  She'd wait.  She really had no choice.  "Tell me the history of the world since 2014."

The computer started to list everything that had happened since 2014, and she leaned back in her chair
with her eyes closed to listen.




Robertron made them soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch.  Grilled cheese was a major comfort food for Alicia, and she needed it then.  She was so worried about her friends, she couldn't think straight.  While they ate, she broached the topic of a Kindle with Calor.  "I asked the computer and it said there are still Kindles around.  Is it all right if I buy one?"

He nodded.  "You don't even need to ask me about small purchases like that."

"'s almost a thousand dollars!"  How could he act like that was nothing?

He laughed softly.  "Inflation, my love.  We'll spend that on groceries every week."

"Really?  That's almost a quarter of what I made every month!"  She shook her head.  It was crazy just how bad the inflation had been.  "Are there even pennies anymore?"  She was dying to see what coins looked like.

He shook his head.  "No, there's no currency at all, but I've read about it?  It sound interesting."

She frowned.  "If there's no currency, how can you buy anything?"  No cash at all?

Calor tilted his head to the side.  "You had credit cards in your time?"

She nodded.  "Of course."

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