The Treemakers (A YA Dystopian Scifi Romance Adventure) (34 page)

BOOK: The Treemakers (A YA Dystopian Scifi Romance Adventure)
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Only I can hear they’re echoed slightly by the
hidden ceiling.

“Well, then,” Smudge says, and gestures over to the pails. “Go grab yourselves a bucket. We have some building
to do.”



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It has taken an army of wonderful people to make this story happen. Each of you have played your part in my release from a toxic wasteland of my own, into this earthly paradise. I would not be telling the whole story if I didn’t give my most sincere gratitude for those who helped to make it happen. The story behind the story may be more remarkable than the
actual story.

First, I’d like to acknowledge the Source that has given me the lighted path through which so many other people and experiences have come into my life and shaped me into a person I can be proud of today. Whether through one sentence or a thousand, the extent of my gratitude could never be
fully expressed.

Mom and Dad, Tina and Ricky R. . . . I put you through so much and you did the best you could. Thank you for your forgiveness and your strength, and for showing me what the many faces of love look like. Without your support, both emotionally and financially, this story would not be what it is. Your solid belief that I can do this, follow my dream, has enabled me to do just that. I hope to finally be a brag-worthy daughter, because I know I’ve been quite the opposite most of my life. You are two very special, loving, selfless, amazing people whom I took for granted for too many years. I never
will again.

Savanna, my sweet girl . . . I put you through so much in your younger years and still you grew into a young woman I look up to in awe every single day. Your tendency toward tranquility and innocent spontaneity, your natural embracing of forgiveness, and your idealistic views of people and the world are something that bring me great humility. Because maybe you’re a better person, I can learn so much from you—and do—every day. The wanting to make up for time lost with you was the reason I started writing my first novel. I wanted a way to bond with you. You loved to read, and I loved to write. Those loves brought us together to create . . .
shadow animal
people? Oh, well. :) We moved on to bigger and better things. (Thank goodness!) Thank you for being a sounding board, for helping me with plot details and characters, and for reminding me that the quest and aching for love is underlying in (almost) any story, no matter what the “genre.”

Travis R. . . . Baby brother, we haven’t always had the best relationship, but as the two of us have grown, we’ve gotten closer, and I’ve witnessed some pure genius from you. Thank you for your help in fleshing out some of the sci-fi stuff in this story, and for brainstorming sessions that spawned a lot of cool scenarios and ideas. I’m in such awe of your creativity and imagination, and I’m positive you have a bright future ahead
of you.

‘Nanna’ . . . You never gave up on me. You always knew I’d find my way, and never stopped encouraging me to put my faith in a Power greater than myself, to discover that inherent light of life. I finally did that, and just like you knew it would, my life has turned around completely. Though I know you aren’t here to witness it on the physical plane, you are with me always in spirit, whispering your loving encouragement whenever I need it most. I love you and miss you dearly. Thank you for being my warm west wind.

Pat O. . . . Like my Nanna, you, too, believed in me when no one else on Earth was sure if I’d be alive the next day. You took a shriveled mess of a girl and helped her on her path to becoming a woman of strength and integrity. You’d always say, “Just keep doin’ what you’re doin’,” and “I’m so proud of you,” and though you aren’t here to say it anymore, I still hear it. One of my biggest regrets in life is not coming to see you that one last time, like I said I would. And then, you were gone, and I felt lost. But you had given me a gift that will never leave me: an insight into the magic the world holds, if you only look for it. Thank you, also, for being
my Zephyr.

Donna S. . . . Thank you for teaching me how to be honest with myself and the world; for showing me what it’s like to “walk a free woman,” and to be grateful for everything I have. Thank you for showing me what “redefined dreams” look like, and for loving me past my weaknesses and through hard times. I only wish that the winds of change hadn’t torn us apart the way they did. But I know that’s a part of life. Nothing remains the same. We are constantly changing, shifting, moving on. . . . “Our love is meant to catapult our loved ones into the world,” you taught me. Thank you for teaching me how to just let go, to go with the flow and ride the current. And to do it with a smile, cup of coffee in hand.

Tracy F. . . . You saw me at my lowest point, where I’d even lost the want to search for a way out. But you took me in your strong, loving arms anyway, and you opened my eyes. I’ll always cherish the sparks you ignited inside of me when my world was at its darkest. You are such a brilliant light, and the world is by far a better place with you in it. You told me I’d write a book one day. You’re one
smart lady.

Donna K., Beth H., Petra W., Irie S., Harold D., Brother ChiSing, Bree O. . . . Thank you for your light and your spiritual guidance. You all helped me find a God of my understanding in your own special ways. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping me to sort out, identify, tame, and eradicate the inner demons that plagued me for most of
my life.

Allen R. . . . You’ve read my work from the beginning, and even though it wasn’t as polished as it is now, you still encouraged me to continue writing and follow my dreams. Your “storyteller” is moving forward, and this time, she’s leaving the tunnel door unlocked.

Eric M. . . . Thank you for the final push I needed to find the gate to my own path. Your loving encouragement, your integrity, those wonder-filled eyes that look at life as a giant feast, and your childlike vision, enabled me to take solace in you, a place where I could safely find who I truly was. You were there with me for the first one, and loved every word I wrote, even though it was kinda terrible. You were my first fan. Thank you so much. I think about you every day and hope you’re still “dancing in
the rain.”

Gary B. . . . Thank you for helping me cultivate my love for words, for introducing me to people like Jack Kerouac and Sylvia Plath, and for being such an important catalyst for change of all sorts in my life. Thank you for stepping up and being a man when you were still just a boy. Despite my putting you through the wringer and bringing out your worst, I always knew your heart was gold, just wounded. Thank you for allowing me the kind of regrets that make a person strive to be the best they can be every day, from this day forward. I hope you’re still writing and creating things.

Shannon H. and Megan V. . . . You two stuck with me through the muck of the past, and though we had moments apart, the very special friendships we shared returned and blossomed as we did. Even though we don’t get to talk as much as we’d like to, or see each other as often as we want to because of kids and life stuff, I know I can pick up the phone and call anytime, and you’ll be there for me. Thank you for your forgiveness of my past mistakes, and for being true friends. They are hard to find
these days.

Kimberly Grenfell . . . A huge thank you to you, “Her Awesomeness.” Without you, I would not have spent three months rewriting and making “The Treemakers” the best it can be. There are amazing, encouraging, kind, optimistic editors everywhere, I’m sure, but I’m positive you are the crème de la crème. You
so rock.

John Gibson . . . Thank you for your beautiful work on the Second Edition cover. We survived! And we’ve both learned some things along the way. It’s been a pleasure working with someone so talented, and I’m excited to begin collaborating on the
next project.

Melissa Johnson, Jonathan Yanez, Amy Bartelloni, Angela Berkley, Veronica Williams, Michelle Kluttz, Jeri Rodriguez, Ileana Scarlett Rivera Soto, Konstanz Silverbow, Tina Blythe-Overhue, Christina Munson, Julie Rainforth, and LaDonna Eddie Pigg . . . With awesome, encouraging, supportive friends, whether reader or writer, how could I ever lose? I’ve won already. Thank you for all that you’ve done, and continue to do, to motivate me to keep
moving forward.

And to all of my readers and fans, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for being the receivers of this story. You have brought my journey full circle by reading it, and I assure you, there is much, much more to come.

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