The Training of Toby (Masters of the Mansion Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: The Training of Toby (Masters of the Mansion Book 2)
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Around the large circular room, there were doors leading to private rooms for when couples wanted something a bit more intimate than what the open, voyeuristic playroom provided.

Mistress Diamond’s voice cut through his thoughts as she pulled him over to a long table that held various items, neatly spread out and ready to use.

“Pay attention, pet. You’ll need the information I’m getting ready to give you. Do you know what these are?” she asked, pointing towards the table filled with implements meant for pleasure and pain.

“Not all of them, Mistress.”

“Well, allow me to familiarize you. This is a standard flogger. It has a six inch handle and the suede thongs are eighteen inches long. Feel how soft it is.”

Toby reached out to touch the soft strands and wondered how they could possibly hurt anyone. As if reading his thoughts, Mistress Diamond spoke, “Don’t be deceived, pet. When administered lightly, this feels much like a massage but when swung with force, it can bring a grown man to his knees. I could beat your ass with it and, in an hour, it would appear as if you hadn’t even been touched.” She chuckled when she saw Toby’s mouth drop open in a mixed expression of awe and fright. She winked at him, “It’s all in the wrist, pet. I’ve had years of training. These tools can be dangerous when used by a novice. You’re very lucky to have made your way here where you will be safe and have someone to take care of you. I take my responsibility very seriously.”

There was nothing she could have said that would have put his mind more at ease. She continued, “This is a cat of nine tails. The army has been known to use these whips as a disciplinary tool.”

“Excuse me, Mistress, the army?”

“The British army, love. These nice, little knots at the end leave the prettiest, little, strawberry bruises when applied correctly or they can break the skin when used in a more vicious nature. We haven’t done your interview yet to assess your limits but if my Mistress radar is correct, I don’t believe you’re a pain slut. I see you as more of a pet.”

“Yes, Mistress, I believe your radar is spot on.”

“Don’t be deceived, little one. I have a sadistic side and I won’t hesitate to discipline you severely if you cross me.”

“I can attest to that,” Master William’s iceberg blue eyes bore into him as he spoke, forcing Toby to look away. He remained standing there, watching Mistress Diamond as she continued.

She picked up a heavy leather strap, “This tawse was once used to discipline naughty school children. Are you a naughty boy?” Her translucent green cat eyes cut through him as she waited for his answer. Fear enveloped him and he felt his cock stir. He hadn’t been able to come since his arrival and the way she exercised control over him with just a look, excited him.

“I’ll discipline you when you are, Toby. You’re my property and I will control every aspect of your life.” Toby felt a sense of pride surge through him.

Her look suddenly became cold. She eyed him as she picked up the last device in their lesson. “This is a cane. It is so painful that it is used in interrogations.” She sliced it through the air, causing him to jump. “Once you have felt the bite of a cane, you will not soon forget it.”

“So true, isn’t it,
?” Master William drawled the title mockingly.

She ignored him and looked at Toby. “Pick one, pet.” He immediately reached for the one that he believed promised the least amount of pain. He could only hope that she would use it lightly and the results would be what she had described as more massage-like.

She took the flogger from his hands and began the task of removing his harness. She then led him to a private room and he was shocked, and a little disappointed, when Master William followed them. Neither missed the action when he picked up a cane from the table as they all made their way over to the private room.

Master William stood in the corner and watched as Mistress commanded Toby to disrobe. He gritted his teeth, uncomfortable with the Master’s presence, but his Mistress leaned in and whispered in his ear. “Ignore him, pet. Pretend this is just you and me.”

He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. She was right in his face as he kicked out of them and eyed her with admiration.

“Did I give you permission to look me in the eye?” Before he had time to answer her, a lightning speed slap stung his face and his cock immediately hardened.

She led him to a St. Andrew’s cross and strapped him in so that his back was facing her. She leaned in and whispered in his ear, “Your safeword is
because your Mistress is as dark and dangerous as the midnight hour. I will pull you into a darkness you will never be able to escape. I am your new reality. You are only to say your safeword if you want me to stop.”

“Yes, Mistress.” She lightly ran her long talon fingernails down his spine and then stepped back to begin.

He jumped as he felt the first light caress of the flogger. With each consecutive strike, she applied more pressure with the master precision of a well-trained Mistress.

His body slumped into the cross a little more with each successive strike. She gently removed him and, after she made sure he had his footing, led him over to a chair to kneel in front of her as she sat.

He watched and couldn’t help but lick his lips as she raised her latex skirt up to reveal her shaved, pierced pussy.

“Come here, boy,” she stated as she grabbed a handful of his hair and pushed his face into her pussy. He looked up at her and noted she was coldly eyeing Master William as she talked to him.

“Lick your Mistress’ pussy and stroke that magnificent cock of yours while we watch you. That’s a good boy; lap up the cat’s cream. You’re such a good boy.”

She spread herself open like she was purposely taunting Master William. Toby could hear the sound of the cane as he tapped it against his boot in a threatening manner. “Wrap those perfect, little lips around my pussy and suck on that clit, boy.”

Toby pulled at his cock and only slowed down when she threatened him with a harsh beating if he came before she did. She ground her hips into Toby’s face as her release came and she moaned out in pleasure.

“Come for me, Toby.” His body immediately released as she spoke the words. She rested his head on her leg, petting his hair, and the only thing in his world right now was his Mistress.

He felt such a euphoric peace at her feet but Master William barely gave them time to recover before he hit the intercom button at the door, calling for Selena to come take him back to his room for a bath. Toby hated the fact that every time Master William saw them in an intimate moment he had to ruin it. What was this guy’s problem?

Toby looked longingly at his Mistress as he was led away. He craved laying his head on her lap and soaking up her comfort. He resisted the temptation to give Master William a dirty look. He was realizing very quickly that he didn’t like the Master. He didn’t like anyone who came between him and his Mistress.

“You’re such a good boy. If I’m able, I’ll come tuck you in later.” She gave him a light kiss on his cheek and bid him goodnight. He couldn’t help but wonder why she said,
if she was able,
as Selena led him away.

The last thing Toby saw and heard was Master William as he stalked over to the chair, picked Mistress Diamond up by her hair, and growled, “My turn now.”



Chapter Six

The Killer

The killer fingered through Toby’s items and tried to get a read on where the boy went. His gloved hands, and the act of returning everything he inspected back to its rightful place, ensured that his exploration and presence there would remain secret. His plan of killing his friend, Allyn, seemed to have backfired on him. His purpose of getting rid of the boy was meant to draw him closer, not cause him to run away. He could feel the rage within him threatening to rear its ugly head and he willed it back down; it lodged like a boulder in his soul. It would stay settled and hidden there until he made the decision to unleash it.

Maintaining control was of the utmost importance in matters of life and death. It was the difference between remaining free, where he could pursue the object of his obsession, or being locked away in a facility for the criminally insane. He had no intentions of getting prosecuted for the heinous crimes he had committed. He had already made up his mind that if they caught him killing, he would feign madness. Many people don’t realize that the most proficient serial killers are geniuses in their own right.

He hadn’t counted on the boy being able to escape from his ever watchful eye. He knew Toby had no family and the killer had just eliminated the one friend he had. It wasn’t like Toby to just disappear and, yet, there had been no sign of him today.

His gloved hand touched the pictures on the wall of boys in bondage, submitting to their Mistresses. His cock jumped as he thought about the day he would have Toby tied up and at his mercy. It was evident by the pictures that the boy liked the thought of yielding to someone with dominant traits.

He moved around various pieces of notepaper on the dresser and that’s when he saw it—the business card.

Agent David Turner

Agent Rene Murphy

Federal Bureau of Investigation

So, the FBI had been here to question him. That made sense. Though he felt a sense of relief thinking they suspected Toby might know something, he wasn’t happy about the fact that Toby was gone.

He took the card and tucked it in his suit coat pocket before he left the apartment, being careful to relock it. With the cheap lock that was on the door, he had been able to get in with a mere credit card.

He would have to widen his search for the boy. It wouldn’t be hard to do so with Toby’s online presence. He knew every site the boy frequented. He even knew the site where he had downloaded the pictures to decorate his wall.

The killer was very good at what he did—stalk. He would find the boy and show him that he was what Toby needed, he was what Toby craved, and he was the only one who could fulfill the boy’s need to submit. Yes, he would find him and God help anyone who got in his way, including Agents David Turner and Rene Murphy of the FBI.

Master William

“Are you under the false presumption that you
me watch him lick your pussy until you climaxed? Is that what you think,
?” He drawled the word slave as he viciously jerked a handful of her hair.

“How would you like it if I gave him to another Mistress?”

“No Master, please.”

That got the reaction he wanted. “I’m not certain I’m convinced you’re staying with me. Are you staying?”

“I’ll do anything, anything at all.”

“You’re damn straight you will. When you gave me that signed certificate of ownership, I took it very seriously. Don’t fuck with me, slave. You’ll never win.”

He half dragged her over to the bed and carelessly tossed her on it. He viciously grabbed her corset and ripped it from her body so that her breasts lay bared.

“Master, please, you’re scaring me.”

He noticed his cock hardening in his riding pants. Her fear was turning him on.

“Get your fucking ass up and at the end of the bed.”

She scrambled to move as quickly as possible. This was not the same woman who had just been training Toby.

He stood right behind her and growled obscenities in her ear as he unzipped her skirt and wiggled it off her hips. “You like him, don’t you? I do believe I’ve found your Achilles heel.”

“You’ve always known my weaknesses, Master. I’m honored you’ve taken the time to study me.”

“Save that shit for someone who doesn’t know you. I require blood tonight.”

He strapped her down so that she was bent at the waist with the top half of her body laid out on the bed and her arms splayed widely at each corner. He kicked at her heels in a silent command for her to spread her legs as widely as possible.

“Breathe, Diamond. There’s no escaping the punishment for that orgasm you stole from me. You know the rule. You’re not to come without my permission.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“Too late!” He could tell the first strike of the cane hurt her badly. Her scream was deafening and she looked like she almost pissed herself. He was careful to let the next four lashes fall over her ass and thighs without overlapping.

By the time he was finished, her previously emphatic cries had morphed into the agonized whimpers of a wounded animal. Now, she sounded like one who had given in to the will of her Master.

“Breathe, Diamond,” he commanded her again as he undressed. He watched her intermittently as he disrobed and he knew she was trying to recoup as he gathered the tools he would need.

He made certain she heard the squirt of lube at her ass as he spoke and rubbed his cock through her soaked slit. “Which hole of mine should I fuck tonight? I think I’ll fuck both.”

He slid his large, hard cock into her slit. Nobody could fuck her like her Master; he’d made sure of that. He fucked her mind, her pussy, and her ass in a way that no one else ever could or would. He truly owned her and they both knew it.

He slowly pushed the smaller dildo in her lubed ass and for the first time since the caning, she groaned in pleasure. “You’re such a little slut for me. You’re going to have to tell him that I own you, Diamond… Unless, of course, you would rather I give him away.”

“No, Master, please, I’ll do anything.”

“You’re such a good little slave. Come for me and I don’t mean that bullshit little wave of pleasure you got from that

He concentrated on what he was doing and reached down to stimulate her clit while he fucked her in both holes. She screamed out with her climax as her body shook with tremors. He took the dildo out and tossed it on the bed.

“It is time to get down to business now, girl.”

He grabbed her hips, being careful not to squeeze the stripes that marked her body, courtesy of his cane. He moved his hips in circles and then plunged his cock balls deep inside her.

“Oh fuck, that hurts so damn good,” she screamed.

Again, he rotated his hips and slammed into her. Over and over, he tormented her with moves that only he knew until, once more, she screamed out as another orgasm racked her body.

“Yeah, I didn’t hear that kind of pleasure when your boy toy licked your pussy.” He viciously plunged into her and hissed, “mine,

as he came. He leaned in and rested over her body. He took a minute to recoup before he picked her up and carried her to
bed. He’d be damned if she was sleeping with her little pet tonight. After all, aftercare was the only time she opened her heart and let him in with no reservations.


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