The Training of Scarlet Worthy (23 page)

BOOK: The Training of Scarlet Worthy
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She Laughed. “It’s all voluntary Scarlet, like your own request to choose to be
personal slave. Surely you remember that choice, but it must be done in secret to protect our reputations.”

She changed the subject, and for the first time, it appeared to me that she was uncomfortable continuing the discussion. I made a note to look more closely at some of the names that were associated with Manor business. Once more my curiosity was at large. This was a big puzzle, and I was intrigued. It would be a challenge to connect the dots of the secret society.

The four young Asian slaves were busy with my manicure and pedicure. I had individual attention at each hand and foot. It felt wonderful. I closed my eyes and allowed them to work their magic.

I could hear My Lady issuing instructions for the choice of nail color. Oddly, I didn’t care. Let her pick, she was in charge and I was quite content to have the five of them service my needs.

A funny smile crossed my lips, I thought,
who is the slave in this picture. It sure didn’t feel like me.
I was happy and I started to hum along with the music.
Do my nails girls. Wake me when I’m gorgeous.
My smile broadened and I licked my lips. I felt depraved and I felt wonderful. I spread my legs a little. I thought.
If you like it naughty, then I’ll show you naughty.

In my semi-conscious state I felt someone new working my hair. It was a man’s voice. He spoke in a whisper to Lady Julia. Color options were discussed and chosen. I could hear her give him instructions regarding the cut and final shape of my hair. I heard hair dryers stop and start. I felt tiny brushes on my face. My bushy eyebrows were tended and thinned. I listened to the instructions from a person applying a lip treatment on me. It was well past an hour when they finished. I opened my eyes to find Heidi sitting by my side.

“It was all I could do to keep my hands off of you Scarlet.” Heidi had rolled a large mirror up next to the chair. I sat up. We were alone. I looked at the image in the mirror and at first I thought it a picture like those on the wall. One more photo of a beautiful red haired woman - then I realized it was me.

I sat there in shock. Gone was the straggling mess of parched drab tangles. My hair was long, soft and shiny. It lay on my shoulders and cascaded over my breast like a gentle waterfall of fire. The color was perfect. I felt like a Scarlet, my name fit my appearance. The color was strong, but it got its power from the length and the feel of my hair. It was not overdone and the color complemented my fair skin. My makeup was astonishing. My face was transformed from that of a humble farm girl to a radiant model. My lips were full and stained to match my hair, my green eyes framed to twinkle in mystery.

Heidi took both of my hands in hers. “I feel I should kneel and worship you Scarlet. Honestly, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I’ve seen many of the beautiful people in this very Spa, movie stars, princesses and world famous models have sat were you are now. They cannot touch your beauty.” Heidi kissed the back of my hands without releasing her teary gaze upon my face.

“One last thing dear Scarlet. Sit still. I have a final order from Lady Julia.” She withdrew a tiny brush. It looked like one an artist would use for intimate detail work. She lay the soft point of the brush on my nipple. “My Lady wants them stained to match your hair color and the color of the Manor Crest.”

I withdrew. “Don’t be alarmed Scarlet. It’s no more permanent than food color. It will be gone in a few weeks. Unless you like it. Many women I service like their nipples stained. You can decide after this mandatory first application.”

Heidi went about painting each of my nipples as if she was creating the Mona Lisa. When she was finished I was stunned at the way they looked, each sparkling under the lights of the salon. My breast were a flawless white, tipped with strawberry nipples. My nipples were erect from the tickles and strokes of the brush. I was proud of what the Spa team had done. Heidi called Lady Julia and told her that my treatment was complete. The Swedish woman was told to have me return me to my suite to be fitted.

Soon I was sitting naked and alone in my suite. The sun was setting and I was feeling the pressure of the evening events. I could make out the headlights of many cars as they searched for parking places around the buildings of the Manor. There was the sound of laughter below my window.

Lady Julia entered my suite. She was accompanied by Lady Bradstreet and her slave - my friend BB.

BB was incased in red latex as if she had been dipped in a liquid and allowed to dry. She wore tight red boots and red latex gloves. A red leather posture collar encircled her neck. A short red leash dangled between her latex covered breasts. Lady Bradstreet wore a simple black evening dress. It was strapless and sleeveless. She looked sexy in her simplicity. The gown was floor length and her movements graceful as was her temperament.

The simplicity of her outfit puzzled me. My Lady was similarly dress in a classic yet not so understated way. It too was floor length, and the gown appeared to be a single piece of a soft pink fabric that gripped her body. She wore no under garments and her breast moved freely beneath the silky drape. The back was open and the entire gown was supported by a gold beaded belt that lightly circled her above the navel. The jeweled belt-like fabric crossed in the back and rose over her shoulders to terminate at the breast line. Her hips were exposed and from the back you could almost make out the beginning the crease that separated her twin globes.

The dress was stunning. It was beautiful to watch her perfect figure move effortlessly beneath the fabric. Her hair was soft and flowing and the style was much like my mine only blonde.

Someone had placed a circular fitting stand in the center of my living room. I was told to step up upon it. BB must have crossed some line set by her Mistress, or perhaps Lady Bradstreet simply did not want to deal with her latex slave. Maybe she was simply busy. BB was placed in the corner facing the wall and told to remain still and silent. I felt for her, but I held my tongue. It seemed to me that my night was going to be difficult enough without having a punishment added to my anxiety.

The two women circled me like I was a specimen to be examined and prepared. My Lady produced a spray that made my skin tingle. My skin became luminescent and the spray contained miniature specks of real gold. I sparked under the lights. They had me step into a pair of white lace fabric open toe spiked heels. I watched my body rise, my legs seemed longer and I felt more confident and even assertive. My pampered toes peeked from inside the shoe.

They then produced a white brocade lacing waist cincher. Each woman took a place beside me. “Raise your arms Scarlet.” I followed their instructions. “We haven’t much time, so we’ll do this quickly.” Lady Julia said.

The top was cup-less. My breast were gently fitted into the satin half-moon cut outs under each breast. Once the garment was in place they began to draw the laces. “Keep your arms up sweetheart, that’s my girl, one big exhale and one big pull by Lady Bradstreet on her side and we’re done.”

The garment pinched my waist. I took some shallow breaths to adjust to its restrictions. The two were busy lacing the back and tying off the chinch laces. “You’ll get used to it. Wait till you see.” My Lady said.

I turned to catch my reflection in the full mirror. The heels made me stand inches taller, my legs were thin and sculpted. The red tattoo was pretty. I was getting used to seeing it. I admired its shape - red, and brazen, it brought attention to my smooth pubic area. My waist was nipped tight and the corset gave an additional flair to my figure. I turned and looked over my shoulder. My bottom was firm and tight. I ran my hand over my two accented orbs. My breasts appeared unusually large with the tiny waist cinched below them. The cincher held them as if they were gifts – like tribal offerings to a visiting jungle King.

I was shocked by the woman’s face and hair. This was not any woman that I knew. This was Scarlet Worthy and I must have simply been a fortunate soul to be here to see her. I shook my head. The woman in the mirror shook her head. I smiled at her. She smiled back. I loved my new look.

At that moment of my renewal, indeed my birth, I did not realize the power that the essence of Scarlet Worthy would have upon men and women. I was soon to find out, I vowed to run a test of my powerful license.

Chapter 17:
Scarlet’s Coming-Out Ceremony

Lady Julia and her friend Peg Bradstreet circled my pedestal one final time.

“I believe she’s ready Julie, and I think you have a chance to mold this little beauty into a fine personal slave. If that one in the corner didn’t take so damn much effort, I’d try to deal her for Scarlet. Let me be the first to know if you decide to sell her. I’d like first crack at her.”

They spoke about me as if I were not in the room
. No that’s not right. They didn’t mind if I head them horse trading they’re personal property. I was to be a collard slave and a piece of property to be used as My Lady saw fit.
I looked at BB standing in the corner. She had not moved. She had become invisible. Parked like a bicycle, out of the traffic pattern, and ready for use as needed.

“They will come and get you in an hour Scarlet. I will see you soon.” Lady Julia and her friend left the room and left me standing on the pedestal. I turned slowly in circles. I knew it to be an act of outrageous hedonism, but I couldn’t stop looking at myself. Sibyl was gone and I was glad. I didn’t miss her one damn bit. Scarlet Worthy was beautiful and when she looked back at me in the mirror, she sizzled sex.

An hour, they will come for me in an hour
. I thought. I should eat something, just something to nibble on. “Do you want something to eat BB?”

BB shook her head. I was reminded that she was instructed by her Mistress to remain quiet.

I found the phone. It had been left on the end table by my couch. I punched for Cook. "Yes Mademoiselle, may I help you?"

"So you know who this is Cook, word travels quickly at Brighten."

"I know only what I am told Mademoiselle." There was a hint of sarcasm in her voice. I made a mental note of it. I had barely the time to joust with the French woman.

"I'd like some light refreshment brought to my suite. A fruit and cheese plate and two cold bottles of sparkling water, and I’d like it now Cook. I don't have spare time.

"I understand Mademoiselle, you will have a busy time of it tonight. I will bring the refreshment myself." Again I felt the sarcasm.

"That won’t be necessary. In fact, send that young man that serviced my breakfast. What's his name? He’s young, blond, and short."

"That would be Gabrielle, I will have him bring your tray right up. Will there be anything else Mademoiselle?"

"Yes. Have Gabrielle wear the same uniform as this morning. It was quite pleasing to my eye." I hung up.

I wandered my suite in an effort to get accustomed to my new shoes and the corset. I was pleased. I had forgotten both items while messing with Cook's attitude. I was happy that I was not uncomfortable. I stopped at BB's corner position. She had not moved or spoken a word, and she looked prepared to stay that way as long as was necessary.
Well trained.
I thought. It startled me that I would comment on her discomfort. I may soon be placed in such bondage myself.

I turned BB's face toward mine. I smiled, patted her cheek as a compliment to her devotion to Lady Bradstreet. I kissed my friend on cheek and continued pacing. There was a gentle knock on my door. I stood, I arched my shoulders, and I took a breath - let's see what Scarlet Worthy can encourage in a man.
There will be no meek and mousy Sibyl Smith this evening, not now, perhaps never.

I seated myself in a black leather wingback chair. I had envisioned that the stark formality of the chair would be a provocative contrast to my white waist-pincher and its complimentary white heels. I would also gage what effect my pampered body would have on young Gabrielle.

"Come in?" I mustered the sexiest girlish voice I could.

The young waiter entered. He kept his eyes down in submission. He was dressed as he was that morning. Dressed in only the iron collar.

Gabrielle looked like he had just showered, shaved and brushed his hair. He was a tiny man but well-proportioned and handsome, subtle would best describe him - his hair was blonde and he had taken the time to brush it so that it shined. His hair was longish, surfer-dude long. He had a gentle yet organized manner. I felt comfortable with him.

He glanced at me and where I was seated. "May I serve you there Miss Scarlet?"

I crossed my legs and nodded. I kept my eyes focused on him, and just as this morning, his cock betrayed him. It was stirring as he organized the place setting.

"What did you bring for me Gabrielle?" I whispered.

"I tried to make the offering pleasing to you Miss. I hope you like it. Once I set a base, I feel I can add any kind of fruit that's available. I like to have one thing that is taller than the rest, such as a large bunch of grapes or a decoratively cut papaya, to give the platter height. Then I add raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and fresh figs in casual but organized groups." He laughed. He was nervous, but he continued.

"The platter can look like a bowl of M&M's if there are too many colors scattered with no order. Visually, I had hoped your eye to have a focal point and to be able to see each type of fruit. After all the fruit is arranged, I add flat green leaves around the outside of the fruit, to set off the colors. I then used lemon and galaxy leaves from our hot house, or fig leaves and grape leaves from the Manor garden."

He stopped and blushed. "I'm sorry Miss Scarlet, I didn't mean to go on like that. I just hope you're pleased with what I prepared."

I smiled at him. I patted the ottoman that was positioned to one side of the coffee table. "Sit Gabrielle, I would like some company. I'm afraid that my friend is spending some corner time." I picked up a fork and pointed to BB.

BOOK: The Training of Scarlet Worthy
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