The Training of Fallen Angels (23 page)

BOOK: The Training of Fallen Angels
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‘Well, you’re going to now.’

She watched as he unzipped his jeans and eased his rampant erection into view. She wanted to suck it, and she wanted him to lick her, but it was clear that he had other things on his mind. He moved between her legs, gripping his stiff stalk at the root with one hand and aimed the head at her succulent prize. She felt it touch her tender flesh and she gasped. Now all she wanted was to feel him inside her, to have him fill her with his thick stalk and fuck her like crazy. She raised her bottom from the grass but he teased her by moving the tip of his cock up and down along her soaked lips. He rubbed his glans against her clitoris and she shuddered.

‘Oh, God, fuck me! Fuck me!’ she pleaded.

He grinned, that cheeky, stupid grin and moved forward. She felt him slide into her, filling and stretching her until their groins met. Lisa rammed her mouth against his and dug her fingernails into his backside. He rubbed his pubic mound hard against hers whilst keeping his full length deep inside her. She was coming already. She tugged at the denim of his jeans and bucked her hips wildly, all the time stiffening the muscles of her thighs and groin to grip his throbbing cock tightly within her.

He raised himself and she looked down between their bodies. She watched in delight as he began to move his thick cock in and out of her oozing lips and she shuddered into a terrifying climax. Suddenly he
from her and knelt across her stomach whilst rubbing himself furiously. He groaned and the sperm jetted from him to soak her breasts, her tie and her blouse. Lisa reached up and grabbed hold of his pumping shaft and put the end to her mouth, then licked and sucked it and swallowed his delicious cream.

He fell from her, fully sated. It had been quick, too quick. Lisa needed more. She had to get back to the manor. Paul, Mike, anybody; she had to find someone.

The driver zipped himself up. ‘I’d better change that wheel,’ he said. Lisa cleaned herself up with the sodden pair of panties and then threw them over a hedge. He finished the work quickly and then held the door of the taxi open for her, grinning as ever. He was clearly very pleased with himself, but Lisa was shaking with the need for more sex.

And she’d lost her bet.

Lisa awoke with a start. The room was in almost total darkness and there was an eerie silence. Normally, the house would have been filled with the sounds of laughter and love-making. She glanced at the electronic clock by the bedside. 4.15. Even the most ardent of the guests would have collapsed from exhaustion by now.

Janet’s side of the bed was empty. Her friend was no doubt still with the gorgeous American, Peter, and possibly his lovely wife, continuing where she’d left off at the pool-side. Lisa felt a pang of envy, tinged with mounting frustration. This had been one of the few nights that she’d spent alone for some considerable time, and she didn’t like it.

She pictured Janet taking Peter’s huge, black cock into her saucy little bum, and wondered what his wife
. Would Janet have persuaded her to do the same? No doubt her friend would tell her all about it on her return.

The moon must have appeared from behind the clouds and the bedroom was suddenly filled with a silvery, white light. Lisa stared at the ceiling and allowed her fingers to slip between her legs. She began to caress her clitoris, feeling the bud harden quickly to her touch. She ran her other hand over her breasts and pinched her nipples to erection, then reached over and opened one of the drawers in the bedside cabinet. She quickly found what she was looking for. A long, slim vibrator which gleamed provocatively in the moonlight. She put the end to her mouth and licked the smooth surface, coating it liberally with her saliva, then moved it down between her legs. She turned the control knob at the base of the implement and it buzzed into life. The moment the vibrating sleeve touched her wet sex-lips she shuddered with delight and pushed it hard against herself.

Suddenly, she threw the pleaser on to the floor and sat up angrily. She was furious with herself. She was staying in a house of sex, and she was masturbating alone! She swung her legs from the bed and grabbed her robe, then made for the door.

Out in the dimly lit passageway, she stopped and listened. There was no sound coming from any of the bedrooms that led from the long corridor. She moved to the head of the stairs and looked down. Silence. Her throat felt dry. She sensed that she could still taste Janet’s juices on her lips. At least her friend had done that for her – a wonderful hour of mutual oral enjoyment which had helped to ease her sexual tension on her return from town. But it hadn’t been enough. Janet’s tongue had worked its usual wonders and given her four, or possibly five orgasms but it had
served to increase her desire for a good, hard fucking.

A drink. That’s what she needed. A cup of coffee, perhaps. She moved quickly down the long staircase and headed for the kitchen at the rear of the house. She was about to open the door when she heard voices. One she recognised as that of Mr Gee; the other she didn’t know, although its tone seemed strangely familiar to her. She drew her robe around her nakedness and listened, barely daring to breathe.

‘Believe me, my friend,’ said the stranger’s voice, ‘with this power the most important and influential people in the world will be under our control.’

‘But the amulets, are they dangerous? Can they harm the wearer?’ Mr Gee appeared to be genuinely concerned.

‘Not at all. They give only pleasure. Trust me, my friend. Come, I will show you.’

Lisa heard sudden movements from the other side of the door and ducked behind a large sofa. The door opened and she sensed the men walk past her refuge, then heard the sound of another door opening. She waited for a moment, then cautiously peered over the top of the sofa. The door to the basement was slightly ajar. Summoning up her courage, she decided to follow.

She padded over to the door and opened it just enough to allow her to slip through. Slowly, she descended the steep stairway, stepping as lightly as she could. She was trembling with fear, but she knew that she had to find out what was going on.

At the foot of the stairs she stopped and listened. The voices were muffled, coming from behind another door. She moved cautiously towards it and tried to discern what was being said. Suddenly there was a loud click as the catch was turned. Lisa shrank
back into the shadows as the door opened and the two men exited. She held her breath as they ascended the stairs. The light was turned off and the upper door was closed. She stood in pitch blackness, her heart thumping. Feeling her way by sliding her hand across the surface of the wall, she found the other door and pushed it open. The small room was illuminated by a strange, green light that emanated from a large, open chest on a table. She walked over to the table and looked inside. It contained dozens of amulets, dark green in colour, each fitted with a thick, gold chain and each glowing incandescently. She put her fingers to one of the jewels. It felt warm to her touch. Suddenly, she shivered, but it was not a feeling of fear that made her tremble, but an incongruous desire for sexual release that surged through her body. She drew back her hand and the desire waned as suddenly as it had appeared. She touched the amulet again. The effect was instantaneous. A feeling like a mild electric shock shot through her arm and seemed to fill her entire body with an all-consuming need. She gasped as she felt the juices flow from between her legs to soak her inner thighs. She was going to come! She gripped the amulet tightly and the ache in her pussy grew to a shattering climax in moments. She fell back, still clutching the jewel. She panted heavily. She’d wanted sexual relief, but hadn’t expected this.

She began to feel strange. Normally, after an orgasm her clitoris would be tender to the touch, but not this time. Her fingers found the hard bud and she rubbed herself furiously, desperate to come again. The amulet seemed to be glowing much more brightly, and it felt hot against the skin of her hand. Suddenly, she threw it back into the chest and crouched on the floor. She thrust all four fingers of
hand inside her throbbing cunt and rubbed her clitoris wildly with the other. But the need seemed to be fading. Gradually she slowed her movements until she stopped and eased her wet fingers from inside herself.

It was the amulet that had done it. Her mind raced. She had to tell Janet, and they had to find a way of discovering how the stones would be used.


you had an orgasm by just holding one of those things in your hand?’ Janet’s eyes were staring in disbelief as her friend recounted the story of the previous night’s adventure. Paul and Mike sat impassively on the sofa.

‘Yes,’ replied Lisa, ‘in the space of a few moments. I didn’t even need to touch myself. It was incredible.’

‘Oh, come on, Lisa,’ continued Janet, ‘you must have been dreaming.’

Lisa looked for support from the two young men. ‘You believe me, don’t you? I wasn’t dreaming.’

‘Of course you were,’ said Janet, impatiently. She turned to face Paul and Mike. ‘We both have very realistic dreams. We have since, since –’ She stopped short.

‘Since you first met the old man?’ said Paul, suddenly.

Lisa gasped. ‘What do you know about the old man?’ she said, her voice trembling.

Mike got to his feet and walked over to her, resting his hand on her shoulder. ‘I think it’s about time we told you about ourselves,’ he said slowly. ‘Paul and I are investigators. We work for a special branch of the government, looking into paranormal activities.’

‘Paranormal?’ Lisa sank to a chair.

Mike sat on the edge of the bed next to Janet.
unexplainable events. We usually discover very real and ordinary reasons behind them but sometimes even we can’t explain what we find.’

‘Go on,’ said Janet, quietly.

‘We learnt about the old man some time ago. Who, or what he is we don’t know, but what we do know is that he is very dangerous. We also know that you two were involved with him some time ago, and that you thwarted his attempt to take over power of governments throughout the world. We’ve been watching you for some time.’

‘Why?’ said Lisa, crossly. ‘We aren’t in league with him or anything!’

Mike stroked her hair gently. ‘We know that,’ he said, softly, ‘but we also felt certain that you were the key to finding out his next move.’

‘What do you mean?’ said Janet.

Paul stood up and faced her. ‘Men of his kind don’t take defeat lightly. We knew that he would return to find you.’

‘For revenge, you mean?’ Lisa’s eyes widened as she realised the implications of his words. ‘Are we in danger?’

‘Very possibly,’ said Paul as he sat next to the girls on the bed. ‘We knew about Mr Gee’s involvement, which is why we came to Grantham Manor. It was no surprise to us that you two turned up. You both have very special powers, as you know. We believe that the old man intends to use those powers to gain his evil ends.’

‘But how?’ asked Janet.

‘That much we don’t know,’ continued Mike, ‘but what Lisa has discovered gives us a clue. The old man is intent on world domination, and he uses sex as his weapon. Those amulets are the link. They clearly possess unearthly powers and somehow they are
to be used as part of his plan. What we all have to discover is how.’

Lisa had a sudden thought. ‘Maybe if one of us could get to Mr Gee,’ she said. ‘You know, if one of us could –’

‘Seduce him?’ Janet interrupted, ‘I’ve already tried that and got nowhere. I think he might be gay.’

Lisa laughed out loud at her words. ‘Just because a guy doesn’t fancy you,’ she smirked, ‘it doesn’t automatically mean that he’s gay!’

Janet shrugged. She clearly believed what she had said. ‘I’ve never had a man turn me down before,’ she pouted, ‘and I didn’t like it one little bit. It was a really weird feeling.’

‘I wouldn’t know,’ bragged Lisa, smiling with mock sympathy at her friend. Janet looked positively glum. ‘Look, maybe he prefers other types of girls,’ Lisa added in an attempt to make amends for her teasing.

‘You know the strength of our powers,’ retorted Janet. ‘We can bend the will of any man or woman that we choose. If I couldn’t fuck him, nobody can.’

‘No, maybe Lisa’s got a point,’ said Mike. ‘It could be that he simply prefers blondes.’ He grinned at Lisa. ‘How about it, Lisa?’

Lisa shrugged nervously. ‘I don’t mind. In fact, I think he’s rather gorgeous. I still haven’t got over the story that Janet told me, about the way that he made her come, just by looking at her.’

‘It’s worth a try,’ said Paul, standing up and walking towards the door. ‘We have to know what he intends to do with those amulets. But, for now, we’ve all got work to do.’

‘Oh God, yes,’ exclaimed Janet with sudden realisation, ‘the students. I’d quite forgotten about them.’

‘I looked at the rota on the hall noticeboard before
came up. Lisa’s down for oral techniques and Janet, well, you’re down for something that’s quite the reverse!’

Janet laughed out loud. ‘I’ve a pretty shrewd idea what that is,’ she chuckled. ‘Come on, let’s get breakfast. We’ll talk more in the lunch break.’

There was only a handful of students in the dining room, together with a couple of the older guests. Janet and Lisa sat at a small table opposite Serita, the olive-skinned girl who had refused to make love in front of the class, and another girl, whom they’d not seen before. She was of small build and had very dark skin with huge, shining eyes and a remarkably full mouth. Lisa felt that she and Madam Stone could be sisters, so alike were their features.

Serita smiled weakly as they sat down.

‘You look exhausted,’ said Lisa.

‘I got fucked by six guys last night. I hardly slept a wink.’ Serita spoke matter of factly as she nonchalantly dug her spoon into a grapefruit half. The other girl gasped and her big eyes widened even more in her astonishment. ‘It was Madam Stone’s orders,’ Serita continued. ‘She made me go to the staff restroom and take off my clothes in front of everybody there. It was to punish me for not performing in front of the class like you did, Lisa.’

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