The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You (6 page)

BOOK: The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You
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It’s a bit counterproductive, contradictory, and arbitrary to give folks freedom to learn and then not only suddenly deny it, but exact a stern punishment
without end.
What if, hypothetically, it took most people a few times “at bat,” needing several decades or lifetimes, before they acquired a sense of fairness and justice? Too bad?

What if Soul #19,428,939,045 had failed the first 19 lifetimes and had it not been for the big renege and eternal damnation, on the 20th his goodness would have smacked the ball so far out of the park, with such profound benevolence and kindness for all, it would have permanently altered the course of human evolution, ushering in a golden age of caring and kindness so grand it’s not even conceivable on the present plane? Or let’s say it might have taken him 19
times at bat before making such a mark in history. If
eternal bliss
lay beyond (mind you, that’s a very long time and a whole lot of bliss) for everyone, evermore? Suddenly 19 million times at bat becomes a pittance to pay for such stellar returns. As does 19 billion, or trillion, or zillion,
given the inconceivable scope of eternity.

The beautiful idea of God “loving humanity” so deeply that He gave us freedom is blown to smithereens on the day such freedom is taken back, considering that on that one day there could have been a breakthrough that now can never be.

And we haven’t even posed the greatest of all questions that in a split second, if we even attempt to answer, obliterates the entire notion of hell and the devil:


Why would such amazing intelligence fumble around with such a pointless drill as having “children” in order to test, judge, and sentence them? The whole notion reeks of the immaturity, boredom, impatience, anger, contempt, sadism, and failure of the age it was crafted in, thousands of years ago at a very dark time in human history. Using this rationale to explain life, can you even think of one dot to connect that you’d have any confidence in?
One reason
divine intelligence would move in such a direction instead of the direction we’ve deduced where everyone is
God, doing their best, learning and growing and improving, forever and ever, in a dream world from which all return, unscathed but more for the adventure, adding to all that God is?

As if God, the brilliance that started it all, that knew how to hang each star in the night’s sky and organize energy into matter, wasn’t also wise enough to rehabilitate everyone so in need. Big enough to forgive, unasked. Loving enough to refrain from tests, judgments, and sentences. Courageous enough to accept full responsibility for all creation. And great enough to be assured of unblemished success. In fact, the system now in place achieves all this and undoubtedly more, rehabilitating, forgiving, and loving automatically, perfectly dispensing the exact right doses of whatever is called for at the exact right time. It’s just that inquiring minds have not inquired enough, or rather, that they’ve left it for other folks to do—folks with agendas.


Now imagine, hypothetically, calling your friends in search of someone to join you for a very special concert one month away, only to find every last one of them elusive, noncommittal, and unavailable. Then imagine allowing yourself to grow bitter and resentful, anger mounting, becoming irritable, treating them unkindly in return—only to learn that the reason for their unavailability was your surprise birthday party planned that very weekend.

Imagine …
feeling a growing impatience and contempt for a favorite co-worker who’s become embroiled in bitter office politics, only to discover that the discord arose when your co-worker began defending you from the unkind remarks of others.

Imagine …
your car being chased by another. A seeming lunatic who’s even run a red light to gain ground. You swerve, dart, dodge, curse, worry, and cry, only to find the two of you snarled in traffic many miles from your starting point. And after a few very strange, smiling gestures performed by this no-longer-so-crazed driver, you roll down your window to learn that the only reason for his chase was to tell you that you had left your opened briefcase on the roof of your car.

Imagine …
choosing a lifetime, in part, to be the guide, the light, and the mentor for someone you deeply love who has far less life experience than yourself. Yet mid-life,
aware of your original aim, you study this unusual character you’ve befriended and begin to notice her unique faults. She’s messy, slow, and emotionally unavailable … you think to yourself that you deserve more from so-called friends! So instead of guiding, lighting, and mentoring, you compare, belittle, and criticize, ultimately losing touch with this acquaintance and foregoing the opportunity you once craved to be of service to someone you deeply loved.
“I am so, so, so sorry!”

Imagine …
living in a world of love, where the sun shone daily, animals on every continent played with delight, and every man, woman, and child was motivated by kindness, love, and service. Where opportunity never stopped knocking; you were always in the right place at the right time; and everyone was doing their level best at everything they tried. Where your thoughts would become things, your dreams gave you wings, and everyone was pushed on to greatness every single day of their lives. Yet in spite of all this, at a primitive time in history, the masses, including you, noticed none of this. You were each preoccupied in the dramas of your own circle of family, friends, and enemies who allowed you, even encouraged you, to focus on what was wrong, what didn’t work, and what you didn’t have. Who told you, in spite of glaringly contradictory evidence, that God was angry, people were mean, and life was unfair; that success was a matter of who you knew, not what you knew … Yeah, earth today.

Eternity promises too much to spend one more moment looking back with regret than is necessary.

Every life experience lives forever within you, not locked in your brain but beyond your physical body as part of the very essence of who you are. And it will all be presented again in a final life review, post–homecoming party, after your transition. Everything.

In such a review, you are loved into seeing and understanding not only the motivations and rationales that guided your choices, but the ramifications such choices had for others. You celebrate your triumphs and perseverance, especially as they helped others, and quite obviously you suffer, yet again, through your confusion and misunderstandings, especially as they hurt others. The latter is the closest to hell you will ever come, yet it’s not imposed upon you, nor is a devil involved. The only judgment comes from yourself, the sternest judge of all, as you know too well. So you learn and then you move on, closer to the truth in all things, wiser, more loving, and greater than you were before, poised for greatness once again.

Eternity promises too much and people heal too quickly to spend one more moment looking back with regret than is necessary to learn the lesson. Let your guilt teach you, not punish you. And let the guilt of others do the same for them, no matter how grave their misunderstandings.


And what of the “big stuff”? Like the child who is murdered? The teenager who is raped? The father killed defending his family? Are we now blaming the victim of every tragedy?

As if every answer could be packaged into a tidy little sound bite that would give everyone clarity and confidence and fill them with love. It can’t, yet this doesn’t mean that specific, meaningful answers don’t exist in
every single case.
To reach such answers, however, you need a much wider view of reality and life in the jungles that includes an awareness of your eternal, divine nature and the motivations that may exist behind your incarnational choices. Until we cover everything else the dead want to tell you in this book, please give thought to the following questions that have already been answered:

  1. Have we not otherwise deduced that all are gods? Of God, by God, pure God? Student Creators? With eternity still before us?
  2. Have we not seen that life within the jungles is illusionary; nothing is as it seems? That it’s merely a dimension to visit temporarily for its lessons and adventures?
  3. Can anything that happens in the
    detract from their source? Does making monster faces in the mirror make you a monster? Can anything be done to a mirage that detracts from the desert?
  4. Don’t we already intuitively accept that
    dark cloud has a silver lining? And that when you see no such lining, perhaps it’s because you have more to learn, not because it isn’t there?

These offerings neither justify nor make right the hideous and often disgusting violations that occur in time and space; they merely offer a greater context for your consideration. More will be said to bring clarity to this sensitive topic later. The intent now is to help you begin seeing more than what your eyes have afforded.


Cancer, for example, ravages the physical body. Yet instead of exploring it with the immediacy of a microscope, let’s stand back and consider it as an
that plays itself out over months or years; we see that in many cases it leads its “victim” into discovering his or her power, appreciating life, or reconciling damaged relationships. Suddenly cancer can be seen in a different light—as an adventure into
one’s body, mind, and spirit. With a changed perspective, the gift is revealed: one that was invisible under a microscope.

And while there are many situations that occur in the world that up close are far too horrible for words, we can nevertheless discern that at some greater level there
reasons. That a process is unfolding with a beginning, middle, and end; that there is order. And so, however invisible or impossible to imagine in that moment or even in that lifetime, there must also be healing and love. What would the alternative be? That divine intelligence made a mistake? That it was pure chance? That meaningless things happen on this planetary bastion of order, balance, and perfection?

Nothing justifies the ugly in time and space. But by sensing that there are reasons and rhythms, even though they may not yet be known, you can spend more time understanding your creations, living in the present, and shaping your future than giving away your power by dwelling on the past. And in this light,
and only from this perspective,
bad things do not happen in time and space. Everything adds to, and makes greater, the whole.


What do
think “karma” might mean? Like the word “God,” it gets around.

Essentially, as an
law, a scorecard, or point system—there’s no such thing. If there were, it would interfere with the only principle that governs all manifestations: Thoughts Become Things. If karma were absolute, and once you lied, for example, you had to be lied to … well, how could you be lied to unless you’d created circumstances to allow it? What if, after
lie, you quickly understood lying’s folly and immediately began living at a “higher level,” thinking only peaceful, honest, joyful thoughts? Do you see that if by some absolute karmic law, you still nevertheless had to be lied to, it would break TBT! Ain’t happening—
no one is limited by karma.
Change your thoughts and you can free yourself from any such “wheel.”

Yet sure enough, given that people’s underlying worldviews change very slowly, rarely moving spontaneously from liar to saint, it can often
that they live in a tit-for-tat world where their past behavior seems to forecast what they’ll experience in the future. Hence the usually accurate cliché “What goes around comes around.” For which it is fair to note that karma does indeed appear in our lives, yet more as a phenomenon than as a law.

No one is limited by karma.

To those who understandably yearn for their tormentors to one day know of the pain they’ve suffered, fear not. So great are the natural mechanics of spiritual evolution, and so great is the desire of the divine to leave no stone unturned toward knowing all things, no one can truly understand their power without
experiencing it from the perspectives of everyone it has ever affected, including their “victims.” And because learning your full power is a desired component of every incarnational cycle, they will know your pain in as raw a form as you knew it—whether through “karma” or from a self-cultivated empathy derived from true understanding and reflection.


Religion needs spirituality.

Spirituality does not need religion.

Religion is man-made, time and illusion based, and exclusionary. Its origins were obviously noble and of good intent, as is true of God/Man. It was an attempt to explain the hard-to-explain, recognizing that there’s more to life than what the physical senses can perceive and more to science than instruments will ever detect. As it evolved, however, religion drew ever wider and more tangential conclusions, generally led by individuals who wanted to show that they were closer to God than other people—which, as mentioned earlier, was supposedly evidenced by connecting more dots than others did. And the masses, threatened, humiliated, and too overwhelmed with survival, ceded their power.

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