The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You (27 page)

BOOK: The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You
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This love pierces you with its utter simplicity, energizes you, lifts your spirits, carries you, feels good, and makes you smile unceasingly as you bask in its overwhelming ecstasy. Where it comes from and how it began completely escape you, yet both seem so totally irrelevant. This love “
” as much as you “
” undeniable, stunningly conscious, supremely confident, pure energy, and oriented toward joyful expansion. This love

Imagine, too, that as you observe the physical world around you, which suddenly seems to be as translucent as the light of love illuminating it, you realize all “things” are
this love. Contrary to appearances, it’s not that the love shines on or illuminates the objects of time, space, and matter but that these things are
, just as whitecaps on the tips of ocean swells, pushed by the wind, are part of the very ocean they roll over. You see that this love, in its flowing, can take on form, intelligently follow patterns, organize itself with purpose and intention, and
each adaptation experience itself as it couldn’t before.

Then, as if struck by lightning, a new revelation hits you, and in total awe you consider that if everything around you is God, intelligence self-created within intelligence, dancing apparitions that can see one another, this must unequivocally mean
are exactly the same as what you are seeing.
are a part of this dance, a dancer yourself. You see you truly are of the Divine, by the Divine, for the Divine—
pure God,
a falling raindrop among countless others. God
within time and space. You’re part of the plan yet also now a plan maker as you choose new directions to aim your awareness. Discovering what is so obvious yet so unexpected: that you had to forget setting this all into motion in order to feel the passions your life has evoked, giving meaning to the journey. All is exactly as it should be. There is no other agenda. Nothing else has to happen.
You are God.


“Oh, come now, look around you!” People say stuff like, “Get real—time is running out, and God is losing patience. You were put on earth by His grace, and you will be judged by all of your choices, upon which God will decide whether you go to heaven or hell.” Then they add, “God is merciful.” Phew! Followed by “You live once, whether in a nation of feasts or famines, peace or war, as a male or female, briefly or for a hundred years, under democracy or dictatorship. That’s just the way it goes. Fairness comes in the next world. Life is a test and all must have faith in God’s love to pass it.” God’s love? “Believe and you shall receive … Sow and you will reap …” Phew! Better get on it! “Put the needs of others before your own … The devil makes work for idle hands …” Oh dear! And should you find cracks or contradictions in the logic of this worldview, it’s because “God works in mysterious ways.”


Yet the living, your most immediate brothers and sisters on this journey, in spite of all they still don’t see,
are moved by love each day.
There are strangers, even, who would risk their joyful lives for yours if they found you dangling from a bridge and they thought they might be able to save you. The living are of good intent; they actively, compassionately share concern for your well-being, even as they expect God to “toast” those who don’t follow the rules. Weird.

People care about pretty much everything, everyone, always. It’s just that they’re also so busy believing what they’ve been told,
and therefore manifesting it,
that they genuinely have not yet noticed that in your gorgeous little planet’s entire history, there’s never been:

A drought that didn’t end,
A storm that didn’t clear,
Lightning that didn’t retreat,
An earthquake that didn’t still,
A flood that didn’t recede, or
A plague that wasn’t eventually, completely, and utterly overwhelmed by the healthy.

Now as a rule, the “dead” are not into odds, statistics, or gambling, but it doesn’t take a genius to see that something’s going on “down there,” that the deck is clearly stacked, you’ve got friends in some very high places, and
of the “hard and mean” stuff was ever true.
Hit me, baby!

The dead, with their advantage of perspective, see love everywhere. Individually and collectively, animate and inanimate. The living, not so much, even though it envelops them. They’re usually too distracted by the illusions that, for now, speak louder to them than love.

After all, you can’t eat a hug, nor can kindness shelter you from a storm. The dead, however, are beginning to see the connection. That through love—not in an instant, but applied consistently over time—the illusions can be tamed, managed, and harnessed, ultimately setting a stage where both coexist to create a spectacular new kind of platform for human expression and the joy of being. The goal is not to manipulate, defeat, or transcend time and space but to understand that
illusions within them are the extension of your own directed energy,
like an arm or leg. The sooner you see this, the sooner you can understand them, change them, and enjoy your time among them.

The dead, with their advantage of perspective, see love everywhere.


Love is the way. Love came first, and it’s still there to see. From love the illusions “descended.” Mistaking the illusions for reality keeps you from seeing your power over them—from seeing that you are
love, not
them. Only truth frees you. Therefore the path through the illusions to love, from the material world to an ethereal world brought down to earth, is through …
the truth.
Sound kind of familiar? Not through a person or savior? What savior? All are of God; all are saviors. No, it’s through the truth about time, space, matter, and their origins. It will indeed set you free.

Holy smokes, not to sound religious, but these metaphors have too long been misconstrued. The whole Adam and Eve thing in the Garden of Eden, biting into the apple, was about
beings on the
dreamscape of earth
reaching a tipping point in their growing misunderstanding of what was “real” and what was “illusion,” to the degree that they actually bit into
the illusion
of an apple (because every
is illusionary) as if it were real, thereby making it real to them! The apple then became something to contend with, just as the illusions of the world are now something to contend with rather than being seen as mere illusions.

Not at all a bad thing, not a “fall from grace”—except for how it’s been portrayed by religion—but an awesome thing because then the games could begin. A full-blown ’60s-style lovefest could (and did) commence within the illusions and everyone would (and did) begin
through truth toward love and their re-mastery over all
—“on earth, as it is in heaven” or, again, with “dominion over all
.” Seeing themselves as the Creators they really are and thereby purposely, deliberately, excitedly, joyfully living upon this oasis among the stars with glad hearts, happy feet, and smiling faces, in love with everyone, everywhere, always.

So, excusing the frailty of words, perhaps you can now see that
love is the way,
the only way; it makes everything possible. And for those life adventurers now in the throes of this “love game,” working their way to consciously expressing their divinity
within the illusions,
presently caught between a rock and a hard place, between hugs and food—in other words, adventurers like you—
truth is the path.

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