The Tome of Bill Compendium Vol. 1 (Books 1-4) (50 page)

Read The Tome of Bill Compendium Vol. 1 (Books 1-4) Online

Authors: Rick Gualtieri

Tags: #Urban Fantasy

BOOK: The Tome of Bill Compendium Vol. 1 (Books 1-4)
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“Gan,” I finally said, “I want you to take my bed.”

“Of course,” she answered.

“No, I meant that I want you to take my bed, and I’ll sleep on the couch.”

She looked confused. “Is it not common in your culture to share the bed of your mate?”

“Well, yeah...normally it is. It’s just that...”

“Just what then?”

I figured I’d better just blurt it out. “Gan, it’s the whole kid and adult thing. It’s...just not right.”

“In some ways, I agree,” she said.

?” I blurted out, surprised. Maybe this wouldn’t end badly after all.

“Yes. There is a part of me that wonders if it is not right as well. You are just a child, after all (
). I have lived over ten of your lifetimes. You are practically a newborn to me (
not quite what I meant
). I will admit that I almost do you say it...that I am taking advantage of you.”

“Okay,” was all I could say for a moment there. That was a concept I hadn’t even considered. But maybe it gave me a way out. “That’s good, Gan. I was...embarrassed to tell you this, but...I’m kind of...
with women.” Never thought I’d be playing the nervous virgin card to get out of sex. Live and learn, I guess. What an odd fuckery of a world I found myself in.

Gan got a strange look on her face at my
. After a moment, she replied, “What about your whore? Does she not comfort you at your whim?”

“Sally? No, trust me on that one. Not much comfort going on there.”

Gan continued, “What about my father’s servants? Did you not enjoy their services?”

“Oh that, well...” Shit! She
about that?

“I thought so. They reported back that you were quite vigorous...”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“...if a bit lacking in stamina.”


“However, I am sure we could work on that problem together. My life with father and my people has taught me great patience.”

“One: I do
have a stamina problem,” I blurted out before really thinking about it. “They surprised me, is all. It had been a while since...” It was at that point that my subconscious kicked in and reminded me I was discussing my sex life with someone who would’ve looked more at home playing with a
dream house. “Two: we are not having this conversation.”

“I think it is important to discuss your inexperience.”

“I am
inexperienced! What I meant was... (
think fast, stupid!
) emotionally (
yeah that’d work, I guess
). Emotionally, I’m not sure I’m ready for this. It’s a big step for me. All of the
women I have been with, they’ve just been meaningless encounters for me. I’m not sure I’m ready to take such a big step yet.” Jesus Christ, I hoped Ed wasn’t eavesdropping. No way would he ever let me live this down.

“In time, you will come to love me.” Argh! Talk about not taking the hint! Apparently, I needed to rent the Jumbotron in Times Square to display in thirty-foot letters ‘YOU’RE TWELVE. I’M NOT SLEEPING WITH YOU!’

Okay, I had one last card to play. This chick I had briefly dated in college had used it successfully to keep me at bay. I found out later that she was more or less screwing her way through one of the frat houses on campus, but at the time it had sounded legit. Why not? Time for the Hail Mary pass.

“It just wouldn’t be
,” I said, channeling my inner female and trying to put a little emotional distress into my voice.

“Why? We are mates.”

“Yes, but we’re not...
.” Ugh. I think I felt my testosterone levels drop just by saying that.

“I am not sure I understand,” she replied

This was it. Time to go for the Oscar. “With all of those other women, it was just a physical thing. Two (
and sometimes four
) ships passing in the night. But this is different. I want to save myself for the
woman. Someone I can truly give myself to physically, emotionally...
. If you are that woman, then you need to understand that I have to do this the right way. I need for us to wait until our bond has been sealed in the eyes of God for all of eternity.”

I had thought I was maybe starting to spread it on a little thick there in the end, but when I looked down at Gan, I saw that she was actually misty-eyed. Oh yeah. I would like to thank the Academy...

“You are a good man, Bill. I have chosen wisely.”

“Thank you for understanding, Gan,” I said, continuing to shovel it on.

“I will respect your wishes.”

“That means a lot. Really, it does.” More importantly, it meant I got a reprieve until I could figure out how the fuck to stuff Prairie Dawn here into a box headed back toward China.

* * *

Sleep was a long time coming for me. Part of me wanted to keep an eye out for Gan trying to leave the apartment; however, there’s also the fact that I never realized quite how uncomfortable our couch was. Our old couch had been great - old, dusty, a little musty, but comfortable as all hell. But then Jeff had trashed it (
and the rest of the apartment
) looking for me. Since then, I had never gotten an opportunity to crash (
or pass out
) on the new
model we had replaced it with. Oh well, I imagine it’s only a matter of time before I piss off some other entity and the apartment gets re-trashed. Who knows? Maybe Nergui and his fun bunch would do me a favor while they were trying to kill me and give me a reason to shop for a better one. That’s me...a glass is half full kind of guy.

In the morning, I was awoken by Ed. I heard the sound of furniture being moved from behind his door, followed by him cracking it open and taking a peek around before stepping out. He gave me an annoyed glare, and then went to the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee. Oh well, no rest for the weary, I guess. I got up to join him.

“You look like you slept about as well as I did,” I said, grabbing my mug.

“I kept having nightmares of Dracula’s daughter trying to put me through a food processor.”

“At least she didn’t want to undress you like a Ken doll first,” I pointed out.

“Fair enough,” he replied with a bit of confused look. “Speaking of her...”

“In my room. Wanted to make sure she didn’t try to leave in the middle of the night and kill everyone in the building.”

“That would be hell on our rent.”

“That it would,” I agreed. “By the way, I’m sorry about last night.”

“Probably my own fault. I guess I should be more specific whenever I wish that I was jumped by girls more often.”

We shared a chuckle at that. Both of my roommates had their oddities, but no matter what dark places I found myself in as of late, it was comforting to know that they had my back. In the friend department, I’d take quality over quantity any day.

“Speaking of being jumped,” he continued, “Tommy boy didn’t come back last night, did he?”

“No, he did not,” I confirmed. “I’m thinking that when he gets home from work tonight, it’s going to be story time.”

“Yep. Although there is something about living vicariously through Tom that just feels...”

“So completely wrong that you’re forced to wonder whether or not you’re fucked in the head?” I finished for him.


It was at that point that my bedroom door opened. Ed didn’t move, but I could sense him tensing up. Understandable. It’s one thing to be pummeled by some big bruiser that outweighs you by fifty pounds of muscle, but getting taken down by a little girl was something that would rattle any guy.

Gan stepped out wearing one of my T-shirts.

is cute,” Ed remarked under his breath, thus instantly erasing nearly all of that friendship bullshit I mentioned a second back.

“Don’t start,” I hissed. “Good morning, Gan,” I said in a louder voice. “Sleep well?”

“I have slept on oxen that were more comfortable than your bed. It also smelled funny.”

Ed wasn’t quite able to conceal a laugh at that one.

However, Gan stopped his chuckle dead in its tracks by then adding, “Please have your servant open a vein so I may have breakfast. He may launder my robes when I am done.”

“Gan, Ed is my friend, not my servant.”

“You are friends with a human? Are they not cattle to you?”

Ed got up in a bit of a huff and walked over to wash out his mug.

“No, Gan,” I replied. “In fact, Ed pays a third of the rent. That makes this place as much his as it is mine.”

“A very curious thing to treat humans as equals. We do not do this where I am from.”

“Equals?” Ed scoffed. “I’ll put my dating history against Bill’s any day.”

I ignored him and continued speaking to Gan. “Ed is my
, Gan. So is my other roommate, Tom. We treat each other the same.” Who knows, she seemed curious enough. Maybe there was some hope of reaching through to her and not only getting myself out of this mess, but also avoiding too much bloodshed in the process.

“I think I understand.” She nodded back. “You do not eat friends.”

“Exactly.” This was good.

“Then let us go find some humans who are not your friends so we may dine on them.” Or maybe not. I put my head in my hands as I tried to think of something else to say.

“Here!” Ed said, interrupting us and placing a box in front of Gan.

“What is this?” she demanded.

“What all the cool vampire kids in America eat for breakfast...
Apple Jacks

* * *

Okay, so maybe giving a spoiled vampire brat a sugar rush wasn’t the best of ideas. If so, then what we did next didn’t exactly help either. Following her
breakfast of cereal drowned in milk and blood (
and yes, it looked disgusting even to me
), we did the only thing we could think of...we sat Gan down and showed her how to the use the TV. I think it’s safe to say that both Ed and I should consider sterilization. If that was the best we could do with a kid, neither of us should ever be allowed to breed.

But it seemed to do the trick for the moment. Gan was mesmerized by
Cartoon Network
, thus allowing us to retreat to our respective home offices to get some work done. Sadly, programming deadlines wait for neither man nor immortal beasts of the night.

Unfortunately, I didn’t spend any real time as a teenager babysitting; otherwise, I would know that the Golden Rule of doing so is not to let the kids out of your sight. About two hours passed before I heard some loud yelling, in Chinese presumably, coming from the living room, followed by an equally loud crash. Ed and I raced out to find Gan standing there, or more specifically, Gan standing there with her fist through the screen of our TV.

Ed pretty much summed it up for both of us by yelling, “What the fuck!?”

“This box was insolent,” Gan said in a pouty tone.

“What the hell does that even mean!?” again yelled my roommate.

I stepped forward to intervene. I may have explained that Ed was my friend, but I had little doubt he’d meet with the same fate as the television if she deemed him too
as well. “Gan, why did you kill the nice TV?” I asked in a patient voice.

“I demanded that it bring back the yellow one. It refused, so I punished it accordingly.”

“The yellow one?” I asked.

“Yes,” she replied. “The one who lives in the fruit and makes these things called patties.”

“Let me get this straight,” said Ed, an edge to his voice. “You smashed our television because

I shrugged and gave him a sheepish smile. “Guess I should have showed her how to use On-Demand.”


Satan’s Shopping Mall

That was pretty much the straw that broke Ed’s back. Attacking him and treating him like dirt was okay - breaking the TV, not so much. He left in a huff with heavy hints that Gan should be gone by the time he got back. I really couldn’t disagree with him. When I was recruited into this whole vampire thing, I accepted that I would probably face horrors beyond my imagining and endure an eternity of dealing with the darker forces of the universe. At no point did I ever think that babysitting would be included in that package; otherwise, I might have just let them stake me on that first night like they had wanted to.

Around mid-afternoon, I gave Sally a call. She would be awake by then, no doubt looking forward to another night of filling the coven’s larders with the city’s suicidally depressed. Well, she was going to have to change her plans. No way was I letting her or the others out of helping me with Gan. I was the coven leader, and if I ordered the rest of them to make with the Romper Room, then by God, I was going to get me some Romper Room.

“Let me guess, not a social call?” asked her voice as soon as she answered.

“Not even remotely. Starlight back yet?”

“She should be back here by sundown. I sent a car up for her.”

“Good,” I replied. “Assign someone else to help her.” I lowered my voice so Gan wouldn’t overhear. “She’s gonna need it.”

“None of the others are going to be happy with that.”

“Ask me if I give a shit about what makes the others happy. Last I checked, none of them seemed overly concerned with my state of mental well-being.”

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