The Tome of Bill (Book 6): Half A Prayer (19 page)

Read The Tome of Bill (Book 6): Half A Prayer Online

Authors: Rick Gualtieri

Tags: #Urban Fantasy

BOOK: The Tome of Bill (Book 6): Half A Prayer
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Brock stepped forward to join him, but Mark held up a hand. “I’m afraid I need you to stay here for now. It’s too early for the joining to begin, but I will make sure you are a part of it.”


Rather than reply, Mark’s form dissolved back into that of one of the Jahabich. The Jack O’ Lantern grin that seemed to be ever-present on the monsters’ faces replaced his condescending smile. Overall, it was not an improvement. “
You stay. We must serve for now. Will come for you when it pleases us.

“But...” I could tell Brock didn’t want to show any fear in front of us. So-called tough guys were like that. Sadly for him, the one area of the supernatural that was the great equalizer was not in his favor. For humans, size and strength could be the defining factors. For vamps, it was age, something Brock didn’t have the upper hand with here.

Finally, our traitorous fellow decided to swallow his pride and just say it. “But they’ll kill me.”

The Mark-Jahabich walked out of our holding cell, and the living walls stepped together once more to block us in. He turned and laughed, a sound not unlike metal scraping against concrete.

No, they will not. But even if they try, it will not matter.


Small World, Isn’t It?

Brock kept his distance, never taking his eyes off of Sally. It was probably a smart idea on his part. It was also useless if Sally decided to get creative with a compulsion. She didn’t, though, which was a bit of a shame. I, for one, was curious to learn what the very worst thing she could imagine doing to a person was. I had little doubt it would be a masterpiece of creative butchery. Normally, I wouldn’t be particularly keen on such things, but the asshole had sold us down the river. There were times when even I was willing to make an exception to my general rule about holding on to my humanity.

All Sally did, though, was sit there. She appeared to be in deep thought, but it was possible she was in shock. There was also a chance she was just trying to keep herself in check. Over the next hour, I noticed her fingers had begun to grow back. The act of healing would most certainly continue to drain her reserves. I just had to hope Sally understood that chewing on our resident mage wouldn’t help us in the short term.

Either way, this wasn’t good. I could normally count on her to come up with something we could use to even the odds. She was a far superior strategist compared to me.

Fortunately, I’d had an inkling that something like this might happen back when Mark had first shown his face. I didn’t have anything solid yet as far as plans went, but a few potential ideas were beginning to form in my head.

Of course, none of those would be worth dick if we didn’t accomplish what we’d set out to do. The whole point of coming down here had been to save Ed and, so far, we’d seen no trace of him. His scent had still been strong as we’d been marched through the tunnel to this prison, but was hard to tell. The boost from the blood still seemed to be in my system, but it wouldn’t last much longer. Regardless, there were enough powerful scents in this room to confuse even me, not the least of which were our next door neighbors.

I stood up and surveyed my surroundings, my eyes stopping first on the nearby Sasquatches. They weren’t in their four-armed mega-squatch forms, but they didn’t need to be to pound a vamp like me into paste. At an average of eight feet in height, they would also have been able to step right over the Jahabich and into our pen if they wanted to vent any frustrations. Despite my nervousness, however, they continued to sit in their circle, ignoring us and everyone else.

They did stink like shit, though, and that’s what was fucking things up more than anything. Christ, trying to locate a single mostly-human scent through theirs was like trying to find a car after the parking garage had collapsed on top of it.

Rather than give myself a sinus headache trying, I busied myself with standing on my tiptoes to survey our surroundings and see if I could catch any sight of Ed.

It was pretty much a snipe-hunt. He wasn’t with the other humans as far as I could see. That led to the hope that he’d maybe been labeled as
and put in his own pen. I mean, there were several lone monstrosities off in their own holding cells. Alas, that seemed to be a dead end as well.

Fuck this shit. Sometimes, the direct route was the best.

“Yo, Ed!” I shouted, cupping my hands around my mouth. “Are you here?!”

Throughout the cave, several pairs of eyeballs turned in my direction - some glowing orange, but most of varying hues and general grossness.

“What? I’m not talking to any of you fuckers.”

“Oh god, we are
dead,” Miranda muttered somewhere behind me. Such a lack of optimism.

Next time I got trapped in an unescapable situation, surrounded by insurmountable odds, I was gonna make sure I was accompanied by more positive people.

* * *

Another hour passed and I started to get antsy. It didn’t help that I kinda needed to pee and didn’t really relish the thought of unleashing Gorgo in front of the ladies. On the flipside, it would have been pretty fucking hilarious to use one of the Jahabich as my personal hydrant...right before it disemboweled me, of course.

Much longer and it would be worth it, though...hell, maybe I could try my luck at hitting one of them right in the eye socket. Even if they killed me, that particular Jahabich would never live that shit down if...

Whoa. A feeling of vertigo passed through me and I had to sit down. I was pretty sure my boost from the vampire blood had been on the wane, but out of nowhere, I felt like a truck had run me over. I wasn’t injured and there wasn’t any pain; just a feeling of being tired - like getting up too early in the morning and it all catching up to you around mid-afternoon. Sadly, I was in the worst place in the world to take a nap break. Even so, my eyelids seemed to grow heavier with each passing moment.

Just then, a howl of sorts rose up in the cave, completely derailing any sheep I’d started to count. It was as if a hurricane was blowing across a million open beer bottles, and it was getting louder.

Shaking my head, I managed to clear the cobwebs and get back to my feet. Whatever was going on, I had a feeling it would be unwise to snooze through it.

I turned toward the source of the sound. At the far end of the cave, the Jahabich forming the humans’ holding pen had all lifted their heads up and opened their mouths wide. As they did, the next group followed suit in turn, then the next. As the odd behavior completed itself, the sound rose from each pair of stalagmite-laden jaws that joined. Within seconds, they were all doing it.

By the time it reached us, it was near deafening - like being stuck inside of the amps during a rock show sound check. Apparently, my group wasn't the only one with super-sensitive ears as cries of pain rose up in the room, although they were just barely audible over the rush of noise coming from our jailers.

It continued long enough that I was pretty sure I’d be driven insane, and then it suddenly stopped. One moment there was that sound, like being trapped in the world’s largest leaf blower, and then it was gone. The Jahabich continued to stare skyward, though, as if something really interesting was happening on the ceiling.

I checked - there wasn’t.

Then a voice poured forth from them, nearly as loud as the sound before it, and I realized it was all of them talking in unison.

Long have we slept and dreamt of this time. Ages have passed and we are now worthy to return.

Return? Return
? Also, was it me, or was that howl more or less their way of asking, “Is this thing on?” So many questions and so little...

The pure one is the key. We shall rise and enjoy the surface once more. But first, we must replenish those who were lost.

Gah! I had to raise my hands to my ears to stop their voices from reverberating in my head. Did nobody ever teach these assholes the concept of using their inside voice?

I waited a moment to see if there would be more, but the Jahabich present all lowered their heads and resumed their guard stances.

“Can somebody tell me what the
that was about?” I asked to nobody in particular.

It simple, t’lunta
,” a coarse voice said from just a few yards away. I turned to find one of the Sasquatches had risen to its feet. It was an ugly fucker, a solid eight feet of muscle - some of its mottled skin exposed where the hair had either fallen or been torn out. It stepped forward and eyed us all. “
Are you prepared to die?

That didn’t sound good. These guys had obviously been here longer than we had. Did they know something we didn’t - like, maybe some kind of assholish ritual combat that was about to ensue? God, I hated that shit. Why couldn’t people just talk through their issues?

I was about to open my mouth to tell this hairy shit-stain to go fuck himself, when, to my surprise, Sally stood up and addressed him.

“What did you have in mind, Grulg?”


Hairy Bedfellows


Very good, she-t’lunta. You remember. Grulg afraid you and Freewill t’lunta forget.

“Uh, y-yeah,” I stammered. “I recognized you the moment they marched us in here.” That was, of course, complete bullshit. Most of the Sasquatches looked pretty much the same to me. The only one I’d probably be able to pick out of a crowd was one named Turd, and that was only because he was bigger and a fuck-ton scarier than the rest. Sally had once mentioned that each of them had a unique odor, but I’d never bothered to try and figure that out. As far as I was concerned, they all smelled like sewage runoff on a hot sunny day.

Then Freewill t’lunta remembers that Grulg is sworn to kill you under broken Accord.


“Of course we remember, Grulg,” Sally replied. “And as signatories of the Humbaba Accord, we must act accordingly. Would you not agree?”

Grulg agree. Be ready to die.

Sally simply nodded in response.

Fully awake now, I assumed a defensive stance, thinking that shit was about to get real. The Jahabich outnumbered us by a good amount, but I knew how powerful the Sasquatches could be. If Grulg decided to charge us, I had little doubt he’d knock them aside like bowling pins before they could respond.

I was so intent on waiting for the attack that I nearly jumped out of my skin when a voice said, “It’s time to join us.”

Being surprised with a full bladder is never a good thing. Thankfully, I managed to keep from pissing myself as I spun to find Mark had returned - once more wearing his human guise.

“Come with us, Freewill. It is time for you to be enlightened.”

Oh, crap.

“Hey!” Brock elbowed past me. “Remember me? I’m the one who volunteered to help you.”

Mark seemed a little surprised, but then said, “So you did. I guess the first honor is yours, after all. The Freewill shall join us soon enough. So sorry, Lucinda, but we’ll be saving you for last. I do apologize, but you may be in for quite a wait.”

“Take your time, stud,” she shot back, sounding like her old self.

Brock looked back at us, a smirk of triumph on his face. He stood next to Mark as the
closed up again. Unsurprisingly, that look turned to one of confusion as Mark next gestured for the Jahabich holding the Sasquatches to open up.

Grulg gave a nod and one of the others stepped forward.

“Hey, Mark, what’s this?” Brock asked. “I thought I was going to help you.”

“You are. He will too, as will one of each of the chattel.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You will in short order.”

Two Jahabich stepped to either side of the traitorous vamp, blocking any escape. The poor dipshit.

“Call off your goons, man. We’re cool.”

Mark raised an eyebrow. “They aren’t my goons.”

“Wait, aren’t you in charge here?”

“Of course not, fool,” Mark said with a laugh. “I am merely exerting my will because of this
special occasion
.” He glanced back toward Sally with a leer. “Once that’s over, I shall take my place back amongst the gathering.”


“That you are about to join.”

By now, even Brock was burning off enough brain cells to realize he’d stepped in shit. He made to move, but the Jahabich were quicker. They swung their club-like appendages and hit home with solid cracks of bone, breaking both of his arms in the process. None of the Jahabich, not even Mark, showed any emotion at his cries of anguish, albeit the Bigfoot that had been plucked from Grulg’s group did sort of smile a bit.

Leading their prisoners onward, Mark made a similar withdrawal from most of the pens. Some came willingly, but most had to be dragged kicking and screaming. At the end, the only cells left untouched were those that held singular occupants. I wasn’t exactly sure what that meant, but maybe...

The strongest saved for last
,” Grulg growled, as if that explained anything. “
Greatest warriors for the final conflict. All the rest, just fodder.

I tried to process the meaning of this, but then a thought hit me. “Hey!” That asshole had told Sally she’d be last. Talk about insulting. Christ, being the vampire Freewill garnered absolutely no fucking respect these days.

“Oh, like you expected any different,” she replied with an eye roll.

What the hell? Just a short while ago, she’d been Miss Catatonic. Now, she had that predatory gleam in her eye again.

I knew that look. It meant she was preparing to fuck someone over. Hopefully it wasn’t me.

“Just do what you do best, Bill,” she said. “Follow my lead.”

* * *

All in all, they led off probably a dozen prisoners. Their destination seemed to be pretty obvious: they were herded in the direction of the glowing pool at the far end of the cave.

Before they got there, though, another commotion caught my eye. More of the Jahabich were marching in - a lot of them. It almost looked like a military procession, so perfectly in step they paraded. Side by side, multiple columns entered - dozens in all.

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