The Timekeeper (4 page)

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Authors: Jordana Barber

BOOK: The Timekeeper
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I closed my eyes and drifted through the Veil. I hated the way I had to strain to get home. I felt the pause the flimsy curtain gave my astral body
The sensation could be compared to being born, both resistant and forceful. I couldn’t return to Aliis Mundi in physical form, currently banned until my mortal death, not that it stopped me from doing whatever I wanted anyway

The tarts on the High Council required that I travel to Aliis via astral projection. This wasn’t an ideal mode of transportation, but proved difficult to trace and left me the possibility to solidify my spirit, as close to physically existing. At least as much as I considered necessary to be able to deal with a situation, assuming one should arise.

I retained the ability to pick things up, touch people and poof into smoke. Essential for hanging out in places I wasn’t welcome
As close to actually being present as I could get, similar to a dream I had complete control over.

I was admitted back in to Aliis when those jive turkeys in the High Council summoned for a meeting, or I encountered an emergency I needed to discuss with the Council, as if they would ever offer any help. I suffered restrictions on this useless life, and I only saw my loved ones after I died from the mortal world and sat in Aliis waiting for reincarnation. I spent most of my vacation hanging out in Belt ta `Demm which lasted about fifty years, then came my rebirth.

Everything so carefully timed, it seemed like I never had enough time to accomplish anything. I couldn’t find an instance to recover, to spend a twinkling of an eye with my family, or a moment to myself.

First thing, I needed to get to Warde and Neal. I counted on them being in two different places, and Warde would be considerably trickier to track down than his brother. My best plan was to retrieve Neal and ask him to locate Warde. I prayed they were getting along right now.

Neal wasn’t difficult to find, trying to get close to while alone might prove arduous. At present, he’s listed as an Ambassador in the Summer Court
answering only to Queen Ariannona in the capital city of the island, Breeze Samhraidh.

I travelled to the hub, home of the infamous Summer Queen and her jesters, making sure no one caught me. Being spotted would’ve gone over similar to a fart in church. Ariannona and I were rarely like-minded. In truth, the Queen didn’t make a habit of agreeing with anybody. She ranked high on the heinous bitch list, well within the top five. One of her favorite hobbies included fighting with my father, making me the most hated Princess in her book, despite the fact I couldn’t be found in Aliis Mundi to give her a good reason

I’d have possession of the kingdom, and that alone landed me as her mortal enemy. Well, and the idiots on the Council, whom she also constantly fighting with for whatever reason she conjured up at the time

The good news
it was nighttime
so I had an improved chance of both sneaking around and catching Neal by himself without being found. Now, if I could remember his chamber’s location, I’d be doing even better. I tried not to spend too much time here, certainly not enough to keep track of the palace rooms and proper navigation. The grounds were large and spread out, but sufficiently similar to my family’s bastion that I might make an educated guess.

I glanced around the moonlit courtyard, attempting to get my bearings. The high stonewalls of the Summer Palace blocked out most of the sky, causing shadows to be casted everywhere. Only the glow of the moon on the night blooming white poppies that had begun climbing up the wall distinguished the walls from the ground. The fragrance bordered overwhelming, damn Fey and their overly sweet flowers.

I started to make my way toward what I thought might be the right building, but quickly jumped back into the shadows, hiding behind one of the poppy bushes, when one of the courtyard doors open and slammed close.

I had to hold my breath so I didn’t sneeze from the damn bush. I expected to spot a servant leaving the royal court’s halls, the light
quickened footsteps coming toward me, but who I viewed entering the square made me believe luck might actually be on my side tonight.

A cobalt spiky haired man, who happened to be extremely tall compared to my five foot three inch stature, had stepped into the quad and gazed up into the midnight’s sky. Neal looked exquisite in his royal sapphire cloak shining in the moonlight, covering his black leather pants and his puffy white shirt. His many piercings flashed silver in the pale light and an irritated expression evident on the fine features of his face.

He must have exited the Queen’s chambers only moments ago. Everyone who spoke to the old bat left with the same look, I chuckled to myself silently and grinned.

“Neal.” I hissed into the breeze, still smiling, and spied on him as the word reached his ears.

He glanced around quickly, phosphorescent blue eyes scanning the courtyard, and I stepped into his line of sight, barely out of the gloom, at least enough so he might catch a glimpse of my face and the small outline of my body. He immediately dropped to his knee when he realized who was standing in front of him.

“All I see is green irises glowing in the darkness. I bid you welcome, Princess Azriella, but you should not be here. Allow me to take you to my chamber and we shall speak with some privacy.” I approached him and touched his shoulder, gently running my fingers along his strong jaw. I scanned the area around us, the sounds of foot steps in the halls of the palace echoed in the open space.

“Hurry Neal, someone is coming.” He stood up abruptly and wrapped me into the folds of his cloak, hiding me from the view of anyone who might stumble upon us. I would’ve put myself in his chambers if I could’ve recalled where to go, and avoided this nonsense altogether.

I think Neal preferred to press me up against his lean frame, and I wouldn’t complain. The feeling of his warm body so near mine was enough to placate me for the next century.

We shuffled though several doors and down countless hallways before he finally allowed me out of our shared wrapping. Bowing deeply and looking at the floor he continued with the royal bullshit I found so annoying. He looked like a lovely cerulean, satin covered, stone in the middle of the room with the manner his shroud fell over his body and spilt over on to the ground.

We should’ve moved passed this when we’re together in private. We had met this way, so long ago I scarcely remembered. He’d been dragging his brother’s broken body behind him and they had just escaped the Order of the Seraphim. Every rebel Angel whispered my name by then. Neal knelt before me, begging me to take his brother to the Aliis Mundi and spare his life. I took them both.

“Princess, you shouldn’t have come here. The Queen is still having a spat with the Council and your father over territorial rights. This isn’t the best moment to visit, although I am grateful to catch sight of a friendly
familiar face right now.” I put my hand on his shoulder again, making the same gesture, but this instance I pulled his chin up to look at me and cupped his lovely cheeks in my hands.

“Get up off the floor, Neal. I’m not in the mood for your pleasantries. I thought we had moved past continuing to abuse these useless formalities.” I smiled at him as he stood up and wrapped my arms around him under his cloak. I laid my face against his slender chest. He rubbed my back, caressing me like a lingering lover.

“It’s been ages, Azriella. I’m blessed to find you in my chamber again, but you’re not here simply to catch up. Perhaps someday we’ll both be in a position for a friendly visit now and then, and it won’t be frowned upon.” We released each other and he motioned for the chair next to the bed.

I sat in the large, overstuffed brown leather and he took the edge of the satin covered divan. The last time I had found myself in the personal quarters of one of my Angels had been eons ago. I smiled at the memories of my time spent with Neal. They’re pleasant to say the least. Oh, sweet reminiscences, how they haunted me everywhere I went.

“I’m afraid you’re right, my dear Angel, I’m here with a warning, and I sure hope you’ve got some idea to the whereabouts of your brother.” Neal rubbed his face with his hands.

“I figured as much, but I’ve no clue where Warde is
I refuse to speak to him. Not in about twenty-five years anyway. We had a bit of a falling out, if you can believe that. I’m sorry I can’t help you Princess, you’re always so kind to me, despite my brother, I wish I had some way to repay you.” He collapsed on the bed and glared at the ceiling, his lovely blue eyes boring a hole into the decorated plaster.

My recollection of our affair justified a little more affection than the word “kind” let on. He loved me
but our relationship would never happen. The defense he’d been using for eons now included ignoring his feelings for me.

“I’m not worried about any type of repayment, my darling. I am, however, concerned with the situation regarding you and your brother. A couple of Angels stopped by for a quick visit
they appeared to be hunters for the Order of the Seraphim.

“They are looking for the two of you again. I need to make sure you stay in Aliis. They aren’t allowed here and they can’t find their way in, but I certainly can’t let you wander around where they might be able to get their hands on you. You’re not the one I’m anxious about. You’ll stay put and are aware of the consequences should you be caught
Your brother on the other hand
is a little more difficult to control and simply doesn’t care if something happens to him.”

Neal propped himself up on his elbows and looked at me over the length of his amazing body. If he hadn’t had such deep feelings for me, and our lineage hadn’t been opposed to each other’s, things should’ve been different between us.

Our liaison had been wonderful before everything fell apart so long ago. When my father found out about the affair, he went through the roof. No daughter of his would bed one of God’s Angels ever again.

“I’ll stay put, not a problem. Who did they send after us anyway? It’s not important, I’m just curious.” He grinned and I found it even more difficult to control myself, damn him.

Neal was an amazing specimen in his royal blue satin, the sign of his status in the Court of Summer Island. My cousins –we’re all related in this area
seemed to be clueless when it came to the excellent catch they had sitting around. This Angel possessed many more talents than his superior skill as an Ambassador.

“Gideon and some asshole named Chester.” I watched Neal’s grin fade. Apparently, he had a history with the two hunters. This didn’t bode well for any of us. A storm started behind his lovely blue eyes and a look of concern and hatred crossed his face. Our moments of cheerfulness had passed.

“Check yourself, Azriella. Chester isn’t screwed in right. I worked with him in the past. He’s got a short fuse and won’t hesitate to do something rash. No wonder they stuck him with Gideon, he’s a terrific guy and excellent at defusing bad situations. Hopefully
Gideon can keep that loose cannon in line.

“I’m surprised the bastard hasn’t Fallen yet. He seemed to be well on his way before I left the Seraphim. I worry about your safety, Princess. Azul can only do so much
and you don’t let him take care of you in the manner he should be. This is a perfect example, you’re here alone, which means you’ve given him the slip again.” Oh, to hell with this Angel, he’s as bad as my husband

“Neal, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, as you are well aware of. I can’t lose Azul, I told him I was coming to Aliis, and I decided not to wait for him to come with me. I will keep track of Chester. I knew better than to trust him the moment I laid eyes on him. Now, on to other important things, how am I going to find your brother? I have something else I need him to do, and this situation is more pressing than his own safety.” Neal raised an eyebrow at me.

“What’s the big to do?” I needed to stress the importance of finding Warde. I didn’t believe for a second Neal had no clue of his twin’s location.

“The Vala for the Norse Pantheon is in grave danger, Warde needs to contract with Aural, at Aural’s request of course. Personally, I think she just wants to be close to him. I understand she’s not happy with Dante right now.” Neal chuckled.

I grinned at the sound of the angelic resonance, one of the many things I loved so much about him. Curse him. He’s one of the reasons I had chosen to leave Azul behind, the other, his brother. The attraction to the twins was undeniable, especially in front of my husband.

“The Norse Pantheon? Jaylynne?” He sat up on the bed and I raised an eyebrow, his satin cloak slipping from his shoulders onto the divan behind him.

“Well that certainly got your attention. When did you meet Jaylynne? This particular kind of upright interest only means you had a romantic liaison with her.” Neal turned a charming shade of red
made brighter by the white of his shirt
I believed at some stage they had an affair. Shocking, but pleasantly surprising nonetheless. He needed to get out more. I was thrilled that he didn’t just spend his time pining over me for centuries.

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