The Time Rip (27 page)

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Authors: Alexia James

BOOK: The Time Rip
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They started giggling and Greg snatched up the phone, cut off the loudspeaker and spoke a few words while shaking his head at the pair of them.

The man named James straightened up and grabbed the phone back from Greg, but he had already disconnected the call.

“Bad idea,” said Greg, “I’m not gonna help you guys out when he cuffs you to the fridge for the weekend.”

“Aw, Jones, you’re no fun at all.”

“It’s your skin. Anyway, this is Janet Green. Janet, this is Flyboy, aka James Taylor, and Michael Brannigan.”

“Hey, nice to meet you, Janet.”

“Good to see you, girl.”

Janet couldn’t help but grin back at Greg’s work colleagues.

“If you get tired of Jones here, sweetheart, give me a call. I’ve got some quality gear; I’m talking Lindt ninety percent coco solids.”

“I’ll bear it in mind,” said Janet.

Greg shook his head, “C’mon, lets move out.”

A short while later, Janet stood surveying the mess that was Greg’s office.

“What happened to the cleaning crew?” she asked.

“It was a Government secret, but leaked out to make a scandal; we haven’t been able to persuade any others to work here since.”

“Cleaner-gate, huh?”

“Damn, you’re good.”

“So what is it you all do here?”

“We’re a bunch of techies. We provide software and IT solutions to a court returns agency. Boring stuff to a jeweller huh.”

“Not at all. I studied software at college.”

“You did? Why did you give it up?”

“Didn’t like the long hours culture, and people think retail is bad. So tell me more about what you do, it sounds interesting.”

The door opened and a tall, balding man peeked in. “Jones, can I borrow you for a minute?”

Greg looked up and grinned, an edge of relief in his smile. “Sure, but I can’t be long. I’ve got some fine company here.” He turned back to Janet, “Back in a mo, make yourself at home.”

Janet wondered at his reaction as she looked around the messy room. He had obviously not wanted to discuss his work with her. Could it be that secret if it was IT support?

She picked her way to Greg’s chair to sit down. After tiring of the smoothness of the spinning action, she began to try the desk drawers. The first one was locked, the second held a variety of grotty stationery and, rather unimaginatively, two card keys for the third and locked drawer.

Janet tried both and pocketed one. The drawer contained a laptop and she pulled it out with a grin. Most of what she found made little sense. The programs were completely different from what she was used to seeing and interfaced too well for her to get down to any command line without a lot more time.

She tried several approaches, but nothing worked. The general format was similar enough that she began to pick up how to get about. General commonsense allowed her to get into some kind of e-mailing program and she recognised one or two words like Inbox.

Lazily, she opened the first message and started to read. It was immediately apparent that whatever other jobs Greg did, IT support wasn’t one of them. Most of the e-mails made no sense whatsoever, and she was about to give up when she came across a set of messages with some names she recognised.



Adam Tate           28/10/2166

to:      Michael Brannigan, James Taylor, Gregory Jones


re:      Sticky situation


Just to give you a heads up on Danny boy. He’s on the warpath over truth or jump. Alex has been getting antsy after she heard Flyboy planted one on Joan of Arc. She mentioned something about you boys being irresponsible while Danny was here with me, and he ran with it. She did her best to cover the slip, but you know what he’s like. You have been warned…



Michael Brannigan       27/6/2008

to:      Adam Tate

cc:     James Taylor, Gregory Jones

re:      Sticky situation


Not good news. Thanks for the warning. We’ll have to postpone the next round until things cool off a little.



Gregory Jones     27/6/2008

to:      Michael Brannigan, James Taylor

cc:     Adam Tate

re:      Sticky situation


You’re only saying that because it’s your turn next and you’re chicken. Where did you hide the device, Flyboy?



James Taylor                27/6/2008

to:      Gregory Jones

cc:     Adam Tate, Michael Brannigan

re:      Sticky situation


In the desk on the third floor. I got you a fantastic grandad hat, Jones, for next time you go to see Matt, but you’re wrong about Danny boy leaving us in peace. Adam already told me he thinks the guy will hop centuries tomorrow. Weds at the latest, and Matt blabbed to Jer that he saw you with your device in hand, and that he thinks you’re getting lazy. No one has mobiles in 1908, and you know what Jer is. Sounds like you might be in for it more than Brannigan.



Gregory Jones     27/6/2008

to:      Adam Tate, James Taylor

cc:     Michael Brannigan

re:      Sticky situation


A likely story, Flyboy.

Adam, you’re nuts. Danny boy won’t jump until Friday. Can you imagine how time-lagged he’ll be? He’s been in 1760 for the last six months then back to 2166 for a week and now to 2008? He’ll never do it. No one can survive on that little sleep.



Adam Tate           28/10/2166

to:      Gregory Jones

cc:     Michael Brannigan, James Taylor

re:      Sticky situation


Don’t say I didn’t warn you, and don’t implicate me in any of this. I never knew about any of it.



Michael Brannigan       27/6/2008

to:      Adam Tate

cc:     Gregory Jones, James Taylor

re:      Sticky situation


Hey, I’m listening. Won’t catch me getting under Danny boy’s feet.



Gregory Jones     27/6/2008

to:      Michael Brannigan

cc:     Adam Tate, James Taylor

re:      Sticky situation


Chicken!! Brrwarck Brrwarck!!



Michael Brannigan       27/6/2008

to:      Gregory Jones

cc:     Adam Tate, James Taylor

re:      Sticky situation


Takes one to know one. You just want to watch Danny boy take me to task. High entertainment, but I’ll take you down with me.



Gregory Jones     27/6/2008

to:      Michael Brannigan

cc:     Adam Tate, James Taylor

re:      Sticky situation





Michael Brannigan       27/6/2008

to:      Gregory Jones

cc:     Adam Tate, James Taylor

re:      Sticky situation





Gregory Jones     27/6/2008

to:      Michael Brannigan

cc:     Adam Tate, James Taylor

re:      Sticky situation


Fancy a drink, Saturday?



Michael Brannigan       27/6/2008

to:      Gregory Jones

cc:     Adam Tate, James Taylor

re:      Sticky situation


Yeah ok. Which century?



Gregory Jones     27/6/2008

to:      Michael Brannigan

cc:     Adam Tate, James Taylor

re:      Sticky situation


This one since you’re so chicken. The George. Seven O’clock.



The messages made little sense at first and she wondered if they were talking in some kind of code. It was as though there were something obvious going on that she simply couldn’t see, rendering all the messages baffling. She skimmed back through again and the dates caught her eye.

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