The Tiger's Mail Order Mate (Paranormal Shifter Romance) (18 page)

Read The Tiger's Mail Order Mate (Paranormal Shifter Romance) Online

Authors: Jade White

Tags: #Paranormal, #Shifter, #Tiger, #Mail-Order Bride, #Mate, #Adult, #Erotic, #Dark Secrets, #Purchase, #Website, #Hidden Motive, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Chances, #The One

BOOK: The Tiger's Mail Order Mate (Paranormal Shifter Romance)
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The couple followed the man through the hallway to the waiting SUV. “I’m thinking the Canary Islands,” Sonja said dreamily. “I heard Tenerife was lovely.”

“I’ve never been there. I’ve heard stories about how lovely it is. You know I’ll agree with you, because seriously I’m tired of travelling.”

“Also it’s where a hospital is,” Sonja said cryptically.

“Wait, what?” Russell said confused. “You’re not saying...”

“I’m not sure; I haven’t had a test yet, but remember, my physiology isn’t the same as normal women. Maybe the Chernobyl incident did something to my eggs and now I can...”

“You mean?” Russell said, gobsmacked.

“I haven’t taken a test yet, but I haven’t had my period since Hawaii,” Sonja replied. “It could be the stress. I’m not sure.”

“We’ll find out when we get to Tenerife,” Russell said excitedly. “No need to stress over it here.”

Sonja sat back in the seat and buckled in as the SUV drove away. “You know, the baby could be a complete monster. Might not even survive,” she said sadly.

“You know we’ll get to it when we get to it. I’m sure the Dragon or the Orochi group would have a doctor on hand. Hell, they are probably listening in right now if you want to know the truth.”

“Yeah, let’s just wait for me to pee on a stick first, and then we’ll take it from there,” Sonja said as the car drove to the Nuremberg airport.

The SUV pulled up onto the tarmac as the private jet waited for their arrival. Sonja looked at the large, mute pilot. “We’ll be going to Tenerife in the Canary Islands please” she informed him.

The pilot stood for a minute and concentrated. He nodded once in response and climbed aboard the aircraft to do his pre-flight check and file the flight plan with the towers.

Sonja and Russell climbed up the stairs to the plane and were stopped by a statuesque Asian lady. “Hello, we meet again,” she said. “Remember me? The Mouth of the Dragon. I rarely leave my spot in the temple, but I thought a personal congratulations would be in order.”

“Why, thank you,” Sonja said. “We just answered questions and...”

“Not about that. About your future bundle of joy. We saw it in the models,” she said with a sly grin. “That is the variable we can’t trace. Your child.”

Sonja stood on the airplane stairs with her mouth agape.

“Well, come on to the plane, there is a pregnancy test for you to take to confirm it for yourself, but our models are never wrong.”

They climbed the stairs into the luxurious private jet and noticed it was the same one they took from Pyongyang. The Mouth of the Dragon sat down in one of the seats. “You’ll find the test in the bathroom waiting for you, you can take it now, and the pilot will be a few more minutes yet. It’s difficult for them to communicate properly, you understand.”

Sonja gave the Mouth a strange look as she went into the bathroom. She saw the white plastic test sitting on the metal sink. She took the plastic cap off the absorbent end and proceeded to use it as intended as she relieved herself.

She cleaned herself up after using the toilet and flushed. Sonja looked at herself in the foggy airplane mirror and noticed dark circles forming under her eyes.
Boy, I’m wrecked
, she thought to herself. So tired. So very tired. She couldn’t wait to get to the Canary Islands to start her new life with Russell.

After a minute, she looked down at the test and noticed two strong pink lines in the viewing window. Sonja placed her hand over her mouth as emotion overwhelmed her. She was pregnant. She had no idea how hers and Russell’s genetics would mix, but mix they did.

She picked up the plastic test and slowly opened the bathroom door. She slowly walked over to Russell who was sitting at the edge of his seat, waiting eagerly for the test results. “So?” he asked.

Sonja handed the plastic test to him without saying a word. The Mouth of the Dragon sat back with a smug look on her face. “See? I told you, the models are never wrong.”

Russell stood up and gave Sonja a big hug. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine,” he said.

“I hope so,” Sonja said in a quavering voice. She was scared. A splicer shouldn’t be able to conceive with a human. There were built-in fail safes, but she wasn’t an ordinary human either.

“The Dragon has a doctor in Tenerife,” The Mouth said. “We will arrange for you to be seen by her. She will offer all prenatal care and deliver your baby. Once that baby is born, it will be the one that we can’t trace. A divergent. Usually, we kill them off right away, but in this case we want to study it. We won’t stand in your way of parenting. Just observe the child as it grows and the impact it has on our models, nothing more,” she explained.

Sonja swallowed hard. “All right,” she said as she sat down in the luxurious leather seat. She did up her seatbelt as the plane began to taxi to the runway. “Onwards and upwards to our new life,” she said as she felt the plane surge underneath her upon taking off.



A little boy with dark, cherry-red hair and swarthy skin ran down the golden sandy beach. His dark skin was decorated with faint stripes, and his intelligent amber eyes searched the warm sand for treasures. The boy squealed as he picked up a white sand dollar from the ground and ran up to the tall, red-headed woman and Indian man that were nearby.

“Mamma, Daddy, I found a dollar!” he said with the enthusiasm of a three-year-old boy.

“That’s wonderful, Jacob!” Sonja replied as she scooped him up into a warm hug. The boy’s yellow swim trunks were covered in sand from various falls and stumbles that toddlers experience.

In the distance, Sonja noticed a tall man observing the small family. She gave Jacob a protective squeeze as she put him down on the beach. “You can use it to decorate a sand castle,” she encouraged the little boy. “Go show Mommy how big of a sand castle you can make, okay?”

The little boy’s grin grew broader as he turned and sped down the beach, falling down a couple of times as he made his way towards the warm water of the tropical Atlantic Ocean.

“That man is watching us,” Sonja said to Russell.

“I know,” he said. “We knew that we’d be watched, or at least Jacob.”

“It’s funny. Other than the stripes, he’s turned out completely normal,” Sonja said.

“Don’t count on it. Remember, we start to be able to change at puberty. We won’t know until then,” Russell said as he took a drink of water.

“True,” Sonja replied as she protectively watched her son build a rather tall sand castle. “Anyway, I’m glad I’m here with you, and I’m glad we had him.”

She recalled her labour, three years ago that day, and it was the most excruciating experience she had in her life. The doctor the Dragon provided would not give her any kind of pain medication and she delivered at home. The Doctor explained that if the baby was born still or severely deformed, she’d need her wits about her to get to the airport quickly, because the local authorities wouldn’t be too understanding.

The tall man walked up to Jacob and crouched down next to him. Russell placed a restraining hand on Sonja’s shoulder to keep her from attacking the stranger. The man motioned in the direction of some nearby bushes, and a little Korean boy emerged.

Sonja arched an eyebrow and cocked her head quizzically as the young boy confidently approached Jacob and sat down next to him to help build the sand castle.

“The Dragon rarely comes out to play,” a familiar voice said from behind the couple. “We felt it safe for him to play with your child, despite him being a divergent. It might give us a more... intimate look at his values for our models and we can adjust accordingly.”

Sonja nodded. “Just wondering, will we have another?”

“Another child?” the Mouth of the Dragon asked. “No. Jacob will be the only child you will ever have.”

Sonja nodded. “At least he’s happy,” she said.

The two boys abandoned their sand castle endeavors and began to chase each other around the water line, splashing warm water at each other and squealing. The big body guard stood by stoically as the two boys played water tag around him, soaking his black pants with warm sea water while seagulls whirled and dove overhead in the azure sky above.






Authors Message:


Thanks so much for reading all the way to the end, glad to know somebody out there enjoys my books :)


If you have a quick moment, I would love if you could leave a rating of the story on the Amazon store. It is a huge help to independent authors like myself.




Thanks in advance and if you want to see all my other releases then you can
check out my Amazon Author page here


Why not collect them all? ;)


Jade xoxoxox








James Nightsky knows his wolf pack are in trouble. Big trouble.
Their numbers are dwindling and the future is looking bleak. As he is Alpha it is his responsibility to not only ensure the safety of the Pack but also their security for the future. This includes finding a mate and raising a healthy cub.
James hates doing it but he knows he has no choice.
He writes a letter to his old Alpha asking for help. He hopes his old Alpha might be able to spare some numbers from his own thriving pack.
Luckily he was right.
James can not believe it when he lays his eyes on Chastity Fayre. To him, she is beautiful and just the type of mate he is looking for. But how will Chastity cope with being the Alpha's “Mail Order Mate”? And was she really sent to him as a good-will gift or is there more to this than meets the eye?





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