The Thorndykes 1: Dispossessed (7 page)

Read The Thorndykes 1: Dispossessed Online

Authors: Lynne Connolly

Tags: #Paranormal; Vampires; Shifters; Suspense

BOOK: The Thorndykes 1: Dispossessed
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She frowned. “You sense it too?”

He shook his head and reached for her. It seemed natural to go into his arms, to lie snuggled against his chest while her tears dried. “I enjoy it. Every vampire feels the transition, but some like me savor it. I’ve always enjoyed it. The change reminds me of what I was before.”

A muscle in his arm twitched as if he was about to push her away, but instead he stiffened, waiting for her to react. “You’re converted?”

“Yes, I am. Does it bother you?”

“No, should it?”

“You’re a vampire-born. Some don’t think we should mix.”

She snorted with derision. “Why? That’s as bad as the people who want to destroy all vampires because we’re eeeevil.” She drew out the last word and grinned.

Something here he refused to discuss. She couldn’t blame him. She wouldn’t have told him about her weakness except he discovered it for himself.

She sighed and burrowed closer. “Vampire is vampire, and you’re one of the sexiest I’ve ever met.”

He growled when she kissed him and then went a bit lower, taking her time exploring his navel. “Something tells me you haven’t met too many vampires.”

“Or men, come to that.” She bit her lip, but she might as well carry on now. “Small-town life. I go to Houston to feed and sometimes hook up with somebody, but even then there’s a danger I might meet someone I know. I don’t do it often. I’ve had to put Drew through college.”

He pulled in a breath as if he wanted to say something, then groaned softly when she nipped the tender flesh just below his hip. “Do you know what you’re doing?”

“I’m not

His rich, musky scent drew her, his cock fascinating her all over again. That ring, she’d wanted to explore it more last night, but he hadn’t let her. “Does it hurt?”

“No.” He gasped and made a tiny sound at the back of his throat when she touched it.

Tentative at first, afraid she’d hurt him, she followed the metal warmed by his body around his cocktip and dared to move it a little. One hole at the base of the crown at the part nearest to the balls and another at the top.

“Is it true, the story about Prince Albert? How long have you had it?”

“On and off, quite a while. If I take it out, I heal, so I’ve had it redone once or twice. Oh, fuck!” This when she stroked the head of his erection, swirling her finger under the flange. “No, don’t stop.”

“Then keep talking.” She traced her tongue along the shiny, delicate skin. He winced, but she paused. She watched as a drop of clear liquid emerged from the hole at the top and slowly trickled down over the ring, decreasing as it left a track behind it.

“We did it as a dare. A few of us, way back. Some kept it, some didn’t. It was true, it did neaten the appearance, but I didn’t know Prince Albert well enough to find out if he really had one. I wouldn’t put it past the obsessive bastard. If he did, he never told anyone, although Vicky was keen for him. Please, is that enough?” An edge of desperation entered his voice, and she relented. Besides, she didn’t want any more of his juices going to waste.

She tasted him again, and this time she didn’t intend to stop. Too addictive. She nuzzled the ring, then followed the thick metal with her tongue down to his balls. As she licked the shapes, he moaned and touched her head, pushing his fingers into her hair. She sensed his restraint, marveled at his strength even in this form.

“That feels so fucking good I could lie here all day.”

Learning him, his taste in her mouth, his scent surrounding her with need and desire, she responded. Her pussy was soaked, wetting her inner thighs, her clit swelling. She rubbed her legs together to try to get some relief. It eased enough for her to continue with what she was doing. She’d never enjoyed going down on a man before, but this was so different, and his cock so luscious a hunger new to her roared through her, compelling in its demands. If he refused her, she’d have to get herself off in front of him, daring any embarrassment. For a vampire she had little experience of sex, and it was not very adventurous. This man could take her flying.

He encouraged her with hot whispers and touches to her mind, tantalizing in their elusiveness, never lingering to caress. He held her in place, but with no force, just an encouraging pressure, telling her without words that she was doing it right as far as he was concerned.

“So good. You should give lessons,” he said, “but only to me.”

That made her pause.
“You want exclusive?”

“If you do.”

“How long for?”

He groaned.
“Who the fuck cares? Forever, an hour?”
He continued verbally. “I’m always exclusive, but sometimes my partners prefer it otherwise.”

“A gentleman.”


Shit, she loved this—his taste, the way he let her do what she wanted. She explored, loving the way his cock jumped to attention when she touched her tongue to the underside and then ran it down the thick vein at the center. What would it feel like to bite him there, fangs extended?

His moan told her. More quickly than she could have imagined, he slid his hands out of her hair and under her arms, and dragged her back up the bed. He slammed her against the bank of pillows, and he was over her, his expression desperate. Lines bracketed his mouth; his eyes gleamed as he pinned her to the mattress. “I want you now. No time for waiting.” He ensured her readiness with his fingers, and his appreciation caressed in her mind as he bathed her with desire and flattery. A strange feeling, but utterly irresistible.

Then he opened her and pushed inside, his cock ring nudging her entrance. “I didn’t want to hurt you, or cause you a minute’s discomfort. Sometimes the ring can do that if it’s angled wrong.”

His piercing was set to one side. Was that was for sex, to make it easier or something? “No,” he said as if she’d asked him aloud. “It’s because I have a foreskin. The piercing makes sure it’s not disturbed. Entirely practical, dear lady.” He punctuated the end of his sentence with a swivel of his hips. Then drove inside her pussy, his sure thrust ensuring he was seated to the hilt.

It was her turn to moan. That hot metal ring she’d been licking a moment ago now lay deep inside her body and forced her arousal to a screaming pitch. She imagined she could turn to wax and melt right onto the sheets. “I love it, that piercing.”

“I’m quite fond of it myself.” He sounded cool, in control, and she opened her eyes to see him smiling down at her. He was completely embedded. She felt the edge of desperation that she shared.

She decided to follow his lead but couldn’t manage it.

He kissed her, a gentle brush of his lips. “It’ll come in time. I wanted to thank you. Last night was one of the most erotic experiences I’ve ever had.”

“You’re kidding me!”

“No. You explored me honestly, found out what you wanted to know, and you nearly killed me doing it. You touched me in new ways.” As if he couldn’t take it another minute, he pulled back and thrust in again, his eyes widening, the brown going darker still as his pupils dilated. Outside the sun was doing its work. Although he had the drapes closed, light seeped in. She could see his face clearer than when she’d touched and kissed his cock. “Now it’s my turn.”

“To do what?” She held on to her senses by a thread.

“Drive you mad.” He dived, sent her wits whirling by taking her mouth in a kiss and driving hard into her, changing his angle each time. He didn’t give her space to adjust, and then his mind locked into hers, holding her as securely as his arms. For this moment he held her captive, owned her, but she knew the minute she objected he’d leave. What worried her was that he might not come back.

Arching her body as much as she could under his larger frame, she lifted her legs, widened them to take more of him. She wanted that ring deep, deep inside her. She could feel it—a firm, smooth ridge reminding her with every stroke that she was with somebody unique in her experience.

He didn’t speak to her mentally but warmed her, caressed her, mind and pussy, drawing her with him and sending everything else to obliteration. Nonexistence. They communicated in every way but words now, his tongue in her mouth, his cock driving her higher with every thrust. He owned her. She would have sold her soul for this.

Her orgasm rushed toward her, every part of her honed to receive it. Agonizingly, unbelievably, he held her on the brink for a precious few seconds before lifting and with one plunge, shoved her over the edge.

Lucille went into freefall. For once in her life, she didn’t care about being safe. Wildness consumed her, and she loved it. Embraced it because he surrounded her. This man would ensure she didn’t come to harm while she was in his arms.

Until he gripped her tighter and cried out. It was her turn to shelter him, holding him close with arms and legs, enjoying the way his cock throbbed with every release. He gave her everything he had without limit and left her damp with sweat.

He murmured her name and gave her one of the gentle kisses she was beginning to crave. She liked the other kind too. The devouring, greedy ones. She peeled a strand of hair off her cheek and smiled muzzily up at him. “I probably look a mess now.” She didn’t fuss over her appearance, but she preferred not to appear so tousled.

“Sex isn’t neat and clean,” he said, grinning down at her. “Done right, it should be messy and sticky and all the things you’re thinking about.”

“You’re in my mind again.”

He tilted his head to one side. “You don’t like it?”

She stared into his eyes and thought. “I think I do. I’m just not used to it.”

He stroked her cheek. “Thank you. Maybe one day you’ll trust me more.” Open another layer, he meant. So far he only had access to that part of her mind all Talents and mortals who’d developed their psi gifts shared.

“Maybe.” But not yet. Not after one night. He was powerful and persuasive, but she mustn’t share that part of herself with anyone. Not even her brother, except in special circumstances. Like when he’d gone missing.

“You’re thinking too hard. Get some sleep.”

“I need to get to work. I’m opening the bar today.”

“You don’t have staff?” He frowned at her, concern in his gaze.

“Yes, but I take my shifts.”

Fortunately he didn’t argue. “What time do you have to be there?”

“Around nine so I can open at ten.”

He pulled gently out of her, his ring widening her just before he exited. It felt strange. Good strange. Rolling to one side, he curved an arm around her waist, so she rolled with him, still close. Still sticky. They smelled of each other, and she found that arousing as she never had before. One of the things she did immediately after sex was get clean, so this felt odd. Especially with unprotected sex.

“Then sleep. I’ll make sure you get to your place in time.”

She trusted him that much. In any case, how bad could it be? Few people came around early on Mondays, and her cook had a key. He could open at eleven. Or she could call him. Dreamily considering the alternatives, she drifted, and just before she fell asleep, she recalled how she’d woken up. The best dawn she’d ever had.


WHO KNEW THEY’D fit so well? Men who said women were all the same inside hadn’t had enough experience. Or were willfully stupid. Jay gazed down at the woman sleeping peacefully in his arms. She felt good there, a warm, soft weight.

But he had to move. He had work to do. Maybe he should have told her, but she slept with a completeness it would have been criminal to interrupt. Business didn’t wait, however, especially business like this, and some things niggled at him. He needed to ensure the family last night got away cleanly, for one thing. Then there was the mild irritant of her brother.

While Lucille said she was okay with her brother’s disappearance, he’d picked up a thread of concern. She was worried about Drew, just not enough to go looking. Not yet. Maybe Jay was more wary, lived longer, but he wanted to know.

And Blue. That guy needed to get off his estate. Because he didn’t identify himself, Jay worried he had something to hide. Since he’d forced himself through bad times, seen wars and worse, he never took anything for granted.

With any luck, by the time she awoke, he’d have everything settled. Or when he saw her again, because sure as fuck he needed to see her again. Do this again. And if all went well, do it some more.

It took him five minutes to slide her away from him, but he held her mind. He sent her waves of reassurance that smoothed over the slight disturbance rippling through her.

He got ready in record time. While he was showering, he contacted his aide, the one who’d taken the family away under the cover of the party last night. Masquerades meant they could switch clothes easily, and then other Talents watched to see if anyone took an interest, noticing if anyone was noticing. So far, nobody. Maybe Blue observed them. Jay didn’t kid himself that Blue was some passerby; he was powerful, and he’d turned up last night for a reason. Jay didn’t know what, and that concerned him.

He checked her again before he left the house. He wasn’t afraid of leaving her here; his security was second to none, and he’d held the party in the public part of the house. The links between that and his private quarters were either outside, in which case the cameras, guards, and locks would stop intruders, or inside through one narrow hallway, also guarded. When he didn’t throw his home open, he kept security to a minimum, but with a strange Talent on the loose, he had the place secured.

He alerted his housekeeper to the fact that he had a personal guest and asked her to take Lucille some food. He didn’t even know if Lucille ate breakfast or what kind, so he played safe and ordered a good selection. Plus ordinary clothing. He doubted she’d considered that.

Leaving the kitchen, a purloined muffin in hand, he nearly collided with his agent. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“Nice.” Pete raised a sandy brow. “I just got back. Nothing to worry about; everything went well. You’ll get a call tomorrow morning. But so far, so good.” He fixed Jay with a more alert stare. “Something different about you today. That woman you scored was worth it?”

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