The Ten Year Affair (7 page)

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Authors: Hope Raye Collins

BOOK: The Ten Year Affair
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Peter and Don were at her side now congratulating her. Peter pulled her
close for a hug and kiss of his own. She hoped Ian hadn’t been watching. Peter
was acting very unprofessional lately in public. She shook hands with Tom
Jensen and caught Ian’s gaze as he listened to another fellow prosecutor. His
face seemed to be beaming with...was it pride? Was he happy and proud that she
had won?  Here you go thinking nonsense again Alexandra. “Nice job baby,” Ian
mouthed to her and smiled. “Thank you,” she mouthed back.

Peter turned her around and hugged her again. There was no mistaking that
Ian had seen the embrace this time. “This calls for a celebration. A big one.
How about it Alex? Don?”

“I agree. I agree,” said Don. “But first Alex needs to go give the press
a few bites. We’ll decide where we’re going after that.”

Alex talked to the press and then Peter, Don and several other support
staff met at The Landing to celebrate. Alex was reveling in the congratulations
and admiration of the staff until
walked in. He was escorting a tall,
gorgeous, buxom blond. The typical Ian Foster companion. Why had he ever looked
at her twice thought Alex if this was his type? She had been ready to deal with
running into Ian but this she was not yet ready for; to speak to him with
another woman on his arm. That she couldn’t stomach yet. She remembered how
easy it had been before, before she had realized she loved him. She had to get
out of there and get out fast. She turned to Peter.

“Peter, I suddenly don’t feel so well. Can you take me home? Now?”

“Sure Lex. I know you’ve got to be exhausted. I’m sure all you need is a
good night’s sleep. Let me get your coat.”

“Hurry. Please hurry,”
thought Alex.
“Damn! It’s too late.”
Ian was fast approaching their little party with Miss Universe on his arm.

“Whoa, baby!” said one of the other attorneys at their table. “Look at
what Foster is sporting on his arm these days. What a bod.” The rest of the
males at the table concurred and made various lewd comments. Alex wanted to
crawl under the table but it was too late. Ian and the gorgeous blonde were
standing right in front of her. She rose from her chair.

“Alexandra I just wanted to formally congratulate you since I didn’t get
a chance to earlier this evening. As I told you before, I think you did a fine
job. I’d like you to meet Jennifer Lewis. Jennifer this is Alexandra Morgan.
One of, if not the best, defense attorney in Creighton County.” At that,
several of the bars defense attorneys who had been celebrating with Alex
feigned offense at Ian’s statement and jokingly harassed him. Alex’s mouth was
dry and she could feel the sweat pouring down the back of her blouse. She was
able to squeak out a thank you before collapsing in a heap on the restaurant


Alexandra opened her eyes and the face before her was a blur. She heard
excited voices all around her. She couldn’t quite make out the face but she
knew the voice. “Alex, baby. Alex ? It’s Ian honey. Please say something. Are
you okay?”

“Ian?” Alex muttered. “It’s okay. I’m okay.” Ian was holding her hand and
had cupped her head with the other and gently massaged her cheek back and forth
with his thumb. He felt so good. She was in no hurry to get up. Her eyes
fluttered a few times then came into focus. She found that the whole table of
her friends was huddled around her and Ian’s face was full of worry.

“What happened? Alex, dear god, what’s wrong?” she heard Peter’s frantic
voice as he broke through the circle of people. Ian gallantly stepped back and
Peter took over. “I’m fine Peter. I think I fainted for some reason. But I’m okay.”

“Peter I think you better get Alex to the hospital. It’s not like her to
faint like this for no good reason,” said Ian.

“Thanks for the advice buddy but I think I know what’s best for Alex.”
Peter glared at Ian and the circle of Alex’s friends, not eager to be in the
middle of a dog fight, started to disperse. “Alex can you sit up hon? Let’s get
you out of here and to the hospital. Should I call an ambulance?”

Alex sat up and rubbed her eyes.

“Oh no Peter. I don’t need to go to the hospital. I’ve just had a long
exhausting day that’s all. I just need rest and I was hardly able to eat any
dinner earlier because I was so nervous.” Peter and Ian both opened their
mouths to object but she silenced them.

“Really you two. You’re overreacting. I got a little dizzy and fainted.
I’m simply tired. I haven’t been sleeping or eating well since this case went
to trial. I’ll sleep until noon tomorrow and be good as new. Please Peter just
take me home.”

“All right Alex but I don’t want to leave you alone,” said Peter. She saw
Ian stiffen. “Let me call Julia and have her come stay with you. Better yet why
don’t I take you to your grandmother’s.”

Alex laughed. “Oh, please Peter. If you really want me to get some rest
please, please don’t let Grandmother know what happened. You know how she is.
She’ll constantly fuss over me.”

“Okay Lex but I’m not leaving you alone.” Peter helped Alex to her feet.
Ian grabbed her hands to steady her while Peter grabbed her coat. Alex finally
noticed that buxom blonde was still standing there next to Ian.

“It was very nice to meet you Jennifer. I don’t usually put on such a

“Well, it was nice to meet you too Alex after hearing so much about you
from Ian. I’m sure we’ll meet again some time.” It hadn’t gone unnoticed by
Jennifer how Ian had bristled when Peter said he would not be leaving Alex
alone. There was a history between these two. She just hoped that that was what
it was...history.

Peter and Ian helped Alex with her coat.

“Here we go hon. Let’s get your coat on and get out of here. Bye
everyone,” Peter shouted to their group of colleagues.

Ian softly kissed her cheek and reluctantly stepped back to Jennifer’s
side. “Take care baby. Call me if you need anything.”

Peter tried hard to ignore the tender look between Alex and Ian. “She’ll
be just fine Ian. I’ll take care of her. Goodnight.”

Everyone hollered good-bye and their hopes that Alex would feel better
soon. Don hugged Alex.

“I want you to take the day off tomorrow Alex. You scared the hell out of

“I won’t argue with you Don. I could use a day of recuperation. Thanks
for the celebration. I’ll see you in a couple days.”

Don grinned at Peter.

I expect to see tomorrow.” He smacked Peter on the back.

Ian didn’t miss the implication in Don’s words and by now his jealousy
had consumed him. He wanted to wipe that huge grin off Peter’s face. He needed
to get out of here. He said his goodnights to everyone and took Jennifer to a
separate table. He wanted to be the one with Alex right now. He wanted to take
care of her. This was going to be a long evening.

Chapter 7

Alex was lying awake in bed trying to relax. She had thankfully been able
to talk Peter into going home. She really did feel fine but she couldn’t relax
and sleep. She was too keyed up over tonight’s events. She kept thinking about
how it had felt when Ian touched her. How when she woke up she had wanted him
to gather her in his arms and hold her. Unfortunately, it was going to take her
longer to get over Ian than she had hoped. She thought she had seen glimpses of
jealousy in Ian over Peter but she likely was imagining that. Why would Ian be
jealous when he had the beautiful Jennifer on his arm? Well, one thing Alex had
with Ian was plenty of memories. The sweetest being the first time they had
made love.

Ian had asked her for several dances the night of the senior prom. It was
as if he was trying to make up for all the time they’d lost over the years
because he’d deliberately avoided her. Peter had gotten so drunk throughout the
night that his friends had driven him home. Alex was angry with Peter and had
decided to stay. Some friends dropped her at home when the dance was over.
much for a night to remember,”
she remembered thinking. Although aside from
it being an early evening it had been a glorious night. She had laughed so much
with Ian and enjoyed their time together. She had just changed clothes when her
mother called up the stairs that Ian was there to see her. Her stomach was in
knots. Ian here? Why? As she descended the stairs her legs trembled. But she
immediately relaxed when he looked at her and smiled.

“Hi Alex. I’m so glad you weren’t in bed yet. Seems my date took ill too
so I was hoping you’d come along with me to the after prom activities. Your Mom
said it was okay with her if you wanted to.”

If she wanted to?!!! She couldn’t believe her luck. Maybe she wasn’t so
mad at Peter after all.

“I would love to Ian.” Alex hollered at her mother who was mulling around
in the kitchen. “Mom! I’m leaving with Ian.”

“That’s fine dear. Have fun and be careful.”

Be careful. If she was being careful she would not be going at all. But
she wanted this time with Ian; what little time she could have before he went
off to college in California.

They had a great time together that night. First, they went bowling with
everyone then over to Tom Jensen’s house for a late night swim. After that,
they all went to Denny’s for an early morning breakfast. After breakfast they
said their good-byes to the rest of the group as they all decided to call it a
night. They climbed into Ian’s car and Ian turned to Alex and grabbed both her
hands. Alex shivered at his touch.

“Alex, I don’t want tonight to end.”

“I know Ian. Tonight’s been pretty special for me. I’m not going to
forget it any time soon.”

“Alex. I want you to stay with me awhile longer. I want to be with you
Alex. My parents are out of town. Will you come back to my house with me?”

Alex’s mouth grew dry and she didn’t know what to say.

“I don’t know Ian. I want to. Just what do you mean exactly by wanting to
be with me?”

Ian grinned.

“I think you know what I mean Alex. I want to make love to you. I want to
have this one sweet memory of you to hold onto when I’m at school.”

“I don’t know Ian…I…I…want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my
life. I think you know that. But I don’t want to be a one-night stand either.
As much as I’d like to go home with you, I think you better take me home.”

Ian knew she was right. He’d fought his attraction for her all these
years and couldn’t explain why he’d decided to throw it all away and give into
his feelings tonight. He just knew he had to. He had to have her.

“Baby I know.” He cupped her face in his hands and tenderly rubbed her
cheeks with his thumbs making her burn with desire. “I’ve wanted you for so
long now. You are so special to me Alex and I thought I was being noble by
staying away from you. I knew we couldn’t fight these feelings that spark
between us if I didn’t stay away from you. I didn’t want to use you then go
away to school. You deserve better than that Alex. You deserve a man who wants
to marry you and take care of you. I’m not that man Alex and I never will be.
I’m just a kid that desires the hell out of you.” His heart sunk as he said
these next words. “But you’re right. I better take you home.” He turned from
her to start the car.

“No!” Alex cried and grabbed his arm. “No,” she said softly this time.
“I’ll die Ian if I never know what it would be like to make love to you. I’ve
dreamed of it for so long. I don’t want to just dream any more.”

Ian slid his hand to the nape of her neck, caressed her cheek with his
other hand and smiled sweetly into her eyes. “Be sure Alex. Please be sure.
Whatever happens after tonight I don’t ever want you to hate me or regret
making love to me.”

“I’m not sure that it’s the right thing for us to do Ian all I know is
that it’s what I want. What I need tonight.”

Ian lowered his head and tenderly brushed his lips against hers. Alex
could feel the moistness gather between her legs. She grabbed his shoulders and
pulled him further into the kiss. She parted her lips and met his tongue with
hers with an urgency and hunger she remembered feeling only once before when
Ian had kissed her at her door and awakened this wanton side of her.

Ian abruptly pulled away and ended the heaven she was feeling.

“Let’s get outta here.”

Alex reclined her seat, laid back and smiled. This was actually going to
happen. She was going to make love to Ian Foster.


When they arrived back at Ian’s house the phone was ringing when they
walked in. Ian answered it to find his Mom on the other end.

“I’m fine Mom. Yeah, I’m just getting in. It was a great time Mom. Yes, I
think Mary Ann really enjoyed herself but she got sick and had to go home a
little early. No, I am sure she’ll be fine. Nothing serious. Just a little
touch of the flu or something.” Ian grinned over his shoulder at Alex because
of his words. The same type of flu that had affected Peter had affected Mary
Ann as well. Alcohol related flu. “No Mom I’m in for the night.” He turned to
Alex with his eyes ablaze. “I’m going straight to bed.” Alex shivered and
wrapped her arms tight around her. His gaze made her weak. She was frightened
but knew this would be a remarkable time that she would always treasure. She
wanted Ian to be her first lover because she trusted him to make it special for
her. She was scared to death but eager to find out what it would be like to let
go and lose herself in Ian Foster.

Ian ended his call with his mother and grabbed Alex’s hand. “Let’s go
up,” he said and nodded towards the staircase.

“I still can’t remember how I ever made it up those stairs,”
“I must have floated because I doubt my legs carried me.”

 Ian led her into his room and shut the door behind them. He turned on
the small lamp on a nightstand next to his bed and it let off a soft glow. He
took off his jacket and threw it on a chair then made his way toward Alex.

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