The Teleporter. (10 page)

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Authors: Louis Arthur-Brown

BOOK: The Teleporter.
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iam then helps the marine up and says “Name, soldier?”

“It’s Pete, what’s yours?”

“Mine is Will, we don’t have much time, we got to go now”

Will orders the r
est of the team down the hose. As they all rappel down, the big doors then open as 3 flashes of light race by, followed by another 3.

Jack looks back and says “They’re bringing the SR-71 out! That’s retired!”

Pete then says “We’re using every asset possible. The Russians just dropped a 1000 bomb near here, aiming for where they and the rest of the world ‘thought’ area 51 was located!”

The team then rush uphill for the exit. As they get close it starts to close, which then prompts them to speed up to a desperate sprint speed. They all make it
to surface level- just.

All of them
take a second to get their breath as they hide behind this old deserted building. They notice the sky is full of Russian transport planes, with Russian troops being dropped by the hundreds in the desert, potentially so they can have less chance of being detected, or regroup and form a flanking manoeuvre.

, 3 UFO’s appear near the rear of these Russian transport planes in a triangular formation. A blue light seems to appear and link the three UFO’s, then the 3 UFO’s aim down the line of the Russian transports. The UFO’s seem to disappear as the blue light is getting more and more intense, then, a pulse of white light ‘booms’ outward, engulfing these transport planes.

The effect is
devastating, all of the 40- 50 Russian transport planes, plus hundreds of troops that have just left the planes literally disintegrate into fiery pieces and fall to earth like rain. The UFO’s then vanish in an instant.

“Whoa, What the fuck was that?!” John asks as the team look upwards at the unprecedented destructive capability of these 3 UFO’s.

“Repulsor technology. That was a tri- burst, the strongest type of burst.” Pete informs.

What is that?” Paul asks.

A Repulsor ray uses an electromagnetic field generator to focus ionized particles into a point, like a particle. Using  this with a sudden, sharp reversal of current, opposite to the particles charge, means that the particle can be shot out at great speeds, resulting in great damage” Cat interjects.

The rest of the team then pause and look at her in amazement, when Paul kisses her as he is taken back by her beauty and intelligence.

“Get a room” Pete, Jack and Will banter before Pete says “Come on, we have no time.”

“Ok. I’m going back for one of those” John announces
as he looks at his watch.

“What? No, baby you’re coming with me” Alex says

“No, I can’t. We need one of those and I’m going alone. I can’t put you in anymore danger, make contact with Dave!”
“NO, don’t, we’ll find something else” Alex says as John grabs her and kisses her on the forehead as days “Go. Go with the others, Go now, I’ll come and pick you up when we have one… I love you”

Alex is now in tears again, as she watches John run back into
area 51, almost in slow motion. To her, she is watching the love of her life disappear back into a serpent’s pit.

Will, then gives chase and Jack does also. “No, you guys need to keep her safe!” Jo
hn shouts. “Jack, stay there, I’m going with John, he will need help!”.

They then go their separate ways
as John and Alex are both in anguish that they have to part again.

As John and Will get down
into the grey hangar, there are 3 crafts left, which are surprisingly unguarded. They get in the one that looks the best and in the best condition. As they enter the craft, the controls are literally alien to them. There are symbols on each button but again, they are alien.

First challenge, start the craft. This takes about 5 minutes of hard-core button bashing, whilst the craft is doing many things in this time.

“This one… Nope”
“Maybe, it’s this one?... Nope” 

“What about this one
?... Nope.” As a burst is fired which destroys a section of the hangar.
This goes on for a while before the ignition button is pressed. The ship starts up and there is no joystick.
“Now what?” Will says.
“Ummm, give me a second…”

Meanwhile the rest of the team are sprinting for a tower that looks like good cover in this old abandoned airfield that has Area 51 below it. 5 minutes pass, then 10 minutes pass… still no word from John or Will. They are having a lot of trouble controlling the craft, but when the figure it out- it is already too late.

A brilliant white flash fills the air, followed by a second flash, then another flash in the distance, the ground is shaking and the lights are getting brighter. Dust is being shaken loose from every structure as John and Will are racing the aircraft up the 30 degree incline and out the doors when they notice the flashes also.

John then attempts to manoeuver the craft towards the
teams’ direction but he notices the light is very bright indeed. The atmosphere is a brilliant white, John has gone cold. He realises what has happened and he knows that everyone is dead. The shockwaves get closer and closer, approaching like a storm cloud; completely unstoppable and devastating, he feels helpless and defeated.

he first shockwave hits.

This shockwave is like a strong wind, which instantly hits, sending the aircraft off course slightly and making a visible line
of dust and wind from every object protruding the earth’s surface.

The world is strangely bright.

The second shockwave approaches and an eerie red glow then mixes with the brilliant white light as things start disintegrating around John and Will, including the tower which the rest of the team are currently in. The shockwave then hits and the tower gets knocked over slightly, then slowly gets turned to dust as the strong wind seems to take it; like a hurricane would take a sand castle. The craft that John and Will are currently in is now completely unaffected, so they look on in anguish- especially John as he has just seen the love of his life get obliterated before his eyes and he is there, unable to help, unable to intervene, unable to do anything. The most gargantuan feeling of emptiness, the thought of what could have been… taken in moments that will echo forever in Johns memory.

The environment around John and Will is in the process of being levelled, rock
is getting scorched into ash; trees and any other structures disintegrate with no resistance to this unparalleled power. This goes on for the best part of 2 minutes which feel like an eternity.

As the environment
slowly falls silent, that eerie red glow has filled the atmosphere, and it becomes increasingly difficult to see as the dust is settling, slowly blocking out the sun.

It is peaceful, and calm.

No sound. Silence. Except for the gentle pitter patter or debris gracing the floor like snow sprinkling onto a mountain top.

John, hasn’t blinked since he saw the tower collapse. His gaze is still focused on where the tower was, where the love of his life wa
s, where his friends were as his eyes fill with water. Tears begin streaming down his face, as he gently sobs and mourns his loss. Will, also melancholy, tries to comfort John with a manly hug, but it seems John has completely given up as he starts crying.

John feels empty inside, he feels useless as he should have taken her with him. He replays that last kiss in his head 100 times and it is only making him weep more at the fact that he cannot ever repeat that. He is angry with himself and what’s more he is disappointed that he didn’t die by her side. He keeps thinking of what he should have done differently, and how he should have cherished more of his time with her.

These things that come out, the things that he is thinking of is only because he knows that no matter how hard he tries, no matter how hard he prays, he knows that she was one of the billions that died, and he was one of the very, very few that survived.


The only thing left is Devastation.














Chapter 9- A New Beginning, or a Different End?

The next day, the few people that are left in the world realise that they have just experienced Armageddon. Every nuclear device was launched at every other country, causing destruction that nobody could ever contemplate, on an unprecedented scale.

Countries, Cities reduced to rubble, places literally wiped off the map with no trace, Billions of people’s lives ended, in just a few minutes. God did not intervene on this day; maybe he knew it was necessary to cleanse the earth of the dominant and destructive species that are humans. Maybe only the good ones survived? Maybe the lucky ones survived? Or just maybe the Devil prevailed on this day? One would hope that this is not the case… but who knows?

Months pass, and John in his new role with Will as Area 51 employees, is constantly in a state of depression. He has completely changed. The once bubbly, the once humorous and well-loved guy is no more. It seems that John did die that day, along with 90% of the world, and his beloved.

John has become focused and obsessed with nothing but building a machine. This machine he has promised to Area 51 officials that is the teleporter. In fact, he hopes that it could be something more. Something a lot more powerful. Something never undertaken before. Something which, if successful, can get his lover back.

A Time Machine

It takes him months, months of testing, months of getting only ‘De
Ja Vu’ type experiences. He is aiming to see effect before cause. Something deemed impossible pre 2011; something very hard to contemplate even today, in 2014.

However to
day, he has succeeded. His devoted efforts and undivided attention to this subject has paid off. He threw a paint grenade into the teleporter and set the co-ordinates for the far side of the room, away from the ‘teleporter’. He pulls the pin, throws the paint grenade into the time machine and pushes the button. A split second later, the far wall, floor and ceiling is covered in blue paint, then instantly after the paint settles, the grenade appears, and then explodes. He has successfully completed future time travel. The grenades effect came before the cause.

Now, without any further testing
he switches the switch on the control panel, inputs a date and time of when he last remembers looking at his watch (Just before he suggested that the team split up). He pushed the button and sprints for the pad.


Miraculously, it worked. John then materialises just behind John, just at the moment after he finished looking at his watch, and began to walk forward to announce that they split up.

John then shouts “STOP!”

The elite 4, including present John look on in amazement.

“Who… What the fuck” Present John exclaims.

“This is impossible” Paul says

“Oh my god” Cat says.

Alex looks very confused and sees double before giving the very confused look.

“It’s me! John, I am you, 9 months in the future. Whatever you do, do not split up- Take the team with you! The nukes are coming, judgement day is upon us!” Future John then pleads to the teams’ discomfort.

Future John then looks at Alex and says “I love you and always will. I had to witness you die, along with 90% of the world, so I’ve came back for you. I will take care of…” As future John is saying these heartfelt words
to Alex who is in tears, he is slowly fading away, he is turning into particles and whisping away in the tender breeze because present John has already made his decision; therefore erasing Future John’s entire existence. Everything that happened from this moment forwards- the nukes going off- have not yet happened. The timeline has gone back 9 months. Those souls that died have no doubt been recalled from heavens gates to continue living. Nothing like this has happened before so nobody and nothing knows any rules that should or shouldn’t take effect.

The team then
rapidly recover from this unbelievable moment, and Alex and John hold each other tight whilst making the promise never to leave each other again. They all realise that they have no time and all proceed to steal an alien craft.

When they all get down there, John and Will are drawn to the cleanest and best looking one. However Alex and Cat decide to look inside
the other crafts before selecting. “Over here” John says to the girls.

, over here, this one is labelled in English and doesn’t have symbols like the other one” Alex replies.

“I fucking love you” John says as he directs the team to the bigger
, but dirtier UFO.

John and Alex then fly this one after
quickly getting familiar with the labelled controls. “Ha, Bloody Americans, it is controlled but an Xbox Controller!” John says.

“Hey, watch it” Pete says in a joking tone.

In no time at all they speed out of the hatch and hover for a moment. “Whoa. I can’t believe that I’m flying this thing! Right, ok, we need to find Dave. Call him Paul” Says John.

Paul then calls Dave to
get his co-ordinates. They input the co-ordinates into the very old white laptop which has been hard wired to the UFO so that humans can control it (Some hardcore programming skills required there no doubt).

“Right, Co-ordinates set” Paul confirms.

“Hit it” John commands. As soon as the return key is pressed, the craft begins to make a very low groaning sound which leads to a split second dizzy feeling. The environment outside the UFO goes white for a second, only to see that there is a mountain in direct view. To be precise, its Mt Mihara. “Oh so you guys are here then?” Dave says.

me, that took seconds! We must have travelled at light speed, or close to it… or faster than it??? AWESOME!” Alex points out to the team’s awe.

They then land and Dave gets in with what would be the worst news possible, if someone from the future didn’t tell them already.

“Guys we have to get here” Dave points to a map “and we had to be there 10 minutes ago… If Russia are going to Launch again, it’ll be from here”

The team set the co-ordinates for where they needed to be and within a second, they appear in Russia, directly above the complex with the first nuke that is to be launched.

“This is crazy shit!” Says Dave

The SAS then get dropped off so they can do what they do the best
in the bigger complex whilst the elite 4, get familiar with the weapons on board.

“See if it has those cool
Repulsor thingys” John requests to Cat as she is the one now playing with the old white laptop.
“Ok, here they come. Aim at the buildings with the biggest windows by each nuke that, logically speaking, should be the control room for each”

As Alex then uses the touch sensitive Heads up Display, she merely looks at the target, closes one eye and ‘touches it’ from her perspective- whilst wearing this weird
headset of course. She realises that she can touch multiple targets at once and gets John to get higher so she can select them all. She does so, and presses the button labelled “Fire”. In a burst of light, these buildings then get wiped clean off the face of the earth with a destructive power previously unknown to man. The Repulsor rounds tear through these fortified structures like a 50-cal sniper round would tear through an egg. There is not even much debris from the amount of damage done- it seems that most of it has been turned to dust.

“Good shooting sexy” John says as he is having fun flying th
e craft. I could really get used to this! Much better than the G6!”

The nuclear facility now lies in ruins, the only structures left standing tall are indeed the warheads themselves.

The golden glow of the sun now charms the sides of the menacing warheads, making them appear as silhouettes against golden sands. 

After they prevent the launch,
the team sit there and sign with relief as the Alien craft is floating effortlessly.

The team
then return to John’s house, in London, in an instant.

he SAS report back to their senior officers who no doubt filter it through to government level of what has just occurred.

“What now?” Cat asks, and she is met with a reply from Dave saying “We await co-ordinates that I requested of all known nuke sites across the globe, and we attack them with the UFO. With that thing it’ll take 10 minutes as opposed to 10
days! We strike hard and we strike fast. Then we will patrol the skies until this is over. We will ensure that no nuke hits its target.”

This is it. The future that the future John came from, the desolate place, the broken world that was to be now will never exist. The billions of lives that have been saved on the ever fragile balance of the universe are in debt to thes
e few people, and the best part-

Nobody will ever know what exactly happened.

The only bad news is that there is still a 6
FTRTP out there, which is still in use, and still destroying people’s lives. A good point however, is that the team shared some technology. We gave the Aliens the secret to the teleporter and in return they gave us the technology to allow an object to travel at multiple times the speed of light. This swap came with but one condition; that we locate and destroy the final teleporter so it can’t make too much of a disturbance in the fragile space time continuum. 

Who knows, what other
earth like planets outside the solar system may be what we call ‘home’ in the not too distant future…

On the other hand, Pandora’
s box has truly been opened; the world has witnessed Zombies and Aliens, and no government conspiracy or cover up will ever hide the truth now.

After the radical and seemingly impossible recent events, the world now lies in a state of shock. Everything we knew, everything we did, everything we
dreamed of has been shattered by the harsh reality hitting home, in a matter of days.

No government can hide the truth at this moment in time, or at least not for long. The world seems to have crashed, a reboot in necessary but somebody needs to take control. Stock market
s have crashed, people have stopped working and have started looting and rioting when they thought it was their last few days on earth. People turned into mere neanderthals once they realised that civilisation wasn’t working.

The world has had its biggest shock
to its system in human history.

or has it?

To be continued

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