The Taxidermist's Daughter (33 page)

BOOK: The Taxidermist's Daughter
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About the Author




Kate Mosse is an international bestselling author with sales of more than five million copies in 42 languages. Her fiction includes the novels
The Winter Ghosts
, and
, as well as an acclaimed collection of short stories,
The Mistletoe Bride & Other Haunting Tales
, three works of non-fiction and three plays.

Kate is the Co-Founder and Chair of the Board of the Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction (previously the Orange Prize) and in June 2013, was awarded an
in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List for services to literature. She lives in Sussex.







Also by Kate Mosse


The Languedoc Novels








Gothic Fiction


The Winter Ghosts


The Mistletoe Bride

& Other Haunting Tales




Becoming a Mother


The House: Behind the Scenes at the

Royal Opera House, Covent Garden


Chichester Festival Theatre at Fifty













First published in Great Britain in 2014 by Orion Books

This eBook first published in 2014 by Orion Books


Copyright © Mosse Associates Ltd 2014


The right of Kate Mosse to be identified as the author

of this work has been asserted in accordance with

the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

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in any form or by any means, without the prior permission

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published without a similar condition, including this condition,

being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.


All the characters in this book are fictitious,

and any resemblance to actual persons living

or dead is purely coincidental.


A CIP catalogue record for this book

is available from the British Library.


ISBN: 978 1 4091 5378 8


Illustration © Jack Penny 2014

Map © 2014


The Orion Publishing Group Ltd

Orion House

5 Upper Saint Martin’s Lane

London, WC2H 9EA


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