The Tantric Principle (12 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Probst

BOOK: The Tantric Principle
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His gaze probed hers, then shifted to sweep over her face and body in a sensual caress, as if she still belonged to him. “Hello, Arianna. You look wonderful.” She shrugged. Her designer charcoal suit was conservatively cut for business, but he seemed more interested in the swell of her breasts and the glimpse of her legs clad in high heels.

The same heels she had worn that night.

“Thank you. What can I do for you?”

He ignored the question and took a seat, relaxing back in the leather chair as if they had all the time in the world for a chat. “How do you like Chicago?” She clamped down on her impatience and swore she could play the game as well as he.

“Love it. Fast paced environment and a great creative team.”

“So, you’re happy.”

She forced a smile. “Yes, I’m happy.”

“I’m glad.”

He sat back in the chair, watching her. Arianna used her breathing techniques just as he had taught her, but she was swiftly going to lose it. The polite façade slipped.

“What are you doing here, Grant?”

He smiled. “I knew it wouldn’t take you long to get to the punch line.” She rested her hands on her hips. “I have no more time to play games. I have to get back to work, and I’m not sure what this little visit is supposed to prove.”

“That I love you.”

Arianna flinched. She wished she had a bullet proof vest for that remark. “I can’t do this anymore.” She turned to go, but he crossed the room and stopped her. His fingers closed around her hands and he deliberately pushed the door closed, his chest pressed against her back, strong thighs hooked around hers. His breath stirred against her ear.

“I can’t, either. You were right to leave, Arianna. I screwed up and I’ll never forgive myself. But I won’t let that happen again. I’m asking you to give me another chance.” She turned in a fury. “Oh, now you’re into long distance relationships? It’s too late, Grant. Are we going to fly back and forth on weekends? Have phone sex? I don’t think I’ll ever get over you, but I’m going to give it a hell of a try.” He cupped her face with his hands. She gazed into eyes full of love and heat and want.

Her breaths caught at the evident emotions on his face. He dropped a gentle kiss onto her lips, softly kissing her with a humbleness that made her weep. His soft growl raked across her ears.

“Ask me to stay.”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying I sold the school. I’m saying I packed up my apartment and found one right here. I’m saying I’ve already looked into possible locations to build a yoga school in Chicago.” Arianna shook her head, his words causing a ray of sharp hope and soul ripping fear to slash through her. “No, you can’t be serious. I can’t let you do that.”

“It’s not about you. I understand now, Arianna. I didn’t let you make your choice, but I’m asking you to let me make mine. I want you in my life. I can build another school, find another place to live. I can’t find another you.”

His grip tightened on her. His eyes blazed with a fierceness that zapped the air around them. “Ask me to stay.”

The road forked before her. Grant Madison had ripped up his roots and travelled to Chicago, willing to give up everything for her. She now held his choice in her hands, as once he had held hers. Shaking with the force of her emotions, she closed her eyes as her instinct and logic battled.

What if their relationship didn’t work? Would he forgive her? Would he forgive himself?

Did they have enough between them to foster each other through work ambitions and a new environment?

She opened her mouth to ask him the same questions.

But she knew the answers.

She kissed him. Her mouth over his, sipping at those carved lips, drowning in the delicious taste of man and soap and a hint of coffee, their tongues mating with slow thrusts as the room around them drifted away.

“Stay with me, Grant.” She clung hard to him, her face and eyes and heart an open book.

“I love you. I love who you are and who I am when I’m with you. I love your passion with your students and your need to be a better man. I want you to stay and build a life with me here.” He took her mouth and kissed her, holding her tight as the familiar heat wrapped around them. He gave a shout of laughter and swung her around the office.

“I knew you were trouble the first time you walked into my studio,” he said, his face buried in her hair.

“I knew you were trouble the first time you told me to breathe.” She couldn’t stop kissing him, addicted to the taste of the man she loved. “It’s going to be a long haul for both of us. My new job. Your new school.”

“I’ll bring you picnic lunches,” he said.

“We’ll make love in the yoga studio.”

“You can test out the Rosebud lingerie on me.”

A joyous laugh escaped her. “Thank God for tantra. I intend to keep up my practices.”

“You better. We’re just getting started.”

He backed her up against the door and turned the lock. Her earpiece beeped in her ear.

“Yes, Kathy?”

“Your team is waiting in the conference room.”

She gave him a wicked grin. “Tell them I need another ten minutes.” She pressed the button, grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him down to the floor.

“Never underestimate the power of a quickie,” he groaned out, then covered his mouth with hers.

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