Authors: Shelena Shorts
She looks at me with watery eyes and nods one time.
“Me too,” I say quickly. “Where’s your real birth certificate?”
“My what?”
“Your real birth certificate, where is it?”
“My apartment. Why?”
After a long deep breath, I say something that’s even surprising to me. “Because I want to get married.”
Her jaw drops. “Huh?”
“Yes. I don’t know why, but I believe what she says is true. And that means I’m supposed to be with you and protect you. Not sometimes, but all the time. And I want to. But if I’m going to make that commitment, then we need to step it up. I need Henri to see just how serious I am about this.”
“But you don’t have to marry me, Vasi.” She’s shaking her head.
“Yes I do.”
She turns her head and looks out the window, and I realize I’ve just asked her in the lamest way possible. Damn. I wouldn’t marry myself.
I reach over and touch her arm. “Riley, I’m sorry. That was a weak way to spring that on you. It’s crazy. But it’s what I want, and not just because of Henri.”
She turns back. “Okay.”
“Yeah.” She smiles softly. “Okay.”
Instant relief hits me. “All right,” I say, and what I’m about to tell her is even more lame. “I want to do it today.”
Her eyes widen, and then she blinks away the shock.
“Today? Where?”
“The courthouse. I want to do it before I face the Circle.”
I expect her to look offended or even disappointed that I don’t anticipate a big production in a pretty dress, but she shrugs and says, “Okay…but we have birth certificates with us, remember?”
I briefly consider the identities of Jenn and John in my glove box, but shake my head.
“No,” I say, leaning into her. “I don’t want you to be Mrs. Roberts. You’re going to be a Petrescu.”
And Henri is going to flip.
call Rosie and tell her to meet me at the courthouse with my birth certificate and our parents’ rings. After a few minutes of her freaking out about what Henri will say, she agrees and then tells me she hopes I know what I’m doing.
Next is the pit stop to Riley’s. I know it could be dangerous, but it’s necessary. And I’m hoping Henri has called off Alexandru at least for the time being. He knows I’m coming to the Circle tonight, so he could at least wait to hear what I have to say. Besides, if Alexandru tries to make a move on Riley while I’m with her, that’s his mistake. I’m not afraid of Alexandru
his Ferragamos.
We pull up to her apartment at two in the afternoon, and together we walk with my arm protectively around her until we’re safely inside her foyer. I make her stand there until I check inside the closets to make sure it’s clear. Then I check her kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. It’s oddly quiet, but still feels like someone has been here, and that’s when I notice her drawers ajar. Her room was pretty spotless the last two times I was here, so this doesn’t sit well. I call out for her to come in.
She’s not in the room two seconds before she confirms my suspicion. “Someone’s been here,” she says, moving to close her drawers.
“I know. Let’s hurry.”
She quickly finds a photo box under her bed and, after checking its contents, tucks it under her arm.
Just when we’re about to leave, she stops. “Wait a minute,” she says.
“We don’t really have a minute.”
“Well, I need a minute.” She gently shoves me into her hall and attempts to close her bedroom door. I resist, wondering what’s going on. “I want to change,” she says.
I survey her jean capris and yellow T-shirt. “You look fine.”
“If we’re really getting married, I’m not wearing jeans.” She stands firm and pushes me again.
Up until now, she’s pretty much done everything I’ve asked, without whining, complaining, or arguing. And the funny thing is, I like her assertiveness just as much as I like her compromise. I smile. “Okay, but make it quick.”
“I will…if you back up.” She shoves me one more time in my chest, and this time I give way.
Standing in her hallway gives me more time to think about what we’re about to do. It’s crazy, reckless, and ridiculously spontaneous, but right. After five minutes of carrying on a conversation with myself, she emerges.
A quick glance her way turns into a full-blown stare. Standing before me is hands down
hottest girl I’ve ever seen. My eyes take in her soft curls, which she’s let loose from the up-do. Now, the perfect curls gently dangle around her shoulders.
I gaze upon her, taking in the tank straps of a plain white linen dress that’s fitted to her knees and then gently flares at her calves. I follow the line of her legs to a pair of strappy, platform white sandals.
“Um…” It’s all I can say.
“Ready?” she replies, taking a deep breath.
“Definitely,” I murmur.
She grabs her box of memorabilia and puts her arm comfortably back around my waist as we walk out the same way we came in.
By the time we get to the courthouse, it’s almost four o’clock. I’m not even sure if we can get this taken care of today, but I hope so. If the court can’t do it, then I’ll find us a minister somewhere.
When we pull into the parking lot, I see Rosie’s car, but no Rosie.
I hope she’s inside
That’s an understatement. Not only is she inside, but she’s already started filling out the paperwork and has already called in a time slot for us with a justice of the peace.
I owe her big time
At 4:30, I’m standing in front of Riley, our officiant, and our witness, Rosie, about to make a life commitment, and I don’t have one ounce of hesitation. By the way Riley’s holding my hand and looking at me, it appears that she doesn’t either.
Her gaze never breaks away from mine. As we stand there, I see through her eyes, eyes that show me a hint of vulnerability, but that speak of trust too. I smile and take note of the different shades of green in them as I repeat my lines and she repeats hers. I stop counting at nine different colors of green—light, dark, in-between, and even shades of yellow—when I hear the man standing between us make it official.
It rings loud and clear, and I feel a calmness I haven’t felt in years. I lean into her lips, sealing our destinies. There is simply no turning back now. I think about that invisible letter I mailed not too long ago, and it makes me smile. I didn’t just mail it; I put it in a slingshot and catapulted it.
After I’m done kissing her and soaking up the joy I feel, along with the joy I’m going to feel when I tell Henri, I look at Rosie. She’s never smiled so big. Every one of her teeth is showing beneath a camera with which she’s rapidly taking pictures of us.
“I’m happy for you, Vasi.” She reaches out, hugs me and then Riley. “Thank you,” she says to Riley. “I haven’t seen him this genuinely happy since our parents died.”
Standing there, embracing, are my sister and my, dare I say it, wife. This is my family now. Watching Rosie accept Riley and support me in everything validates my actions. It makes me feel proud and like, if my parents were here, they’d be proud too. And no one will be able to make me feel like any of this is wrong.
Before we leave, Rosie volunteers to take Riley back to a hotel, because, as it stands, I’ll already be late to the Circle. Riley refuses to come with me, insisting that she does not want to be a distraction. Rosie agrees. It would be better for me to go alone, and even if I do believe Alexandru is at the Circle, the idea of Riley returning to her own apartment is unappealing.
At the last minute, Rosie gets the idea to take Riley to the house where we grew up with our parents.
“Out of the question,” I say.
“Vasi, it’s right around the corner from the estate. A hotel is at least thirty minutes away. It doesn’t make sense. It’s
house. We kept it for a reason.”
“Why not?”
“Rosie, I am
leaving Riley in that house alone.
house, I mean the house my parents were killed in. Not an option right now.
“I’ll stay with her, Vasi.”
On my last “no,” Riley steps up to me.
“Vasi, it’s okay.”
“No it isn’t.” Why are they ruining this moment? The last thing I want to think about is her going to the place where my parents died.
Turning my face so our gaze is locked, Riley says, “Hey, that’s your family’s home. It’s okay for you to think of it as a good place now.”
What? Did Rosie hug some insanity into her?
“I’ll be with her, Vasi. Mom and Dad would want us there.”
“No they wouldn’t.”
“Yes they would. Mom loved that house, and you know it. Which is why we’ve never sold it. If you abandon it forever, the bad guys win.”
I’m shaking my head. She continues, “If you really want me to take her to some empty hotel on your wedding day, then fine. But I think we should go to
I can’t even believe I’m considering this. I haven’t been able to drive past that house in four years. Now she wants me to let her take Riley there.
“It’s close, Vasi. You can be there in five minutes after the meeting.”
And that’s the soft spot. Their proximity is what makes me give it serious consideration. After a moment of silence, I turn to Riley. “Are you sure you want to go to that house?”
She shakes her head. “No, but I don’t want to go anywhere if it’s not with you. If I’m closer to you there, then I’m okay. And I’d like to see where you lived. To learn more about you.”
It’s madness, but I can’t bring myself to argue. It is my house, and it is close, and much more meaningful than a random hotel room. “Fine,” I say to Rosie. “But you better not leave her side for a second, and
open the door for anyone.”
With that concession, I say goodbye to both of them and set my next destination to my current home. It’s not far, but a little rush-hour traffic puts me behind schedule. Everyone will be there, and as usual I’ll be the last one in. Why break tradition now? Other than the fact that I might miss what Henri tells the others, I’m not worried. Well, maybe I am.
Weaving in and out of traffic puts distance between me and Rosie’s car, but that only means I’ll get to the meeting faster and, in turn, back to Riley sooner. I finally reach the house ten minutes after Henri’s scheduled meeting time. Black sedans, Hummers, and sports cars are lined up alongside our driveway. I catch a glimpse of each as I drive by, and eventually notice that a particular CL 600 is missing.
No Alexandru? It’s not like him to be late,
I tell myself. Unless…There’s only one thing that would keep him from this meeting, and that is an assignment. A very important one.
I look around and still don’t see his car. My nerves start to tingle with a maddening cold, and I immediately think of Rosie and Riley. If he’s not here, then he thinks he can complete his mission, which means he’s there. I immediately call Rosie’s cell. No answer. Next, I call Riley’s. No answer. I cringe with panic.
My tires leave ten-foot-long tracks on the pavement as I whip my truck around, cursing myself for giving Alexandru the benefit of the doubt that he’d actually wait to hear what goes down at the meeting. Because of my stupidity, I handed him the advantage on a platter.
“It’s okay,” I tell myself. Rosie can handle herself. She’s armed, she’s trained for emergency situations, and she knows not to answer the door. There’s no way she’d answer the door. No way.
if it was for family. But she knows Alexandru has Riley’s name. So she wouldn’t.
I could just smack my head against the steering wheel. I swear, if Alexandru harms one hair on Riley’s head, I’ll…I don’t even know. I can’t even believe. My parents…feeling angry, restless, alone−none of those feelings would compare to how I’d feel if something happened to either Rosie or Riley.
Just. Don’t. Answer the door.
Even as I near my old neighborhood, there’s hope. Hope that I’m wrong. That Alexandru is somewhere else, that he isn’t that cold blooded.
But I’m not wrong. Parked just behind Rosie’s convertible Beemer is Alexandru’s CL 600. Right there in the open, like he’s a welcome visitor.
Not having the patience to mess with the key code on the garage, I rush up the front steps angry and fearful for what I’ll find. I pull out my gun and push open the unlocked door. An overwhelming heaviness pulls at my insides as I remember everything about this house. The large oil painting hanging in the foyer, the massive crimson circular rug. The good, the bad, and the unimaginable. It’s all happened here.
“Rosie?” I call. “Riley?”
Like knives cutting through my chest, I hear a familiar, deep voice. “Vasi, I knew you’d come. We’re in here, little brother.”
Gun still outstretched, I turn the corner to the family room. My body tenses and my jaw clenches when I see the girls tied to dining room chairs, mouths duct taped, with Alexandru standing behind them in a black turtleneck. “Damn you, Alexandru.”
I cannot believe what I’m seeing, but something is very wrong with this picture. Aside from being enraged to see Riley like that, it immediately crosses my mind that Rosie shouldn’t be bound. She’s not part of this. Even if Alexandru wanted to kill Riley, he doesn’t have to involve Rosie.
I aim between his eyes.
“Hold it now, golden boy.”
As he speaks, he exposes a weapon he’s been pointing into the back of Riley’s head. My blood is boiling, slowing my thought process, so I think of the only negotiation I can.
“Alexandru, you don’t have to do this. I have information. She’s not a threat to us. Just wait until the meeting. Once I tell Henri, he’ll take the hit off her. Just—” he nudges the gun into the back of her head, causing her to release a muffled cry. “Wait!” I growl. “You can wait, damn it! You have another target. Can’t you just do that one first?!”
He shakes his head slowly, almost pitying me. “Vasile, Vasile, Vasile. Why do you think I’ve waited for you?”
“I don’t know,” I answer, maintaining aim.