The Sweet Addiction Series Collection: Sweet Addiction, Sweet Possession & Sweet Obsession (46 page)

BOOK: The Sweet Addiction Series Collection: Sweet Addiction, Sweet Possession & Sweet Obsession
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I enthusiastically rub my hands together and lean in, pressing my lips against his mouth for a quick kiss, which turns into an intense make-out session the moment he grips my neck. His tongue tangles with mine, swallowing my tiny whimpers and sending a shock wave through my body.

“See how good you taste? Like fucking candy.”

I shudder against him like I always do when he talks to me that way. The man is an expert in dirty talking, dirty texting, and dirty love-letter writing. Yes, I’ve decided all his little notes to me during our
casual bullshit
phase were love letters. I know, I was a fucking idiot to think they weren’t.

I reach down and grip him in my hand, his body jerking at the contact as he drops his head against mine. My hand doesn’t slide as easily as I’d like and I get an idea, a very naughty idea. Stepping back, our eyes meet as I pull my bottom lip into my mouth and slip two fingers inside me. His penetrating green eyes broaden as I moan and swipe my wetness onto his cock, repeating the action until I’ve gotten him well lubricated.

“Holy shit. That’s so fucking hot.”

“I just thought I’d share what you do to me,” I reply playfully, stepping into him and stroking his length. “You make me so wet.” I lick his stubble and hear him moan softly. “Just by being in the same room with me.” My free hand grips his arm as his breath warms the side of my face. I’m sliding up and down, fast then faster, my grip tightening as his hands wrap around my waist. “No man has ever done that to me before.” He groans deeply against me, and I know it’s because of what I’m doing to him and what I’ve just confessed. He loves that he’s the only man who’s ever affected me; the only man who ever will.

His bottom lip is pulled into his mouth, indicating he’s close. It’s his tell; that and when he rakes his hands through his hair, signifying he’s either anxious, nervous, or really fucking pissed. “I love how wet I make you. That pussy belongs to me.” His breathing hitches in my hair. “Fuck, I’m gonna come.”

Dropping to my knees, I wrap my lips around him and stroke him with my hand, pumping him into my mouth. He grunts loudly above me, his thighs tensing and his hands holding my head, tangling in my hair. I swallow every ounce of him, moaning against his skin and feeling him twitch. His breathing steadies above me and I glance up, seeing a very-amused grin on his gorgeous face.

“I love you,” I say softly, planting a quick kiss to his cock before I stand up. His arms wrap around me and I immediately shove my face into his neck, claiming my spot.

“Me or my dick?”

I giggle against him and feel his laugh shake my body. “Your dick.” He pulls me away from him, issuing me his
don’t fucking push it, Dylan
look, and I crack. “You
your dick. I’m mad for both of you. Can’t live without either one of you, actually.”

Reaching up, I grab my shampoo and turn to see his hand held out for me, waiting for me to squirt it into his palm. I do it and grab his body wash, squirting it into my hand before I put it back on the shelf. I wash his body as he washes my hair, my hands roaming freely over his skin. I linger on his shoulders and upper back, giving him a rubdown as his eyes close. He loves this, me touching him this way, pulling and kneading his muscles until they loosen. His tiny moans of gratification make me smile as I move down his body and spread the lather around. He massages my scalp the way he always does, building up the suds with his hands until they begin to trickle down my face. I’m rinsed off quickly, and my body wash is grabbed.

“Hey, use yours,” I demand, trying to snatch it from his grasp but remembering instantly just how quick he is, and how I don’t stand a chance in taking
from him. We’ve been down that road.

“No. I want you to smell like you.”

I grumble unconvincingly, loving how he prefers the way I smell to anything else, even though I’d be much happier smelling like him. I watch as I’m thoroughly cleaned as only Reese Carroll would do. The man is meticulous about everything, concentrating on covering every inch of my skin in the soapy bubbles. He lingers on my breasts, kneading them for several minutes before he rinses them clean. His marks are on me, permanently branded onto my skin due to his daily freshening-up sessions. I moan softly as he latches onto the left one, pulling the skin into his mouth and planting a soft kiss to it after it’s darkened.

“So, how bad was today?” he asks, licking the mark on my right breast before sucking on it.

I grab his head and hold him against me. “Tolerable.” He narrows his eyes at me, not buying my elusiveness. I sigh, dropping my head down. “I mean, if you
loved me, you wouldn’t want to wait ten more days to make this official. You’d whisk me away to Vegas and make me yours right now.”

He stands up, pressing his lips to my forehead. “Do you need my dick in your mouth again?” I nod quickly and he laughs. “If I could arrange it, I’d have the entire world witness you becoming mine.” He smirks. “Officially.”

“Officially,” I echo, reaching behind me and shutting off the water. For all intents and purposes, we both know I’ve been his since that first wedding, but until his last name becomes mine, it won’t feel real to either one of us.

After securing a towel around his waist and blocking my amazing view, he wraps a towel around me and follows behind me into his bedroom. I don’t bother getting dressed because he prefers me naked in bed; anything I put on my body right now would be ripped off and discarded.

No barriers.

Nothing getting in his way of me.

That’s his thing.

“You hungry?” he asks after stepping into a pair of boxers.

“Aren’t I always after you ravage me?”

He disappears down the hallway, returning moments later with two bowls. He hands me mine with a smile and I lean back against the headboard, lifting the bowl to my nose. “Mmm, this smells amazing. I might just keep you.”

He laughs softly next to me before he begins inhaling his food. “So, there’s this last-minute account Ian and I are taking on that requires some traveling this weekend. And we were talking and thought it’d be cool if everyone came with us.”

“Where are you going?”

He stretches his legs out next to mine, my feet stopping at his calf. “New Orleans. We have to be there really early on Friday, so you’ll have to take a separate flight.” He pauses, exhaling roughly. “I need to talk to you about something.” I cock my head and see his jaw twitch slightly just before he rakes his hand through his hair.

Uh oh.

“This account, it’s a business Bryce is investing in. He hired us to show them how to make better use of their resources and increase profitability. The only reason why I agreed to do it is because…” he clenches his eyes tightly, swallowing loudly. His eyes refocus on mine after he takes in a calming breath. “It’s just important. I need this account, and I need you to understand that.”

Bryce Roberts has been flying under the radar since Reese and I got engaged but before that, he made it very clear he was interested in me. The last time I saw him was when I delivered treats to Reese’s building for a business meeting. I had no idea they knew each other, but there that little shit sat, staring at me like I was one of the pastries I had made. They don’t work together and apparently, hardly ever have to deal with each other, which is a good thing. Reese isn’t shy when it comes to how he feels about guys hitting on me or making me feel uncomfortable, and Bryce did both.

I see the pent-up irritation on his face that he’s failing miserably at hiding. Humor works best in situations like this. “Well, it sucks he’s still breathing. I was hoping he had gotten mauled by a bear.” My jokester smile fades when Reese remains in serious, concerned-fiancé mode. I dip my head, forcing his eyes that are burning a hole into the sheet to focus on mine. “I get it; it’s an important account. I told you before, I can handle assholes like Bryce.”

In fact, I’d very much like to handle Bryce. I haven’t slapped anyone in months, and my hand is beginning to twitch.

He aggressively stabs his noodles, taking out his anger on the delicious dinner he’s made us. “And I told
before, if he makes you uncomfortable in any way, I’ll break his fucking neck. That doesn’t just include him coming into your shop. If he so much as looks at you in a way you don’t like…”

I place my hand on his arm, halting his threat. “Relax. He won’t.”
Unless he’s dumber than I think, which is entirely possible.
I swallow my mouthful and twirl some noodles onto my fork. Time to get the subject off Bryce before my fiancé has a coronary. “I’ve never been to New Orleans. I’m kinda excited.” I shove my forkful into my mouth and bob my head to the side, chewing animatedly. Reese laughs softly next to me, finally relaxing. “So, what do I need to do?”

He sits his empty bowl on his nightstand, sliding down in the bed and settling on his side facing me. “Just book your flight. I already rented the house for all of us to stay.”

I arch my brow at him. “And what if I would’ve said no?”

He pinches my side and I yelp, prompting him to pull me closer so our bodies are touching. Constant contact. “I knew you’d say yes. You don’t have a wedding to bake for this weekend, so you’re all mine.”

I smile wide. “Look at you knowing my schedule. Oooo! We can do our bachelor and bachelorette parties this weekend! In the Big Easy!” I kick the covers off and scramble out of bed, setting my half-eaten bowl of spaghetti on my nightstand.

“Where are you going?”

“To call Joey! He’s going to freak out!”

I hear his faint laugh as I grab my phone from my clutch and dial Joey’s number. Returning to the bedroom, Joey answers as Reese pulls me back into bed.

“If you’re calling to tell me Reese’s mother is in charge of making my penis cake, I’m hanging up.”

I giggle and settle back down on my side, staring at a very sleepy-looking Reese. He’s been working long hours lately, plus some weekends, leaving him exhausted most nights by the time I get to him. Especially if he decides I need a good dicking as soon as he sees me, which is what usually happens. He lets his eyes fall closed, keeping his one arm wrapped around my waist.

“What would you say to a weekend in New Orleans with your two best friends and our men?”

“I’d say count me the fuck in. When?”

“This weekend. It’s perfect. We don’t have any weddings to bake for, and Reese and Ian have to go anyway. Plus—” I pause for dramatic effect, prompting Joey to give me an impatient grunt, “—we can go all-out for my bachelorette party, Mardi Gras-style.”

“Oh, fuck yes! Do you know how many gay bars they have there? Oooo, cupcake, I’m busting. This is going to be fantastic.”

I listen to my easily-excitable best friend and smile at the man I love who has completely passed out next to me. Reese’s breathing is slow and steady in my ear as I press my forehead against his, feeling the dampness of his hair against my skin.

“Billy’s in, too, right?”

“Of course. As soon as he heard me say ‘gay bar’ he was in. Do I need to do anything besides buy our plane tickets?”

“Nope. The place we’re staying at has already been booked. Oooo, maybe it’s in the French Quarter.”

“Babe, I want a window seat. A
.” I hear Billy’s muffled response in the background, prompting Joey to let out a cross grumble. “Oh, for Christ’s sake. Cupcake, I gotta go handle this. You better book your flight now if you want a decent seat.”

I roll over and sit up, grabbing Reese’s iPad off the nightstand. “Yeah, I’m on it. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Just as I hang up from Joey, my phone beeps with an incoming text message.

NEW ORLEANS, SWEETS! Booking my flight now. There’s just the one leaving late afternoon on Friday, so you’ll have to close up early. Hope that’s doable.

Totally doable. I’m so excited!

Me, too! I may have mentioned it to Brooke.

I slam my head back against the headboard.
Seriously? Has she gone completely mental?

You are out of your fucking mind.

It’ll be fun. And don’t worry about JoJo. I’ll handle him.

Good. Cause I’m not.

I place my phone down and power on the iPad, letting go of
stress and grinning at the image that appears on the screen. It’s still the one of me, passed out after my first-ever sleepover in this bed.

I can’t believe I ever fought it.






Even though I acted like a complete idiot and tried to ignore every screaming thought in my head that said what we were doing was more than I was prepared to admit, I wouldn’t take it back. I will never regret the way I fell in love with Reese; I can’t. Every single second of it was worth it because it led us to this. And I’d go through eighty-five more days of complete torture to have him next to me, because he’s always been mine. And in ten more days, I’ll officially be his.

“Are you sure you wanna send that bag through security? What with all the sex toys you have tucked away in there?” Juls teases as Joey puts his suitcase on the conveyor belt. Billy conceals his smile behind his hand, turning a slight shade of pink.

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