The Swan Who Flew After a Wolf (7 page)

Read The Swan Who Flew After a Wolf Online

Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #Romance MM, #erotic MM, #General Fiction

BOOK: The Swan Who Flew After a Wolf
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dressed, that Anson managed to break out of his trance. Without

really knowing why, he turned, only to find Liam staring at him with

an odd expression. “He really is your mate, isn’t he?” the other wolf


Anson nodded. “Yeah. He is.”

The Swan Who Flew After a Wolf


After a small pause, Liam at last spoke again. “I still feel the urge

to punch you in the nose for taking my son’s virginity, but I suppose

that he’s safest with you. So…You can take this as a belated welcome

to the family.”

He extended his hand, and Anson gladly took it. He was happy

not only for himself but mostly for Reed, who was very close to his

parents. “Thanks, Liam. I appreciate that. Well, not the punching-in-

the-face part.”

They laughed together, and for a moment there, it felt like nothing

had changed, like they were back to being best friends. “Sorry,” Liam

said. “I overreacted.”

“No, you didn’t,” Anson replied. “I get it. But I’m still the same

guy. And I swear to you that no matter what happens, I’ll protect

Reed. I’d rather die than allow anything to happen to him.”

“How about we have no more talk of death?” Shiloh suggested as

he came down the stairs. “I made the bed for you, Anson. You know

where the guest room is, right?”

“Yeah.” Anson got up and considered his next move. On impulse,

he hugged the older swan. “Thank you. I know this is hard for you,

but I really do love your son.”

Awkwardly, Shiloh hugged him as well and patted his back. Of

course, it didn’t last long, as they had never been close, but it was still

something. They didn’t make any further comment on the issue, since

they’d already been there and done that. Instead, when Anson

released Shiloh, he thanked the swan again, this time for the

hospitality. After saying good night, he left the kitchen and went


Anson did indeed know the way around the house, and he was

tempted to use that knowledge to sneak into his mate’s room. But that

would be pushing his luck, so instead of doing what his body

demanded, he sent a wave of calm and affection through their bond.

“Good night, baby.”

“Good night, Sonny,”
came the reply.
“Love you.”


Scarlet Hyacinth

That night, when Anson fell asleep, he dreamt of Reed, of a life

together with their pack and their friends. For the first time in years,

he felt at peace, and the little trickle of doubt still nudging at the edge

of his subconscious quieted down. Yes, they could do this. They

could face the entire world together, if need be. Anson was convinced

of it now.

The Swan Who Flew After a Wolf


Chapter Three
The next morning

“So I hear you mated Reed.” Soren smirked at Anson. “Like

father, like son, or what?”

“And good morning to you, too, Alpha,” Anson said with a sigh.

He’d been intercepted by Soren just as he’d reached the Alpha

mansion. Of course, Anson had expected this. He just hadn’t expected

it to happen so soon. “Who told you?”

“Brody slipped up this morning. He randomly mentioned an

argument between you and Liam, and after that, I got all the details.”

Soren’s playful expression turned concerned. “But seriously, is

everything all right?”

“We’re getting there,” Anson replied. “Shiloh isn’t exactly

making pancakes for me and showering me with presents, but at least

they didn’t boot me out of the house.” He paused for effect. “And

don’t even make jokes about father and son. You should have heard

Shiloh and Liam last night.”

“I can imagine. Well, that aside, I’ve been making arrangements

with Isaac as to what we spoke of before.”

Anson blinked in surprise. “The expedition? When is it going to


According to what Soren had told Anson the day before, they’d

decided not to rush in this time, but to go prepared for whatever

happened. Of course, if they waited too long, they could lose Tyrell’s

trail altogether. In a way, Anson was glad everything was in motion.


Scarlet Hyacinth

“Our party is leaving tonight. I’m going with them.” The Alpha

gave Anson a penetrating glance. “Do you want to come?”

Anson was surprised at the question. In truth, he did feel

apprehensive about meeting Tyrell once again. He had not forgotten

the way the warlock had tortured him. But he was stronger than that,

and he would not cower in front of any threat.

However, in spite of this certainty, he hesitated. He knew how

much Reed had suffered after Anson had been injured, and he didn’t

want to have his mate go through that again.

As if guessing his thoughts, Soren added, “The truth is, I’d

thought you would join us, but now that you have a mate, he is your


Anson was well aware of that. As a nonmated wolf, he’d often

been given tasks that were considered more dangerous. He hadn’t

minded, at least, not until he’d understood the extent of his connection

with Reed. And now? Now, he had no idea what to do. He wanted to

go, to deal with this threat, and pave a new, brighter future for himself

and Reed. But at the same time, he didn’t want to leave Reed’s side.

“If you’re going,”
Reed said in his mind,
“I’m going, too.”

Anson was horrified at the concept.
“No, baby. No way. It’s too


“How is it too dangerous for me, but acceptable for you?”


“I didn’t say I would go,”
Anson replied lamely.

“You could never live with yourself if you didn’t. We both know

that. You’re used to being Soren’s right hand. You’ve done it for

years. You can’t just suddenly stop.”

Anson was amazed at the extent to which Reed understood him.

“You’re right,” he told Soren. “I feel quite torn. I want to go, but my

heart is here.”

The Alpha crossed his arms over his chest. “Well then, here’s the

deal. Either you, or Brody, have to stay behind to watch the pack in

my absence, just in case. You’re both great warriors, and great men,

The Swan Who Flew After a Wolf


and I trust you both equally. Upon mating Carson and fighting me for

leadership of the pack, Brody lost his rights here. We can go around

that, of course, so it’s up to you. You can come with me to find

Tyrell, or you can be my temporary replacement here. I’m giving you

a choice on this one. ”

Anson felt honored at being compared to Soren’s own brother, but

at the same time, he realized what his leader was truly saying. “No,

you’re not. You want me to stay.”

“Of course I do.” Soren gave him a fond smile. “Enjoy your mate.

Your relationship with Reed is special because you’ve known each

other for so long, but at the same time, you have a lot of things to do

to make it work. And I want what’s best for you, Sonny. I always


“Thank you, Alpha. I appreciate it.”

“I guess that means you’re staying, then. Excellent.” Soren

squeezed Anson’s shoulder. “Now, here’s the plan. I’ll be taking

Brody and Derek with me. Jace and Melanie will stay to help you

with the pack.”

“I’m sure Melanie will be pissed about it, though,” Anson replied.

“She probably wants to be in the middle of battle.”

Soren grimaced. “Well, the first thing she has to learn is that I’m

not only her father. I’m her Alpha, too. She can’t just take decisions

without consulting me. That’s just not our way.”

Anson released a sigh. “Give her time, and be there for her. I’m

not sure what she was thinking, but she’s going through a difficult


The Alpha nodded. “I know that. This will be good for her, as it

will give her some responsibilities, teach her more about the pack, and

keep her busy. Perhaps Dani and I have been too lax in raising the

pups. We just loved them so much…” Soren sounded so puzzled and

quite genuinely upset, but shook his head, obviously not wanting to

show too much vulnerability. “At any rate, it will also be your job to

keep them in line.”


Scarlet Hyacinth

“Oh, joy,” Anson muttered. Actually, he didn’t really mind. He’d

always wanted children of his own. Perhaps he and Reed could adopt

one day, when the young swan felt ready.

“Thanks for this, Sonny,” Soren added. “And once again,

congratulations on your mating. Rest assured I support you no matter


As they headed into the office to make the final arrangements for

Soren’s departure, Anson wondered what Soren meant by that. Did

the Alpha know something Anson didn’t?

“He’s probably just guessing,”
Reed told him,
“judging by my

dads’ reactions. Don’t worry about it. Everything will be all right.”

Anson wanted to believe that, but all of a sudden, he was very

happy he wouldn’t have to leave Reed’s side. Whatever came their

way, they could at least brave it together.

* * * *

A few weeks later

Reed added a bit of tuna to his sandwich, humming lightly under

his breath. The house was quiet, too quiet for an Alpha mansion, but

Reed liked it that way. All the hustle and bustle only brought him

annoyance. He’d never once considered himself antisocial. In fact, he

was quite the opposite. But lately, he found he was developing


Strong arms wrapped around his waist and familiar lips pressed

against his neck. “What are you making, baby?” Anson asked.

Reed laughed. Of course, he had felt his mate approaching, but he

still liked to play the game, to pretend they weren’t in each other’s

heads all the time. Sometimes, they could find out more about their

likes, dislikes, pasts, and, yes, their presents, by simply asking


The Swan Who Flew After a Wolf


“A tuna sandwich for me and a peanut butter one for you,” he

replied as he turned into Anson’s embrace.

The wolf wrinkled his nose in a strikingly adorable expression. “I

don’t like peanut butter,” he replied. He grinned, wiggling his

eyebrows. “I like meat too much.”

Reed released a startled honking sound as his mate reached

between his legs, squeezing his cock. He didn’t know if he should

laugh or moan. “Your puns are awful, Sonny,” he said, panting, “but

keep doing that, and I might not care.”

Anson snickered and sadly, released him. “I wish I could, but then

I’d never stop.”

“And what’s so wrong in that?” Reed pouted. Along with

becoming antisocial, he was a nymphomaniac, too, and God, he loved


“Well, for one, you’re fixing up a snack. And we’re expecting

pack members to come in any moment now.”

Reed sighed, his erection losing some of its excitement. “I really

wish you wouldn’t have to do this,” he said.

Anson pecked his forehead. “It’s not so bad.”

“Well, on a positive note, Daniel’s there.” Reed tried to cheer

himself up. “He’s going to help, I guess.”

“So that’s who the peanut butter’s for.” Homemade peanut butter,

of course, because the squirrel-shifter couldn’t stand commercial

products. “What about my sandwich?” Anson’s eyes twinkled with

mirth. “I feel all abandoned.”

“Oh, don’t worry. You’re always my priority.”

In spite of what Anson had said, they would have probably started

fucking right there on the kitchen table had Daniel not entered the

room. “Heads up, guys. We have visitors.”

Grumbling under his breath, Reed resumed preparing the

sandwiches. He’d already made one for his mate, and he handed it to

Anson. It was the least he could do since there was very little else he

could help Anson with these days.


Scarlet Hyacinth

As it turned out, Tyrell had gone to ground, and the expedition to

catch him was taking far longer than anyone had expected. From time

to time, Soren came to check in, but Anson was dealing with


Until now, Reed had never realized just how much work it took to

run a pack. Even in normal circumstances, the pack members often

had problems that needed to be solved one way or another. Reed had

heard everything from jealous wolves imagining others giving their

mates the eye, or young pups claiming they’d been cheated in bets.

Other youngsters had wanted to join in on the expedition against

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