The Supremacy (14 page)

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Authors: Megan White

BOOK: The Supremacy
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“I see
is hungry.” Declan laughed from beside me.
“Just a little,” I spoke through a mouth full of food, “You look like you’re feeling better.”

. Thank you.”
It was almost overwhelming seeing how much had changed in just a few short weeks. I was warm, clean, I was
and soon everyone else would be too. We had a plan. If we succeeded, there would no longer be a
. No murder, no forced poverty, we would be
.  But the most shocking was the realization that I was no longer afraid of the tall, blue-eyed Keeper that sat next to me, smiling as we talked over food.

Chapter Fifteen
After finishing my meal, I had never felt so full in my life. Almost sickly so, as I grabbed my stomach in a moan.
“Stomach ache?” Declan smiled down at me, picking the trash from the table.
“Is that what this is?” I wined, resting my head on the cool surface of the dining table, “I think I might be sick.”
Laughing, he patted my shoulder, “I would be too if I ate three days worth of food in one sitting. It’s all about moderation”
. What a strange word. Never had I had to watch what I ate or take it slow. By the time food was placed in front of me my stomach was empty. We were only given enough to sate the churning rumbles of our core, nothing more.
“You’ll get used to it.”
Curling my knees to my chest, I let out an uncomfortable chuckle, “At least I won’t be hungry for a while.”
“Here,” He held his hand out to me, pulling me to my feet, “You would probably be more comfortable on the couch.”
I sat, hoping for the ache in my stomach to lessen but needing something to take my mind off the pain for the time being, “How are you going to be able to poison certain Keepers, but not them all?”
“That’s simple.” He smiled and took the open seat next to me, “The higher a Keeper, the better their food supply.”
“Care to explain?”
“Alright,” A sigh left his lips as he kicked his feet onto the table in front of him, “Let’s take
for example. I can pretty much eat anything I want. It will be pure, no chemical additives or filler ingredients, as are hidden inside the common meat supply, the same holds true for Tarant.” He smiled while looking me over, “He
the one that chose you after all.”
“Funny,” I scoffed, “It kind of felt like
chose me.” Remembering him from the square where he first pinned me with those crystal-clear blue eyes, and then again on the bus where he refused to let me out of his sight.
He shrugged, “All a part of the job. I was asked to find a specimen to his…
A shiver ran through me the moment his words found their mark, “And that would be me.” To know that someone, some
, craved me as a meal sent racking tremors through my body.
“The lower on the totem pole,” He hedged, trying to get us back on track. “The less you get until you are basically eating the diet of a human”
“You can eat human food, just not thrive on it.” I repeated his explanation from earlier.
“Exactly.” He nodded, “We taint the higher-ups, while the specimens remain in their purest form. We can leave the rest for another time. As for
, our main concern is Tarant and anyone else that follows his orders.”
“Is there anyone else that knows of your plans?”
“A few.” I watched him smile into space, “I can’t do this all myself.”
He was right. I couldn’t see how any one person could over-throw an entire regime solo. Declan
to be working with others. I wondered how many of his own kind disagreed with the way of life they had created. It is easy to hate the oppressor when you are the one with no liberties, but to hate who you were, what others of your kind did, took a special kind of entity.
The Supremacy created a life for themselves where they could live like royalty as the rats did their work for them, serving them without chance of revolt.
Others like Declan were willing to fight for a race that was not their own. They were willing to turn their backs on who they were to save a weaker species. No one could hate that.
I watched him fidgeting beside me, the sight of such a tightly reigned Keeper having anything to be nervous about made me laugh, it just didn’t fit, “What’s wrong?”
He let out a long breath before he turned to face me, draping his arm off the back of the couch, he spoke softly, “You are healthy enough and Tarant knows this. He is expecting…”
“A meal.” I finished his sentence.
I wasn’t surprised. I had my part to play and I was willing to do anything necessary to fulfill that role. At the end of it all, I didn’t want to be the one that screwed everything up because of selfish reasons. It would take my cells to poison Tarant, and it seemed the only one Tarant trusted with his ‘
was Declan. Funny…
“Alright,” I stood on shaky limbs, “At least this time I will know who is near when I’m under.”

,” He whispered and grabbed my hand tightly in his before pulling to his feet in front of me, “I
left you alone, not once. Nothing ever happened to you.” His fingers brushed down the side of my cheek, “I would have killed any that tried.”
I could tell by the look in his eyes that what he spoke was the truth. He had proven to me on more than one occasion that he was protecting me while I was locked in that place, and even in his home. He
me to start the avalanche. His entire plan rested on my shoulders. I couldn’t have died in the Farm.
“It will be quicker this time.” He smiled down at me, “I promise.”
I followed closely behind him as he led the way down the hall.
Inhaling deeply once we reached the door that led into his bedroom, he tensed beside me, “I want this time to be different. I want you to be comfortable.”
“It won’t matter if I am comfortable or not, Declan.” A sarcastic laugh left my lips, “I won’t be conscious for any of it either way.”
“Still,” He shrugged before pushing the door open, “It matters to me.”
Titling my head to the side, I regarded him shrewdly, “Does it?”
“Yes. It does. You only know me as the Keeper that has hurt you beyond forgiveness but I
you that was all a mask. I don’t expect you to trust me or even forgive me but… maybe, in time you will be able to see me for who I really am.”
His words tore into me like a knife, nestling right under my skin. My throat tightened as I watched him. Looking into his pained eyes, I saw all the hurt and torment of a tortured soul, not much different from my own. I didn’t want to feel sympathy for the ruthless Keeper that stood in front of me, to feel for a Keeper that had taken so much from me, who had killed so many. And I hated that I did.
“Let’s just get this over with.”
“Ok,” He nodded as he walked through the door, leading the way to the large four-poster bed, “I’m going to need you to take your dress off.”
Nodding at him, I turned so he could unzip the back. Chills ran through me to moment his cool fingers skimmed my collarbone, tracing lightly from shoulder blade to shoulder blade, “You have such beautiful skin.” He whispered as he slowly pulled the zipper down.
“Beautiful for an inferior species,” I laughed, trying to steady my nerves and the unwelcomed feelings he caused me to have.
“Beautiful for any species.” He whispered before spinning me to face him, “May I see your arm?”
Knowing what was coming next, my entire body shook as I raised my left arm to him. His lithe fingers traced the vein that ran from my wrist to the bend of my elbow. The touch was light, feather like in its caress, almost soothing, “
.” He breathed quietly.
From his back pocket, he retrieved a syringe. Involuntarily, my entire body tensed when he brought it to my skin, “Close your eyes,” He prompted when he felt my tension, “Lay down on the bed, back to me.”
No sooner than I lay down did I feel the small prick of the needle as it nestled into the crook of my arm, “It will be over soon.” Declan’s voice hung in the air as I drifted into the dark recesses of my subconscious, a place where all my nightmares and unrelenting guilt waited in the wings to engulf me.

,” I heard my name whispered, “Erin, sweetheart, it’s time to wake up.” It was the softest voice, almost melodic as she spoke my name, “
,” An angle’s laughter filled my ears as a feather-light touch tickled down my cheek, “wake up, baby girl! We have a special day planned for you.” Soon, the angelic voice began to sing,                            
“Hear the whispers in the wind.
                                    That’s when time begins again.
                                       See the colors of the ocean.
                                       Feel the warmth blanket your skin,
                                  Hear the songs played in moonlight
                                      as the night comes rolling in.
                                It’s the ravens crying ‘it’s midnight!’    
                                   That’s when time begins again.”
My eyes flashed open to see the most beautiful smile shining down on me. Her warm hand brushed over my cheek and she leaned in, kissing my forehead, “Happy birthday, baby!”
I breathed her in,
. She smelled warm, like the meadow in springtime.

,” I choked out and studied her face, pale skin over sparkling dark eyes, here waist length brunette hair flowed down her back in rivets of waves. She was there. She was beautiful. The most beautifully, striking woman I had ever seen.
“Get dressed, sleepyhead. You wouldn’t want to miss your fifth birthday!” She sang happily while clapping her hands together.
birthday. The last birthday I had with my mother.
Springtime in the meadow breathed in new life. The birds flew lazily overhead as we watched the clouds roll by in the midday breeze, “Look at the clouds, Erin.” She breathed lightly, holding me close to her, “What do you see?”
“A butterfly.” I pointed at the cloud above my head.
“A butterfly?” She laughed contently as she held me to her chest, “What else is up there?” 
“Space!” My father’s voice boomed from overhead, his finger pointing toward the sky, “Infinite space, galaxies and stars. Stars as far as your eyes can see.”
“Daddy has always been a dreamer,” Giggling, she planting a sloppy kiss on his lips.
They held me close and chimed, “Happy birthday!” in unison before handing me a small box with a smile, “Open it, Rinny!” they clapped excitedly.
I held the tiny box in my hands, enjoying the thrill of the surprise just as much as the promise of the present nestled inside.
Slowly, I opened it, “It’s beautiful!” I cried out, holding the silver necklace in front of me. The pendant shined in the sun, glinting and twinkling in its rays.
“It’s a star.” My dad professed once he fastened the chain around my neck, “Your very own wishing star! Anytime you want to make a wish, all you have to do is hold this star close to your heart, and
I held the star in my hand and curled into their embrace, content just to watch the clouds roll by.

Declan’s voice crooned in my ear, “It’s over.”

.” I didn’t want to wake up. I wanted to hold on to the memories of my parents for as long as I could. They were happy.
was happy. It felt so real.
couldn’t it be real.
“Tarant will be here soon.” He warned as I felt the bed dip.
His warning worked, I was awake.
“There we go.” He smiled once my eyes opened, “What were you dreaming about? I almost didn’t wake you.” He asked, brushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear, “I have never seen you smile like that before.”
Stretching my tight limbs, I looked into his eyes and cleared my throat, “I never had a reason to.”
“You looked so…” He paused and looked down at my clenched hand, “
“I was.”
Standing from the bed, he walked to the door, “I wanted you awake while Tarant was here. You must stay in this room, but you will be able to hear every word spoken.”
I was expected to stay hidden. Declan did not need to explain to me why. If any knew how well I was being treated, it would have been a death sentence to both of us. It would have been seen as a betrayal. As far as Tarant knew, I remained bound by chains, left alone and in the dark.
It was not long before the chiming of a bell told of Tarant’s arrival, but announcing his entrance into Declan’s home was not necessary. Every hair follicle on my being stood at attention while tiny goose bumps covered my skin as the chill of death neared.
“My Son,” I heard Tarant’s sickly sweet voice sing through the living room, “It’s so good to see you again.”
“Likewise, how are you feeling today? Better, I hope.”
To hear the way Declan spoke to his leader struck a chord in me. He spoke with such reverence and loyalty. Declan knew his role well. He too was playing a part. I could not see how anyone would distrust someone that regarded them in such a manner. It left Tarant complacent; someone of his power had no need to fret about the safety when he could kill any that stood in his way with the wave of his wrist.
“I’m not as young as I used to be, Declan.” His voice lowered, and you could almost
his scowl, “That’s why I have you. I will not be here forever, but I know that when the day comes, I can trust you to lead our people.”

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