The Sunshine Dame of Doom (21 page)

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Authors: Marcos Fizzotti

Tags: #Zombies

BOOK: The Sunshine Dame of Doom
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“I tell you later. Anyway, if we are to pull this thing off, I’ll need help from each and every one of you.”

“You got it!”

“But first, let’s pay a visit to Susan and her new doctor, to see how they’re doing. We’d better keep a low profile though.”


All eyes turned to Tess.


“Okay, you can use one of my delivery vans.



“How is she, doc?” Lily asked Aaron.

“She’s young and strong. I pumped all
out of her stomach and gave her some drugs to counteract its effects. Now, it’s up to her.”

“Remember when I said you were going to be practicing medicine in no time?” Hector asked the doctor. “I always keep my promises.”


“So, your name is Susan?” Vince talked to the patient.

“Yes.” She whispered with a very fainting voice. “Susan Burkowski.”

“Whoa! I glad people in Uptown never found out about this Polish leaning of yours.”

“It’s Ukrainian.” Susan corrected him. “And I had a feeling they did find out.” She rolled her still worn-out eyes around. “I got friends… in there. They don’t know what they’re doing… I need to come back…”

“You need to take a rest.” Lily spoke. “Don’t worry, we got everything under control.”

“Hold my hand.”

“O-okay” Lily stuttered before such unexpected request. She sat down by Susan and held her hand.

“I know you…” The patient whispered. “The girl on the YouTube video… My friends… showed me… You and the other guy… came back for me… I just want to thank you.”

“No biggie. It’s just that we are curious to see how you look like healthy.”


Susan smiled.


“I can help…” She said. “Got an idea…”

“Don’t worry, lass. We got that part covered. You just rest.”


“Hey Hector…” Clark called him.


“Why did you come back?”

“You mean, why I came here with the rest of the group after escaping the power plant?”

“That’s right. Why didn’t you stay out? You were free.”

“Well, aside from the dead people we had to deal with, I got blood in my hands.”


“Twenty good people perished because of what I did. I just felt I needed to come back and fight for their memories. And the group supported me. Don’t forget I left you behind too. I got your blood in my hands.”

“It’s cool, man. I know you had to do it. Besides, I’m here now, no harm done.”

“But what about the ones who died? They were my responsibility and I let them down. I should have come back for them.”

“No, you should not.” Harper stepped in. “You made a command decision and it was the right call.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“I’ve been to wars. I led men and women in battle. I lost my share of them. Anybody can make easy decisions, but the tough ones are reserved to real leaders. There was nothing you could do for those people. You didn’t kill them, the enemy did. Now, let’s get some payback.” He turned to Lily. “Ball’s your court now.”

“Yes!” Clark jumped.

“I don’t know what you have in mind, missy, but I just hope you know what you’re doing.” Harper continued. “Right now, we are deeply immersed into a catastrophic world of hurt.”


ACT 27


Fleur du Soir
’s delivery truck was heading to Uptown when the men in the cabin heard the unmistakable sound of a police car siren.


“Sloppy version of Starsky & Hutch right on time” Mario said behind the wheel, watching the red lights flashing in the rear mirror.

“I’m surprised those two are still in the force.” Philippe commented in the passenger’s seat.

“I’m surprised they’re still not cleaning latrines in Slim’s butcher shop, Downtown.”


The truck stopped, as well as the police car.


“Good evening.” Joe said looking up at the window on the driver’s side. “May I ask you where you think you’re going?”

“Yes, you may ask.” Mario answered with a smile. “Can we go now?”

“Cut the bullshit! We don’t have time for this! Where do you think you’re going?”

“Well, I think I’m going to paradise! But actually, we’re going to the TV station.”

“What for?”

“What does it look like? To deliver food, silly.”

“I know that! How come I wasn’t informed?”


In the meantime, Tony walked around the truck tapping the hull with his club as if he was checking something, a totally pointless gesture he saw on the movies.


“It’s a special delivery of caviar!” Mario said. “As the cargo is too precious, one doesn’t exactly announce it at the four corners, right?”

“I’ll have to contact logistic at the station to check on that.” Joe informed.

“Great! You do that while we go.”

“You stay put, my friend!”

“But the product is highly perishable. You don’t want your beloved TV stars to spend a month in the bathroom, now do you?”

“May we see the cargo?” Tony asked on the other side of the truck.

“Yes, why don’t you do just that?” Philippe said.

“Door is opened.” Mario spoke. “You know the drill.”


Joe and Tony went behind the truck and pushed the doors up. And they were pulled inside by four strong hands. And they didn’t come back outside, at least not with their clothes on.


“Alright” Hector said. “They are back in the police car, in underwear and duct tapes only. Now, you get their clothes and put them on.”

“You didn’t hurt them, did you?” Mario asked preoccupied.

“Nope, but they might catch a cold.”

“Sometimes I pity those guys.” Clark whispered.



At the TV station, two tall men wearing police uniforms approached the security cabin by the main entrance, with Lily walking in the middle of them. They were immediately stopped by the guards who left the cabin.


“We’re taking this prisoner to the authorities.” Mario informed firmly. “This is Lily Master, one of the terrorists that invaded the power plant. She surrenders and wants to talk.”

“Roger.” One of the guards said. “Take her inside while I radio Colonel Talbot.”


Lily was escorted into the cabin, following the guards. But Mario and Philippe ran outside. Some punches and kicks later, Lily walked out.


“Done” She said.


Mario grabbed a walkie-talkie “Okay, coast is clear… for the moment!”


The delivery truck materialized from behind a small building and stopped in front of the gate.


“Did you kill them?” Philippe asked Lily.

“No! I just sent them in a round trip to
slumber land
. Make sure you tie them up good.”

“Don’t worry, sugar, we know our way around duct tapes and handcuffs.”

“I also took the liberty of taking their clothes off for you.”

“Man, this place is slowly turning into a nude beach.” Philippe said.

“Well, as long as there are only men…” Mario replied.


“Alright…” Hector spoke. “Grab your radios and let’s do this.”


Now impersonating security guards by the main gate, Mario and Philippe found the button to bring the bar up and the truck went through. After taking some turns around the parking lot, they finally found the south building, the one indicated by Zach. The truck stopped by its metal door.


“Okay, we’re home.” Hector said on the radio. “What do you got for us, over?”

“I can open the door to the building from here, but once in there, it’s up to you.” Mario responded. “All doors inside can only be opened by entering six number codes on keypads, copy that?”

“Got it, hang on.”


“This is it, lad.” Lily spoke to Clark. “You know what to do.”

“Find your rig, kick ass if we have to.”

“It’s our only ticket into the damn hangar.”

“Do you know where this hangar is located?”

“More or less, it’s the same place Shane kept me captive with the zombie. I guess they fixed the garage door I broke and probably reinforced it. Then, we’ll need my ride to get in.”

“What time is it?” Vince asked.

“Ten past six.”

“Damn, we’re late! We got to go, bro!”


“Aren’t you taking your gear?” Clark asked Lily. “It’s in the truck.”

“Nah, that’s my zombie killing gear. When I deal with the living, I’d rather do my kung-fu dancing. Perhaps, you can take it!”


“Everything except for the boomerang, I’ll take this one. It’s not a toy and you don’t have the gloves for it.”

“One day, you got to teach me how to use that thing.”

“Alright” Hector spoke on the radio. “We’re ready, over.”

“So are we.” Mario replied. “We’ll keep our frequencies open all the time. I did some hacking in my days, and I can tap into the surveillance system to cause some glitches. But you can’t linger in front of the cameras. The glitches can only last two, three seconds top, or the real guards will get suspicious, copy that everybody?”



Philippe pushed a button and the lock mechanism of the south building metal door was released. The group entered.


“Lord, I’ve been to this place before!” Hector realized.

“Me too, bro, it’s still in my mind.”

“That makes three of us.” Aaron said.

“Four.” Maria completed.


Hector and Lily, Vince and Clark, Aaron and Maria split to different directions, always in contact with Mario and Philippe to tell them where they were.


Lily and Hector found stairs and went down one floor.


“I’ve been to my share of switching buildings.” Hector said. “Normally, the equipment room is located on lower floors with more refrigeration. Boards and circuits need to be cooled down all the time.”

“But they need to be moist too?”

“Yep, you’re right, I’m feeling as well. This is not the right place. Let’s double back.”


But they stumbled on some showers distributed in a row.


“This is definitely not the equipment room.” Hector observed.

“Hostile coming…”


They hid behind a pillar. A man walked past them, calmly whistling a tune. Lily advanced to knock him down, but to her surprise, Hector was way ahead of her.


“This one’s mine!” He said in anger.


Hector pulled the man’s arm and punched him right in the face. He fell stunned on the hard ground.


“I did some bare-knuckle fight back in the old neighborhood.” Hector said proudly.

“Yes, but I just hope you keep your focus here.” Lily retorted. “This is not a good time to settle scores.”

“I’m focused. I just want to have a chat with the gentleman. Please, take his club, gun and radio.”


Lily did it.


“Help! HELP!” The man screamed and his voice reverberated loud through the tiled walls.


The Australian girl looked at all sides nervously.


“We need to get out of here.” She said with urgency. “His friends will be here in no time!”


But Hector didn’t seem worried at all.


“Relax.” He said. “I can tell you, a lot of people must scream for help in this place every day, including me and my brother once, but nobody cares.”


Hector dragged the man by his collar to a shower booth. He crawled back in despair until his back touched a wall. Hector grabbed a hose and signaled to Lily. Even not approving her partner’s behavior, she walked to the spigot.


“What’s your name?” Hector asked him.


“Remember me, boy?”

“Y-yes!” Miller cried, trying to take his body further back with his legs, as if it was possible to go through the wall like a ghost.

“That’s right, the wet nigger. But I’m not the one who’s getting wet today. Lily, if you please…”


The Australian woman opened the spigot. A furious jet of water whipped Miller, compressing him even more against the wall.


“Stop! Please, stop!!!” He screamed in anguish and pain.


Hector nodded at Lily and she killed the jet.


“Alright, now that you’re clean, you can tell us where the equipment room is, and the code to open the door.”

“I can’t, please, I can’t tell you! You don’t know these people!”


Hector nodded at Lily and the water jet came back to life at full power, punishing Miller’s body.


“Stop, please!”


Lily closed the spigot.


“I’m not asking you again!” Hector shouted at him.

“Look, mister, I’m sorry for what I did to you, okay? I just follow orders! If you mess up with these people here, you don’t know what they do to you!”

“Oh, I think I do. And I know you follow orders. That’s all you do. Only now, you’re following my orders. And you don’t want to know what I can do to you.”


With a powerful grip, Hector strangled Miller’s neck to force his mouth open. Then, he stuck the hose down his throat.


“There’s only one way to clean racist pricks like you.” Hector spoke “By washing your dirty soul on the inside. Lily, when you’re ready.”


She was about to open the spigot again.


“UHHH! UHHH!” Miller grunted in dreadful horror, his eyes goggling.


“Hold it!” Hector said and took the hose out of Miller’s coughing mouth. “I’m listening, boy.”



Once by the equipment room, Lily typed the numeric code and it worked. They opened the door and Hector pushed Miller inside, to later tie him up and gag him with duct tape.


“No cameras in here” Lily spoke “as far as I can see.”


They studied the room and all the gizmos around.


“It’s not your brand.” Lily noticed.

“That’s why it’s so inefficient.” Hector replied, sitting down by a table with a desktop connected to monitor, mouse and keyboard. “Alright, time to play some piano.” He snapped his fingers.



“It’s that him?” Maria asked Aaron.

“Oh yes.” I’ll never forget that face.


The guard they saw was casually making his rounds, so distracted he didn’t see Maria coming with a pipe. She hit him on the head and he fell unconscious.


“You did this kind of thing in your hair-parlor too?” Aaron asked her.

“Only to customers that didn’t appreciate my work.”

“Right. What we do now?”

“Have you watched the movie
I Spit on Your Grave


“Follow my lead.”


The guard woke up in a room, his arms and legs tied up to a chair. He was dizzy and with a strong headache.


“What… what’s going on?” He screamed and struggled on the chair. “Get me out of here!”

“Good evening.” Maria went into the room and closed the door.

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