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“Being from Britain, I would imagine that’s probably true,” her father said slowly. “What about this British barrister?”

“He asked me to stay with him in London for a week, he’s flying me there, first class, alongside him. Like I said, he’s not some joker-”

“You said yes,” her father interrupted.

“I did, I said yes, and I’m really happy. You’d really like him, he’s very educated, and he’s-”

“I suppose if that’s what you want,” he interrupted again, “but give me his full name. I want to check him out, and let me know his address as soon as you arrive.”

“His full name is Duncan Rhys-Davies, that’s r,h,y,s, then a hyphen, then Davies.”

“You say he’s a lawyer?”

“No, daddy, he’s a barrister. There’s a difference, I don’t know what that is yet, but he’s a barrister, and he’s-”

“You’re an adult now, you can do what you want, but you make sure he treats you right.”

“I want to tell you about him,” she frowned. “He’s-”

“I’m sure he’s a very interesting guy, but if you run into any trouble you call me. I know a few people over there. I’ll let them know you’re coming, and they’ll be there in a hurry if they need to be.”

“Thanks, Dad but I’ll be-”

“Just let us know when you land there safely. Your mother’s out right now, but I’ll pass along the news when she gets back.”

“Thanks for understanding,” she sighed, “I’ll call you when I get there.”

“All right sweetheart, I’ll speak to you then.”

“Wait,” she said, Duncan’s words echoing in her head.
When you interrupt it means you’re not interested in what the other person is saying, you don’t care about their opinion, or feelings.

“Yes, sweetheart?”

“Don’t you care about what I’m saying, or my opinions, or my feelings?”

“What? Yes, of course I do,” he replied.

“Then why did you interrupt me all the time? I’ve been trying to tell you things.”

There was a pause, and her father replied,

“You’re quite right, I’m sorry sweetheart, you go right ahead. I’m just in the middle of reading a contract, but it can wait.”

She told him about Duncan, how they’d met in the restaurant, the dinner at The Mermaid, the creepy blond, and how Duncan had enlisted the aid of the Sommelier.

“He does sound like a decent guy,” her father remarked. “I’m glad you made me listen, that’s good sweetheart. You stay in touch, email me pictures, okay?”

“Okay, Dad, thank you.”

Ending the call she walked from the booth sporting a very happy smile, and feeling immensely satisfied.

Looking across at where they’d been sitting she saw Duncan had returned, and he had a very large box on his lap. Hurrying forward, she leaned across and kissed him on the cheek before sitting down.

“Were you calling your father?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

“I was, it went really well, but I’ll tell you about that later. What’s in the box?”

“This is for you,” he declared handing to her.

“Heavens, what’s in it?” she beamed.

“Open it up and find out.”

Lifting the lid she pushed aside the tissue paper, and stared down at a Louis Vuitton handbag.

“Wow! This is incredible. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, but open it up.”

Unfastening the snap she peered inside, and saw a small, oval, wooden paddle.

“Oh,” she breathed, instantly feeling the blush across her face.

“It’s a souvenir, a miniature polynesian oar, and I think it’s rather perfect. When we go out together, that’s the bag you will be using,” he smiled, “unless it’s an evening affair, in which case you’ll carry an evening bag that can accommodate the contents of that one.”

“Duncan,” she sighed, “I’m truly speechless.”

“Good, then perhaps I’ll have some peace on these long flights ahead,” he grinned.

Filled with delighted happiness, Brittany suddenly burst out laughing.

“That reminds me,” he said, tilting his head, “I’ve been meaning to ask you, why did you laugh when I first handed you Emily’s Education?”

“Oh, I should tell you, I must tell you,” she replied, her eyes wide.

She began the story in a discreetly low voice, and as Duncan listened, intrigued by her tale, he couldn’t help but wonder how she had won his heart in just a few days.

Are you my second chance at happiness? Is there such a thing as second chances, or are you a mirage? Will I know the answer to that question by the time you leave London? So many questions.

This is all a mystery, a great mystery. What I’d give for a crystal ball.

* * * * * * *


Coming December 2014



Review: Anonymous

What more could a book offer? Great read and I loved the plot. Luke and Tess are a fun couple and I want more of their story. I hope this is just the first book with them, and we can follow them as their relationship develops. This book has romance, intrigue, some truly entertaining secondary characters, and plenty of spanking and hot sex. Absolutely loved it, and will be reading it again (and again…).



Review: Laurel

Maggie Carpenter tops herself again. Every time I read one of her books, I think there’s no way she can top this, but she does. This book has everything, romance, mysticism, coincidence, spanking and sensual sex and more. Beth had a crush on Michael for years but didn’t have the nerve to talk to him. Michael fell in love with Beth but they never met. After the purchase of an hourglass, things begin to happen. Coincidence? Maybe, read and find out.



Review: Dimples

What an entertaining story. The people were great, the dog fantastic. Please write a continuing story. A very happy read. Loved every page.



Review: Love’s Kitten

No one writes sex scenes like Maggie Carpenter! I’ve said it before and I will keep saying it so long as she keeps writing these smokin’ hot page turners! You will be drawn in by the storyline that is fast paced and imaginative, and the sex scenes will make you weep with wanting. Trust me. A MUST read, perfect for the beach or a cold, rainy day!



Reviewer: James

From the first word, I was spellbound by Maggie Carpenter’s wonderful tale. Her wonderful story flows beautifully and you will fall in love with her characters, because they truly come to life and leap off the pages! This book has everything you could want in a story: romance, an exciting plot and a handsome, dominant hero who will capture your heart. This book not only promises passion, it delivers!! A must read!



Reviewer: Jule Kijek

This was my first book by this author but it will NOT be my last. I liked that it was a full sized novel. Chad is a super hot cowboy looking to help out a friend. Cassie is a spoiled rich girl in desperate need of a spanking. Toss in horses, horse shows and a lovable dog named McTavish and you have a runaway hit. I just LOVED it. So worth the time and money!



Reviewer: JoJo Bear

I’m a Maggie Carpenter fan, and I snatched this one up as soon as I saw it. NO disappointments here. Don’t want to give any spoilers, but a naughty “good” girl gets what she deserves and so does a very naughty bad girl. Plenty of hot sex, hot spankings and lots of romance.



Reviewer: Desiree Holt

As one who usually reads and writes heavy BDSM books, I found Maggie Carpenter’s treatment light and refreshing. Simon, thank heavens, is NOT your usual stuffy, it’s-all-about-me billionaires, but a human with doubts and insecurities along with his self confidence. And Belle Somers, well, you just want to give her a hug. The story is entertaining but the strength is in the characters. The author makes them come alive for you and they stay with you long after you turn the last page. A fun read I recommend for anyone who wants to escape with a glass of wine and a good book.



Reviewer Paige Matthews

This is another wonderful read by Ms. Carpenter and I full believe readers will love Simon as much as I did. I am eagerly waiting for the third act of their story and anticipating Simon’s revenge. :) Want to find out what I am talking about? Pick up this read and find out!



Reivew: Emily Tilton

I’m going to level with you. I read D/s erotic romance for the D/s sex. Ms. Carpenter puts a great deal of plot and character around her D/s sex, and that stuff is solid, but I need to be honest and say that that’s not why I’m reading a book by Maggie Carpenter. I’m reading a book by Maggie Carpenter because she writes the transition from sweet romance to D/s better than almost anyone else I know. She doesn’t disappoint here: Belle (sweet submissive) and her sister Lucinda (brat) both go on D/s journeys with Simon (cultured billionaire) and Joseph (rough and tumble chauffeur) that provide plenty of hotness—especially (for my own taste) when Simon begins Belle’s training. If you like young women under tables servicing the men they call “Sir,” you’ll love this book.



Reviewer CF

Of all the dominant-submissive books I’ve read, this one is by far the most clever and the most captivating. The story is strong. It’s not just words wrapped around spanking scenes. It’s so believable, you can feel the emotions of the characters. And you’ll never expect the ending! Dr. Montgomery is simply irresistible, too. If I could find his office, I’d make an appointment.



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The Wanted Cowboy

The Hourglass

The Cowboy’s Rules: 2

The Cowboy’s Secret

A Promise of Passion

The Cowboy From Down Under

The Romantic Dominant

The Cowboy’s Rules

The Rock Star and The Cowgirl

The British Billionaire Bachelor

The British Billionaire Bachelor Act II

The British Billionaire Bachelor Act III

The Spanking Psychiatrist

The Billionaire’s Daughter

Covert Cravings

Malibu Heat

Déjà Vu

An Eternal Flame - (Déjà Vu–Book Two)

Elizabeth’s Education

The Inheritance - (Elizabeth’s Education–Book Two)

Table of Contents

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