The Story of My Heart (3 page)

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Authors: Margarita Felices

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BOOK: The Story of My Heart
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  Megan stared at Gwen. Was she right?  Could she chance having Dave back in her life, even for a few minutes?   “Look, I can’t hang around here all day talking” said Megan, “things to do, people to see.”


  Dave’s mind was miles away as he walked to the bank in the village.  He remembered walking down the same street years back.  Almost nothing had changed.  Even the shop on the same corner where he’d waited for Megan still looked the same.  The only difference was that the café had gone—a shame, he thought.


  Megan hurried towards the bus stop counting the change in her purse for the bus. She slowed her pace near the post office and approached the same corner where Dave had waited for her all those years ago. She wasn’t looking where she was going until she collided with a man coming the other way, sending her purse and all her loose change rolling about on the floor.


  Both Megan and the man scrambled about on the floor, picking up the change, and as they rose, their eyes met. Those piercing blue eyes she had seen every day in her daughter and that familiar smile that had stolen her heart so many years ago were right there again. 

  “Hello Meg,” said Dave.



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