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Authors: Rachel Shteir

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p. 198
“ ‘You must have eighteen ...’ ”:
Author interview with Steve Houseworth, op. cit.
p. 198
“nationally recognized . . .”:
These statistics come from NASP’s website. A 2007 Washington State study of recidivism and NASP’s methods actually showed a slightly higher recidivism rate, in which 7.3 percent were not rearrested for shoplifting or any other crime. By contrast, Theft Talk’s recidivism rate hovers at around 13 percent. But it’s also worth mentioning that there has not been much scholarly work done on the subject. And what has been done targets young people, who might stop sooner or later or hide their shoplifting more effectively after a time anyway. Further, some criminological studies have concluded that education programs fail to help reduce shoplifting recidivism.
p. 201
“Kleptomania has no definitive . . .”:
Koran, Aboujaoude, et al., “Escitalopram Treatment of Kleptomania,” 422.
p. 202
as “a core . . .”:
Hollander, “Brain Function in Impulsive Disorders,” 2003.
p. 202
“There was a decision . . .”:
Author interview with Hollander, op. cit.
p. 202
“None of these suggestions...”:
Psychiatric Times
26 (8), June 26, 2009.
p. 204
works “like a recipe”:
Author interview with counselor, February 2006.
p. 204
“I confess my heart was . . .”:
The Gambler
, 28
pp. 208–9
“It’s then that I need to . . .”:
Letter from “Elizabeth.”
p. 211
“A warrior’s self-destruction . . .”:
The Nobility of Failure
, 15.
p. 211
“I hate liars . . .”:
Author interview with Judge James McKenzie, spring 2006.
p. 211
“When I was growin’ up . . . ”:
p. 212
Memphis’s per capita:
Cited in
Memphis Commercial Appeal
, June 31, 2007.
p. 212
“We had fifteen . . .”:
Author interview with Andy Wise, July 2010.
p. 213
“the principle of the thing”:
Author interview with Andy Wise, July 2008.
p. 213
“If you put . . .”:
Author interview with “Sandy,” December 2008.
p. 213
“For me . . .”:
Correspondence with Laura McKenzie, 2006.
p. 214
“they had nothing . . .”:
Author interview with Janis Karpinski, June 2008.
p. 214
“Shame is the . . .”:
Author interview with Jonathan Haidt, October 8, 2006.
p. 215
8.8 percent:
Global Retail Theft Barometer
, 10. While 2010 studies both in Europe and in the United States showed some declines in shoplifting rates in some countries and attributed them, in some cases, to increased security, it will be many years before we have accurate long-term data or know what these year-to-year rises and falls mean.
p. 215
“The main crime problem . . .”:
summary of 2010
Global Retail Theft Barometer
p. 216
“I would ask . . .”:
York Press
, December 21, 2009.
p. 216
“one psalm short . . .”:
York Press
, December 22, 2009.
p. 216
“Walmart is . . .”:
York Press
, December 23, 2009.
p. 216
“it just mimics the theft at the top . . .”:
Times Online
, December 23, 2009.
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