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Authors: Lynn Picknett

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Secret Chamber,
p 232.
For example, in Paul White’s account of one of Hurtak’s lectures on the Library of New Age On-Line website
See, for example, Hurtak’s contributions to the 1994 video documentary
UFO Secrets of the Third Reich.
Lawton and Ogilvie-Herald, pp 247-48.
Secret Chamber,
pp 166 — 69.
Ibid., p 21.
Ibid., p 19. Bailey’s quote is from
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy,
p 497.
Ibid., p 85.
Ibid., p 86.
Ibid., p 167.
Ibid., p 101.
Ibid., p 167.
Ibid., p 166.
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