The Standing Dead - Stone Dance of the Chameleon 02 (17 page)

BOOK: The Standing Dead - Stone Dance of the Chameleon 02
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Osidian looked at him. The sorcery of the Masters is beyond your understanding, barbarian.'

Irritated, Fern glanced at Carnelian. Osidian saw their exchange of looks and frowned. He addressed the youths.

'Which of you will follow me?'

As Ravan relayed what Osidian had said, Carnelian saw hope perking them up.

Ranegale surged to his feet. 'How do you believe one of the Standing Dead could possibly know a way through this swamp when even we do not?'

The youths looked crestfallen. Ravan stood to face Ranegale. Fern, now also on his feet, made to move to his brother's side, but Loskai signed aggressively for him to stay where he was.

'Why don't you just face it, Ranegale,' said Ravan. 'Every decision you've made has been bad, and have you forgotten it was the Master who drove away the demon and not you? I say that's worth respecting. If he now says he can get us home, I for one would like to let him try.'

Ranegale drew close enough to Ravan that his threats sprayed spittle on his face. The youth pulled back saying something. Ranegale put a hand up to hear. When the youth mocked the gesture Ranegale knocked him to the ground.

Fern leapt forward but Osidian stood in his way. For a moment it seemed the Plainsman would throw himself on the Master. In conflict, Carnelian hesitated to take Osidian's part. Fern, unable to hold the Master's gaze, looked away. Osidian turned, taking in Ravan who was nursing his shoulder, Loskai getting ready for violence and then the staring youths.

'Does anyone here believe Ranegale will get you out of this mess?'

Fern looked uncertain and Carnelian could see even Loskai wavering.

Roaring, Ranegale flung himself on Osidian who fell backwards with the Plainsman on top of him. As Carnelian lunged forward to pull the man off, Fern grabbed hold of him. Carnelian struggled loose, snarling, and would have attacked his friend if it had not been for the expression of shock on his face.

'We've no quarrel,' said Fern.

Carnelian turned to see Osidian struggling to push Ranegale off him. The Plainsman butted him in the face and Osidian's nose turned red.

'His blood,' Carnelian cried out, in outrage.

grimaced apologetically. 'You mustn't interfere.'

'But he's still weak,' moaned Carnelian.

Loskai leered. 'If the Master wins, we'll follow him wherever he leads.'

He lost his leer when at that moment Osidian managed to roll Ranegale off him.

Ravan bared his teeth. 'Hurt him, Master, hurt him.'

formed part of the ring of bodies shifting around the fight. He could not bear to see Osidian hurt more than he had been already. He looked round at
pleading with his eyes, but his friend shook his head.

They'll have to sort this out some time.'

Carnelian saw the truth in that. A cry from Ravan made
turn back to the fight. Ranegale was holding a knife.
stared at its feint and stab. Another blade landed in the mud beside Osidian's foot. He saw it, but ignored it. Lunging ferociously, he caught Ranegale, then with appalling strength lifted him clear of the ground, then hurled him down.

Carnelian saw Ranegale had lost his knife; then his uba was torn away to reveal the pit above his mouth, the crusted eye socket, the earless holes in the side of his head. The man's hands trembled up to hide his disfigurements. Osidian stood over him. The Plainsman made to snatch the second blade but Osidian's foot struck like a snake, crushing his wrist. Hanging his hand, whining, Ranegale stared, tearful panic in his eye. He shrieked as Osidian took hold of him. The Plainsman struggled but could not break free.

'Let him go,' wailed Loskai.

Osidian knelt, bending the man backwards over his knee.

Carnelian shuffled forward. 'Osidian, you are victorious. Let him go.'

Loskai fell to his knees. 'Please, Master

Osidian gave no response and like a machine continued inexorably to bend Ranegale's back.

Carnelian threw himself on Osidian, trying to release his hold on Ranegale. Clawing blood from Osidian's thigh, the Plainsman flung his head back, his disfigured face shaping a silent cry of agony. The crack as his back snapped made everyone jump. Carnelian let go of Osidian's arms and stood back. Osidian rolled the man off his knee into the mud and rose. Gaping, Carnelian glanced at Ranegale splayed at his feet. Osidian was staring at the broken man as if he had come across him by surprise.

Ranegale begged his brother to kill him, but Loskai, staring, backed away. They all stood as if forced to watch the man's agonized attempts to stand. He scrabbled with his arms but his legs seemed to have been turned to stone. Loskai helped prop him up, but each time his brother collapsed back into the mud so that he began to look nothing like a man at all but rather some loathsome worm crawled up from the swamp.

'Kill me, Loskai,' shrilled Ranegale.

Loskai was doubled up, reaching out, stamping. 'We can carry you home, Ranegale. Perhaps the Elders can fix you.'

'I'm broken,' Ranegale squealed. 'Do it,' Ravan screamed at Loskai. Among the sobbing youths, Krow stood silendy watching.

Fern turned snarling in the direction which Osidian had taken when he had disappeared into the gloom. 'Were you possessed to do this?'

Though in shock, Carnelian knew it was guilt that made him speak. 'Have you forgotten it was Ranegale who wanted to leave your kin to rot?'

Fern lowered his head and looked at Carnelian from under his brows. 'And you believe that justifies this?'

Rage rose in Carnelian. Fearing he might unleash it on his friend, he turned and ran, hunting Osidian along the trail he had left in the mud. Slipping, he fell. The impact cleared his mind. Mercifully, he had come far enough that he could barely hear Ranegale's cries. Should he have stopped the fight? What Osidian had done disgusted him, but would any other Master have acted differendy? This Osidian was not the boy that he had loved in the Yden. What Carnelian feared most was that it was he who was responsible for the transformation.

The first thing Carnelian noticed when Osidian came into view was his bony spine pushing through the soaked cloth on his back. Coming closer, he could see the brown scar he wore around his neck. Pity mixed with dread as Carnelian moved round to try and look into his face.

'It was necessary he should die,' Osidian said, looking at his hands as if they were not his own.

'He is not dead yet.'

They will kill him.'

Carnelian hoped this was true. 'And now you will lead them?'

The face Osidian turned to him was one Carnelian recognized. Relief washed over him.

They embraced, clinging to each other.

'Where have you been?' he muttered into Osidian's shoulder.

'Where I would never wish to have you go, my blood.'

Carnelian pushed Osidian away to search his face. 'I know you now, but Fern was right, you have been possessed.'

Osidian raised his brows and, wearily, he laughed. The sound warmed Carnelian like the sun in winter.

'Would my Lord deny me a modicum of bitterness considering the way our lives have gone recently?'

'It is good and natural you should feel remorse.'

The change that came over Osidian was like sudden cloud shadow. 'You believe I could do wrong by hurting a savage?'

Carnelian backed away from the fire in his eyes.

'I have been touched,' he said in an ominous tone.

'Forget that now,' said Carnelian, trying to bring the brightness back.

'I am consumed by an inner night.' Osidian looked away and peered into the glooms between the trunks as if he were seeing something there.

'Just nightmares. You have had nightmares and as you said, how could you not? But you have woken now and left them behind.'

Osidian looked a little like a child, so that Carnelian wanted to embrace him again but he did not dare.

Osidian shook his head. There is no waking.' He pierced Carnelian with his eyes. 'You yourself have seen the signs.'

They guide us to sanctuary among the Ochre where we can live together free from the oppression that would have been ours in Osrakum even if we had not been taken.'

Osidian's eyes widened. 'Do you really imagine the God cast me half-divine from my throne so that I might keep house with you among filthy savages? Is that really the full measure of your heart?'

Carnelian withered beneath his glare.

Osidian looked away. 'He prepares me for some great purpose.' His gaze fell again upon Carnelian. 'Did He not come Himself to me?'

Carnelian frowned at the divine pronoun. 'Do you mean the monster who attacked us?'

'A form He put on when He descended from the sky.'

Carnelian drew back. 'Why? Why would He come to you in such a form?'

'Why? To anoint me with His blood, as my brother was anointed when the Wise made him God.'

Fern and Loskai were hoisting Ranegale's mud-smeared body up into a treefern when
and Osidian returned. Several heads turned. Most ducked back afraid, but Ravan and Krow lingered, watching Osidian with a fascination that made Carnelian uneasy.

As the Plainsmen sang their laments, Carnelian felt Osidian move from his side. He was peering up through a gap in the canopy. Carnelian went to stand beside him and looked up too. All he could see was a low, charcoal sky. His gaze fell to Osidian's face. The madness seemed to have passed.

'What are you doing?'

Osidian replied without looking down. 'Gauging the movement of the clouds.'

The Plainsmen had fallen silent. Osidian walked towards them, cutting off any more questions. Loskai regarded the Master with a look that mingled fear with hatred. Oblivious, Osidian looked like a signpost
standing in among them as he pointed out a direction. 'We go that way.'

Fern looked a question towards Carnelian, who could only shrug. Soon he was joining the Plainsmen as they picked up the djada poles. When they were ready, it was Krow who was the first to follow Osidian as he led them into the gloom beneath the trees.

In the days that followed, everyone became ill. It was Osidian who made them force down the mouldy djada, to keep up their strength. Carnelian watched the Plainsmen cling more and more to Osidian's certainty as he led them through the swamp. Sometimes they would be forced to wait while he watched the sky. At those times, Carnelian would see adoration light up the faces of Ravan and Krow as they gazed upon the Master. Their faith in him was rubbing off on the others. Loskai had become nothing more than a shadow hanging around the edges of their group. Only Fern ever showed resistance to the Master's commands. Carnelian came to depend on his friend's frown to keep his own mind in balance.

Carnelian was concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other when he realized it had grown darker. He lifted his head and at first thought they had wandered dazed into the dusk. Then he saw the pillars rising on every side. In his stupor he imagined he was walking in the Labyrinth in Osrakum. He looked up expecting to see the faces of the Gods but the pillars ran smooth right up to the shadow ceiling. Scratches of light showed how far away the sky was. He stumbled towards a pillar and felt its ragged, yielding skin.

'What're you doing?' Fern's face was a part of the darkness.

Trees?' Carnelian asked.

Fern looked around as if he were trying to avoid

being seen by eyes hovering above him in the gloom. 'Come on,' he whispered, 'we daren't fall behind.'

They crawled tiny beneath the pillar trees. Thunder came echoing down to them from another world. Even the lightning played remotely beyond the shrouding canopy.

This is the heart of darkness,' said Osidian, so close to Carnelian's ear it made him jump. He became aware they had stopped. Osidian's pale face was searching the lofty gloom. 'Can you feel it beating?'

Sensing a tremor in the air, Carnelian gave a solemn nod. His body was a bell resonating to a sound beyond hearing. The gloom between the pillars was pulsing. They were huddled together. Carnelian struggled to understand how he had got there. The Plainsmen stared, deaf, demented as they chewed rotting djada.

This is the true Labyrinth.'

Carnelian turned to look at Osidian, whose eyes were misted over.

'Do you not feel that time itself has slowed? The Wise told me of this but I did not believe.'

Osidian's whispering seemed brutally loud.

'His madness was in the blood. I felt it clothe me with His grace. I am become His vessel.'

Osidian's hand touched his forehead. 'Have I not always borne His seal here?'

Carnelian saw Osidian had his finger on his birthmark.

'He stirs within me. I feel His wrath warming in my blood. He draws me.'

Osidian let his head flop back as his finger slipped down to his throat and ran along the rope scar.

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