The Stand Off (22 page)

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Authors: Z Stefani

BOOK: The Stand Off
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“You might as well forget that
gloss; you’re not going to be able to keep it on.” He kissed her again.




They partied on the roof with
everyone for about an hour. After a few drinks, they made their way back to her
room. They spent the night kissing and fooling around before finally passing
out from exhaustion. In the morning, Dean awoke to his alarm and quickly got
dressed. In the past, sneaking out had been a priority, but now it seemed
wrong. Even though he would only be gone for a short time, he felt the need to
tell Lux.


“Lux,” Dean whispered as he
smoothed the hair back from her face.


“What’s wrong?” she woke


“Nothing, I have to go take care
of a few things. I’ll be back.”


“No, don’t leave yet.” She threw
her arms around his neck and he kissed her.


“I won’t be long; I’ll call you
soon,” he slid his hand across her ass before standing back up and heading out
of the room.

The Building on the


Lux woke up in an empty bed and
sighed. She took a quick shower, brushed her teeth, and threw her long hair
into a ponytail. She put on a pair of shorts, a tank top  and her black and
white polka dot robe before heading downstairs to the kitchen.


“Morning,” Lux said as she went
straight for the coffee.


“Morning. How did you sleep?”
Pixie asked and winked her eye suggestively.


“I slept just fine,” Lux nodded
as she finished making her coffee.


“Where’s Wrecker?”


“He had to take care of


“They are doing construction work
at the old furniture store on the corner again,” Graves told Lux.


“Again?” Lux raised her brow.


“It’s been a few days now… a few
days,” Pixie added.


“What kind of work are they
doing?” Lux asked.


“No clue. We were waiting for you
to get up before we ventured down the block to ask. They have been working
non-stop around the clock so it must be something important.” Pixie grabbed her
fluffy, orange slippers.


“Let’s go see,” Lux said as she
headed out of the kitchen.


Lux, Pixie, and Graves walked
down the block to see a large team of workers.


“The crew has tripled in man
power,” Graves said.


“They’ve been working hard all
morning. I even saw the power company here earlier,” Pixie told them.


“What exactly are you doing to
this place?” Lux asked a couple of them men carrying power tools.


“The boss wants this place
livable by the weekend,” the largest man with the curly hair informed them.


“What exactly do you mean by
livable?” Lux questioned.


“I’m not sure ma’am. Our orders
are to follow the plans; they don’t tell us why we’re doing it,” the man


“Plans?” Graves raised her brows.


What exactly do you mean by
plans?’ Pixie began to question him as Lux got a text.




Get ready. I’ll be there in ten
minutes. I’m getting breakfast.




I need at least twenty minutes to
get ready.




And I need to see you now, you
have ten minutes.


Lux cursed as she hung up her


“Was that Wrecker?” Pixie asked.


“Yes, he’s coming to pick me up.
I need to go get ready,” Lux said before she rushed back into her house and up
to her room.


Once in her room, Lux yanked off
her clothes and grabbed her pale grey, short sleeve, skater dress from her
closet. She stripped off her cotton panties and put on her black thong. She had
bought that thong long ago but had never worn it. She’d had no reason to. She
quickly got dressed and removed the ponytail from her hair. She threw on some
mascara and translucent, red lip gloss. She grabbed her red and white hounds
print shoes, her large red beaded necklace, and her red, clutch purse. She had
just walked out of her room when Pixie sent a text, informing her that Dean had
just pulled up. She rushed downstairs and past the kitchen to the front door.


“Have a good time,” Pixie said as
Lux flew by.


Lux was walking out of the door
as Dean was walking towards it.


“You look beautiful,” Dean said
as he took the last step towards her. He bent his head and lightly kissed her
lips before putting his arm around her.


“Why thank you,” Lux purred as he
walked her to the car.


“I can’t wait to strip off that
dress.” He opened the passenger’s side door and helped her in, before he went
to the driver’s side.


Lux saw the bags of food in his
back seat and grinned. “It smells delicious,” she told him once he was inside
of the car.


“Are you hungry?”




“Good; I got a lot.”


“Where are we going?”


“Not far,” he said as he pulled
down the block. She looked at him in question when he pulled up before the
building on the corner. He got out of the car, grabbed the huge bag of food
from the back seat, and his briefcase before he opened her door. He helped her
out of the car and headed to the front of the building.


“Why are we here?” she asked.


“It’s ready boss.” One of the
workers said as he walked towards them.


Dean nodded as he led Lux into
the building. Lux looked around in shock; she’d seen the inside of the building
before and was shocked by the difference. It had been completely cleaned out
and was totally unrecognizable. The walls were freshly painted in a pale off
white and the floors were a deep mahogany wood. Even the floor plan was


“Wow, I don’t even recognize this
place,” she gasped as she looked around in awe at the large room. “That is a
beautiful fireplace.”


“Your sister mentioned that you
liked them the night we stayed at the abandoned house,” he said and she was
thankful for his choice of words. An overnight stay at an abandoned house sounded
so much better than the truth. Abduction just sounded so harsh.


“Did she?” She turned to him.


“Yes. The down stairs is not
finished, they still need to erect another wall, gut the bathroom and finish
the kitchen. The upstairs is finished all we need now is furniture.”


“You’re turning it into a home?”
she asked in shock as he led her through the large dining room towards the back
of the house.


“Yes. This will be the kitchen.”


It was an enormous kitchen. There
was stainless steel refrigerator and matching stove. In the middle of the room
was a large, round dining table with two chairs. He pulled a chair out for her
and she sat down. He sat the bag of food to the side of the table and pulled a
folder out of his briefcase.


“There is something I want to
discuss before we eat,” he said as he pulled a pack of papers from the folder
as he sat down across from her.




“I’ll need your signature on each
one,” he laid the papers before her.


“What is this?” she held up on of
the papers.


“The deeds.”


“For what?”


“I’m signing half of the property
on this block over to you.”


“You’re joking?” she looked at
him in doubt although she could tell by his expression that he was serious.


“I don’t joke when it comes to
property; you know this.”


“Why would you do this?”


“Because I want you to have it. I
want you to expand the music hall, open up a new café or maybe bring back the
bookstore; if that’s what you want to do. I don’t care what you do with it. I
have more than enough property of my own to worry about,” he answered with a


“I can’t take this.”


“You don’t have a choice, baby.
It’s yours; half of this block is yours to do with as you please.”


“I can’t believe this,” she shook
her head. She was in total shock.


“Believe it.”


“I don’t know how to thank you.”


“I do.”




“This place will be livable by
this weekend. I want you to stay with me for a little while,” he said in a
serious tone.


“Here?” she looked around the


“Here, my main house, or my
apartment. Mainly here, until you’re ready to move into the main house. That’s
why I had this place redone; I knew it would make things easier for now.”


“It’s not too soon?”


“Not if we know what we want. I
know what I want, do you?”


“Yes,” she answered. “For how
long though?”


“I want to go on lock down with
you for the next week or two.”


“And after that?”


“We’ll cross that bridge when we
get there,” he said evasively. She feared that after a week or two she would be
deep in love while he was getting bored.



“As temping as it sounds, I can’t
do a lockdown,” she said with a sad pout.


“Why not?”


“I have to teach. The children
depend on me; they have a concert next week,” she explained.


“Is that the only reason?”




“I’ve already sent a few music
teachers to work the Music hall. They’re full time and on my payroll,” he explained.


“You’re kidding me?”




“Thank you,” she grabbed his


“I don’t want you to thank me; I
want you to stay with me for a while.”


“If I stay with you, I still have
to help out with lessons.”


“No,” he shook his head.




“You can go back in a week or
two. Right now we have a lot of catching up to do, and I need to spend some
quality time inside of you,” he said with a lusty grin.


“Okay, I’ll stay.” she answered
with a soft smile.


“Now that it’s settled, let’s
eat. I still have to go to work at some point today.” He grinned.




Later, Dean took Lux for a ride
in his car. She’d thought it was just a ride to get some fresh air, but she
soon realized that he had a destination.


“Where are we going?” she asked
as Dean took another turn down another deserted road.


“To my house.”


“You live way out here?” she
asked as she looked out the window. The houses had dwindled down to none as
they continued driving; she saw acres upon acres of bare land without a house
in sight.


“Yes,” he answered.


“It’s so secluded.”


“That’s the point,” he grinned
and put his hand on her thigh.


He pulled up to a large metal
gate and punched in a series of numbers. Lux looked up to see a very large
three story home behind the fence.


“Is that your house?” she asked
as the gates opened and he drove in.


“Yes,” he said as he drove the
circular driveway before the house and parked in the front. He rushed to her
side and helped her out of the car.


“Wow, it’s beautiful,” she sighed
as she stood before it. The massive white house looked like something straight
out of movie.


“A very glamorous and
ridiculously wealthy movie,”
she thought.


“Come on.” He grabbed her hand
and led her inside.


“Damn,” was all that she could
say as she walked into the impressive home.


Dean gave her the grand tour of
his house and ended it in his room. Everything was black, from the curtains to
the bed covers. The walls were the palest of grays and the stone floor was
charcoal colored.


“I know it’s a bit dark, but do
you like it?” he asked.


“Like it? Are you kidding me? I
love it; it looks like the set of an old black and white film.”


“Good, then when it’s time to
come here, I better not hear any complaints,” he said as he bent to kiss her.


“Trust me, there will be no
complaints. This place is amazing. We should spend the day here,” she said as
she wrapped her arms around his neck.


“I really should go to work at
some point today,” Dean answered as he backed her against the wall.


“Right now?” she frowned as she
kissed his lips.


“I should.”


“Can’t I change your mind?”


“You could.” He nodded.


“I have an idea,” she whispered.


She slid her hand down his tight
stomach to his pants. She unbuttoned them and then slowly slid down the zipper.
She grabbed the waist band of his pants and his boxer shorts as she bent to
kiss his naval. She slid the material down to his knees as she went to hers.
She held his erection in one hand as she gently kissed the head. She slid her
tongue across the tip and dipped her tongue in the dip before forcefully
sucking the head of his cock into her mouth.


“Fuck,’ he leaned back against
the door as his knees fluttered.


With her hand circling the base
of his cock and the tip in her mouth, she twisted her hand as she sucked more
of him in. She sucked hard and wiggled her tongue as she pulled him out of her
mouth. She stopped at the head and swirled her tongue around the tip before
sucking it back further. She took as much of him into her mouth as she could,
testing her limits as she used her hand for the rest.


“No, stop… stop.” he pulled out
of her mouth and then bent to pick her up. He rushed over to the bed and sat
her down. She stood up on the bed and walked over to the edge to stand closer
to him. He yanked off his pants, watching her as she lifted her dress to her
waist. She began to slide her thong down her hips when he stopped her.


“Leave it on,” he said as he
grabbed the front of her panties and pulled them low enough to kiss the top of
her sex. He pulled them back up and grabbed her hand as he kneeled on the bed.
“I want you on your knees, facing the headboard.”

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