The Splendid and the Vile: A Saga of Churchill, Family, and Defiance During the Blitz (65 page)

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“The news,” he said
Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin,

“We looked at one another”
Letter from Grosvenor Square,

“It’s quite true”
Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin,
112. Roosevelt repeated the sentiment in a telegram dated December 8, 1941, in which he tells Churchill, “Today all of us are in the same boat with you and the people of the Empire and it is a ship which will not and cannot be sunk.” Roosevelt to Churchill, Dec. 8, 1941, FDR/Map.

“Thinking of you much”
War Papers,

“The inevitable had finally”
Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin,

“I could not conceal”
Anthony Eden,

“Being saturated and satiated”
War Papers,

“It might be badly knocked”

“He is a different man”

“never travelled in such”
Downing Street,

“Being in a ship”
Winston Churchill to Clementine Churchill, December n.d., 1941, CSCT 1/24, Clementine Churchill Papers.

“The PM is very fit”
Harriman, Memorandum to self, “Trip to U.S. with ‘P.M.,’ December 1941,” W. Averell Harriman Papers.

“It was night time”

“I turned,” Thompson wrote
This story is told by different figures in different ways, but all have the same denouement. Ibid., 248; Sherwood,
Roosevelt and Hopkins,
442; Halle,
Irrepressible Churchill,

“Let the children”
For background details, see Hindley, “Christmas at the White House with Winston Churchill.” I watched a British Pathé newsreel of the speech, which I found on YouTube at​watch?v=dZTRbNThHnk

“I simply could not believe”

“We are indeed walking”
Winston’s War,

“Here’s to a year of toil”


“My first agonizing thought”
Daughter’s Tale,

“the P.M. dashed off”
Fringes of Power,

“Not so bad at 21!”
Winston S. Churchill,
Memories and Adventures,

“To a three-year-old”
Ibid., 26–27.

“Eric, who was at his simplest”
Fringes of Power,

“I hear you are plotting”
Ibid., 490.

“It had not crossed his mind”
Action This Day,

“I went out of the room”
Fringes of Power,

“It is time that you came back”
Ibid., 2:71.

“You seem to think”
Ibid., 84.

“It was thrilling”
Ibid., 116.

“None of us except Clemmie”
Interview Transcript, July 1991, Biographies File, Pamela Harriman Papers.

In all, Beaverbrook offered
A.J.P. Taylor,

“I owe my reputation”
Churchill and Beaverbrook,

“We have lived & fought”
Ibid., 231.

“I was glad”
Ibid., 325.

“I was always under”
Ibid., 235.

“The conclusion at which”
Singleton to Churchill, [ca. Aug. 1941], G 36/4, Lindemann Papers.

Randolph later complained
Reflected Glory,

One night, while talking
Winston S. Churchill,
Memories and Adventures,

“I found him absolutely charming”
Ibid., 20.

“She hates him so much”

“Unlike Paris, where there was”
Reflected Glory,

“I mean, when you are very young”
Interview Transcript, July 1991, Biographies File, Pamela Harriman Papers.

“Supposing the war ends”

“He used to sit”
Reflected Glory,

“It was very strange”
Note, “William Averell Harriman,” Biographies and Proposed Biographies, Background Topics, Pamela Harriman Papers.

“We did it!”
Reflected Glory,

“Oh Pam”
“Barbie” [Mrs. Herbert Agar] to Pamela Digby Harriman, Sept. 19, 1971, Personal and Family Papers, Marriages, Pamela Harriman Papers.

“Only the diversion”
“Interrogation of Reich Marshal Hermann Goering,” May 10, 1945, Spaatz Papers.

“Of course we rearmed”

“Perhaps one of my weaknesses”
Nuremberg Interviews,

Investigators cataloged the works
“The Göring Collection,” Confidential Interrogation Report No. 2, Sept. 15, 1945, 174, Office of Strategic Services and Looting Investigative Unit, T 209/29, UKARCH.

Joseph Goebbels and his wife

“I do not regret”
Motive for a Mission,

He achieved his final kills
Adolf Galland,
287–88, 290–92.

The package contained
Winston S. Churchill,
Memories and Adventures,

“Thank you so much”
Winston’s War,

Searchlights played on Nelson’s Tower
War Years,

“This is where I miss the news”
Daughter’s Tale,

“Our last weekend”
Chequers and the Prime Ministers,

Daughter’s Tale,


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